Leiden Leadership Lunch: COVID-crisis or COVID-opportunity?
Building on the idea to “never waste a good crisis” the Leiden Leadership Centre reflected on what we can learn from the COVID-crisis and what kind of leadership opportunities we can identify during the Leiden Leadership Lunch of Friday 12 March. The luncht was the first of a three-part series of events focussing on 'Leadership opportunities in times of crisis'.

During this session 20 academics and practitioners joined online to hear Dr. Sietse Wieringa and Dr. Jelmer Schalk share their insights from the research project ‘COVID-crisis or COVID-opportunity? Adaptive and learning governance in the LUMC and the region’
Based on an academic collaboration between the Leiden University Medical Center and the Institute of Public Administration, research has been conducted on leadership in the domain of health care in times of crisis. The lessons drawn from this research indicate the importance of adaptive and learning governance where there is a need for top-down direction but also sufficient room for reflection, flexibility and cooperation. Effective learning is essential to adapt to the constantly changing environment that characterises any crisis.
More information on this Leiden Leadership Lunch can be found in the Dutch newsarticle.