Looking back at ‘Interaction between Legal Systems 2.0: Reflections at the halfway point’
On Thursday 21 February 2019, the successful event ‘Interaction between Legal Systems 2.0: Reflections at the halfway point’ took place. The day’s events brought together the ILS 2.0 research profile areas of ‘SOLID: Solidarity Under Strain’ and ‘Policing the high seas: maritime law enforcement’.
The day consisted of two sessions with the ILS 2.0 PhD candidates in SOLID and Maritime Security presenting their current research and interim findings in the morning. Prof. Dr. Susanne Schmidt (Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Bremen) delivered a guest lecture in the afternoon.
The aim of the morning session was to provide the PhD students with an opportunity to share and disseminate their work in an open and accessible way to colleagues across projects, research programs, and institutes of the university. Moreover, as all five candidates presented up-to-date overviews of their research and PhD theses, the event enabled the ILS team to reflect on their progress at the halfway point in the projects.

Prof. Dr. Susanne Schmidt concluded the day’s events with a fascinating insight into her current research on how the European Union tries to reconcile free movement rights with national welfare states. Titled ‘Free movement in the EU and its discontents: the limits of judicializing social rights’, the lecture addressed the European Court of Justice’s expansion of welfare rights for economically inactive Union citizens and the subsequent challenges faced by national administrations in attempting to apply this case law, which can be both vague and specific at the same time.