Joris Larik
Assistant Professor
- Name
- Dr. J.E. Larik
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9503
- 0000-0002-2306-6964

Joris Larik is Assistant Professor of Comparative, EU and International Law at Leiden University College The Hague (Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs) and the Europa Institute (Leiden Law School). His research focuses on EU external relations law and global governance, on which he also regularly provides high-level policy advice and media commentary. Dr Larik is the author and editor of several books, including with OUP and CUP, and has published in leading national and international journals. He is a member of Young Academy Leiden and of the Committee on European Integration of the Dutch Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV).
More information about Joris Larik
Research output
The UN’s Summit of the Future: Advancing Multilateralism in an Age of Hypercompetitive Geopolitics
Global Governance beyond Covid-19: Recovery and Institutional Revitalisation
Governance and Dispute Settlement in the Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol
Policy brief on 'Deepening G20-UN System Cooperation to Foster Socio-Economic Recovery from the Pandemic and Reduce Inequality Worldwide'
Beyond UN75: A Roadmap for Inclusive, Networked & Effective Global Governance
Brexit, the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement, and Global Treaty (Re-)Negotiations
Joris Larik is Assistant Professor of Comparative, EU and International Law at Leiden University College The Hague (Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs) and the Europa Institute (Leiden Law School). He is a member of Young Academy Leiden, the Committee on European Integration of the Dutch Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV), and the European Commission’s pool of arbitrators for disputes in the framework of bilateral trade agreements.
His research focuses on EU external relations law and global governance. His work has been acknowledged with several awards, including NATO’s Manfred Wörner Essay Award and the Mauro Cappelletti Prize for the Best Doctoral Thesis in Comparative Law from the European University Institute.
Dr Larik is the author and editor of several books, including with Oxford and Cambridge University Press. He has published in leading international journals, including American Journal of International Law, Common Market Law Review, European Foreign Affairs Review, European Law Review, International & Comparative Law Quarterly, Legal Issues of Economic Integration, Survival, and Yearbook of European Law, and in leading national journals, including Nederlands Juristenblad and SEW–Tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht.
Dr Larik’s national media appearances include NPO Radio 1, Het Parool, Trouw, and Volkskrant. Internationally, he has appeared on Agence France-Presse, Al Jazeera, BBC World Service, CBC News, EU Observer, The Guardian, The Hill, The Irish Times, Radio New Zealand, and Xinhua.
Dr Larik holds a PhD from the European University Institute (EUI), an MA from the College of Europe, an LLM from Leiden Law School, and a BA from the Zentrum für Internationale Studien, TU Dresden.
Grants and Fellowships
- Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS) Research Fellowship (2020/21)
- Global Transformations and Governance Challenges Seed Grant (2020)
- Canadian Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces funded RWE-CAF Research Network (2020)
- Leiden Global Interactions Breed Grant (2018/19)
- Global Challenges Foundation (2018)
- Fulbright-Schuman Fellowship at the Johns Hopkins Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, D.C. (2017/18)
- MOOC Production Fellowship from the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (2013–14)
PhD Supervision
Dr Larik is available to supervise PhD students in the areas of:
- EU external relations law and comparative foreign relations law
- Global governance and international (institutional) law
- The Union in the World (LLM European Law)
- Foreign Relations Law (LUC The Hague)
- Constitutions and Constitutionalism in a Globalizing World (LUC The Hague)
- Comparative Legal and Economic Integration (LUC The Hague)
- Introduction to the EU as a Global Legal Actor (College of Europe)
- Comparative Foreign Relations Law and Democratic Accountability (Duke-Leiden Institute for Global and Transnational Law)
Assistant Professor
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Leiden University College
Work address
Anna van BuerenpleinAnna van Buerenplein 301
2595 DG The Hague
Room number 4.01
Assistant professor
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Europees Recht
- Koenders B., Broeks J., Corbey D., Gool T. van, Middelaar L.J. van, Nijman J., Ojik B. van, Schuwer H., Zoomers A., Biermans M., Cuperus R., Dijkstra H., Graaf B. de, Haaf T. ten, Idriz N., Larik J.E., Marhold. A.A., Ong’ayo A., Osinga F.P.B., Veer L., Vries C. de, Zandee D., Zoest A. van, Jagt H. van der, Oppewal J., Visser S., Wester K., Beer P. de, Vries S. de, Postmus T. & Offenberg Q. (2024), Oekraïne – standvastigheid, weerbaarheid en perspectief. Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken-briefadvies. Den Haag: Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken.
