Joachim Koops
Professor Security
- Name
- Prof.dr. J.A. Koops
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9506

Joachim A. Koops is Chair of Security. His research focuses on Global Security Governance and the European Union’s foreign and security policies, the role of the United Nations, European Union, NATO (and their inter-organisational relations) in peace and security as well as crisis management, peacekeeping, the responsibility to protect (R2P) and the changing nature of diplomacy. In addition, Joachim is interested in issues of academic diplomacy as well as higher education innovation and reform.
More information about Joachim Koops
Research output
Who gets what, when, and how? An analysis of stakeholder interests and conflicts in and around Big Science
NATO Allies and the Protection of Civilians
UN, EU, and NATO Approaches to the Protection of Civilians: Policies, Implementation, and Comparative Advantages
Responding to the COVID-19 ‘infodemic’: National countermeasures against information influence in Europe
A country of immigrants no more? The securitization of immigration in the National Security Strategies of the United States of America
Tackling COVID-19 Disinformation: Internal and External Challenges for the European Union
Shaping the European External Action Service and its post-Lisbon crisis management structures
PhD candidates
Joachim A. Koops is Chair of Security. Previously, he was Scientific Director (WD) of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) at Leiden University’s Campus in The Hague, the Dean of Vesalius College of Global Affairs of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and Director of the Global Governance Institute (GGI), Brussels. Joachim holds a BA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) from the University of Oxford (UK), an MSc in European Politics, Economic and Law from the University of Turku, a Postgraduate Diploma/Common Professional Exam in Law from Oxford Brookes (UK), the Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice (LPC) from the Oxford Institute of Legal Practice and a PhD in Political Science from the University of Kiel (Germany).
Joachim’s research focuses on Global Security Governance, European foreign policy and diplomacy and inter-organizational relations in peace and security (including peacekeeping, peacebuilding, crisis management and the responsibility to protect) with particular emphasis on the role of the European Union, NATO and United Nations. In the area of higher education policy and management, he is interested in academic reform, innovative teaching, quality assurance and the future of global education.
Between 2009 and 2012 Joachim held several advisor positions at international organizations. In 2009, he served as the Lessons Learned Advisor of the Chief of Staff of the Standby High Readiness Brigade for United Nations Operations (SHIRBRIG), in 2012 he worked at the partnership unit of the UN’s Department of Peacekeeping Operations in New York as well as the United Nations Liaison Office for Peace and Security (UNLOPS) in Brussels. In addition, he served as a member of the Dual Use Expert Group of the European Commission’s Ethics Committee.
Recent publications include: The Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015, with Norrie MacQueen, Thierry Tardy and Paul D. Williams), The Palgrave Handbook of Inter-organizational Relations in World Politics (Palgrave, 2017, with Rafael Biermann), European Approaches to United Nations Peacekeeping: Towards Stronger Re-engagement? (Routledge, 2018, with Giulia Tercovich), The European Union as a Diplomatic Actor (Palgrave, 2014, with Gjovalin Macaj) and Operationalising he Responsibility to Protect (Palgrave 2014, with Daniel Fiott). He published on Peacekeeping, UN rapid reaction and EU-NATO relations in journals such as International Peacekeeping, Contemporary Security Policy and European Security.
Joachim is open to supervise PhD students in the fields of EU, NATO and UN approaches to peace and security, inter-organizational relations in theory and practice as well as peacekeeping, peacebuilding and crisis management.
Grants and awards
- Rutherford International Strategic Fellowship – University of Warwick Interdisciplinary Research on the Global Governance of Technology in Security 12,000 Euros (June 2018 – September 2018).
- European Leadership in Cultural, Science and Innovation Diplomacy (EL-CSID) Funded by European Commission Horizon 2020. Project participant with partial funding of 130.000 Euros (March 2016 – March 2019).
- The European Union’s Relations with the International Monetary Fund in Global Economic Governance. 12.000 Euros Study commissioned by the European Parliament (January 2015 – October 2015).
