Marga Sikkema-de Jong
Professor Education and Child Development in a Digital World
- Name
- Prof.dr. T.M. Sikkema-de Jong
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3881
Short CV
- Associate professor (2018-)
- Assistant professor at the Learning and Behaviour Problems in Education: Challenges and Solutions programme group (2006-2018)
- Postdoc in the Centre for Child and Family studies (2001-2003) and the department of Special Education of Leiden University (2001-2005)
- Policy maker at a Teachers’ Training College for Primary education (1997)
- PhD, Leiden University (2003)
- Substitute teacher in primary and special education (1996)
- MA Education (cum laude), Leiden University (1993-1996)
- Teachers’ Training College for Primary education (1989-1993)
- Secondary education: Atheneum-ß (1983-1989)
Research area
Emergent Literacy
Academic awards
- Computers in Reading Research Award (2004).
- ISED international article award to M.T. de Jong. Awarded article: De Jong, M.T., & Bus, A.G. (2002). Quality of book-reading matters for emergent readers: An experiment with the same book in a regular or electronic format. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94, 145-155.
- Traveling scholarship from the ‘Leids Universitair Fonds’ (1999).
Professor Education and Child Development in a Digital World
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Leer/Gedragsproblemen in het onderwijs
- Mol S.E., Bus A.G. & Jong M.T. de (27 August 2009), Interaction: A vital component of book reading in classrooms?. Poster presented at the 13th Biennial conference of the EARLI. Amsterdam. [lecture].
- Mol S.E., Bus A.G. & Jong M.T. de (11 December 2009), To read or not to read: A meta-analysis in developmental perspective. Paper gepresenteerd tijdens de Interacademiale. Nijmegen. [lecture].
- Jong M.T. de & Bus A.G. (22 June 2009), Living books to facilitate entrance to a literate culture?. Paper gepresenteerd tijdens de Derde conferentie onderzoek in cultuureducatie. Zwolle. [lecture].
- Ronde-Davidse N.J. de & Jong M.T. de (28 August 2009), Do cognitive child characteristics moderate effects of environmental factors on vocabulary and print knowledge of preschoolers?. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. Amsterdam. [lecture].
- Jong M.T. de (24 March 2009), De grenzen van mijn taal zijn de grenzen van mijn wereld. Over het belang van voorlezen in de voorschoolse periode. Paperbijdrage aan de conferentie Lezen Centraal 'Klein beginnen. Leesbevordering en het jonge kind' georganiseerd door de Stichting Lezen. Ede. [lecture].
- Jong M.T. de & Bus A.G. (2 April 2009), Design features in living books and their effects on young children's vocabulary. Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Denver (USA). [lecture].
- Mol S.E., Bus A.G. & Jong M.T. de (24 June 2009), Home literacy environment and literacy outcomes from childhood throughout young adulthood: A meta-analysis on the effects of print exposure. Paper presented at the 16th Annual Meeting of the SSSR. Boston. [lecture].
- Ronde-Davidse N.J. de, Bus A.G. & Jong M.T. de (28 August 2009), Validity of a children's storybook cover recognition task as a measure of home literacy. Paper presented at the EARLI conference. Amsterdam. [lecture].
- Jong M.T. de (27 February 2009), Een dissertatie moet lumineus, maar niet volumineus zijn. Bijdrage aan de ISED introductiedag voor promovendi. Leiden. [lecture].
- Jong M.T. de & Bus A.G. (6 March 2008), The Potential Contribution of Computers to Early Literacy. Second International Conference on Early Childhood Education. Arnhem, The Netherlands. [lecture].
- Jong M.T. de, Bus A.G., Verhallen M.J.A.J. & Kooy-Hofland V.A.C. van der (12 April 2007), Linquistic development under the influence of living books. Contribution to LANSPAN colloquia, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Groningen. [lecture].
- Mol S.E., Bus A.G., Jong M.T. de & Smeets D.J.H. (12 June 2007), An up-date and expansion of a meta-analysis of parent-child book reading. In O. Korat, Early Literacy Events and Children's Literacy. SSSR meetings 2007. Praag, Czech Republic. [lecture].
- Jong M.T. de & Bus A.G. (19 September 2006), Voorlezen en multimediaverhalen op kinderdagverblijven. Symposium: Platform voorlezen. Utrecht. [lecture].
- Jong M.T. de & Bus A.G. (29 June 2006), Where did mister Owl take us? Are multimedia stories a barrier or walking frame for preschoolers on their way to literacy. Symposium: How Media can contribute to early literacy. Amsterdam. [lecture].
- Jong M.T. de & Bus A.G. (10 May 2006), Animated stories: Catalyst for reading and language development of preschoolers?. Conferentie: Onderwijs Research Dagen Symposium: Voorlezen aan jonge kinderen: leerzame kenmerken. Amsterdam. [lecture].
- Bus A.G. & Jong M.T. de (25 January 2006), Geletterd worden met de Muis. Symposium: Jeugdliteratuur en andere media. Tilburg. [lecture].
- Jong M.T. de (6 July 2006), Where did mister OWl take us? Are multimedia stories a barrier or walking frame for preschollers on their way to literacy?. Symposium: Parenting and early literacy. Vancouver, Canada. [lecture].
- Bus A.G., Verhallen M.J.A.J. & Jong M.T. de (7 November 2003), Elektronische boeken in de vroegschoolse educatie. Presentatie gehouden voor NUV (Nederlandse Uitgevers Vereniging). Amsterdam. [lecture].
- Jong M.T. de & Bus A.G. (1 December 2001), Quality of book-reading matters. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Reading Conference.. San Antonio, Texas. [lecture].