Ingrid van Biezen
Professor of Comparative Politics
- Name
- Prof.dr. I.C. van Biezen
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3779
- 0000-0002-7124-2002
Ingrid van Biezen is Professor in Comparative Politics at the Institute of Political Science.
More information about Ingrid van Biezen
Selected publications
PhD candidates
Short CV
Ingrid van Biezen is Professor in Comparative Politics. She studied at Leiden University, from which she also received her PhD. She has subsequently worked at the University of Birmingham and has been a visiting professor at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore and a research fellow at Yale University and the University of California, Irvine.
› Curriculum vitae & publications Ingrid van Biezen (PDF)
Her research interests lie primarily in the field of comparative politics, political parties and party systems, and democratisation and institutional development. Her current research concentrates primarily on the various empirical and normative dimensions of party regulation and its implications for modern party democracy. In this context, she recently directed a large-scale research project Re-conceptualising party democracy, funded by the European Research Council.
More information about the project can be found on
PhD supervision
Ingrid van Biezen is available to supervise PhD students and invites PhD candidates to send research proposals in the areas of:
- Comparative politics
- Political parties and party systems
- Democracy and democratisation
See more information on PhD positions:
Professor of Comparative Politics
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Politieke Wetenschap
- Roon C. de, Otjes S.P., Biezen I.C. van & Louwerse T.P. (2023), Piepen de jongen zoals de ouden zingen?: Politieke jongerenorganisaties in Nederland in de jaren 1980 en de jaren 2010 vergeleken. In: Borgman W., Jansen R., Kessel A. van, Kroeze R., Ramakers J., Smit D. & Steenbergen L. (Eds.), Een kwestie van tijd: de factor tijd in de politiek. Jaarboek Parlementaire Geschiedenis. Amsterdam: Boom. 68-78.
- Biezen I.C. van & Casal-Bértoa F. (2022), Plus ça change: party regulation in Portugal (1974-2020). In: Magalhães P., Costa Pinto A. & Alves Fernandes J.M. (Eds.), Oxford handbook of Portuguese politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 388-404.
- Biezen I.C. van (2020), De interne organisatie van politieke partijen in Nederland: Een vergelijking van de formele verenigingsregels.
- Van Biezen I. & Casal-Bértoa F. (Eds.) (2017), Routledge Studies on Political Parties and Party Systems: Routledge.
- Van Biezen I. & Casal-Bértoa F. (Eds.) (2017), The Regulation of Post-Communist Party Politics: Routledge.
- Casal-Bértoa F. & van Biezen (2017), Introduction. Party Regulation and Party Politics in Post-Communist Europe. In: Biezen I. van & Casal-Bértoa F. (Eds.), The Regulation of Post-Communist Party Politics: Routledge.
- Van Biezen I. & Kopecky P. (2017), The Paradox of Party Funding: The Limited Impact of State Subsidies on Party Membership. In: Scarrow S.E., Webb P.D. & Poguntke T. (Eds.), Organizing Political Parties: Participation, Representation and Power. Oxford: OUP. 84-105.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2017), De financiering van politieke partijen – een internationale vergelijking. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.
- Van Biezen I. & Vliegenthart R. (Eds.) (2016), Acta Politica (co-editor journal). Acta Politica.
- Van Biezen I. & Casal-Bértoa F. (Eds.) (2016), Routledge Studies on Political Parties and Party Systems: Routledge.
- Poguntke T., Scarrow S., Webb P., Allern E.H., Aylott N., Van Biezen I., Calossi E., Costa Lobo M., Cross W.P., Deschouwer K., Enyedi Z., Fabre E., Farrell D.M., Gauja A., Pizzimenti E., Kopecky P., Koole R., Kosiara-Pedersen K., Müller W.C., Rahat G., Szczerbiak A., Van Haute E. & Verge T. (2016), Party rules, party resources and the politics of parliamentary democracies: How parties organize in the 21st century, Party Politics 22(6): 661-678.
