Kristof Gombeer
- Name
- Dr. K.C.N. Gombeer
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0001-8848-7439
Dr. Kristof Gombeer is a lecturer and researcher at the Europa Institute, Leiden University. He works at the intersection of European Union law and public international law, with a particular focus on maritime security and human rights.
More information about Kristof Gombeer
News items
Kristof’s research agenda consists of three main strands:
1) The conditions for human rights obligations to arise vis-à-vis individuals in cross-border and extraterritorial contexts. This strand of research has both a theoretical and doctrinal limb and asks what justifies that certain (type of) actors can be identified as duty-bearers in relation to certain rights-holders abroad.
2) The externalisation of immigration and border control by the European Union and its Member States. Here, the focus lies on the extent to which states have been stratifying and strengthening their grip on the movement of people towards Europe while simultaneously trying to evade legal responsibility for the protection of vulnerable categories of persons affected in the process. Kristof has particularly been analysing the predicament of persons on the move whose lives are endangered at the external sea borders of the European Union.
3) The emerging concept of maritime safety and security of the European Union and its Member States. This third and most recent strand of research inquires a) the methods and technologies through which states seek to establish power at sea, b) the emerging legal architecture to accommodate for such extensions of power at sea, and, in response to these trends, c) the availability of legal remedies regarding vulnerable individuals and common interests and values affected in the process, including through human rights law.
Kristof teaches in the Bachelor’s course ‘Inleiding Europees recht’ and coordinates the LLM course ‘Interaction between Legal Systems’ – Globalizing law: legal reasoning in International, EU and national law’. He also supervises Bachelor and LLM theses in European Union law and human rights law. Previously, Kristof taught ‘Introduction to International Legal Theory and History’ at the Brussels School of Governance.
Professional background
Kristof regularly presents his research to peers and practitioners, relates expert advice to governmental and non-governmental organizations, and occasionally provides context to news items for the wider public in areas of his expertise. He is an active member of various international networks, including the ‘Scientific Research Network on Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations’ (Research Foundation, Flanders). From 2016 to 2020, Kristof was co-chair of the Interest Group on Migration and Refugee Law of the European Society of International Law.
Kristof holds a PhD from the Universities of Leiden and Brussels (2022), for which he received a 4-year Fellowship from the Research Foundation, Flanders (FWO). He graduated in law (Free University of Brussels, 2011), political science (Free University of Brussels, 2012), and philosophy (KU Leuven, 2012) and obtained advanced master’s degrees in International Relations Theory (London School of Economics, 2013) and International Legal Studies (New York University, 2014).
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Europees Recht
- Gombeer K.C.N. (23 June 2022), Relations of duty in an age of rights: a study of the supply side of human rights in the context of maritime migration (Dissertatie. Institute of Public Law, Faculty of Law, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Lawson R.A., Rijpma J.J., Franckx E. & Smis S.
- Gombeer K.C.N. & Smis S. (2022), The establishment of ETOs in the context of externalised migration control. In: Gibney M., Erdem Türkelli G., Krajewski M. & Vandenhole W. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook on Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations. London: Routledge. 169-181.
- Gombeer K.C.N. (29 April 2021), Rescue operations at sea and human rights: UN Human rights committee, 27 January 2021, Communication N° 3043/2017, S.A. et al. v MALTA and Communication n°3042/2017, S.A. et al. v ITALY. Cahiers de l'EDEM. Louvain-la-Neuve: Centre Charles de Visscher. [blog entry].
- Rijpma J.J., Fink M., Gombeer K. & Petrig A. (Eds.) (2020), Special Issue "The EU and Maritime Security". Maritime Safety and Security Law Journal.
- Rijpma J.J., Fink M. & Gombeer K. (2020), The EU and Maritime Security: An Introduction, Maritime Safety and Security Law Journal 7: 2-4.
- Cusumano E. & Gombeer K.C.N. (2020), In deep waters: The legal, humanitarian and political implications of closing Italian ports to migrant rescuers, Mediterranean Politics 25(2): 245-253.
- Gombeer K.C.N., Ulusoy O. & Basilien-Gainche M.-L. (2019), Understanding the Causes of Border Deaths: A Mapping Exercise. In: Cuttitta P. & Last T. (Eds.), Border Deaths. Causes, Dynamics and Consequences of Migration-related Mortality. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 131-148.
- Gombeer K.C.N., Molnár T., Syring T. & Vitiello D. (27 February 2019), Introduction to the Symposium on 'the UN Global Compacts on Migration and Refugees: The Twin Peaks?'. EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law. [blog entry].
- Fink M. & Gombeer K.C.N. (14 June 2018), The Aquarius incident: navigating the turbulent waters of international law. EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law. [blog entry].
- Gombeer K.C.N. & Fink M. (2018), Non-Governmental Organisations and Search and Rescue at Sea, Maritime Safety and Security Law Journal (4): 1-25.
- Fink M., Gombeer K.C.N. & Rijpma J.J. (9 July 2018), In search of a safe harbour for the Aquarius: the troubled waters of international and EU law. EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy: Odysseus Academic Network. [blog entry].
- Gombeer K.C.N. (2017), Human rights adrift? Enabling the disembarkation of Migrants to a place of safety in the Mediterranean, Irish yearbook of international law 10(2015): 23-55.
- Gombeer K.C.N., annotation: Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie 6 September 2017, no. C-643/15 en C-647/15, ECLI: EU: C: 2017: 631. KwartaalSignaal 2017(145): 8506-8507 (AAK20178524 Slovakije en Hongarije t. Raad).
- David E. & Gombeer K.C.N. (2015), Etude spéciale: La loi belge de 2013 sur la lutte contre la piraterie maritime, Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Internationaal Recht / Revue Belge de Droit International 47(2014/2): 823-832.
- Benatar M. & Gombeer K.C.N. (2012), Cyber Sanctions: Exploring a Blind Spot in the Current Legal Debate. Krisch N., Mälksoo L. & Prost M. (Eds.), ESIL 2011 4th Research Forum: Tallinn Research Forum, 26-28 May 2011. no. 1:1 = Conference Paper No. 9/2011. Tallinn: European Society of International Law Conference. 1-23.
- Gombeer K.C.N. (2012), Het internationaal juridisch kader voor het interstatelijk gebruik van computeraanvallen. In: Francois A., Smis S., Van Laethem K. & Van Limberghen G. (Eds.), Juridische Meesterwerken VUB 2010-2011: selectie van de beste masterproeven in de rechten. Brussel: Larcier. 165-220.