Jos Gommans
Professor of Colonial and Global History
- Name
- Prof.dr. J.J.L. Gommans
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2167
- 0000-0001-9620-403X

Gommans is a historian with expertise on the early modern history of South Asia in its global interactions with the outside world of Central Asia, Southeast Asia and the European colonial empires.
More information about Jos Gommans
Books and publications
Gommans is a historian with expertise on the early modern history of South Asia in its global interactions with the outside world of Central Asia, Southeast Asia and the European colonial empires.
Spreekuur / Office hours
Na afspraak / By appointment
Inaugural lecture
Stille onzichtbare streng (in Dutch)
Fields of interest
History of South Asia, Global History, Colonial History, Dutch Empire (VOC), History of Central Asia, History of Southeast Asia, Indian Ocean Studies, Cultural Encounters, Cosmopolitanism.
Jos Gommans (1963) studied history in Nijmegen and Leiden. His PhD-thesis focused on the eighteenth-century horse trade between Central Asia and India which created an extensive informal empire dominated by Rohilla and Bangash Afghans (The Rise of the Indo-Afghan Empire, 1710-1780, Leiden: Brill 1995; republished in paperback at Delhi: Oxford University Press 1999 and Manohar Publishers in 2018). It gained new insights into the ecological and geographical background of the long-term interaction between the Indian subcontinent and Central Asia. It culminated in his monograph Mughal Warfare: Indian Frontiers and Highroads to Empire, 1500-1700 (London: Routledge 2002) which offered a fresh geopolitical interpretation of the process of Mughal state-formation. More recently, his work on the Afghan and Mughal empires in South Asia triggered a global comparative enquiry into the legacy of the Turco-Mongolian warband that was published in The Indian Frontier: Horse and Warband in the Making of Empires (London: Routledge, 2018).
Since July 2011 Gommans occupies the Chair of Colonial and Global History at Leiden University. As a result, the early modern cultural encounter between Europe and Asia became an important part of his research agenda. Earlier he had already initiated the archival guide series about Dutch Sources of South Asia (Delhi: Manohar Publishers) and authored two volumes of the Comprehensive Atlas of the Dutch East India Company. In 2012, together with Piet Emmer, he published the monograph Rijk aan de rand van de wereld: De geschiedenis van Nederland overzee 1600-1800 (Bert Bakker) to be followed in 2015 by a work on the same topic, edited with Catia Antunes called Exploring the Dutch Empire: Agents, Networks and Institutions, 1600-2000 (Bloomsbury). An expanded and revised English edition of the first book came out in 2020 as The Dutch Overseas Empire, 1600-1800 at Cambridge University Press.
The surprisingly intimate artistic entanglements between the Netherlands and India were investigated in the richly illustrated The Unseen World: The Netherlands and India from 1550 (Rijksmuseum and Vantilt, 2018). In the wake of this book, he acted as guest curator of the 2019 exhibition “India and the Netherlands in the Age of Rembrandt” at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Marahaj Vastu Sangrahalaya at Mumbai. Interestingly, these art-historical investigations uncovered a long Eurasian continuum of contiguous regions sharing a common legacy of Neoplatonic philosophy. This instigated several articles, together with Said Reza Huseini, on the idea of the philosopher-king in early Mughal India. In these more recent articles, Gommans increasingly explores the intellectual dimension of the political and economic interactions that he investigated earlier. All in all, his work continues to focus on the early modern history of the Indian subcontinent in its manifold entanglements with the outside world, in particular with Central Asia and Europe.
