Universiteit Leiden

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Hester Bijl

Rector Magnificus

Prof.dr.ir. H. Bijl
+31 71 527 3057

Professor Hester Bijl is Rector Magnificus of Leiden University.

More information about Hester Bijl

Hester Bijl is rector magnificus of Leiden University. In this capacity, she is responsible for: 

  • Academic teaching
  • Scientific research
  • Professorial appointments
  • Academic integrity
  • Knowledge security
  • Partnerships LERU and UNA Europe
  • Development of Leiden Bio Science Park 

Hester Bijl is Professor of Numerical Mathematics at the Mathematical Institute of the Faculty of Science. She is also a member of the Supervisory Board of TNO and commissioner of Impuls Zeeland, the Regional Development Agency. Bijl is also a board member of the Leiden Bio Science Park.  

Hester Bijl studied Applied Mathematics at Delft University of Technology, where she also obtained a PhD in numerical mathematics in 1999. She also obtained a master's degree in English Language and Literature from Leiden University. For her research on applications of numerical fluid dynamics in aerospace and wind energy technology, she received, among other things, person-oriented grants from NWO. She was a member of the first cohort of the Young Academy of the KNAW and also served on its board. From 1999 to 2003, she was a visiting researcher at NASA Langley Research Center for several periods. 

Before coming to Leiden in 2016, where she was appointed vice-rector magnificus, Bijl spent 17 years at Delft University of Technology's Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, where she eventually held the position of dean.

Rector Magnificus

  • College van Bestuur

Work address

Oude UB
Rapenburg 70
2311 EZ Leiden
Room number A.2.06


Professor Numerical mathematics

  • Science
  • Mathematisch Instituut
  • Mathematisch Instituut

Work address

Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden


  • TNO Lid Raad van Toezicht
  • Stichting Leiden Bio Science Park Lid bestuur
  • Libertatis Ergo Holding (LEH) Bestuurder van de enig aandeelhouder
  • Stichting Universitair Sportcentrum Universiteit Leiden Lid Raad van Toezicht
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