Mariska Kret
Professor Cognitive Psychology
- Name
- Prof.dr. M.E. Kret
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 6359
- 0000-0002-3197-5084

Mariska Kret works as a full professor at Leiden University (Netherlands), Cognitive Psychology Unit and leads the Comparative Psychology and Affective Neuroscience lab (CoPAN).
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Short CV
Mariska Kret works as a full professor at Leiden University (Netherlands), Cognitive Psychology Unit and leads the Comparative Psychology and Affective Neuroscience lab (CoPAN). She obtained a PhD in cognitive neuroscience in 2011 from Tilburg University. During her postdoc at Kyoto University she compared humans and chimpanzees on the perception of body language. With aid of a VENI grant from the Dutch National Science Foundation (NWO), she studied emotional mimicry on different levels (e.g. facial mimicry, pupil mimicry) and its implications for the establishment of trust.
Currently, she is working on her ERC Starting project where she focuses on the role of emotions in cooperation, and she challenges the common assumption that humans excel in cooperation, by making direct comparisons with bonobos. In a second main project funded by NWO (VIDI), she pushes this research line further and investigates implications for patients with autism and social anxiety disorder. Her research is characterised by a multi-method approach, ranging from fMRI, psychophysiology, virtual reality and eye-tracking to behavioral observations of humans or apes playing economic games during dyadic interactions.
More information
- ERC Public Engagement Prize – Involve. For involving the general public in science.
- Ig-Nobel Prize for our article Prochazkova et al., 2022 Nature Hum Behavour
ERC- Proof of Concept E-VIRT. For the development of a VR-emotion training tool.
- ERC Starting. From Mimicry to Trust: A Tinbergian Approach.
- NWO ORA. Production and perception of emotional expressions in humans and great apes.
- NWO VIDI. Trust and distrust through emotional mimicry. Implications for autism spectrum disorder and social anxiety disorder.
Templeton World Charity Foundation. Social intelligence in humans, chimpanzees and bonobos.
NWO talent grant. The role of pupil synchronization in real life interactions: Implications for trust and deception.
NWO VENI Role of Pupil-synchronization in Trust. Score: 1.7 (excellent). Awarded €250.000
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Postdoctoral fellowship. Primate Research Institute of Kyoto University, Japan.
- 2022 - present Principal supervisor/promotor of PhD student Ruya Akdag. Mind the Body: Investigating and targeting cognitive and affective mechanisms in youth social anxiety. Expected date of defense October 2026 (4 years).
- 2022 - present Principal supervisor of postdoc Marcello Gómez Maureira.
- 2022 - present Principal supervisor of postdoc Juan Olvido Perea Garcia.
- 2021 - present Principal supervisor/promotor of PhD student Anouschka van Dijk. The perception of bodily expressions of emotion in autism and social anxiety disorder. Expected date of defense November 2025 (4 years).
- 2022 - present Co-promotor of PhD student Diana Kim. Conformation. Promotor: Bernhard Hommel.
- 2020 - present Principal supervisor/promotor of PhD student Tonko Zijlstra. Mimicry of emotional expressions in humans and great apes. Expected date of defense May 2024 (4 years).
- 2020 - present Principal supervisor/promotor of PhD student Chris Riddell. Mimicry of emotional expressions in adults and children. Expected date of defense May 2024 (4 years).
- 2020 - present Co-supervising research assistant Brenda de Groot (till 2021) and Roman Akyüz (from 2021) together with postdoc Dr. L. Mendoza Straffon, funded by the Templeton Foundation. Perception of “art” produced by modern humans and apes (adults and children), early Homo Sapiens, Homo Erectus and Neanderthal.
- 2020 - present Promotor of PhD student Evania Fasya. Collaborative project with Twente University.
- 2019 - present Principal supervisor/promotor of PhD student Fabiola Diana. The function of emotional mimicry and physiological synchrony. 3d place in Famelab. Expected date of defense October 2023 (4 years).
- 2019 - present Principal supervisor/promotor of PhD student Iliana Samara. The expression of romantic interest. Expected date of defense August 2023 (4 years).