Grants and awards
Throughout the years Gommans supervised major academic projects. From 2011-2016 he was co-leader of the NWO-G Horizon Project on “Eurasian Empires: Integration Processes and Identity Formation”. Since 2012, he is the director of the “Cosmopolis Programme” which offers intensive academic training to (mainly Asian) historians who study the rich Dutch archives on Asia (and Africa). In 2022, he initiated a regional extension of that programme called “Cosmos Malabaricus” which focuses more specifically on to the early modern history of Kerala. Other projects that he coordinated include the LUF-funded programme on Indonesia “The Making of Religious Traditions in Indonesia: History and Heritage in Global Perspective (1600-1940)” and the Erasmus Mundus programme on India “IBIES (Interdisciplinary Bridges for Indo-European Studies), both until 2018. At present, he directs an archival project on the Dutch factory in Hirado based at Nichibunken, Japan, funded by the Ailion Foundation (IAAF). In the past Gommans was editor of the Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient and currently serves as the editor-in-chief of the LUP series Colonial and Global History through Dutch Sources.
Curriculum vitae
Jos Gommans is Professor of Colonial and Global History at Leiden University. He publishes primarily on the medieval and early-modern history of South Asia, global intellectual history and Dutch colonial history, including a research guide, two historical atlases, seven edited volumes and four monographs: The Rise of the Indo-Afghan Empire, 1710-1780 (Leiden: Brill 1999), Mughal Warfare: Indian Frontiers and High Roads to Empire (London and New York; Routledge 2002), The Unseen World: The Netherlands and India from 1550 (Amsterdam and Nijmegen: Rijksmuseum and Vantilt 2018) and with Pieter Emmer, The Dutch Overseas Empire, 1600-1800 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2020).
Major publications
The Rise of the Indo-Afghan Empire 1710-1780 (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1994) Reprint Pbk: (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1999).
Edited with D.H.A. Kolff, Warfare and Weaponry in South Asia (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2001); Reprint Pbk 2003.
With L. Bes and G. Kruijtzer, Dutch Sources on South Asia c. 1600-1825. Vol. 1:Bibliography and Archival Guide to the National Archives at the Hague (TheNetherlands) (Delhi: Manohar Publishers. 2001).
Edited with J. Leider, The Maritime Frontier of Burma: Exploring Political, Cultural andCommercial Interaction in the Indian Ocean World, c. 1000-1800 (Amsterdam: KNAW and Leiden: KITLV, 2002).
Mughal Warfare: Indian Frontiers and Highroads to Empire 1500-1700 (London: Routledge, 2002). Hbk, Pbk, E-book.
Edited with Om Prakash, Circumambulations in South Asian History: Essays in Honourof Dirk H.A. Kolff (Leiden: E.J. Brill Publishers, 2003).
Edited with Harriet Zurndorfer, Roots and Routes of Development in China and India: Highlights of Fifty Years of The Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient (1957-2007) (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2008).
Ed., Empires and Emporia: The Orient in World Historical Space and Time: Jubilee Issue of the Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 53,1-2 (2010). See also Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient.
With Jeroen Bos en Gijs Kruijtzer, Grote atlas van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie / Comprehensive Atlas of the Dutch United East India Company, Deel VI: Voor-Indië, Perzië en het Arabisch Schiereiland / Part VI: India, Persia and the Arabian Peninsula (Voorburg: Asia Maior / Atlas Maior Publishers, 2010).
With Rob van Diessen, Grote atlas van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie / Comprehensive Atlas of the Dutch United East India Company, Deel VII: Oost Azië, Birma tot Japan / Part VII: East Asia, Burma to Japan (Voorburg: Asia Maior/Atlas Maior Publishers, 2010).
With Piet Emmer, Rijk aan de rand van de wereld: Geschiedenis van Nederland overzee 1600-1800 (Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2012).
Edited with Catia Antunes, Exploring the Dutch Empire: Agents, Networks and Institutions, 1600-2000 (London: Bloomsbury Academic. 2015).
The Unseen World: India and the Netherlands from 1550 (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and VanTilt, 2018).
The Indian Frontier: Horse and Warband in the Making of Empires (Delhi: Manohar Publishers, 2018).

The Dutch Overseas Empire, 1600–1800 (Cambridge University Press, 2020).

Philippine Confluence: Iberian, Chinese and Islamic Currents, C. 1500-1800 (Leiden University Press, 2020).