- Koenders B., Broeks J., Corbey D., Gool T. van, Middelaar L.J. van, Nijman J., Ojik B. van, Schuwer H., Zoomers A., Biermans M., Cuperus R., Dijkstra H., Graaf B. de, Haaf T. ten, Idriz N., Larik J.E., Marhold. A.A., Ong’ayo A., Osinga F.P.B., Veer L., Vries C. de, Zandee D., Zoest A. van, Jagt H. van der, Oppewal J., Visser S., Wester K., Beer P. de, Vries S. de, Postmus T. & Offenberg Q. (2024), Ukraine – resolve, resilience and prospects for the future. Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken-briefadvies. Den Haag: Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV).
- Loevinsohn J. & Larik J.E. (2024), Protection without recognition: the role of the Council of Europe in strengthening human rights in Kosovo, European Papers 9(1): 287-309.
- Ponzio R., Yusuf N. & Larik J.E. (2024), Global governance innovation report 2024: advancing human security through a new global economic governance architecture. Washington, D.C.: Stimson Center.
- Larik J.E. (2024), ‘Geopolitiek recht’ in de EU: inter arma germinant leges, SEW: Tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht 2024(12): 523-530 (SEW 2024/160).
- Larik J.E. (2023), From ‘muted dialogue’ to ‘shouting matches’: the role of the court of justice in post-Brexit relations. In: Baetens F. & Van den Bogaert S.C.G. (Eds.), The EU and the WTO: ever the twain shall meet: Liber amicorum Marco Bronckers. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International. 41-57.
- Larik J.E. (2023), Writing for ‘Brexiternity’? : Reflections on legal scholarship on a moving target, Legal Issues of Economic Integration 50(2): 211-226.
- Larik J.E. (2023), EU law and the governance of Global Spaces: ambitions, constraints and legal creativity, Journal of European Integration 45(8): 1125-1142.
- Larik J.E. (2023), Imitation as flattery: The UK’s Trade Continuity Agreements and the EU’s normative foreign policy, European journal of international law 34(4): 801-830.
- Gstöhl S. & Larik J.E. (2023), The European Union and the governance of contested Global Spaces, Journal of European Integration 45(8): 1107-1124.
- Larik J.E. (8 August 2023), De EU moet niet buigen nu de oorlog langer gaat duren. Het Financieele Dagblad, Buitenland: 25.
- Ponzio R., Yusuf N., Siddiqui M. & Larik J.E. (2023), Global governance innovation report 2023: redefining approaches to peace, security, and humanitarian action. Washington, D.C.: The Stimson Center.
- Koenders B., Broeks J., Middelaar L.J. van, Schuwer H., Broekhuizen L., Casteleijn L., Graaf B. de, Larik J.E., Schouten M. & Jagt H. van der (2022), De Oekraïne-oorlog als geopolitieke tijdschok. Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken-briefadvies no. 37. Den Haag: Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken (AIV).
- Kuisma M. & Larik J. (2022), The continuing contestation of ERTA: conferral, effectiveness and the member states' participation in mixed agreements. In: Levrat N., Kaspiarovich Y., Kaddous C. & Wessel R.A. (Eds.), The EU and its member states’ joint participation in international agreements. Modern Studies in European Law. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 43-58.
- Larik J.E. & Wessel R.A. (2022), De Handels- en samenwerkingsovereenkomst tussen de EU en het VK: partnerschap of conflictbeheersing?, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Europees Recht 28(1-2): .
- Larik J.E. & Wessel R.A. (2022), The EU-UK trade and cooperation agreement: forging partnership or managing rivalry?. In: Łazowski A. & Cygan A. (Eds.), Research handbook on legal aspects of brexit. Research Handbooks in European Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 122-147.
- Larik J.E. (2022), Governance and dispute settlement. In: Fabbrini F. (Ed.), The Law & Politics of Brexit – Volume IV: The Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 211-230.
- Ponzio R., Yusuf N., Larik J.E., Arjomand B., Siddiqui M., Zhang J. & Durch W. (2022), Road to 2023: our common agenda and the pact for the future. Washington, D.C.: Stimson Center.
- Ponzio R., Yusuf N., Siddiqui M., Larik J.E., Aamer F. & Durch W. (2022), Rethinking global cooperation: three new frameworks for collective action in an age of uncertainty. Washington, D.C.: Stimson Center/Doha Forum.
