Five questions about the symposium: The role of Gender Stereotypes in Secundary Education
Laura Doornkamp, PhD candidate at FGGA, is organizing a symposium on the role of gender representation and gender stereotypes in Dutch secondary education. The symposium will take place on 23 November from 19.00 – 21.30 hours at Wijnhaven. Five questions about the symposium.

Why did you decide to organise this symposium?
Laura: ‘Initially, we decided that this symposium would be a good way to thank all the participants that took part in the research I have conducted for my dissertation. But soon we started getting responses from the educational network that other parties were also interested in joining. Which is why we decided to make the symposium public, everyone who is interested in the research and the role of gender and gender stereotypes in secondary education is welcome. This is a good way to communicate about what I, and my colleagues, have discovered on the role of gender and gender stereotypes in the Dutch educational system.’