Professor of Colonial and Global History
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Algemene Geschiedenis
- Gommans J.J.L. & Huseini S.R. (2024), New dawn in Mughal India: longue durée Neoplatonism in the making of Akbar’s sun project, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 34(2): 455-476.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2024), De astrolabe: kennis is macht. In: Wijnia L. (Ed.), Schepping van de wetenschap. Zwolle: Waanders Uitgevers. 26-28.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2024), Worshipping the sun at the end of time : neoplatonic solar cults in Mughal India and Barberini Rome, Global Intellectual History : 1-44.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2023), Space and time in the making of Monsoon Asia. In: Henley D. & Wikramasinghe N. (Eds.), Monsoon Asia: a reader on South and Southeast Asia. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 97-117.
- Gommans (2023), The Dutch colonial archive in the making of global and local histories: an experiment to remedy inequalities in global history [Les archives coloniales néerlandaises dans l’établissement d’histoires globales et locales] (translation: Gommans J.J.L.), Itinerario : 10-12.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2022), Les archives coloniales néerlandaises dans l’établissement d’histoires globales et locales, Revue Monde 21(2022): 10-12.
- Gommans J.J.L. & Huseini S.R. (2022), Neoplatonic kingship in the Islamic world: Akbar’s millennial history. In: Afzar Moin A. & Strathern A. (Eds.), Sacred kingship in world history: between immanence and transcendence. New York: Columbia University Press. 192-222.
- Gommans J.J.L. & Huseini S.R. (2022), Neoplatonism and the Pax Mongolica in the making of sulḥ-i kull: a view from Akbar’s millennial history, Modern Asian Studies 56(3): 870-901.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2022), The Neoplatonic Renaissance from the Thames to the Ganges. In: Bose N. (Ed.), India after world history: literature, comparison, and approaches to globalization. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 169-201.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2022), Een korte wereldgeschiedenis van de Gouden Eeuw. In: Huisman T., Maas A. & Schollaardt C. (Eds.), Denkers, Doeners, Durfals: Vijf eeuwen onderzoek en innovatie in Nederland. Zwolle: WBOOKS. 47-50.
- Gommans J.J.L. & Hond J. de (2021), The unseen world of Willem Schellinks: local milieu and global circulation in the visualization of Mughal India. In: Singh J.G. (Ed.), A Companion to the Global Renaissance: Literature and Culture in the Era of Expansion, 1500-1700. Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 231-248.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2020), Review of: Koch E. & Anooshahr A. (2019), The Mughal Empire from Jahangir to Shah Jahan: Art, Architecture, Politics, Law and Literature.. Mumbai: Marg Publishers. Journal of Early Modern History 24(1): 103-109.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2020), Cosmopolitanism and imagination in Nayaka South India: decoding the Brooklyn kalamkari, Archives of Asian Art 70(1): 1-21.
- Gommans J.J.L. & Lopez A. (Eds.) (2020), Philippine Confluence: Iberian, Chinese and Islamic Currents, c. 1500-1800 . Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Gommans J.J.L., Lopez A. & Donoso I. (2020), Introduction. In: Gommans J.J.L. & Lopez A. (Eds.), Philippine Confluence: Iberian, Chinese and Islamic Currents, c. 1500-1800. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 9-23.
- Gommans J.J.L. & Emmer P.C. (2020), The Dutch Overseas Empire, 1600-1800 . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2019), Review of: Onnekink David & Rommelse Gijs (2019), The Dutch in the Early Modern World: A History of Global Power. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Itinerario 43(3): 566-567.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2019), Rethinking the VOC: Two Cheers for Progress, BMGN: Low Countries Historical Review 134(2): 142-152.
- Gommans J.J.L. (12 August 2019), Kasjmir: Het Sudetenland van de Hindoe Nationalisten?. Trouw, Opinie.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2019), Rijksmuseum Guest Curator “India and the Netherlands in the Age of Rembrandt” at Chhatrapati Shivaji Mararaj Vastu Sangrahalaya Mumbai, 17 October – 16 December 2019; incl. introductory speech and guided tour for King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima during state visit to India.Interviews with Dutch media: Radio 1, Blauw Bloed (EO); with Indian media: The Hindu (17-10),), Hindustan Times (17-10), Mid-day (18-10), Architectural Digest (27-10), First Post (4-11) (Chhatrapati Shivaji Mararaj Vastu Sangrahalaya Mumbai,). [other].