Principal supervisor/promotor of PhD student Tom Roth. Tinder for orangutans. Expected date of defense January 2023 (4 years). - 2018 - 2022 Postdoc Yena Kim. Emotion perception in great apes. (4 years)
- 2018 - 2020 Principal supervisor of postdoc Jingzhi Tan.
- 2020 - 2021 Postdoc Milica Nicolic. Perception of emotions in autism and social anxiety disorder.
- 2019 - 2022 Postdoc Wouter Boekel. Physiological synchrony during dyadic interactions.
- 2016 - 2022 Principal supervisor of PhD student Evy van Berlo. The evolutionary roots of discrimination”. Date of defense May 19th 2022 (5 years).
- 2018 - 2020 Postdoc Amandine Lassalle. Trust and distrust through emotional mimicry. Implications for autism spectrum disorder and social anxiety disorder.
Principal supervisor/promotor of PhD student Julia Folz. Trust and distrust through emotional mimicry. Implications for autism spectrum disorder and social anxiety disorder. Expected date of defense December 2022 (4 years).
Programmers Evania Fasya and Maarten Struijk. Virtual reality. (4 years). - 2018 - 2019 Assistant professor Jorg Massen on Templeton project.
- 2017 - 2019 Principal supervisor of PhD student Xuejing Du. Evolutionary insights into beauty and aestetics. Quitted PhD to become a biology teacher in China.
- 2016 - 2020 Principal supervisor of PhD student Katharina Wehebrink. The perception of subtle emotion signals in anxious and depressed patients. Quitted PhD for clinical work.
- 2016 - present Co-supervisor of PhD student Yung-Ting Tsou. Emotion understanding in children with cochlear implants. Date of defense November 2020 (4 years).
- 2015 - 2017 Visiting postdoc Francois Quesque. With IBRO grant.
- 2015 - present Principal supervisor of PhD student Eliska Prochazkova. The role of pupil synchronization in real life interactions: Implications for trust and deception. NWO PhD talent grant. Expected date of defense Dec 2020 (4.5 years).
- 2015 - 2020 Principal supervisor of PhD student Friederike Behrens. Physiological synchrony and cooperation. Date of defense 28 10 2020.
Professor Cognitive Psychology
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Cognitieve Psychologie
- Heijst K. van, Ploeger A. & Kret M.E. (2025), Beyond Right and Wrong: : Fostering Connection in Emotion Theory Debates, Perspectives on Psychological Science 0(0): 1-4.
- Fasya E.L., Bos E.J. van den, Heylen D.K.J. & Kret M.E. (2024), Smile mimicry smoothens human-virtual human interactions, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 183: 103182.
- Duran E., Perea-García J., Piepenbrock O., Veefkind C., Kret M.E. & Massen J.J.M. (2024), Preliminary evidence that eye appearance in parrots (Psittaciformes) co-varie with latitude and altitude, Scientific Reports 14(1): 12589.
- Heesen R., Kim Y., Kret M.E. & Clay Z. (2024), Perceptual integration of bodily and facial emotion cues in chimpanzees and humans, PNAS Nexus 3(2): pgae012.
- Kret M.E. (2024), Gaze into social bonds: unlocking great ape emotions through eye-tracking, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121(1): e2319953121.
- Roth T.S., Samara I., Perea-García J.O. & Kret M.E. (2024), No immediate attentional bias towards or choice bias for male secondary sexual characteristics in Bornean orang-utans (Pongo pygmaeus) , Scientific Reports 14(1): 12095.
- Schiller D., Yu A.N.C., Alia-Klein N., Beker S., Cromwell H.C., Dolcos F., Eslinger P.J., Frewen P., Kemp A.H., Pace-Schott E.F., Raber J., Silton R.L., Stefanova E., Williams J.H.G., Abe N., Aghajani M., Albrecht F., Alexander R., Anders S., Kret M.E. & Lowe L. (2024), The human affectome, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 158: 105450.
- Straffon L.M., Groot B. de, Gorr N.D., Tsou Y.-T. & Kret M.E. (2024), Developing drawing skill: exploring the role of parental support and cultural learning, Cognitive Development 70: 101444.
- Quesque F., Apperly I., Baillargeon R., Baron-ohen S., Becchio C., Bekkering H., Bernstein D., Bertoux M., Bird G., Bukowski H., Burgmer P., Carruthers P., Catmur C., Dziobek I., EpleyN., Erle T.M., Frith C., Frith U., Galang C.M., Brass M. & Kret M.E. et all (2024), Defining key concepts for mental state attribution, Communications Psychology 2(1): 29.
