Universiteit Leiden

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Jelmer Schalk


Dr. J. Schalk
+31 70 800 9500

Jelmer Schalk, PhD, is an expert on inter-organizational networks in the public sector. His primary aim is to inform policy makers and practitioners about how to manage their networks more effectively. His research focuses on the structure and management of interdependencies between public and private organizations at multiple levels of government, and their effects on policy and performance outcomes. He specializes in applying advanced social network analytical techniques to real-world problems of collaboration, in particular in the healthcare, education, and sustainability sectors.

More information about Jelmer Schalk

Jelmer Schalk, PhD, is an expert on inter-organizational networks in the public sector. His primary aim is to inform policy makers and practitioners about how to manage their networks more effectively. His research focuses on the structure and management of interdependencies between public and private organizations at multiple levels of government, and their effects on policy and performance outcomes. He specializes in applying advanced social network analytical techniques to real-world problems of collaboration, in particular in the healthcare, education, and sustainability sectors.

Jelmer obtained his PhD in sociology from the Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology (ICS) at Utrecht University. After having obtained his Master of Science degree in with distinction (cum laude), he was employed by the City Council of The Hague, in the Department of Spatial Planning. During his PhD research he was a visiting scholar at the Eller School of Management at the University of Arizona (with prof. Keith Provan) and a research fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP). He was a visiting scholar at American University (School of Public Affairs) and Carleton University (School of Public Policy & Administration).

Currently, Jelmer teaches the course Networking for Performance in the master Public Administration, and Methods and Statistics in the Bachelor. He also teaches courses in the masters Governance of Sustainability and ICT in Business (Science Faculty). He has taught courses in Sociology, Complex Decision Making, Research Design, Public Management, and Social Network Analysis in various programmes at different universities, including Utrecht University and Tilburg University, since 2004. Together with Maarja Beerkens, he has developed a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Healthcare Governance.

Jelmer’s research focuses on the structure and management of interdependencies (networks) between different types of public sector organizations at multiple levels of government, and their effects on performance outcomes. His work has appeared in various leading international journals, including Regulation and Governance, European Union Politics, Global Networks, and The Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. See the links to all publications under the Publications tab.


  • Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
  • Instituut Bestuurskunde

Work address

Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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