- Europe’s Return to UN Peacekeeping? Collaborative Research Network (CRN) sponsored by the University Association of Cotemporary European Studies (UACES) – in cooperation with 10 leading think tanks. 7000 Euros (June 2014 – June 2017).
- INFOCORE - (IN)FORMING CONFLICT PREVENTION, RESPONSE AND RESOLUTION: THE R OLE OF M EDIA IN VIOLENT CONFLICT FP7 Project funded by the European Commission – 243,000 Euros (January 2014 – January 2017). Command and Control in Peacekeeping and Crisis Management: A comparative Analysis of UN, EU and NATO Approaches Funded by the French Ministry of Defence – 14,000 Euros (November 2012 – June 2013).
- The European Union as a Diplomatic Actor: Policies, Processes and Performance, in cooperation with the Institute for European Studies (IES), Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Interdisciplinary research project, involving lecture series and contributions from academic and policy-oriented partners. Output: Lecture Series and Edited Volume (published with PalgraveMacMillan). 9.000 Euros. (December 2009 – August 2012).
- The EU as a Global Actor in the UN Reform Process in cooperation with the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome and with a grant from the Volkswagen Foundation; Researcher, Project Manager and Coordinator; The Project focuses on a comprehensive a nalysis of the EU’s role in the UN Reform process in the fields of Military Crisis Management, Peacebuilding and Human Rights 190.000 Euros (August 2007 – August 2010).
- 10 Years of SHIRBRIG: Past Lessons and Future Potentials of the United Nations Standby High Readiness Brigade. With an external grant (14.000 Euros) from the German Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt: Abteilung für Vereinte Nationen und Globale Fragen). Project Coordinator and Principal Researcher. Output: Report for the German Foreign Office. Public version published by the Global Public Policy Institute, Berlin (May 2007 – January 2008).
- Germany Ministry of Education – “Scholarship of Excellence for the Promotion of Young Talent” (Begabtenfoerderungswerk). Fully funded PhD Scholarship from the Germany Ministry of Education. 48.000 Euros ((April 2007 – April 2009).
Professor Security
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- War, Peace and Justice
- Koops J.A., Costea S., Pelosi G., Rishko V., Strelkov A., Tentler M. & (2025), Parliaments in the EU enlargement process: Strengthening capacities of accession country parliaments under the evolving enlargement methodology no. January 2025 - PE 754.467 . Brussels: European Parliament .
- Koops J.A. & Tentler M. (2024), Whither the global governance of protecting civilians? : An initial assessment of the ICJ’s decision on South Africa v. Israel of 26 january 2024. GGI Analysis no. 1/2024. Brussels: Global Governance Institute (Global Governance Institute ). [policy paper].
- Koops J.A., Muller E.R & Bakker E. (2024), International and Domestic Security Policy in the Netherlands. In: Lange S. de, Louwerse T., Hart P. 't & Ham C. van (Eds.). Oxford Handbooks Series. Oxford : Oxford University Press . 726 - 746.
- Koops J.A. & Patz C. (2023), NATO Allies and the Protection of Civilians: A Case Study of Germany’s PoC Preparedness Assessment: Discussing Germany’s comprehensive assessment of PoC readiness at the national level. Washington DC : Stimson Center . [policy paper].
- Koops J.A. & Maldonado M. (2023), Contributions of Latin America and the Caribbean to UN Peace Operations and Recommendations to Increase this Participation. New York / Brussels: United Nations & Global Governance Institute .
- Koops J.A. & Pacheco Pardo R. (2023), The Strategic Compass: Implementing the partnership dimension in the area of security and defence (European Parliament ). [briefing paper].
- Koops J.A. & et al. (2023), A Comprehensive Mapping of National Higher Education Teaching Qualification Schemes, Requirements and Provisions for the Promotion and Reward of Teaching Excellence . The Hague: European Network on Teaching Excellence (E-NOTE).
- Koops J.A. & et al. (2023), Best Practice Guidelines on the Curriculum Development Evaluation, Reward and Promotion of Teaching Excellence, including Doctoral Supervision. The Hague : European Network on Teaching Excellence (E-NOTE).