- Folz J., Nikolić M. & Kret M. E. (2024), Individual differences in interoception and autistic traits share altered facial emotion perception, but not recognition per se, Scientific Reports 14(1): 19455.
- Riddell C.D., Nikolíc M., Dusseldorp E. & Kret M.E. (2024), Age-related changes in emotion recognition, Psychological Bulletin 150(9): 1094-1117.
- Brooks J., Heijst K. van, Epping A., Lee S.H. Niksarli A., Pope A. Clay Z., Kret M.E., Taglialatela J. & Yamamoto S. (2024), Increased alertness and moderate ingroup cohesion in bonobos’ response to outgroup cues, PLoS One 19(8): 0307975.
- Diana F., Cañamero L., Hortensius R. & Kret M.E (2024), Merging sociality and robotics through an evolutionary perspective, Science Robotics 9(92): eadk6664.
- Diana F. & Kret M. E. (2024), First predict, then bond: rethinking the function of mimicry from prediction to affiliation in human and non-human animals, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 168: 105950.
- Perea-García J. O, Berris D., Tan J. & Kret M. E. (2024), Pupil size and iris brightness interact to affect prosocial behaviour and affective responses, Cognition and Emotion : 1-16.
- Brooks J., Heijst K. van, Epping A., Lee S.H., Niksarli A. Pope A., Clay Z., Kret M. E., Taglialatela J. & Yamamoto S. (2024), Increased alertness and moderate ingroup cohesion in bonobos’ response to outgroup cues, PLoS One 19(8): e0307975.
- Kret M. E., Albers P. C. & Wisenden B. D. (2024), Frans de Waal (1948–2024): editor-in-chief of behaviour, Behaviour 161(7): 505-509.
- Berlo E. van, Roth T., Kim Y. & Kret M. E. (2024), Selective and prolonged attention to emotional scenes in humans and bonobos, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 291: 20240433.
- Heesen R., Szenteczki M. A., Kim Y., Kret M. E., Atkinson A. P., Upton Z. & Clay Z. (2024), Impact of social context on human facial and gestural emotion expressions, iScience 27(11): 110663.
- Diana F. & Kret M.E. (2024), First predict, then bond: rethinking the function of mimicry from prediction to affiliation in human and non-human animals, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 168: 105950.
- Folz J., Roth T.S., Nikolić M. & Kret M.E. (2023), Who gets caught by the emotion?: Attentional biases toward emotional facial expressions and their link to social anxiety and autistic traits, Current Psychology : .
- Folz J., Akdag R., Nikolić M., Steenbergen H. van & Kret M.E. (2023), Facial mimicry and metacognitive judgments in emotion recognition are distinctly modulated by social anxiety and autistic traits, Scientific Reports 13: 9730.
- Riddell C., Kret M., Zijlstra T. & Nikolic M. (2023), Fearful apes, happy apes: is fearfulness associated with uniquely human cooperation?, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46(e76): .
- Groot B. de, Gorr N.D., Kret M.E., Rieffe C., Tsou Y.T. & Straffon L.M. (2023), Development and preliminary validation of a questionnaire to measure parental support for drawing, Thinking Skills and Creativity 47: 101228.
- Berlo E. van, Bionda T. & Kret M.E. (2023), Attention towards emotions is modulated by familiarity with the expressor: a comparison between bonobos and humans, Emotion 7: 1904-1917.
- Fasya E.L., Bos E. van den, Heylen D.K.J. & Kret M.E (2023), Smile mimicry smoothens human-virtual human interactions, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 183: 103182.
- Heijst K. van: Kret M.E. & Ploeger A. (2023), Basic emotions or constructed emotions : insights from taking an evolutionary perspective, Perspectives on Psychological Science : .
- Roth T.S, SamaraI., Perea-Garcia J.O. & Kret M.E. (2023), Individual attractiveness preferences differentially modulate immediate and voluntary attention, Scientific Reports 13: 2147.
- Diana F., Juárez-Mora O.E., Boekel W., Hortensius R. & Kret M.E. (2023), How video calls affect mimicry and trust during interactions, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 378(1875): .
