Marga Sikkema-de Jong
Professor Education and Child Development in a Digital World
- Name
- Prof.dr. T.M. Sikkema-de Jong
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3881
Short CV
- Associate professor (2018-)
- Assistant professor at the Learning and Behaviour Problems in Education: Challenges and Solutions programme group (2006-2018)
- Postdoc in the Centre for Child and Family studies (2001-2003) and the department of Special Education of Leiden University (2001-2005)
- Policy maker at a Teachers’ Training College for Primary education (1997)
- PhD, Leiden University (2003)
- Substitute teacher in primary and special education (1996)
- MA Education (cum laude), Leiden University (1993-1996)
- Teachers’ Training College for Primary education (1989-1993)
- Secondary education: Atheneum-ß (1983-1989)
Research area
Emergent Literacy
Academic awards
- Computers in Reading Research Award (2004).
- ISED international article award to M.T. de Jong. Awarded article: De Jong, M.T., & Bus, A.G. (2002). Quality of book-reading matters for emergent readers: An experiment with the same book in a regular or electronic format. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94, 145-155.
- Traveling scholarship from the ‘Leids Universitair Fonds’ (1999).
Professor Education and Child Development in a Digital World
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Leer/Gedragsproblemen in het onderwijs
- Everaert E., Swart E.K. & Sikkema-de Jong T.M. (2024), Preregistration: A Quantitative Meta-Analysis Testing the Effects of Behavioral and Cognitive Interventions Targeting Executive Functioning in Students Aged 2 to 19 Years (PROSPERO). [other].
- Sikkema-de Jong T.M. & Swart E.K. (2023), Verhaalbegrip bij peuters en kleuters, Tijdschrift voor Remedial Teaching 1: 10-13.
- Swart E.K., Nielen T.M.J. & Sikkema T.M. (2022), Does feedback targeting text comprehension trigger the use of reading strategies or changes in readers' attitudes? A meta‐analysis, Journal of Research in Reading : .
- Merkelbach I., Plak R.D., Sikkema M.T & Rippe R.C.A. (2022), Differential efficacy of digital scaffolding of numeracy skills in kindergartners with mild perinatal aversitiess, Frontiers in Education 7: 1-12 (709809).
- Bosch R.M. van den, EspinC.A., Sikkema-de Jong M.T., Chung S., Boender P.D.M. & Saab N. (2022), Teachers’ visual inspection of curriculum-based measurement progress graphs: an exploratory, descriptive eye-tracking study, Frontiers in Education 7: .
- Swart E.K. & Sikkema T.M. (2021), The effects of increased dopamine-levels on attentional control during reading and reading comprehension, Current Psychology : .
- Swart E.K., Nielen T.M.J., Shaul S. & Sikkema-de Jong T.M. (2020), Frontal theta/beta-ratio (TBR) as potential biomarker for attentional control during reading in healthy females, Cognition, Brain, Behavior : An Interdisciplinary Journal 24(3): 187-211.
- Mol S.E., Sikkema-de Jong T.M. & Dijken M.J. van (2020), Onderzoeksrapport gebruikerservaringen ouders met De Voorleeshoek (in opdracht van Stichting Lezen). Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.
- Swart E.K., Nielen T.M.J. & Sikkema-de Jong M.T. (2019), Supporting learning from text: A meta-analysis on the timing and content of effective feedback, Educational Research Review 28: e100296.
- Sikkema-de Jong M.T., Van Duijn D.N., Dol K. & Van Ginkel J.R. (2019), Digital reading miles as a way to improve G1 children’s reading level (In 'Print exposure as a vehicle for the development of foundational and advanced reading skills', M.T. Sikkema-de Jong, Chair). 1st SRLD Conference, Padua. 1st SRLD Conference 7 June 2019 - 8 June 2019.
- Sikkema-de Jong M.T., Van Duijn D.N., Dol K. & Van Ginkel J.R. (2019), Leesvaardig door digitale leeskilometers. OCW Kennisfestival 2019, The Hague. 21 March 2019 - 21 March 2019. [conference poster].
- Sikkema-de Jong M.T. (2019), Conference organization and Chair. Vlaams-Nederlandse Interacademiale Leerproblemen , Leiden. Vlaams-Nederlandse Interacademiale Leerproblemen 24 May 2019 - 24 May 2019.
- Nielen T.M.J., Smith G.G., Sikkema-de Jong M.T., Drobisz J., Horne B. van & Bus A.G. (2018), Digital guidance for susceptible readers: effects on fifth graders' reading motivation and incidental vocabulary learning, Journal of Educational Computing Research 56(1): 48-73.
- Swart E.K., Nielen T.M. & Sikkema-deJong M.T. (2018), Supporting reading comprehension: A meta-analysis on when and how to provide feedback during reading.25th Annual Meeting of the Scientific Society for the Study of Reading, Brighton. 25th Annual Meeting of the Scientific Society for the Study of Reading 18 July 2018 - 21 July 2018.