- Gommans J.J.L. (2019), The Frontier in the Making of Immanent Kingship, 1200-1700. Sacred Kingship in World History: Between Immanence and Transcendence 25 May 2019 - 26 May 2019. Oxford UK: Brasenose College, Oxford University.
- Gommans J.J.L. & Douma M.J. (Eds.) (2019), The Colonization of Freed African Americans in Suriname: Archival Sources relating to the U.S.-Dutch Negotiations, 1860-1866 no. 3. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Gommans J.J.L. & Lally J. (2019), The Rise of the Indo-Afghan Empire c. 1710-1780 - 3rd ed. Delhi: Manohar Publishers.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2018), Decoding the Brooklyn Kalamkari. Cosmopolitan Kalamkaris: Crafting Connections through Seventeenth-century Figural Fabrics 30 October 2018 - 31 October 2018. National Museum, Delhi, India: Cosmopolitan Kalamkaris: Crafting Connections through Seventeenth-century Figural Fabrics.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2018), The Indian Frontier: Horse and Warband in the Making of Empires. Delhi: Manohar Publishers.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2018), The Warband in the Making of Eurasian Empires. In: Berkel Maaike van & Duindam Jeroen (Eds.), Prince, Pen and Sword: Eurasian Perspectives no. 15. Leiden and Boston: Brill. 297-384.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2018), The Unseen World: India and the Netherlands from 1550 no. 7. Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and VanTilt.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2018), De Verborgen Wereld: Nederland en India vanaf 1550 no. 7. Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum en VanTilt.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2018), "Indo-Dutch Entanglements in the Age of Rembrandt", presented at Conference on "Drawing from Mughal India in the Age of Rembrandt", The J. Paul Getty Museum, 8 April 2018. Different versions presented at a talk at the University of Texas at Austin, South Asia Institute, 5 April 2018 and at the India Day at the Rijksmuseum organised by the Vereniging Vrienden Aziatische Kunst, 3 June 2018. .
- Gommans J.J.L. (2018), Java's Mongol Demon. Inscribing the Horse Archer into the Epic History of Majapahit. In: Klöber Rafael & Ludwig Manju (Eds.), HerStory. Historical Scholarship between South Asia and Europe: Festschrift in Honour of Gita Dharampal-Frick. Heidelberg: CrossAsia E Publishing. 249-259.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2017) Laten we Global History overbodig maken: Recensie van Sebastian Conrad, What is Global History?. Review of: Sebastian Conrad (2017), What is Global History?. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press 113(1): 105-106.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2017), Review of: Truschke Audrey (2016), Culture of Encounters: Sanskrit at the Mughal Court. New York: Columbia University Press 122(5): 1584-1585.
- Gommans J.J.L. & Loots I. (2017), Reconnecting Asia: The World Systems of Georgius Hornius (1620-1660). In: Reeuwijk A. van (Ed.), Voyage of Discovery: Exploring the Collections of the Asian Library at Leiden University. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 56-66.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2017), "The Euro-Islamic Continuum at 1600: Religious and Philosophical Revivalism and the Production of Courtly Knowledge" presented at the Itinerario/Leverhulme Conference on Global Nodes, Networks, Orders: Three Global History Workshops on Transformative Connectivity, Leiden, 20 April 2017. .
- Gommans J.J.L. (2017), 'From Courts to Ports, from Area to Era" presented at Posthumus Conference, Nijmegen, 2 June 2017. .
- Gommans J.J.L. (2017), "Regime Change and the Seventeenth-century Demise of the Euro-Islamic Continuum" presented at Fifth European Congress on World and Global History: Ruptures, Empires and Revolutions, Budapest, 1 September 2017. .
- Gommans J.J.L. (2017), "Rethinking the VOC", introductory lecture at Symposium Rethinking the VOC: New Trends in the Study of Old Archives, The Hague, 23 November 2017. .