- Prochazkova E., Venneker D., Zwart R. de, Tamietto M. & Kret M.E. (2022), Conscious awareness is necessary to assess trust and mimic facial expressions, while pupils impact trust unconsciously, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 377(1863): 20210183.
- Aktar E., Nimphy C.A., Kret M.E., Perez-Edgar K., Raijmakers M.E.J. & Bogels S.M. (2022), Attention biases to threat in infants and parents: links to parental and infant anxiety dispositions, Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology 50(3): 387-402 .
- Prochazkova E., Sjak-Shie E., Behrens F., Lindh D. & Kret M.E. (2022), Physiological synchrony is associated with attraction in a blind date setting, Nature Human Behaviour : .
- Folz J., Fiacchino D., Nikolić M., Steenbergen H. van & Kret M.E. (2022), Reading your emotions in my physiology? Reliable emotion interpretations in absence of a robust physiological resonance, Affective Science : .
- Samara I., Roth T.S., Nikolic M., Prochazkova E. & Kret M.E. (2022), Can third-party observers detect attraction in others based on subtle nonverbal cues? , Current Psychology : .
- Kim Y. & Kret M.E. (2022), The emotional expressions and emotion perception in nonhuman primates. In: Dukes D., Samson A.C. & Walle E.A. (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of emotional development no. 129.
- Mattavelli S., Brambilla M. & Kret M.E. (2022), It is written in the eyes: inferences from pupil size and gaze orientation shape interpersonal liking, Social Cognition 40(1): 88-106.
- Mendoza Straffon L., Agnew G., Desch-Bailey C., Berlo E. van, Goclowska G. & Kret M.E. (2022), Visual attention bias for self-made artworks, Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts : .
- Vlaeyen J.M., Heesen R., Kret M.E., Clay Z., Bionda T. & Kim Y. (2022), Bared-teeth displays in bonobos (Pan paniscus): an assessment of he power asymmetry hypothesis, American Journal of Primatology : e23419.
- Kret M.E., Massen J.J. & Waal F. de (2022), My fear is not, an never will be, your fear: on emotions and feelings in animals, Affective Science 3(1): 182-189.
- Diana F., Kawahara M., Saccardi I., Kret M.E. & et al. (2022), A cross-cultural comparison on implicit and explicit attitudes towards artificial agents, International Journal of Social Robotics : .
- Perea Garcia J.O., Ramarajan K., Kret M.E., Hobaiter C. & Monteiro A. (2022), Ecological factors are likely drivers of eye shape and colour pattern variations across anthropoid primates, Scientific Reports 12(1): 1-9.
- Kret M.E. & Akyüz R. (2022), Mimicry eases prediction and thereby smoothens social interactions, Cognition and Emotion 36(5): 794-798.
- Groot B. de, Gorr N.D., Kret M.E., Rieffe C.J., Tsou Y. & Mendoza Straffon L. (2022), Development and preliminary validation of a questionnaire to measure parental support for drawing, Thinking Skills and Creativity 47: 101228.
- Tsou (2022), Reading emotional faces in deaf and hard-of-hearing and typically hearing children [Reading emotional faces in deaf and hard-of-hearing and typically hearing children.] (translation: Tsou Y., Li B., Kret M.E., Costa Inês S. da & Rieffe C.J.), Emotion 22(6): 1307-1320.
- Laméris D.W., Berlo E. van, Roth T.S. & Kret M.E. (2022), No evidence for biased attention towards emotional scenes in Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus), Affective Science 3(4): 772-782.
- Zijlstra T.W., Berlo E. van & Kret M.E. (2022), Attention Ttwards pupil size in Humanas and Bonobos (Pan paiscus), Affective Science 3: 761-771.
- Roth T.S., Samara I., Tan J., Prochazkova E. & Kret M. E (2021), A comparative framework of inter-individual coördination and pair-bonding, Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 39: 98-105.
- Nieuwburg E.G., Ploeger A. & Kret M.E. (2021), Emotion recognition in nonhuman primates: how experimental research can contribute to a better understanding of underlying mechanisms , Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 123: 24-47.