- Sikkema-de Jong M.T. & Swart E.K. (2017), App, noot, mies. Leerzame voorleesapps kiezen, De Wereld van het Jonge Kind 45: 16-19.
- Sikkema-de Jong M.T., Van Duijn D. & Dol K. (2017), Digitale leeskilometers in groep 3. Lesplan voor leerkrachten in het basisonderwijs. [design].
- Sikkema T.M., Van Duijn D. & Dol K. (2017), Handleiding digitaliseren van gedrukte boeken. NRO-project "Leesvaardigheid voor digitale leeskilometers in groep 3: Differentiatie door inzet van ICT”: Universiteit Leiden / Driestar Educatief.
- Sikkema-de Jong M.T., Van Duijn D. & Dol K. (2017), Leeskilometers met e-boeken, Didactief 11(1-2): 20-21.
- Sikkema-de Jong M.T., Van Duijn D.N. & Van Ginkel J.R. (2017), Leesvaardig door digitale leeskilometers in groep 3. In: Steensel R. van & Segers E. (Eds.), Succesvol Lezen in het Onderwijs: Stichting Lezen. 99-117.
- Sikkema-de Jong M.T., Van Duijn D.N., Dol K. & Van Ginkel J.R. (2017), Digital reading miles as a way to improve G1 children’s reading level. Twenty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Halifax, Reading Ability and Print Exposure. Twenty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading 12 July 2017 - 15 July 2017.
- Espin C.A., Van den Bosch R.M. & Sikkema-de Jong T.M. (2016), Behandeling van onderwijsleerproblemen: Interventies en voortgangsmonitoring. In: IJzendoorn M.H. van & Rosmalen L. van (Eds.), Pedagogiek in beeld. Een inleiding in de pedagogische studie van opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening. Houten, The Netherlands: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum. 327-338.
- Nielen T.M.J., Mol S.E., Sikkema-de Jong M.T. & Bus A.G. (2016), Attentional bias toward reading in reluctant readers, Contemporary Educational Psychology 46: 263-271.
- Both-de Vries A.C., De Jong T.M., Shaul S. & Bus A.G. (2016), Parafoveal processing of letters and letter-likeforms in prereaders growing up in a left-to-right or a right-to-left writing convention, Language and Cognition 8(5): 566-586.
- Davidse N.J., De Jong M.T., Shaul S. & Bus A.G. (2014), A twin-case study of developmental number sense impairment, Cognitive Neuropsychology 31(3): 221-236.
- De Jong M.T. & Verhallen M.J.A.J. (2014), Digital technology as enrichment of young children’s literacy environment. In: Holliman A.J. (Ed.), The Routledge International Companion to Educational Psychology. New York: Routledge.
- Jong M.T. de & Verhallen M.J.A.J. (2013), Video storybooks a way to empower children at risk. In: Shamir A. & Korat O. (Eds.), Technology as a support for literacy achievements for children at risk. Literacy Studies no. 7. Dordrecht: Springer. 33-45.
- Jong M.T. de & Bus A.G. (2012), Young children's visual attention to illustrations and print as a source for learning. [other].
- Bus A.G. & Jong M.T. de (2012), Additions to electronic books for beginning readers that may support interest, comprehension, and reading. [other].
- Bus A.G., Davidse N.J. & Jong M.T. de (2012), Snel afgeleide kleuters lopen risico op leerachterstand: Meer aandacht voor executieve functies in vroege interventies, Tijdschrift voor Remedial Teaching 5: 20-23.
- Dijken M.J. van, Bus A.G. & Jong M.T. de (2011), Open access to living books on internet: A new chance to bridge the linguistic gap for at-risk preschoolers?, European Journal of Special Needs Education 26(3): 299-310.
- Davidse N.J., Jong M.T. de & Bus A.G. (2010), De invloed van executieve functies op de vroege leesontwikkeling. In: , Zelfsturing als basis voor de ontwikkeling van het kind. Een oriëtatie vanuit wetenschap en praktijk. Sardes Speciale Editie, 9 28-32.
- Mol S.E., Bus A.G. & Jong M.T. de (2009), Interactive book reading in early education: A tool to stimulate print knowledge as well as oral language, Review of Educational Research 79(2): 979-1007.
- Bus A.G., Verhallen M.J.A.J. & Jong M.T. de (2009), How onscreen storybooks contribute to early literacy. In: Bus A.G. & Neuman S.B. (Eds.), Multimedia and literacy development: Improving achievement for young learners. New York: Taylor & Francis Group. 153-167.
- Jong M.T. de (2009), (Digitale) prentenboeken zijn een onmisbare link op de route naar geletterdheid. [other].
- Jong M.T. de (2009), New Technology as a Support for Young Children's Language and Literacy. [other].
- Jong M.T. de (2009), Home literacy environment and literacy development. [other].
- Ronde-Davidse N.J. de, Bus A.G. & Jong M.T. de (2009), Basic numerosity comprehension and cognitive control in relation to addition & substraction sums. [other].