- Van Biezen I.C. & Aarts K. (2016), Editorial: Looking back at fifty years Acta Politica, Acta Politica 51(1): 1-12.
- Van Biezen I. (2016), Partijlidmaatschap: Van partijleden, de dingen die voorbijgaan…. In: Groen A. in ’t, Roon C. de & Slaman P. (Eds.), Leids-Haags Allegorieënlexicon. Delft: Eburon. 261-270.
- Piccio D. & Van Biezen I. (2015), More, and more inclusive, regulation: The legal parameters of public funding. In: Boatright R.G. (Ed.), The deregulatory moment? A comparative perspective on changing campaign finance laws. Michigan: University of Michigan Press. 200-219.
- Van Biezen I. & Vliegenthart R. (Eds.) (2015), Acta politica. Acta Politica.
- Van Biezen I. & Kopecky P. (2015), Patterns of party funding in European democracies: state subsidies and the party organization. Paper presented at the ECPR General Conference, Montreal, 26-29 August 2015. ECPR General Conference 26 August 2015 - 29 August 2015. Montreal.
- Van Biezen I. (2015), The juridification of party politics: On the legal status and functions of political parties’, paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions, Warsaw, 29 March-2 April 2015. ECPR Joint Sessions 29 March 2015 - 2 April 2015. Warsaw.
- Piccio D.R. & Van Biezen I. (2015), Political finance legislation and political competition: levelling the playing field? Paper presented at the joint meeting of the IPSA Research Committee on Political Finance and Political Corruption (RC20) and the French Political Science Association, Aix-en-Provence, 22-24 June 2015. .
- Van Biezen I.C. (2014), The end of party democracy as we know it? A tribute to Peter Mair, Irish Political Studies 29(2): 177-193.
- Van Biezen I.C. & Poguntke T. (2014), The decline of membership-based politics, Party Politics 20(2): 205-216.
- Van Biezen I.C. & Ten Napel H.M. (2014), Regulating political parties: The Netherlands in comparative perspective. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2014), Partijen en democratie: Revitaliseren of herdefiniëren?. In: Lange S.L. de, Leyenaar M. & Jong P. de (Eds.), Politieke partijen: Overbodig of nodig?. Den Haag: Raad voor het openbaar bestuur. 31-42.
- Van Biezen I.C. & Ten Napel H.M. (2014), The constitutionalization of political parties in post-war Europe’. In: Biezen I.C. van & Napel H.M. ten (Eds.), Regulating political parties: The Netherlands in comparative perspective. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Casal-Bértoa F. & Van Biezen I.C. (Eds.) (2014), . East European Politics.
- Rashkova E.R. & Van Biezen I. (Eds.) (2014), . International Political Science Review.
- Van Biezen I.C. (Ed.) (2014), On parties, party systems and democracy: Selected writings of Peter Mair. Colchester: ECPR Press.
- Napel Hans-Martien ten & Biezen I.C. van (Eds.) (2014), Regulating Political Parties. European Democracies in Comparative Perspective. Leiden: Leiden University Prerss.
- Van Biezen I.C. & Casal-Bértoa F. (Eds.) (2014), . South European Society and Politics.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2014), Introduction. In: Biezen I.C. van (Ed.), Regulating Political Parties. European Democracies in Comparative Perspective. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 7-15.
- Casal-Bértoa F. & Van Biezen I. (2014), Party regulation and party politics in post-communist Europe, East European Politics 30(3): 295-314.
- Rashkova E.R. & Van Biezen I.C. (2014), The legal regulation of political parties: Contesting or promoting legitimacy, International Political Science Review 35(3): 265-274.
- Van Biezen I.C. & Casal-Bértoa F. (2014), Party regulation in post-authoritarian contexts: Southern Europe in comparative perspective, South European Society and Politics 19(1): 71-87.
- Van Biezen I.C. & Rashkova E. (2014), Deterring new party entry? The impact of state regulation on the permeability of party systems, Party Politics 20(6): 890-903.
