Universiteit Leiden

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Laura Doornkamp

PhD student / Guest

Dr. L. Doornkamp
+31 70 800 9503

Laura Doornkamp, MSc is a PhD candidate at Leiden University College, societal challenges lab since September 2018. Laura graduated in Public Administration with a specialization in Public Management at Leiden University. She wrote a thesis about the effects of passive representation and gender stereotypes in math in secondary education. Now, she is part of an interdisciplinary research group that studies the way adolescents prepare for their future and the role parents and teachers play in this process. Extension number: 5176

More information about Laura Doornkamp

Laura Doornkamp, MSc is a PhD candidate at Leiden University College, societal challenges lab since September 2018. She is part of an interdisciplinary research group that studies the way adolescents prepare for their future and the role parents and teachers play in this process. 

Laura graduated in Public Administration with a specialisation in Public Management at Leiden University. She wrote a thesis about the effects of passive representation and gender stereotypes in math in secondary education. During her master she worked as a student assistant at the Leiden Leadership Centre and the communication and marketing department of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs of Leiden University.

PhD student / Guest

  • Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
  • Faculteitsbestuur
  • FGGA Algemeen

Work address

Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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