- Gommans J.J.L. (2017), Conference Convenor (with Catia Antunes and Carolien Stolte): "Global Nodes, Networks, Orders: Three Global History Workshops on Transformative Connectivity" as part of the Leverhulme International Network Global Nodes, Global Orders, in collaboration with Itinerario, Leiden, 20-22 April 2017. [other].
- Gommans J.J.L. (2017), Symposium Convenor "Rethinking the VOC: New Trends in the Study of Old Archives", The Hague 23-24 November in collaboration with the National Archives at The Hague. [other].
- Gommans J.J.L. (2017), Workshop Convenor "The Persian Gulf as Global Commercial Sphere, 1500-1800", Leiden 28 November 2017. [other].
- Gommans J.J.L. (Ed.) (2017), Dutch Sources on South Asia. Delhi: Manohar Publishers.
- Duindam J.F.J. & Gommans J.J.L. (Eds.) (2017), Rulers and Elites.
- Gommans J.J.L. (Ed.) (2017), Colonial and Global History through Dutch Sources. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Gommans J.J.L. (Ed.) (2017), Rijksmuseum Bulletin.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2017), External Advisor Global History Centre Warwick University. [other].
- Gommans J.J.L. (2016), De Mooiste Dag uit de Nederlandse Geschiedenis: Charter van Kortenberg, 27 september 1312, Quest : .
- Gommans J.J.L. (2015), Cosmopolitisme sud-asiatique et microcosme néerlandais à Cochin au xviie siècle. In: Lefèvre C., Županov I.G. & Flores J. (Eds.), Cosmopolitismes en Asie du Sud: Sources, itinéraires, langues (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle). Paris: Éditions de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales. 97-119.
- Antunes C.A.P. & Gommans J.L.L. (2015), Exploring the Dutch Empire. Agents, Networks and Institutions, 1600-2000. London: Bloomsbury.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2015), Merchants among kings: Dutch diplomatic encounters in Asia. In: Corrigan K.H., Campen J. van & Diercks F. (Eds.), Asia in Amsterdam. The Culture of Luxury in the Golden Age. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 32-40.
- Gommans J.J.L. & Loots I. (2015), Johannes Hoornbeecks etnohistorische methode en de Nieuwe Wereld. In: Dissel A. van, Ebben M. & Fatah-Black K. (Eds.), Reizen door het maritieme verleden van Nederland: Maritiem-historische opstellen aangeboden aan Henk J. den Heijer. Zutphen: Walburg Pers. 189-205.
- Gommans J.J.L. & De Hond Jan (2015), Willem Schellinks en India: Tussen werkelijkheid en illusie. In: Bange P. & Geurts J. (Eds.), Onbegrend Perspectief: Cultuurhistorische Verkenningen. Amersfoort: Bekking & Blitz.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2015), Continuity and change in the Indian Ocean basin. In: Bentley J.H., Subrahmanyam S. & Wiesner-Hanks M.E. (Eds.), The Cambridge World History: Volume VI: The Construction of a Global World, 1400-1800 CE, Part 1: Foundations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 182-210.
- Gommans J.J.L. & Antunes C.A.P. (Eds.) (2015), Exploring the Dutch Empire: Agents, Networks and Institutions 1600-2000. London New Delhi New York Sydney: Bloomsbury.
- Antunes C.A.P. & Gommans J.L.L. (2015), Preface. In: Antunes C.A.P. & Gommans J.L.L. (Eds.), Exploring the Dutch Empire. Agents, Networks and Institutions, 1600-2000. London: Bloomsbury. XI-XII.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2015), South Asian Cosmopolitanism and the Dutch Microcosmos in Seventeenth-Century Cochin (Kerala). In: Antunes C. & Gommans J.J.L. (Eds.), Exploring the Dutch Empire: Agents, Networks and Institutions, 1600-1800. London, New Delhi, New York, Sydney: Bloomsbury. 3-27.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2015), Conclusion: Globalizing Empire: The Dutch Case. In: Antunes C. & Gommans J.J.L. (Eds.), Exploring the Dutch Empire: Agents, Networks and Institutions, 1600-1800. London, New Delhi, New York, Sydney: Bloomsbury. 267-78.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2015), For the Home and the Body: Dutch and Indian Ways of Early Modern Consumption. In: Berg M. (Ed.), Trading Eurasia 1600-1800. London: Palgrave. 331-349.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2015), Farrukhabad 97-100.