- Van Biezen I.C. & Kopecky P. (2014), The cartel party and the state: Party–state linkages in European democracies, Party Politics 20(2): 170-182.
- Van Biezen I.C. & Wallace H. (Eds.) (2013), . Government and Opposition.
- Van Biezen I.C. & Piccio D. (2013), Shaping intra-party democracy: On the legal regulation of internal party organizations. In: Cross W.P. & Katz R.S. (Eds.), The Challenges of Intra-Party Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 27-48.
- Van Biezen I.C. (Ed.) (2013), . Acta Politica.
- Van Biezen I.C. & Rashkova E.R. (2013), Guest editor Journal Representation 49 (4 SI Gender Politics and Party Regulation: Quotas and Beyond). . [other].
- Van Biezen I.C. & Wallace H. (2013), Old and New Oppositions in Contemporary Europe, Government and Opposition 48(3): 289-313.
- Van Biezen I.C. & Rashkova E.R. (2013), Introduction. Gender politics and party regulation: Quotas and beyond, Representation 49(4): 393-400.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2012), Constitutionalizing Party Democracy: The Constitutive Codification of Political Parties in Post-war Europe, British Journal of Political Science 42: 187-212.
- Biezen I.C. van & Molenaar F.F. (2012), The Europeanisation of Party Politics? Competing Regulatory Paradigms at the Supranational Level, West European Politics 35(3): 632-656.
- Van Biezen I.C. & Borz G. (2012), Models of Party Democracy: Patterns of Party Regulation in Post-War European Constitutions, European Political Science Review 4(3): 327-359.
- Van Biezen I.C., Mair P. & Poguntke T. (2012), Going, going, . . . gone? The decline of party membership in contemporary Europe, 51(1): 24-56.
- Van Biezen I.C., Mair P. & Poguntke T. (2012), Iet, wiet, waait, … weg? De afname van partijlidmaatschap in hedendaags Europa, Res Publica 54(3): 387-390.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2012), Constitutionalizing Party Democracy: The Constitutive Codification of Political Parties in Post-war Europe, British Journal of Political Science 42(1): 187-212.
- Van Biezen I.C., Katz R.S. & Koole R.A. (2011), Peter Mair and the Political Data Yearbook, 50(7-8): 867-868.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2011), Overheid en interne partijdemocratie, Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus (ACS) 21(2): 18-23.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2010), De maakbare partijendemocratie? Over de (grond)wettelijke regulering van politieke partijen, Res Publica 52(4): 513-530.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2010), Campaign and party finance. In: LeDuc L., Niemi R.G. & Norris P. (Eds.), Comparing democracies: elections and voting in global perspective 3rd ed.. London: Sage. 65-84.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2010), Political Parties as Public Utilities. In: Johnston M. (Ed.), Public Sector Corruption, vol.2. London: Sage.
- Van Biezen I.C. & Molenaar M. (2010), The Europeanization of Party Regulation. [other].
- Van Biezen I.C. (2010) Review of Michael Bruter and Sarah Harrison, The Future of Our Democracies: Young Party Members in Europe. Review of: (2009), The Future of Our Democracies: Young Party Members in Europe no. 6. Basingstoke: Palgrave. West European Politics 33: 1397-1398.
- Bale T. & Van Biezen I.C. (Eds.) (2009), Political Data Yearbook / European Journal of Political Research. London: Wiley InterScience Journals.
- Van Biezen I.C., Mair P. & Poguntke T. (2009), Going, Going, ... Gone? Party Membership in the 21st Century. [other].
- Van Biezen I.C. & Borz G. (2009), Patterns of Party Regulation in post-war European Constitutions. [other].
- Van Biezen I.C. (2009), Constitutionalizing Party Democracy: The Constitutive Codification of Political Parties in Post-War Europe. [other].
- Van Biezen I.C. & Borz G. (2009), The place of political parties in national constitutions: A European overview. [other].
