Looking back on the successful inaugural ILS PhD Workshop
On 18 January 2018, the inaugural ILS PhD Workshop took place, featuring two Interaction Between Legal Systems lectures by the invited academics Prof. Gareth Davies and Aristi Volou, as well as presentations by the six ILS PhD researchers.

The day started with a lecture by PhD researcher Aristi Volou, which was based on a chapter from her doctoral thesis. In her presentation, Aristi described the conceptual framework on the interaction of legal orders in the area of human rights law, with a specific focus on social and economic rights, by distinguishing interactions on the basis of form and level, degree, type, function and effect. She also talked about developing guidelines for the proper use of this method by explaining where, in what ways, and under what circumstances it should take place.
This was followed by short presentations by the six ILS PhD researchers, who discussed their respective research. From Maritime Security, Merinda Stewart, Kristof Gombeer and Thea Coventry explained their research. Daniel Carter, Anke van der Hoeven and Clare Fenwick did the same for research area SOLID.
The day concluded with the annual public ILS lecture Prof. Gareth Davies from VU University presented: “Conflicts between apex courts: questions of hierarchy or questions of meaning?”. In his excellent presentation, Prof. Davies described the tension between the European Court of Justice and the national supreme courts on the ultimate hierarchy between national constitutions and EU Law. He argued that EU law and national constitutions can peacefully co-exist, provided that the meaning of each is a topic open for discussion. Looking at the EU-constitution in terms of meaning rather than hierarchy will bring the national supreme courts into the fold of EU law, harnesses the judicial resources and local responsiveness of national courts and fits overall better with the core principles of the EU. This is all the more important in times where the top-down model of integration seems to be facing a crisis of legitimacy.

The next ILS event is the monthly ILS Lunch Seminar, which will take place on Thursday 15 February 2018 from 12:00 hrs – 13:00 hrs in KOG B0.41. This will feature presentations by Prof. Jean-Pierre van der Rest on "An Update on "Buyers Beware: Online Pricing in Operation!” How the Framing of Mandated Behavioral Price Discrimination Disclosure Influences Intention to Purchase" and Maria Berghuis on "Visitation in Dutch prisons: a study on determinants and consequences of prison visitation."
There is no need to register and lunch will be provided. For more information, see the news article on our website or contact Daila Gigengack.