- Ponzio R. & Larik J.E. (16 September 2022), The UN’s summit of the future: advancing multilateralism in an age of hypercompetitive geopolitics. Just Security. New York, N.Y.: Reiss Center on Law and Security at New York University School of Law. [blog entry].
- Larik J. (2021), De handels- en samenwerkingsovereenkomst tussen de EU en het VK: veertienhonderd bladzijden schadebeperking, Nederlands Juristenblad 96(5): 350-357 (NJB 2021/351).
- Larik J. (2021), Brexit and the 'Great British Trade-Off': the future of the EU’s and the UK’s external treaty relations. In: Douma W.Th., Eckes C., Elsuwege P. van, Kassoti E., Ott A. & Wessel R.A. (Eds.), The Evolving Nature of EU External Relations Law. The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press. 277-291.
- Larik J. (2021), De VN, nog steeds een onvoltooid meesterwerk, VN Forum : .
- Larik J. & Ponzio R. (2021), Deepening G20-UN system cooperation to foster socio-economic recovery from the pandemic and reduce inequality worldwide: towards a G20+ (Think20 Italy 2021). [other].
- Larik J.E. (27 October 2021), De consument zit straks in de vuurlinie van een post-brexithandelsoorlog. Het Parool, Columns & Opinie.
- Larik J.E. (2021), De post-Brexit relatie tussen het VK en de EU: van lidstaat tot derde land, van partner tot rivaal, De Hofvijver 11(118): .
- Larik J.E. (2021), Governance and dispute settlement in the Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol. DCU Brexit Institute Working Papers no. 16 (DCU Brexit Institute). [working paper].
- Larik J. & Ponzio R. (2021), Global governance beyond Covid-19: recovery and institutional revitalisation, Irish Studies in International Affairs 32(1): 1-17.
- Larik J.E. (2020), EU external relations law and Brexit: ‘When Pluto was a planet’, Europe and the World: A Law Review 4(1): 1-18 (3).
- Larik J., Durch W. & Richard P. (2020), Reinvigorating Global Governance Through "Just Security", Fletcher Forum of World Affairs 44(1): 15-31.
- Wessel R.A. & Larik J. (Eds.) (2020), EU External Relations Law: Text, Cases and Materials (second edition). Oxford: Hart Publishing.
- Larik J.E. (2020), Boosting the Reach and Resilience of International Justice Institutions. UN 75 Policy Brief no. 5 (The Stimson Center). [policy paper].
- Wessel R.A. & Larik J. (2020), Brexit means Brexit? De stand van zaken na de uittreding, SEW: Tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht 2020(6): 258-264 (SEW 2020/94).
- Larik J. (2020), Brexit, the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement, and global treaty (re-)negotiations, American Journal of International Law 114(3): 443-462.
- Groff M. & Larik J. (2020), Strengthening the Rules-Based Global Order: The Case for an International Rule of Law Package. UN75 Global Governance Innovation Perspectives. Washington, D.C.: The Stimson Center (The Stimson Center). [policy paper].
- Larik J. & Bruggeman R. (2020), The Elusive Contours of Constitutional Identity: Taricco as a Missed Opportunity, Utrecht Journal of International and European Law 35(1): 20-34.
- Arjomand B., Durch W., Larik J., Petcu C. & Ponzio R. (2020), UN 2.0: Ten Innovations for Global Governance – 75 Years beyond San Francisco. Washington, D.C.: The Stimson Center.
- Al-Mansoori R., Arjomand B., Larik J., Petcu C., Ponzio R., Siddique M. & Torrez P. (2020), Coping with New and Old Crises: Global and Regional Cooperation in an Age of Epidemic Uncertainty – Doha Forum Report 2020 : The Stimson Center and Doha Forum.
- Larik J. (10 November 2020), Wacht nog maar even met het uitreiken van de Nobelprijs aan Biden. Het Parool, Het hoogste woord.
- Larik J. (2020), Decision-Making and Dispute Settlement. In: Fabbrini F. (Ed.), The Law & Politics of Brexit – Volume 2: The Withdrawal Agreement. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 191-210.
- Larik J.E. & O'Malley A. (27 October 2020), De VN moet zich na 75 jaar wel blijven vernieuwen. Het Parool, Columns & Opinie.
- Larik J. (2019), Regional Organizations' Relations with International Institutions: The EU and ASEAN Compared. In: Bradley C. (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Foreign Relations Law. Oxford Handbooks in Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 447-464.