- Nexø Jensen H., Koops J.A. & et al. (2023), Standards, Training and Rewards of Teaching Excellence Across Europe: The Implementation and Evaluation of a Pilot Common Teaching Qualification Scheme and Training Course for Higher Education and Measures for Rewarding and Promoting Teaching Excellence in 4 European Universities. The Hague : European Network on Teaching Excellence (E-NOTE).
- Koops J.A. & Patz C. (2022), UN, EU, NATO Approaches to the Protection of Civilians: Policies, Implementation and Comparative Advantages (International Peace Institute ). [policy paper].
- Colomé-Menéndez D., Koops J.A. & Weggemans D. (2021), A country of immigrants no more? The securitization of immigration in the National Security Strategies of the United States of America, Global Affairs : .
- Vériter S.L., Kaminska M.K., Broeders D.W.J. & Koops J.A. (2021), Responding to the COVID-19 ‘infodemic’: national countermeasures against information influence in Europe. The Hague: The Hague Program for Cyber Norms.
- Koops J.A. & Vériter S.L. (2021), The Netherlands' approach to EU CSDP and UN peacekeeping operations: assessing a “big small power” in European and global security. In: Weiss T. & Edwards G. (Eds.), Small states and security in Europe: between national and international policymaking. London: Routledge. 137-154.
- Piros S. & Koops J.A. (2020), Towards a Sustainable Approach to EU Education Diplomacy? The Case of Capacity-Building in the Eastern Neighbourhood. In: Carta C. & Higgott R. (Eds.), Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: Between the Domestic and the International. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 113 - 138.
- Tercovich G. (2020), Shaping the European External Action Service and its post-Lisbon crisis management structures: an assessment of the EU High Representatives’ political leadership, European Security 29(3): 275-300.
- Veriter S.L., Bjola C. & Koops J.A. (2020), Tackling COVID-19 Disinformation: Internal and External Challenges for the European Union, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 15(4): 569-582.
- Koops J.A. & Novosseloff A. (2019), United Nations Rapid Reaction Mechanisms: From SHIRBRIG to a UN Vanguard Force. In: Karlsrud J. & Reykers Y. (Eds.), Multinational Rapid Response Mechanisms: From Institutional Proliferation to Institutional Exploitation. London: Routledge. 75-91.
- Koops J.A. & Tercovich G. (2018), European Approaches to United Nations Peacekeeping: Towards a stronger Re-engagement?. London: Routledge.
- Koops J. & Tercovich G. (2018), Introduction: A European return to United Nations peacekeeping? Opportunities, challenges and ways ahead. In: Koops J.A. & Tercovich G. (Eds.), European Approaches to United Nations Peacekeeping Towards a stronger Re-engagement?. London: Routledge.
- Koops J.A. (2018), Germany and United Nations peacekeeping: the cautiously evolving contributor. In: Koops J.A. & Tercovich G. (Eds.), European Approaches to United Nations Peacekeeping: Towards a stronger Re-engagement?. London: Routledge.
- Koops J.A. & Novosseloff A. (2017), United Nations Rapid Reaction Mechanisms: Toward a Global Force on Standby?, Contemporary Security Policy 38(2): 427-442.
- Koops J.A. (2017), Theorizing Inter-Organizational Relations: The "EU-NATO Relationship" as a Catalytic Case Study, European Security 26(3): 315-339.
- Biermann R. & Koops J.A. (2017), Palgrave Handbook of Inter-Organizational Relations in World Politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Biermann R. & Koops J.A. (2017), Studying Relations Among International Organizations in World Politics: Concepts and Challenges. In: Biermann R. & Koops J.A. (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Inter-Organisational Relations in World Politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 1-46.
- Koops J.A. (2017), Inter-Organizationalism in International Relations: A Multilevel Framework of Analysis. In: Biermann R. & Koops J.A. (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Inter-Organisational Relations in World Politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 189-216.
- Biermann R. & Koops J.A. (2017), Conclusions. In: Biermann R. & Koops J.A. (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Inter-Organisational Relations in World Politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 677-696.