- Kret M.E. & Berlo E. van (2021), Attentional bias in humans toward human and bonobo expressions of emotion, Evolutionary Psychology 19(3): .
- Kret M.E., Maitner A. & Fischer A. (2021), Interpreting emotions from women with covered faces: a comparison between a Middle Eastern and Western-European sample, Frontiers in Psychology 12: 620632.
- Tsou Y., Li B., Kret M.E., Frijns J. & Rieffe C. (2021), Hearing status affects children's emotion understanding in dynamic social situations: an eye-tracking study, Ear and Hearing 42(4): 1024-1033.
- Wijnen M., Massen J. & Kret M.E. (2021), Gender bias in the allocation of student grants, Scientometrics 126(7): 5477-5488.
- Aktar E., Nimphy C.A., Kret M.E., Perez-Edgar K., Bogels S.M. & Raijmakers M.E.J. (2021), Pupil responses to dynamic negative facial expressions of emotion in infants and parents, Developmental Psychobiology 63(7): e22190.
- Frisanco A., Biella M., Brambilla M. & Kret M.E. (2021), All that meets the eye: the contribution of reward processing and pupil mimicry on pupillary reactions to facial trustworthiness, Current Psychology : .
- Roth T. S., Samara I. & Kret M. E. (2021), Multimodal mate choice: exploring the effects of sight, sound, and scent on partner choice in a speed-date paradigm, Evolution and Human Behavior 42(5): 461-468.
- Samara I., Roth T.S. & Kret M.E. (2021). (2021), The role of emotion projection, sexual desire, and self-rated attractiveness in the sexual overperception bias , Archives of Sexual Behavior 50: 2507-2516.
- Kret M.E., Venneker D., Evans B., Samara I. & Sauter D. (2021), The ontogeny of human laughter , Biology Letters 17(9): .
- Roth T.S., Du X., Samara I. & Kret M.E. (2021), Attractiveness modulates attention, but does not enhance gaze cueing, Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences : .
- Aktar E., Nimphy C.A., Kret M.E., Pérez-Edgar K., Raijmakers M.E. & Bögels S.M. (2021), Attention biases to threat in infants and parents: links to parental and infant anxiety dispositions, Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology : .
- Dukes D., Kret M.E. & et al. (2021), The rise of affectism, Nature Human Behaviour 5: 816-820.
- Gallup A.C., Kret M.E., Eldakar O.T., Folz J. & Massen J.M. (2021), People that score high on psychopathic traits are less likely to yawn contagiously, Scientific Reports 11: 23779.
- Laméris D.W. Van Berlo E. Sterck E.H.M. Bionda T. Kret M.E. (2020), Low relationship quality predicts scratch contagion during tense situations in orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus), American Journal of Primatology 82(7): e23138.
- Laméris D., Berlo E. van, Bionda T. & Kret M.E. (2020), Low relationship quality predicts scratch contagion during tense situations in orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus), American Journal of Primatology 82(7): e23138.
- Kret M.E. & Roth T.S. (2020), Anecdotes in animal behaviour, Behaviour 157(5): 385-386.
- Jaasma L., Kamm I., Ploeger A. & Kret M. (2020), The exceptions that prove the rule? Spontaneous helping behavior towards humans in some domestic dogs, Applied Animal Behaviour Science 224: 104941.
- Aktar E., Raijmakers M.E.J. & Kret M.E. (2020), Pupil mimicry in infants and parents, Cognition and Emotion 34(6): 1160-1170.
- Berlo E. van, Díaz-Loyo A.P., Juárez-Mora O.E., Kret M.E. & Massen J.M. (2020), Experimental evidence for yawn contagion in orangutans (pongo pygmaeus), Scientific Reports 10: 22251.
- Massen J.J., Bauer L., Spurny B., Bugnyar T. & Kret M.E. (2020), Reply to: "the data do not support the existence of an 'old Boy network' in science. Some critical comments on a study by Massen et al.", Scientific Reports 10: 13783.
- Roth T.S., Samara I. & Kret M.E. (2020), Ultimate and proximate factors underlying sexual overperception bias: a reply to Lee et al, Evolution and Human Behavior 42(1): 73-75.
- Kret M.E., Prochazkova E., Sterck E.H. & Clay Z. (2020), Emotional expressions in human and non-human great apes, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 115: 378-395.