- Ponzio R., Larik J., Petcu C., Durch W., Kiel R. & Ledesma L. (2019), An Innovation Agenda for UN 75: The Albright-Gambari Commission and the Road to 2020: The Stimson Center.
- Ponzio R., Kiel R., Larik J., Petcu C. & Swanson J. (2019), Reimagining Global Governance in a Multipolar World: Doha Forum 2019. Washington, D.C.: The Stimson Center.
- Larik J. (2019), Humanitarian intervention and political support for interstate use of force: report of the Expert Group established by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands (page 79-112). The Hague.
- Durch W., Larik J.E. & Ponzio R. (Eds.) (2018), Just Security in an Undergoverned World. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Durch W., Larik J. & Ponzio R. (2018), Just Security in an Undergoverned World: An Introduction. In: Durch W., Larik J. & Ponzio R. (Eds.), Just Security in an Undergoverned World. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 3-12.
- Durch W., Larik J. & Ponzio R. (2018), The Intersection of Security and Justice in Global Governance: A Conceptual Framework. In: Durch W., Larik J. & Ponzio R. (Eds.), Just Security in an Undergoverned World. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 13-39.
- Durch W., Larik J. & Ponzio R. (2018), Conclusions: Overcoming the Crisis of Global Governance. In: Durch W., Larik J. & Ponzio R. (Eds.), Just Security in an Undergoverned World. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 488-497.
- Larik J. & Sahoo N. (Eds.) (2018), Special Section - Migration Governance: Regional Solutions to a Global Challenge. Global Policy: Wiley.
- Larik J. (2018), Pars Pro Toto: The Member States' Obligations of Sincere Cooperation, Solidarity and Unity. In: Cremona M. (Ed.), Structural Principles in EU External Relations Law. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 175-199.
- Larik J. (2018), The EU’s Global Strategy, Brexit and ‘America First’, European Foreign Affairs Review 23(3): 343-364.
- Larik J. (2018), Review of: Merket H. (2016), The EU and the Security-Development Nexus: Bridging the Legal Divide. Studies in EU External Relations. Leiden: Brill | Nijhof. Common Market Law Review 55(5): 1658-1660.
- Larik J. (2018), The New Transatlantic Trigonometry: Brexit and Europe’s Treaty Relations with the United States, University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 40(1): 1-82.
- Larik J.E., Daniëls L., Oosterom J., Ruiter L. de, Smit L., Vermeij A. & Vliet V. van (2017), Blue Growth and Sustainable Development in Indian Ocean Governance. The Hague Institute for Global Justice Policy Brief no. 18. The Hague: The Hague Institute for Global Justice (The Hague Institute for Global Justice). [policy paper].
- Larik J.E. & Singh A. (2017), Sustainability in Oceans Governance: Small Islands, Emerging Powers, and Connecting Regions, Global Policy 8(2): 213-215.
- Larik J.E. (2017), Sincere Cooperation in the Common Commercial Policy: Lisbon, a “Joined-Up” Union, and “Brexit”, European Yearbook of International Economic Law 8: 83-110.
- Larik J.E. (2017), EU Foreign Relations Law as a Field of Scholarship, AJIL Unbound 111: 321-325.
- Larik J.E., annotation: Conseil constitutionnel 31 July 2017, Décision n° 2017-749 DC, Accord économique et commercial global entre le Canada, d’une part, et l ’Union européenne et ses États membres, d 'autre part, ECLI:FR:CC:2017:2017.749.DC 31 July 2018, no. 2017-749 DC, ECLI:FR:CC:2017:2017.749.DC. EuConst 13(4): 759-777.
- Larik J.E. (2017), The EU's Global Strategy in the Age of Brexit and 'America First' no. 193 (Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, KU Leuven). [working paper].
- Larik J. & Singh A. (Eds.) (2017), Special Section - Sustainability in Oceans Governance: The High Stakes of Blue Growth. Global Policy: Wiley.
- Jayawardane S., Larik J.E. & Kaul M. (Eds.) (2016), Special Section: Governing Cyberspace: Building Confidence, Capacity and Consensus. Global Policy: Wiley.
- Larik J. (2016) Review of I. Govaere, E. Lannon, P. Van Elsuwege and S. Adam (eds.), The European Union in the World: Essay in Honour of Marc Maresceau (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff 2014). Review of: Govaere I., Lannon E., Van Elsuwege P. & Adam S. (2014), The European Union in the World: Essay in Honour of Marc Maresceau. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff. European Law Review 41(2): 293-296.