- Gommans J.J.L. & Loots I. (2015), Arguing with the Heathens: The Further Reformation and the Historical Ethnography of Johannes Hoornbeeck (1617-1666), Itinerario 39(1): 1-23.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2014), Review of: Amrith S. (2013), Crossing the Bay of Bengal: The Furies of Nature and the Fortunes of Migrants. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. Journal of Global History 9(3): 497-499.
- Gommans J.J.L. (Ed.) (2013), . Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2013), Review of: Akhter M., Writing the Mughal State as a Political Process. Economic and Political Weekly .
- Gommans J.J.L. & Emmer P.C. (2012), Rijk aan de rand van de wereld: De geschiedenis van Nederland overzee 1600-1800. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Bert Bakker.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2011), Nederlandse schilders in de Oost: Een hypothese. In: Lindblad Th. & Schrikker A. (Eds.), The verre gezicht: Politieke en relaties tussen Nederland en Azië, Afrika en Amerika: Opstellen aangeboden aan prof.dr. Leonard Blussé. Franeker: Van Wijnen. 66-88.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2011), The Silent Frontier of South Asia c. 1100-1800 CE. In: Rangarajan M. & Sivaramakrishnan K. (Eds.), India's Environmental History: From Ancient Times to the Colonial Period. Delhi: Permanent Black. 217-245.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2011) Review. Review of: Lieberman V. (2009), Strange Parallels: Southeast Asia in Global Context, c. 800-1830, Vol. 2: Mainland Mirrors: Europe, Japan, China, South Asia and the Islands no. 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. JOURNAL OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY OF THE ORIENT 54: 87-91.
- Weber A., Gommans J.J.L. & Osterhammel Juergen (2011), "You turn a page and then there is suddenly something on a turtle" An Interview with Jurgen Osterhammel, Itinerario 35(3): 7-16.
- Gommans J.J.L. & Diessen R. van (2010), Grote atlas van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie / Comprehensive Atlas of the Dutch United East India Company, Deel VII: Oost Azië, Birma tot Japan / Part VII: East Asia, Burma to Japan (Voorburg: Asia Maior/Atlas Maior Publishers, 2010). Voorburg: Atlas Maior.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2010), “Limits of Empire”. In: Bhargava Meena (Ed.), Exploring Medieval India, Vol. 2. Delhi: Orient Blackswan. 509-546.
- Gommans J.J.L. (Ed.) (2010), Empires and Emporia: The Orient in World Historical Space and Time. JOURNAL OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY OF THE ORIENT no. 53,1. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers.
- Gommans J.J.L., Bos J. & Kruijtzer G. (2010), Grote atlas van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie / Comprehensive Atlas of the Dutch United East India Company, Deel VI: Voor-Indië, Perzië en het Arabisch Schiereiland / Part VI: India, Persia and the Arabian Peninsula (Voorburg: Asia Maior / Atlas Maior Publishers, 2010). Voorburg: Atlas Maior.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2010) Botsende beschavingen in premodern India. Review of: (2009), F.B. Flood, Objects of Translation: Material culture and medieval Hindu-Muslim encounter no. 3. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press. TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS 123: 453-455.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2010), Empires and Emporia: The Orient in World Historical Space and Time: Introduction, JOURNAL OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY OF THE ORIENT 53(1): 3-19.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2009) Weer een nieuwe stap in de ontsluiting van het VOC-archief. Review of: , The Dutch Factories in India: A Collection of Dutch East India Company Documents pertaining to India, Vol. II: 1624-1627. no. 3. Delhi: Manohar. TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS 122: 414-415.