- Koops J.A. (2016), Germany and United Nations Peacekeeping: The Cautiously Evolving Contributor, International peacekeeping 23(5): 652-680.
- Koops J.A. (2016), A European return to United Nations peacekeeping? Opportunities, challenges and ways ahead, International peacekeeping 23(5): .
- Koops J.A., MacQueen N., Tardy T. & Williams P.D. (2015), The Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford Handbooks in Politics & International Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Koops J.A. & Macaj G. (2015), The European Union as a Diplomatic Actor. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Fiott D. & Koops J.A. (2015), The Responsibility to Protect and the Third Pillar: Legitimacy and Operationalization. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Koops J.A. & Tardy T. (2015), The United Nations’ Inter-organizational Relations in Peacekeeping. In: Koops J.A., MacQueen N., Tardy T. & Williams P.D. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook on United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 60-76.
- Koops J.A., MacQueen N., Tardy T. & Williams P.D. (2015), Introduction: The United Nations and Peacekeeping. In: Koops J.A., MacQueen N., Tardy T. & Williams P.D. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook on United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1-9.
- Koops J.A., MacQueen N., Tardy T. & Williams P.D. (2015), Introduction: The Early Experiences - 1948 - 1963. In: Koops J.A., MacQueen N., Tardy T. & Williams P.D. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook on United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 113-120.
- Koops J.A. (2015), United Nations Observer Group in Central America (ONUCA). In: Koops J.A., MacQueen N., Tardy T. & Williams P.D. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook on United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 306-313.
- Koops J.A. (2015), United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan (UNMOT). In: Koops J.A., MacQueen N., Tardy T. & Williams P.D. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook on United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 492 - 499.
- Juergenliemk H. & Koops J.A. (2015), United Nations Aouzou Strip Oberver Group (UNASOG). In: Koops J.A., MacQueen N., Tardy T. & Williams P.D. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook on United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 484-491.
- Koops J.A., MacQueen N., Tardy T. & Williams P.D. (2015), Cold War peacekeeping: 1964-1987. In: Koops J.A., MacQueen N., Tardy T. & Williams P.D. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook on United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 189-196.
- Koops J.A., MacQueen N., Tardy T. & Williams P.D. (2015), Post-Cold war Peacekeeping: 1988-1998. In: Koops J.A., MacQueen N., Tardy T. & Williams P.D. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook on United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 261-268.
- Koops J.A., MacQueen N., Tardy T. & Williams P.D. (2015), Peacekeeping in the Twenty-First Century: 1999-2013. In: Koops J.A., MacQueen N., Tardy T. & Williams P.D. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook on United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 607-616.
- Fiott D. & Koops J.A. (2015), Introduction. In: Fiott D. & Koops J.A. (Eds.), The Responsibility to Protect and the Third Pillar: Legitimacy and Operationalization. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 1-3.
- Koops J.A. & Macaj G. (2015), Introduction: The European Union as a Diplomatic Actor. In: Koops J.A. & Macaj G. (Eds.), The European Union as a Diplomatic Actor. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 1-10.
- Willigen N. van & Koops J.A. (2015), The European Union's Relationship with NATO and the OSCE. In: Jorgensen K.E., Aarstad A.K., Drieskens E., Laatikainen K. & Tonra B. (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of European Foreign Policy. London: SAGE. 736-749.
- Koops J. & Tolksdorf D. (2015), The European Union's Role in International Economic Fora: The IMF no. 4. Brussels: European Parliament - Policy Department A: Economic and Scientific Policy.
- Koops J.A., Shahin J., Smythe C., Tercovich G. & Vandebriel Z. (2013), The EU and the GCC in Global Governance: Limitations and Future Potential. Geneva: Gulf Research Center.
- Koops J.A. (2012), Inter-organizational Approaches. In: Jorgensen K.E. & Laatikainen K.V. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on the European Union and International Institutions. London: Routledge. 71-85.
- Koops J.A. (2012), NATO’s Influence on the Evolution of the European Union as an International Security Actor. In: Jorgensen K.E. & Costa O. (Eds.), The Influence of International Institutions on the EU: When Multilateralism hits Brussels. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 155-185.