- Bale T. & Van Biezen I.C. (2009), Political data in 2008, 48(7-8): 859-873.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2008), Party Regulation and Constitutionalization: A Comparative Overview. In: Nordlund P. & Reilly B. (Eds.), Political Parties and Democracy in Conflict-Prone Societies: Regulation, Engineering and Democratic Development. Tokyo: UN University Press. 25-47.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2008), Party Development in Democratic Spain: ‘Life-cycle, Generation or Period Effect?'. In: Field B. & Hamann K. (Eds.), Democracy and Institutional Development: Spain in Comparative Theoretical Perspective, 1997-2007. London: Palgrave. 23-43.
- Van Biezen I.C. (Ed.) (2008), . European Review.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2008) Review of Peter Burnell - Globalising Democracy: Party Politics in Emerging Democracies. Review of: Burnell P. (2006), Globalising Democracy: Party Politics in Emerging Democracies no. 1. London: Routledge. Democratization 15: 187-189.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2008) Review of Conor O’Dwyer - Runaway State-Building: Patronage Politics and Democratic Development. Review of: O'Dwyer C. (2006), Runaway State-Building: Patronage Politics and Democratic Development no. 1. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. Slavonic and East European Review 4: 764-766.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2008), The State of the Parties: Party Democracy in the Twenty-First Century, European Review 16(3): 263-269.
- Bale T. & Van Biezen I.C. (2008), Political Data in 2007, 47(7-8): 877-891.
- Van Biezen I.C. & Saward M. (2008), ‘Democratic Theorists and Party Scholars: Why they don’t talk to each other, and why they should, Perspectives on Politics 6(1): 21-35.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2008), State Intervention in Party Politics: The Public Funding and Regulation of Political Parties, European Review 16(3): 33763-353.
- Van Biezen I.C. & Hopkin J. (2007), Spain and Portugal. In: Hay C. & Menon A. (Eds.), European Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 101-116.
- Bale T. & Van Biezen I.C. (2007), Political Data in 2006, 46(7-8): 853-866.
- Van Biezen I.C. & Kopecký P. (2007), The State and the Parties: Public Funding, Public Regulation and Rent-Seeking in Contemporary Democracies, Party Politics 13(2): 235-254.
- Van Biezen I.C. & Katz R.S. (2007), (Non) Comparative Politics in Britain, 45(7-8): 1023-1034.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2006), Political Parties. In: Tate N.C. (Ed.), Governments of the World: A Global Guide to Citizens' Rights and Responsibilities. Detroit, MI: Macmillan Reference USA.
- Mair P. & Van Biezen I.C. (2006), Political Parties. In: Heywood P.M., Jones E., Rhodes M. & Sedelmeier U. (Eds.), Developments in European Politics. London: Palgrave. 97-116.
- Van Biezen I.C. & Hopkin J. (2006), Party Organisation in Multi-Level Contexts. In: Hough D. & Jeffery C. (Eds.), Devolution and Electoral Politics. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 14-36.
- Kopecky P. & Van Biezen I.C. (2006), Political party development and party regulation: An overview. [other].
- Van Biezen I.C. (2006) Manifestos move East. Review of: Klingemann H. & Volkens A. (2006), Mapping Policy Preferences II: Estimates for Parties, Electors, and Governments, in Eastern Europe, European Union and OECD 1990-2003 no. 4. Oxford: Oxford University Press. European Political Science 6: 446-449.
- Katz R.S. & Van Biezen I.C. (2006), Political Data in 2005, 45(7-8): 1023-1034.
- Van Biezen I.C. & Hopkin J. (2005), The Presidentialization of Spanish Democracy: Sources of Prime Ministerial Power in Post-Franco Spain. In: Poguntke T. & Webb P. (Eds.), The Presidentialization of Politics: A Comparative Study of Modern Democracies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 107-127.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2005), On the Theory and Practice of Party Formation and Adaptation in New Democracies, 44(1): 147-174.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2005), Terrorism and Democratic Legitimacy: Conflicting Interpretations of the Spanish Elections, Mediterranean Politics 10(1): 99-108.