- Zurndorfer H.T. & Gommans J.J.L. (2008), Connecting the Giants through a Global Perspective. Zurndorfer H.T. & Gommans J.J.L. (Eds.), Roots and Routes of Development in China and India. JESHO's Fiftieth Anniversary. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. ix-xxxix.
- Zurndorfer H.T. & Gommans J.J.L. (Eds.) (2008), Roots and Routes of Development in China and India. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2007), War-horse and Post-nomadic Empire in Asia, c. 1000-1800, Journal of Global History 2(1): 1-21.
- Gommans J.J.L. & Rietbergen P.G.A.N. (Eds.) (2007), . Geschiedenis Magazine.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2007), Mughal India and Central Asia in the Eighteenth Century: An Introduction to a Wider Perspective. Levi Scott C. (Ed.), India and Central Asia: Commerce and Culture, 1500-1800. Reprint for OUP series in Debates in Indian History and Society. Delhi: Oxford University Press. 39-64.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2007), Afghans in India. Nawas J. & et al. (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam. . Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. 59-62.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2007), India: Een globale geschiedenis, Geschiedenis Magazine 42(2): 14-20.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2007) Boekbespreking. Review of: Tanabe A., Siddiqui I.H. & Kimura M. (2005|2006), An Eighteenth Century History of North India: An Account of the Rise and Fall of the Rohilla Chiefs in Janbhasha by Rustam Ali Bijnori|The State in India Past and Present no. 4. Delhi|Delhi: Manohar|Oxford University Press. The Indian Economic and Social History Review 44: 537-540.
- Gommans J.J.L., Bhattacharya B. & Dharampal-Frick G. (2007), Spatial and Temporal Continuities of Merchant Networks in South Asia and the Indian Ocean: c. 1500-2000, JOURNAL OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY OF THE ORIENT 50(2): 91-105.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2006), The Surat Castle Revolution: Myths of an Anglo-Bania Order and Dutch Neutrality, c.1740-1760, Journal of Early Modern History 10(4): 1-30.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2005) Warfare on quicksand. Review of: Kaushik Roy (2004), From Hydaspes to Kargil: A History of Warfare in India from 326 BC to AD 1999 no. 7. Delhi: Manohar. Economic and Political Weekly 40: 627-629.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2005) Boekbespreking. Review of: Iqtidar Alam Khan (2004), Gunpowder and Firearms: Warfare in medieval India no. 3. Delhi: Oxford University Press. The Indian Economic and Social History Review 42: 439-442.
- Gommans J.J.L. (Ed.) (2004), Social Dynamics in Mughal India. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2004), Ouwerling tussen goede oude tijd en moderniteit, Brabants Heem: Tijdschrift voor Archeologie, Geschiedenis en Volkskunde 1(56): 23-34.
- Gommans J.J.L. (2004), Between the Flux and Facts of Indian History: Introduction to a Tribute, JOURNAL OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY OF THE ORIENT 47(3): 288-291.
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- Gommans J.J.L. & Kolff D.H.A. (2001), Introduction. In: Gommans J.J.L. & Kolff D.H.A. (Eds.), Warfare and Weaponry in South Asia 1000-1800. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. 1-42.
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- Gommans J.J.L. (1998), The silent frontier of South Asia, c. 1100-1800 AD, Journal of World History 9(1): 1-25.
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- Gommans J.J.L. (1997) Indian Merchants and Eurasian Trade, 1600-1750. Review of: Dale S.F. (1997), Indian Merchants and Eurasian Trade, 1600-1750 no. 1. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press. JOURNAL OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY OF THE ORIENT 40: 142-143.
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- Gommans J.J.L. (1995), Trade and Civilization around the Bay of Bengal, Itinerario 19(3): 82-109.
- Gommans J.J.L. (1995), The Rise of the Indo-Afghan Empire (c.1710-1780). Leiden: E.J. Brill.
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- Gommans J.J.L. (1995), Indian Warfare and Afghan Innovation during the Eighteenth Century, Studies in History 11(2): 261-281.
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