Linde Desmaele
Assistant Professor
- Name
- Dr. L. Desmaele
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9500
- 0000-0002-5278-0737

Dr. Linde Desmaele is an Assistant Professor of Intelligence and Security at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) at Leiden University. Her work sits at the intersection of international relations and security studies, with a focus on nuclear politics, US alliances and European security. Before joining Leiden University, Linde held fellowships at MIT and Columbia University. She holds a PhD from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, where her dissertation earned the 2022 Global Strategy PhD Prize. She is committed to bridging academic research and policymaking through active engagement in practitioner-academic discussions. At Leiden University, Linde also contributes to the MSc in Crisis and Security Management and the BSc in Security Studies.
More information about Linde Desmaele
Dr. Linde Desmaele is Assistant Professor of Intelligence and Security at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) at Leiden University. Her work sits at the intersection of international relations and security studies, with a focus on nuclear politics, US alliances and European security. She is also engaged in the development of realist theory.
Her first book, Europe’s Evolving Role in US Grand Strategy: Indispensable or Insufferable? (Routledge, 2023), examines Europe’s shifting role in US strategic thinking as Washington seeks to focus on the Middle East and East Asia. Her research has been featured in several peer-reviewed academic journals, including European Security, International Politics, Journal of Strategic Studies, Survival, Strategic Studies Quarterly and International Studies Review.
Prior to joining Leiden University, Linde was a Stanton Nuclear Security Fellow at the MIT Security Studies Program and a Belgian-American Educational Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at Columbia University. She is also part of the 2024 cohort of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Nuclear Scholars Initiative.
Linde holds a PhD from the Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy (CSDS) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Her dissertation received the 2022 Global Strategy PhD Prize, jointly awarded by the European Security and Defence College (European External Action Service) and the Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations. She also completed the 15th cycle of the High Studies Security and Defense program at the Belgian Royal Military Academy. In addition, she holds M.A. degrees from Seoul National University’s Graduate School of International Studies and KU Leuven.
Committed to connecting academic research and policymaking, Linde regularly participates in practitioner-academic discussions and public seminars. At Leiden University, she contributes to the MSc in Crisis and Security Management and the BSc in Security Studies.
Assistant Professor
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Intelligence
- Desmaele Linde Simón Luis (2025), Forward Deployment and Reassurance. In: Sperling J. & Webber M. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of NATO. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 619-636.
- Desmaele L. (2025), Still a useful myth?: NATO’s theater nuclear weapons as tools of alliance management, The Nonproliferation Review : 1-24.
- Desmaele L. (2024), America’s “China-First” grand strategy and the transatlantic bargain: revisiting the security–economics nexus, International Politics : 1-18.
- Desmaele L. (2024), What does NATO do for you?: Advancing the debate on NATO’s endurance and enlargement, Journal of Strategic Studies 47(3): 435-446.
- Desmaele L. (2024), US security assurances and nuclear tripolarity, Survival 66(2): 143-156.
- Desmaele L. (4 September 2024), Thinking about Vladimir Putin’s thinking: will he push the button? . Project on Nuclear Issues Next Gen Community (Center for Strategic and International Studies ). [blog entry].
- Desmaele L. (1 April 2024), The ceaseless return of the Eurodeterrent debate: focusing on the right question. Project on Nuclear Issues Next Gen Community (Center for Strategic and International Studies ). [blog entry].
- Desmaele L. (2024), Burden sharing for what?: NATO implications of three US visions, The Washington Quarterly 47(4): 27-43.
- Desmaele L. (2023), Europe’s Evolving Role in US Grand Strategy: Indispensable or Insufferable?. Routledge Studies in European Security and Strategy. London : Routledge.
- Driver D. Desmaele L. Johnston S. Poast P. (2022), Return to realism? NATO and global competition, Defence Studies 22(3): 497-501.
- Van Hooft P. Desmaele L. (2022), Factsheet: Westerne Aanwezigheid in the Asia-Pacific. The Hague: Parlement and Wetenschap.
- Desmaele L. Van Hooft P. (2022), Factsheet: Oriëntatie van de VS op Asia-Pacific en gevolgen voor NAVO-bondgenootschap . The Hague: Parlement en Wetenschap .
- Simón L. Desmaele L. Becker J. (2021), Europe as a Secondary Theater? Competition with China and the Future of America’s European Strategy, Strategic Studies Quarterly 15(1): 91-115.
- Desmaele L. (2021), Unpacking the Trump administration’s grand strategy in Europe: power maximisation, relative gains and sovereignty, European Security 31(2): 180-199.
- Desmaele L. Ernst M. Kim T. Pacheco Pardo R. Reiterer M. (2021), The EU’s Indo-Pacific Strategy: Prospects for Cooperation with South Korea. Brussels : Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy.
- Desmaele L. Ernst M. (2021), South Korea’s Foreign Policy after the March 2022 Election: Between Washington, Beijing, Tokyo, and Pyongyang (Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy ). [policy paper].
- (2 August 2021), Donald Trump and the Return of Relative Gains: Should We Rethink the Neo-Neo Synthesis?. The Robert Jervis International Security Studies Forum (H-Diplo ). [web essay].
- (17 June 2021), Review of James Goldgeier on NATO Enlargement and the Problem of Value Complexity. Robert Jervis International Security Studies Forum (H-Diplo ). [web essay].
- Desmaele L. (2021), België moet nu kiezen: meestappen in Bidens verhaal of een autonome koers varen.
- Meibauer G. Desmaele L. Onea T. Kitchen N. Foulon M. Reichwein A. Sterling-Folker J. (2020), Forum: Rethinking Neoclassical Realism at Theory's End, International Studies Review 23(1): 268-295.
- Pacheco Pardo R. Ernst M. Desmaele L. Kim S. Kang N. Satu L. Brophy C. Foreman H. Reyes M. H. Tokola R. Kim J. Hong S. Kim S. Kang C. Hahm G. Joe D. Yoon H. J. (2020), Korea Matters for Europe/Europe Matters for Korea. Brussels : Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy.
- Hellendorff B. Desmaele L. (2020), Belgium - South Korea Relations: A Partnership with Potential . Brussels : Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy.
- Desmaele L. (2020), Biden, Trump and Moon: Prospects for the US-South Korea Relationship post-2020 (Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy (formerly Institute for European Studies)). [policy paper].
- Pacheco Pardo R. Kim T. Desmaele L. Ernst M. Cantero Dieguez P. Villa R. (2019), Moon Jae-In’s Policy Towards Multilateral Institutions: Continuity and Change in South Korea’s Global Strategy. Brussels : Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy.
- Pacheco Pardo R. Kim T. Desmaele L. Ernst M. (2019), One year after the Singapore Summit: An Analysis of the Views of the Publics of the US, China, Japan and Russia about the Situation in the Korean Peninsula. Brussels : Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy.
- Desmaele L. (2019), US Forces Korea in the balance: Time to go home? (Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy (formerly Institute for European Studies)). [policy paper].
- Desmaele L. Simon L. (9 August 2019), East Asia First, Europe Second: Picking Regions in US Grand Strategy. War on the Rocks . [web essay].
- Pacheco Pardo R. Desmaele L. Ernst M. (2018), EU-ROK Relations: Putting the strategic partnership to work. Brussels : Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy.
- Desmaele L. (2018), From Nuclear Threats to Nuclear Talks: A Big Win for President Donald Trump? (Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy (formerly Institute for European Studies)). [policy paper].
- Desmaele L. Ernst M. Pacheco Pardo R. (2018), Putting the EU-South Korea partnership to work.