- Koops J.A. (2012), The European Union's Relations with Core International Organizations: The Track-Record So Far. In: Roy J. (Ed.), he State of the Union(s): The Eurozone Crisis, Comparative Regional Integration and the EU Model. Florida: Miami University Jean Monnet Center of Excellence.
- Koops J.A. (2012), Peace Operation Partnerships: Assessing Cooperation Mechanisms between Secretariats. Berlin: Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF).
- Koops J.A. & Drieskens E. (2012), Peacekeeping Contributor Profile: Belgium. New York: Providing for Peacekeeping (International Peace Institute). [policy paper].
- Fiott D., Zuber R. & Koops J.A. (2012), Operationalizing the Responsibility to Protect: A Contribution to the Third Pillar Approach. Madariage Papers. Brussels: Madariaga – College of Europe Foundation, Global Action to Prevent War, the Global Governance Institute and the International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect.
- Koops J.A. (2011), The European Union as an Integrative Power: Assessing the Eu's 'Effective Multilateralism' towards NATO and the United Nations no. 16. Brussels: Brussels University Press.
- Macaj G. & Koops J.A. (2011), Inconvenient multilateralism. The challenges of the EU as a player in the United Nations Human Rights Council. In: Wetzel J. (Ed.), The EU as a "Global Player" in Human Rights. London: Routledge. 66-82.
- Koops J.A. (2011), Das Ende der multinationalen UN-Eingreiftruppe (SHIRBRIG): Hintergrunde, Lehren und Konsequenzen, German Review on the United Nations 59(1): 15-21.
- Koops J.A. (2010), Unstrategic Partners: NATO and the European Union. In: Kremp W. & Meyer B. (Eds.), Entangling Alliance: 60 Jahre NATO. Trier: Trierer Wissenschaftsverlag.
- Koops J.A. (2010), Effective Multilateralism in Peacekeeping, Capacity-Building and Crisis Management:: The Challenge of Inter organizational Cooperation (University of Kiel / Instituto Affari Internazionali). [other].
- Varwick J. & Koops J.A. (2009), The European Union and NATO: 'Shrewd Interorganizationalism' in the Making?. In: Jorgensen K.E. (Ed.), The European Union and International Organisations. London: Routledge. 101-130.
- Koops J. (2009), Effective Inter-organizationalism? Lessons Learned from the Standby High Readiness Brigade for United Nations Operations, Studia Diplomatica - The Brussels Journal of International Relations 62(3): 81-90.
- Koops J. (2009), Introduction: Military Crisis Management - the Challenge of Inter-organizationalism, Studia Diplomatica 62(3): 3-6.
- Mosgaard K., Tatschl C., Koops J.A., Øiseth O., Dane D., Klint B., Holmström C., Jarmuzek R., Tamai S., Klukowski C., Klemenade C., Savu T., York J., Pardo de Santayana José., Dolgan J., Kristofferssen P., Svaneberg J. & Larsen H.H. (2009), SHIRBRIG Lessons Learned Report. Hovelte: SHIRBRIG.
- Koops J.A. & Varwick J. (2008), Ten Years of SHIRBRIG: Lessons Learned: Lessons Learned, Development Prospects and Strategic Opportunities for Germany. Berlin: Global Public Policy Institute (GPPI).
- Koops J.A. (2008), Towards Effective and Integrative Inter-Organizationalism. In: Brockmann K., Hauck H.B. & Reigeluth S. (Eds.), From Conflict to Regional Stability: Linking Security and Development. Berlin: Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Auswaertige Politik (DGAP). 23-31.
- Varwick J. & Koops J. (2007), Exporting Stability or Importing Instability? The European Union at the Crossroads. In: Varwick J. & Lang K.O. (Eds.), European Neighbourhood Policy: Challenges for the EU-Policy towards the New Neighbours. Baden-Baden: Barbara Budrich. 141-158.
- Koops J.A. (2007), UN SHIRBRIG and EU Battelegroups: Recommendation to the European Union and the United Nations. Oxford: Oxford Council on Good Governance.
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