- Katz R.S. & Van Biezen I.C. (2005), Political Data in 2004, 44(7-8): 919-928.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2004), Finanziamento dei partiti politici e delle campagne elettorali – Linee direttrici. Ancona: Sapere 2000 Ediz. Multimediali.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2004) Review of Paul Gready - Political Transition: Politics and Cultures. Review of: Gready P., Political Transition: Politics and Cultures no. 3. London: Pluto Press. Democratization 11: 165-166.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2004) Review of Hubert Tworzecki - Learning to Choose: Electoral Politics in East-Central Europe. Review of: Tworzecki H. (2003), Learning to Choose: Electoral Politics in East-Central Europe no. 2. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Democratization 11: 130-131.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2004), The Long and Winding Road to Democracy in Spain, Mediterranean Politics 9(1): 127-134.
- Katz R.S. & Van Biezen I.C. (2004), Political Data in 2003, 43(7-8): 919-926.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2004), ‘Political Parties as Public Utilities, Party Politics 10(6): 701-722.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2003), Financing Political Parties and Election Campaigns – Guidelines. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2003), Financement des partis politiques et des campagnes électorales – Lignes directrices. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2003), Political Parties in New Democracies: Party Organization in Southern and East-Central Europe. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Kopecky P. & Van Biezen I.C. (2003), On the predominance of state money: Reassessing party financing in new democracies of Southern and Eastern Europe. In: Lewis P.G. & Webb P. (Eds.), Pan-European Perspectives on Party Politics. Leiden: Brill. 97-125.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2003) Review of Kurt Richard Luther and Ferdinand Müller-Rommel - Political Parties in the New Europe: Political and Analytical Challenges. Review of: Luther K.R. & Müller-Rommel F. (2002), Political Parties in the New Europe: Political and Analytical Challenges no. 3. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Political Studies Review 1: 495-496.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2003), The Place of Parties in Contemporary Democracies, West European Politics 26(3): 171-184.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2002) Review of Alfred Stepan - Arguing Comparative Politics. Review of: Stepan A. (2001), Arguing Comparative Politics no. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Democratization 9: 212-214.
- Van Biezen I.C. & Nassmacher K. (2001), Political Finance in Southern Europe: Italy, Portugal and Spain. In: Nassmacher K. (Ed.), Foundations for Democracy: Approaches to Comparative Political Finance. Baden-Baden: Nomos. 131-154.
- Van Biezen I.C. (13 September 2001), Party Organization in New Democracies. Southern and Eastern Europe Compared (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Leiden: UFB. Supervisor(s): Mair P.
- Kopecky P. & Van Biezen I.C. (2001), On the predominance of state money: Reassessing party financing in new democracies of Southern and Eastern Europe, Perspectives on European Politics and Society 2(3): 401-429.
- Mair P. & Van Biezen I.C. (2001), Party Membership in Twenty European Democracies, 1980-2000, Party Politics 7(1): 5-21.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2000), Party Financing in New Democracies: Spain and Portugal, Party Politics 6(3): 329-342.
- Van Biezen I.C. (2000), On the Internal Balance of Party Power: Party Organizations in New Democracies, Party Politics 6(4): 395-417.
- Van Biezen I.C. (1999), A párthatalom belső egyensúlyáról: pártok az új demokráciákban [On the Internal Balance of Party Power: Party Organizations in New Democracies], Politikatudományi Szemle 8(3): 31-51.
- Van Biezen I.C. (1998), Verkiezingen in Paraguay: Verslag van een waarnemer, Facta 6(6): 12-15.
- Van Biezen I.C. (1998), Building Party Organisations and Relevance of Past Models : the Communist and Socialist Parties in Spain and Portugal, West European Politics 2(21): 32-62.
- Van Biezen I.C. (1998), Sobre o Equilíbrio Interno do Poder: as Organizações Partidárias nas Novas Democracias [On the Internal Balance of Party Power: Party Organizations in New Democracies], Análise Social 33(148): 685-708.
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- Honorary faculty member