- Williams J., Higgins C., Zupan B., Willis M., Rheenen T. van, Sato W. Kret M.E., Dickson J. & et al (2020), A sensorimotor control framework for understanding emotional communication and regulation, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 112: 503-518.
- Behrens F., Snijdewint J.A., Moulder R.G., Prochazkova E., Sjak-Shie E.E., Boker S.M. & Kret M.E. (2020), Physiological synchrony is associated with cooperative success in real-life interactions, Scientific Reports 10(1): 1-9.
- Danel D.P., Wacewicz S., Kleisner K., Lewandowski Z., Kret M.E., Zywiczynski P. & Perea-Garcia J.O. (2020), Sex differences in ocular morphology in Caucasian people: a dubious role of sexual selection in the evolution of sexual dimorphism of the human eye, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74(10): 115.
- Quesque F., Behrens F. & Kret M.E. (2019), Pupils say more than a thousand words: Pupil size reflects how observed actions are interpreted, Cognition 190: 93-98.
- Kret M.E. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2019), The power of pupil size in establishing trust and reciprocity, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 148(8): 1299-1311.
- Brambilla M., Biella M. & Kret M.E. (2019), The power of pupils in predicting conforming behavior, Social Influence 14(2): 40-49.
- Behrens F. & Kret M.E. (2019), The Interplay Between Face-To-Face Contact and Feedback on Cooperation During Real-Life Interactions, Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 43(4): 513-528.
- Olvido Perea-García J., Kret M.E., Monteiro A. & Hobaiter C. (2019), Scleral pigmentation leads to conspicuous, not cryptic, eye morphology in chimpanzees, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(39): 19248-19250.
- Kelsey C., Krol K., Kret M.E. & Grossmann T. (2019), Infants’ brain responses to pupillary changes in others are affected by race, Scientific Reports 9: e4317.
- Ding X., Liu J., Kang T., Wang R. & Kret M.E. (2019), Automatic change detection of emotional and neutral body expressions: evidence from visual mismatch negativity, Frontiers in Psychology 10(1909): 1-11.
- Perea-Garcia J.O., Kret M.E., Monteiro A. & Hobaiter C. (2019), Scleral pigmentation leads to conspicuous, not cryptic, eye morphology in chimpanzees, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(39): 19248-19250.
- Brambilla M., Biella M. & Kret M.E. (2019), Looking into your eyes: Observed pupil size influences approach-avoidance responses, Cognition and Emotion 33(3): 616-622.
- Kret M.E. & Sjak-Shie E.E. (2019), Prepocesssing pupil size data: Guidelines and code, Behavior Research Methods 51(3): 1336-1342.
- Prochazkova E., Prochazkova L., Rojek Giffin M., Scholte H.S., De Dreu C.K.W. & Kret M.E. (2018), Reply to Mathot and Naber: Neuroimaging shows that pupil mimicry is a social phenomenon, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115(50): E11566-E11567.
- Koelkebeck K., Vosseler A., Kohl W., Fasshauer T., Lencer R., Satoh S., Kret M.E. & Minoshita S. (2018), Masked ambiguity – Emotion identification in schizophrenia and major depressive disorder, Psychiatry Research 270: 852-860.
- Kret M.E., Muramatsu A. & Matsuzawa T. (2018), Emotion processing across and within species: A comparison between humans (Homo sapiens) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), Journal of Comparative Psychology 132(4): 395-409.
- Breen J.A. van, Dreu C.K.W. de & Kret M.E. (2018), Pupil to pupil: the effect of a partner's pupil size on (dis)honest behavior, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 74(1): 231-245.
- Kret M.E. (2018), The role of pupil size in communication. Is there room for learning?, Cognition and Emotion 32(5): 1139-1145.
- Breen J.A. van, De Dreu C.K.W. & Kret M.E. (2018), Pupil to pupil: The effect of a partner's pupil size on (dis)honest behavior, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 74: 231-245.
- Wehebrink K.S., Koelkebeck K., Piest S., De Dreu C.K.W. & Kret M.E. (2018), Pupil mimicry and trust - implication for depression, Journal of Psychiatric Research 97: 70-76.
