Research project
Material flow analysis for the C&D waste management systems in the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Finland
What are the flows of C&DW (e.g. bricks, concrete, gypsum and wood) in the case study countries ? How to define the specification for each material to be quantified? What indicators should be used to identify the pattern of each C&DW management system? How to interpret the MFA results in relation to the focus areas for improvement and the improving potentials?
- Duration
- 2015 - 2016
- Contact
- Mingming Hu
- Funding
The HISER project is funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 program
- Partners
The partners in this project are also the partners in the HISER project.
- Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO), Belgium
- D'Appolonia S.p.A., Italy
- Strukton Civiel B.V., The Netherlands
- Mebin B.V., The Netherlands
- Inascho B.V., The Netherlands (
- Technische universiteit Delft, The Netherlands (
- Lafarge Centre De Recherche SAS

Short abstract
In all the European countries, construction and demolition waste (C&DW) is an important waste flow with a high potential for reuse and recycling. Yet the management systems for C&DW management vary significantly from one member state to another. Taking the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Finland as case study countries, focusing on the fractions of concrete, bricks (ceramics), gypsum and wood, this project aims to understand the characteristics of the C&DW generation and disposal in the four countries, in order to identify the focus areas for improvement and to estimate the improving potentials.
Project description
The EU28 currently generates 461 million tons per year of ever more complex C&DW, which is identified by the European Commission as a priority stream to achieve a minimum recovery of 70% (by weight) by 2020 in all the member states. The EU H2020 HISER project proposes a set of innovative technologies to improve the recovery of the complex C&DW, focusing on the fractions of concrete, bricks (ceramics), gypsum and wood. This project is part of the HISER project, dealing with “Material flow analysis for the C&D waste management systems in the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Finland”.
The goal of this project is to understand the current C&DW management systems and the improvement potentials of the current systems by introducing HISER technological solutions in the four case study countries. Within this project, material flow analyses (MFA) will be carried out for each case study country and the mass balance of the main fractions of the C&DW (e.g. bricks, concrete, gypsum and wood) will be established. Majority of the data will be collected from EUROSTAT, national statistics reports, industrial reports, from interviewing professional organizations and from literature review. The software STAN will be used to perform the analysis.
This project is part of the EU H2020 project HISER (Holistic Innovative Solutions for an Efficient Recycling and Recovery of Valuable Raw Materials from Complex Construction and Demolition Waste).