- Durch W., Larik J. & Ponzio R. (2016), Just Security and the Crisis of Global Governance, Survival 58(4): 95-112.
- Larik J.E. (2016), Foreign Policy Objectives in European Constitutional Law. Oxford Studies in European Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Fabbrini F. & Larik J.E. (2016), The Past, Present and Future of the Relation between the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights, Yearbook of European Law 35(1): .
- Larik J. (2016), Die Unionstreue in der gemeinsamen Handelspolitik: Harmonielehre in einer sich wandelnden Klanglandschaft. In: Bungenberg M. & Herrmann C. (Eds.), Die gemeinsame Handelspolitik der Europäischen Union: Fünf Jahre nach Lissabon – Quo Vadis?. Schriftenreihe des Arbeitskreises Europäische Integration e.V. no. 93. Baden-Baden: Nomos. 45-69.
- Buitelaar T., Larik J.E., Matta A. & Vos B. de (2016), The EU's New Global Strategy: Its Implementation in a Troubled International Environment. The Hague: The Hague Institute for Global Justice.
- Larik J.E. (2016), Critiquing the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): Systemic Consequences for Global Governance and the Rule of Law, Legal Issues of Economic Integration 43(4): 423-436.
- Cremona M., Kleimann D., Larik J.E., Lee R. & Vennesson P. (2015), ASEAN's External Agreements: Law, Practice and the Quest for Collective Action. Integration through Law:The Role of Law and the Rule of Law in ASEAN Integration. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Larik J.E. (2015), Good global governance through trade: constitutional moorings. In: Wouters J., Marx A., Geraets D. & Natens B. (Eds.), Global Governance through Trade: EU Policies and Approaches: Edward Elgar. 43-70.
- Jayawardane S., Larik J.E. & Jackson E. (2015), Cyber Governance: Challenges, Solutions, and Lessons for Effective Global Governance. The Hague Institute for Global Justice Policy Brief no. 17. The Hague: The Hague Institute for Global Justice.
- Buitelaar T., Larik J.E. & Matta A. (2015), The EU’s Contribution to Common Global Rules: Challenges in an Age of Power Shift, Summary of Findings of the Expert Consultation in the Framework of the EU Strategic Review Process. The Hague: The Hague Institute for Global Justice.
- Larik J., annotation: Kadi II, European Commission and ors v Kadi, Judgment, Case C-584/10 P, Case C-593/10 P, Case C-595/10 P, ILEC 031 (CJEU 2013), 18th July 2013, European Court of Justice (Grand Chamber) 18 July 2013, no. C-584/10 P, ECLI:EU:C:2013:518. ILEC (Leiden University does not seem to be subscribed to this database.).
- Larik J.E., annotation: Case C-414/11, Daiichi Sankyo Co. Ltd and Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH v. DEMO Anonimos Viomichaniki kai Emporiki Etairia Farmakon, Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 18 July 2013, EU:C:2013:520, and Case C-137/12, European Commission v. Council of the European Union (European Convention on the legal protection of services based on, or consisting of, conditional access), Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 22 October 2013, EU:C:2013:675. 18 July 2013, no. C-414/11, EU:C:2013:520, Common Market Law Review 52(3): 779-799.
- Fabbrini F. & Larik J.E. (2014), Global Counter-Terrorism Sanctions and European Due Process Rules: The Dialogue Between the CJEU and the ECtHR. In: Avbelj M., Fontanelli F. & Martinico G. (Eds.), Kadi on Trial: A Multifaceted Analysis of the Kadi Trial. Routledge research in European Union law: Routledge. 137-156.
- Larik J.E. (2014), From speciality to a constitutional sense of purpose: On the changing role of the objectives of the European Union, International & Comparative Law Quarterly 63(4): 935-962.
- Larik J.E. (2014), The Kadi Saga as a Tale of 'Strict Observance’ of International Law: Obligations Under the UN Charter, Targeted Sanctions and Judicial Review in the European Union, Netherlands International Law Review 61(1): 23-42.
- Larik J. (2014) The Accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights. Review of: Gragl P. (2013), The Accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights. Modern Studies in European Law. Oxford: Hart Publishing. Common Market Law Review 51(5): 1542-1544.