- Kret M.E. & Fischer A.H. (2018), Recognition of facial expressions is moderated by Islamic cues, Cognition and Emotion 32(3): 623-631.
- Fischer A.H., Kret M.E. & Broekens J. (2018), Gender differences in emotion perception and self-reported emotional intelligence: A test of the emotion sensitivity hypothesis, PLoS ONE 13(1): e0190712.
- Liedtke C., Kohl W., Kret M.E. & Koelkebeck K. (2018), Emotion recognition from faces with in- and out-group features in patients with depression, Journal of Affective Disorders 227: 817-823.
- Prochazkova E., Prochazkova L., Giffin M.R., Scholte H.S., De Dreu C.K.W. & Kret M.E. (2018), Pupil mimicry promotes trust through the theory-of-mind network, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115(31): E7265-E7274.
- Kret M.E. & Straffon L. (2018), Reply to Crivelli et al.: The different faces of fear and threat. Evolutionary and cultural insights, Journal of Human Evolution 125: 193-197.
- Koelkebeck K., Uwatko T., Tanaka J. & Kret M.E. (2017), How culture shapes social cognition deficits in mental disorders. A review, Social Neuroscience 12(2): 102-112.
- Kret M.E., Roelofs K., Stekelenburg J.J. & Gelder B. de (2017), From face to hand: Attentional bias towards expressive hands in social anxiety, Biological Psychology 122: 42-50.
- Koelkebeck K., Liedtke C., Kohl W., Alferink J. & Kret M.E. (2017), Attachment style moderates theory of mind abilities in depression, Journal of Affective Disorders 213: 156-160.
- Kret M.E. (2017), Spiegelende emoties en sociale pupillen, In-Mind Magazine 2017(1): .
- Massen J.J., Bauer L., Spurny B., Bugnyar T. & Kret M.E. (2017), Sharing of science is most likely among male scientists, Scientific Reports 7(12927): .
- Prochazkova E. & Kret M.E. (2017), Connecting minds and sharing emotions through mimicry: A Neurocognitive Model of Emotional Contagion, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 80: 99-114.
- Kret M.E. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2017), Pupil-mimicry conditions trust in partners: Moderation by oxytocin and group membership, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284(1850): .
- Kret M.E. (2017), Spiegelen van pupil-grootte geeft vertrouwen, In-Mind (Inquisitive Mind) 1: .
- De Dreu C.K.W. & Kret M.E. (2016), Oxytocin conditions intergroup relations through up-regulated in-group empathy, cooperation, conformity, and defense, Biological Psychiatry 79(3): 165-173.
- Kret M.E. & Tomonaga M. (2016), Getting to the bottom of face processing. Species-specific inversion effects for faces and behinds in humans and chimpanzees (Pan Troglodytes), PLoS ONE 11(11): e0165357.
- De Dreu C.K.W., Kret M.E. & Sligte I.G. (2016), Modulating prefrontal control in humans reveals distinct pathways to competitive success and collective waste, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 11(8): 1236-1244.
- Kret M.E. & Bocanegra B.R. (2016), Editorial: Adaptive hot cognition: How emotion drives information processing and cognition steers affective processing, Frontiers in Psychology 7: e1920.
- Kret M.E., Jaasma L., Bionda T. & Wijnen J.G. (2016), Bonobos (Pan Paniscus) show an attentional bias toward conspecifics’ emotions, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(14): 3761-3766.
- Stamkou E., Van Kleef G.A., Fischer A.H. & Kret M.E. (2016), Are the powerful really blind to the feelings of others? How hierarchical concerns shape attention to emotions, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 42(6): 755-768.
- De Dreu C.K.W., Kret M.E. & Sauter D.A. (2016), Assessing emotional vocalizations from cultural in-group and out-group depends on oxytocin, Social Psychological and Personality Science 7(8): 837-846.
- Kret M.E. & Ploeger A. (2015), The liability spectrum of disrupted emotion processing. Explaining the comorbidity of mental disorders, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 52: 153-171.
- Dreu C.W.K. de & Kret M.E. (2015), Oxytocin conditions intergroup relations through up-regulated in-group empathy, cooperation, conformity, and defense, Biological Psychiatry 79(3): 165-173.
- Kret M.E. (2015), Emotional expressions beyond facial muscle actions. A call for studying autonomic signals and their impact on social perception, Frontiers in Psychology 6: e711.
