Universiteit Leiden

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Mingming Hu

Associate professor

Dr. M. Hu
+31 71 527 1497

Mingming Hu is working at regional metabolism, particularly related to construction. She obtained her PhD degree from CML for the thesis entitled “Dynamic material flow analysis to support sustainable built environment development”. Her current research is on sustainability analysis of concrete recycling, demolition waste management and eco-industrial park development.

More information about Mingming Hu

Professional Experience

Mingming Hu is working at regional metabolism, particularly related to construction. She applies MFA, dynamic MFA, LCA and LCC, alone and/or in combination, to support sustainable moves in the construction sector.

In 2010, Mingming obtained her PhD degree on Environmental Science at Leiden University for the dissertation entitled  Dynamic Material Flow Analysis to Support Sustainable Built Environment Development, with Case studies on Chinese Housing Stock Dynamics. She received her MSc degree on mechanical engineering from Chongqing Jianzhu University (China) for her work on ground source heat pump development. Before arriving at CML in 2006, she worked at Chongqing Construction Commission for 5 years, supervising environmental infrastructure construction. As a PhD candidate at CML, she conducted research on dynamic Material Flow Analysis (MFA) for iron and steel in Chinese residential buildings, dynamics of housing stocks in China, strategic Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) management in Beijing.

Mingming is actively involved in project acquisitions within Europe and Asia. Currently, she is the lead researcher of the H2020 HISER project (hiserproject.eu) focusing on improving the recycling of demolition waste. In addition, she is the project coordinator of the Sino-Dutch project SIP ( Smart Industrial Parks in China: towards Joint Design and Institutionalization. NWO project no. 467-14-003). The SIP project joins researchers in the Netherlands (Leiden University, Technical University of Delft) and China (Chongqing University and Tsinghua University) to reduce energy use via industrial symbiosis.

Previously, she worked on EU FP7 project C2CA (c2c2.eu) on concrete recycling, EU Asia-Link project ProtEA (CN/ASIA-LINK 110-744) on dynamic MFA and Dutch CEP project InnoMan (KNAW no. 09CDP009) on waste management methodologies.

Outside of CML, Mingming teaches building equipment and sustainable construction courses to undergraduate and graduate students in Chongqing University (China), where she holds an associate professor position.

Associate professor

  • Science
  • Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
  • CML/Industriele Ecologie

Work address

Van Steenis
Einsteinweg 2
2333 CC Leiden
Room number A3.05



  • European Commission Expert for proposal evaluation
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