- Larik J.E. (2014), Constitutional “World Views”, Global Governance and International Relations Theory. The Hague Institute for Global Justice Working Paper no. 3. The Hague: The Hague Institute for Global Justice (The Hague Institute for Global Justice). [working paper].
- Larik J.E. (2013), Arma fero, ergo sum? The European Union, NATO and the Quest for ‘European Identity’. In: Waele H. de & Kuipers J.J. (Eds.), The European Union's Emerging International Identity. Studies in EU External Relations no. 6. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff/Brill. 43-71.
- Larik J. (2013), Shaping the international order as an EU objective. In: Kochenov D. & Amtenbrink F. (Eds.), The European Union's Shaping of the International Legal Order. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 62-86.
- Larik J.E. (2013), Entrenching Global Governance: The EU’s constitutional objectives caught between a sanguine world view and a daunting reality. In: Vooren B. van, Blockmans S. & Wouters J. (Eds.), The EU’s Role in Global Governance: The Legal Dimension. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 7-22.
- Delgado Casteleiro A. & Larik J. (2013), The “Odd Couple”: The Responsibility of the EU at the WTO. In: Evans M. & Koutrakos P. (Eds.), The International Responsibility of the European Union: European and International Persepctives. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 233-255.
- Larik J. (2012), The EU on the Global Stage after the Lisbon Treaty: External Action and the External Action Service. In: Cassese S., Carotti B., Casini L., Cavalieri E. & MacDonald E. (Eds.), Global Administrative Law: The Casebook: IRPA-IILJ. 16-24.
- Larik J.E. (2012) Review of [Law and practice of EU external relations: salient features of a changing landscape] by [Alan Dashwood and Marc Maresceau (eds)]. Review of: Dashwood A. & Maresceau M. (2011), Law and Practice of EU External Relations: Salient Features of a Changing Landscape. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Yearbook of European Law 31(1): 547–551.
- Larik J.E. & Weiler Q. (2011), Going Naval in Troubled Waters: The European Union, China and the Fight against Piracy Off the Coast of Somalia. Farnham: Ashgate.
- Larik J.E. (2011), Much more than trade: the common commercial policy in a global context. In: Evans M. & Koutrakos P. (Eds.), Beyond the Established Legal Orders: Policy Interconnections between the EU and the Rest of the World: Hart Publishing. 13-46.
- Delgado Casteleiro A. & Larik J. (2011), The duty to remain silent: limitless loyalty in EU external relations?, European Law Review 36(4): 524-541.
- Larik J.E. & Moraru M. (Eds.) (2011), Ever-closer in Brussels – ever-closer in the world? EU external action after the Lisbon Treaty. EUI Law Working Papers no. 2011/10. Fiesole: European University Institute.
- Larik J. (2011), Operation Atalanta and the protection of EU citizens: Civis Europaeus unheeded?, Perspectives on Federalism 3(2): e40-e66.
- Larik J. (2011), Corporate international criminal responsibility: oxymoron or an effective tool for 21st Century governance?. In: Hertwig J., Maus S., Meyer zu Schwabedissen A. & Schuler M. (Eds.), Global Risks – Constructing World Order through Law, Politics and Economics. Dresdner Schriften zu Recht und Politik der Vereinten Nationen no. 14. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 119-142.
- Larik J.E. (2011) Review of [European Foreign Policy: Legal and Political Perspectives] by [Koutrakos, P.]. Review of: Koutrakos P. (2011), European Foreign Policy: Legal and Political Perspectives. Cheltenham/Northampton: Edward Elgar. European Foreign Affairs Review 16(3): 401-403.
- Larik J. (2010), Two ships in the night or in the same boat together: how the ECJ squared the circle and foreshadowed Lisbon in its Kadi judgement, Yearbook of Polish European Studies 13: 149-173.
- Larik J.E. (2009), Kennedy’s ‘Two pillars’ revisited: does the ESDP make the EU and the USA equal partners in NATO?, European Foreign Affairs Review 14(2): 289-304.
- Blumenau B., Groba F., Larik J. & Rosen D. (2007), Deutschland und die europäische Rüstungskooperation: Perspektiven für einen hochsensiblen Politikbereich. In: Brand A. & Niemann A. (Eds.), Interessen und Handlungsspielräume in der deutschen und europäischen Außenpolitik. Dresden: Dresden University Press. 215-239.
- Advisering regering en parlement over vraagstukken mbt tot Europese integratie