- De Valk J., Wijnen J. & Kret M.E. (2015), Anger fosters action. Fast responses in a motor task involving approach movements towards angry faces and bodies, Frontiers in Psychology 6: e1240.
- Kret M.E., Fischer A. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2015), Pupil-mimicry correlates with trust in in-group partners with dilating pupils, Psychological Science 26(9): 1401-1410.
- Kret M.E. & Ploeger A. (2015), Emotion processing deficits: A liability spectrum providing insight into comorbidity of mental disorders, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 52: 153-171.
- Kret M.E., Tomonaga M., De Dreu C.K.W., Fischer A.H. & Matsuzawa T. (2014), Role of pupil-synchronization in trust, International Journal of Psychophysiology 94(2): 173-174.
- Kret M.E., Tomonaga M. & Matsuzawa T. (2014), Chimpanzees and humans mimic pupil-size of conspecifics, PLoS ONE 9: e8.
- Ten Velden F.S., Baas M., Shalvi S., Kret M.E. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2014), Oxytocin differentially modulates compromise and competitive approach but not withdrawal to antagonists from own vs. rivaling other groups, Brain Research 1580: 172-179.
- Kret M.E. (2014), Wanneer een lach een vuist wordt: De perceptie van gezicht- en lichaamsexpressies in gewelddadige delinquenten, De psycholoog mrt.: 47-54.
- Kret M.E. & De Gelder B. (2013), When a smile becomes a fist: The perception of facial and bodily expressions of emotion in violent offenders, Experimental Brain Research 228(4): 399-410.
- Kret M.E. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2013), Oxytocin-motivated ally selection is moderated by fetal testosterone exposure and empathic concern, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7: e1.
- Kret M.E., Roelofs K., Stekelenburg J.J. & De Gelder B. (2013), Emotional cues from faces, bodies and scenes influence observers' face expressions, fixations and pupil size, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7: e810.
- Kret M.E., Stekelenburg J.J., Roelofs K. & De Gelder B. (2013), Perception of face and body expressions using EMG and gaze measures, Frontiers in Psychology 4: e28.
- Kret M.E. & De Gelder B. (2012), Islamic context influences how emotion is recognized from the eyes, Frontiers in Psychology 3: e110.
- Kret M.E. & De Gelder B. (2012), A review on sex differences in processing emotions, Neuropsychologia 50(7): 1211-1221.
- Kret M.E. (2012), De invloed van een niqab op het herkennen van gezichtsexpressies, Psychometrika 47(10): 10-17.
- Kret M.E., De Gelder B. & Denollet J. (2011), The role of negative affectivity and social inhibition in perceiving social threat: An fMRI study, Neuropsychologia 49(5): 1187-1193.
- Kret M.E., Grèzes J., Pichon S. & De Gelder B. (2011), Similarities and differences in perceiving threat from dynamic faces and bodies. An fMRI study, NEUROIMAGE 54(2): 1755-1762.
- Kret M.E., Grèzes J., Pichon S. & De Gelder B. (2011), Men fear other men most: Gender specific brain activations in perceiving threat from dynamic faces and bodies. An fMRI study, Frontiers in Psychology 2(3): .
- Kret M.E., Sinke C.B.A. & De Gelder B. (2011), Emotion perception and health. In: Springer (Ed.), Emotion regulation and well-being. New York 261-280.
- Kret M.E. (1 June 2011), Context, gender and personality factors, influencing the perception of facial and bodily expressions of emotion (Dissertatie, Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen, Tilburg University). Ridderkerk: Ridderprint. Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Gelder B. de, Grèzes J.
- Sinke C.B.A., Kret M.E. & De Gelder B. (2010), Embodied perception of emotion. In: , MINET: Measuring the impossible. New York / London: Psychology Press. 335-353.
- Kret M.E. & De Gelder B. (2010), Social context influences recognition of bodily expressions, Experimental Brain Research 203: 169-180.
- De Gelder B., Van den Stock J., Meeren H., Sinke C.B.A., Kret M.E. & Tamietto M. (2010), Standing up for the body. Recent progress in uncovering the networks involved in processing bodies and bodily expressions, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 34(4): 513-527.
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