- Bus A.G., Jong M.T. de, Verhallen M.J.A.J. & Kooy-Hofman V. (2008), Which features make living books take effects on young children's vocabulary?. In: Neuman S.B (Ed.), Literacy achievement for young children from poverty: Paul Chapman Publishing.
- Bus A.G., Jong M.T. de, Verhallen M.J.A.J. & Kooy-Hofman V. (2008), Design features in living books and their effects on young children's vocabulary. In: Neuman Susan B. (Ed.), Educating the orther America. Top experts tackle poverty, literacy, and achievement in our schools. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing. 263-276.
- Bus A.G., Jong M.T. de & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2008), Social aspects in language and literacy leaning: Progress, problems, and interventions. In: Spodek B. & Saracho O. (Eds.), Contemporary Perspectives on Social Learning in Early Childhood Education. Information Age Publishers: Charlotte, NC. 243-258.
- Mol S.E., Bus A.G. & Jong M.T. de (2008), Interaction, a vital component of book reading in classrooms?. [other].
- Jong M.T. de & Bus A.G. (2008), Beneficial effects of adult-child interaction During storybook reading. [other].
- Mol S.E., Bus A.G., Jong M.T. de & Smeets D.J.H. (2008), Added Value of Dialogic Parent-Child Book Readings: A Meta-Analysis, Early Education & Development 19(1): 7-26.
- Jong M.T. de, Mol S.E., Bus A.G. & Smeets D.J.H. (2007), An up-date and expansion of a Meta-analysis of Parent-Child Book Reading. [other].
- Bus A.G. & Jong M.T. de (2007), Een witte is een poes, een zwarte een kat. Uitbreiding van Woordenschat onder invloed van Levende Boeken, De Wereld van het Jonge Kind 34: 258-261.
- Verhallen M.J.A.J., Bus A.G. & Jong M.T. de (2006), The promise of multimedia stories for kindergarten children at risk, Journal of Educational Psychology 98: 410-419.
- Bus A.G., Jong M.T. de & Verhallen M.J.A.J. (2006), CD-ROM talking books: A way to enhance early Literacy. In: McKenna M.C., Labbo L.D, kieffer R.D. & Reinking D. (Eds.), International Handbook for Literacy and Technology-Volume Two. Mahwah, New Jersy, London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 129-144.
- Bus A.G. & Jong M.T. de (2006), Relationships in book sharing: A developmentally appropriate way to foster pre-academic growth. In: Rosenkoetter S. & Knapp-Philo J. (Eds.), To read the world: Language and literacy in the first 3 years. Washington: Zero-to-three Press. 123-144.
- Bus A.G. & Jong M.T. de (2006), Voorlezen en multimedia verhalen: Pet of dubbele pet?. [other].
- Schipper J.C. de, Jong M.T. de, Zeijl J. van, Tavecchio L.W.C. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2003), Pedagogische kijk op kinderopvang. Een beknopte inleiding voor het beroepsonderwijs. (Introduction into child care for professonal caregivers). Amsterdam: SWP.
- Jong M.T. de (9 January 2003), Little Flatfoot goes digital (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Leiden: Mostert & Van Onderen. Supervisor(s): Ruijssenaars A.J.J.M., IJzendoorn M.H. van & Bus A.G.
- Schipper J.C. de, Jong M.T. de, Zeijl J. van & Vroom M. (2003), Flexibele opvang: Aanbod vaak groter dan de vraag, Kinderopvang 6: 34-39.
- Jong M.T. de & Bus A.G. (2003), How well suited are electronic books to supporting literacy?, Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 3: 147-164.
- Jong M.T. de (2002), Ontluikende geletterdheid. In: IJzendoorn M.H. van & Frankrijker H. de (Eds.), Pedagogiek in beeld: Inleiding in de pedagogische studie van opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening. Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum. 381-395.
- Both-de Vries A., Bus A.G. & Jong M.T. de (2002), Is het pedagogisch-didactisch onderzoek van het jonge kind bruikbaar om vast te stellen of kleuters op weg zijn naar lezen en schrijven?. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.
- Jong M.T. de (2002), Zijn electronische boeken geschikt om de literaire ervaringswereld van jonge kinderen uit te breiden?. [other].
- Jong M.T. de & Bus A.G. (2002), Quality of book-reading matters for emergent readers: An experiment with the same book in a regular or electronic format, Journal of Educational Psychology 94: 145-155.
- Bus A.G., Both-de Vries A., Jong M.T. de, Sulzby E., Jong W. de & Jong E. de (2001), Conceptualizations Underlying Prereaders' Story Writing, CIERA Report nr2-015. . Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, School of Education.
- Bus A.G., Both-de Vries A., Jong M.T. de, Sulzby E., Jong W. de & Jong E. de (2001), Conceptualizations Underlying Prereaders' Story Writing.CIERA Report nr2-015, Internet Tijdschrift : 1-16.