Helena Vrabec
Guest Researcher
- Name
- Dr. H.U. Vrabec LLM
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 8838
- h.u.vrabec@law.leidenuniv.nl

Dr. Helena U. Vrabec is a visiting researcher at eLaw.
More information about Helena Vrabec
Leiden Law Blog
Dr. Helena U. Vrabec is a visiting researcher at eLaw. She holds a master’s degree in law from Ljubljana University (2013), an LLM from Tilburg University (2014) and a PhD in data protection law from Leiden University (2019).
In 2018 Dr Vrabec served as a resident fellow at Yale Law School and was part of the research center Information Society Project, supervised by Prof. Dr. Jack Balkin. Before her time at Yale, she worked three years as a researcher and a PhD candidate at Leiden Law School (the Netherlands). During the years in Leiden she also served as a European Commission ethics expert and gave lectures on privacy law for students and legal professionals. Prior to that, she worked as a privacy advisor for Ernst & Young in Amsterdam where she collaborated with the world’s leading corporations on implementing data protection mechanisms.
Dr Vrabec regularly publishes in peer-reviewed journals on the topics in relation to data protection, big data and law & technology, and gives talks at national and international conferences. For her academic achievements she was awarded several academic grants and awards, among others the Fulbright and the Meijers prize.
Dr Helena U Vrabec is currently based in New York where she is a member of the legal team at Palantir Technologies.
Guest Researcher
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Metajuridica
- eLaw@Leiden
- Custers B.H.M. & Vrabec H.U. (2024), Tell me something new: data subject rights applied to inferred data and profiles, Computer Law and Security Review 52: 105956.
- Bowman C., Jagasia A. & Vrabec H.U. (2023), Palantir response to NTIA RFC on privacy equity and civil rights. Denver, Colorado: US National Telecommunications and Information Administration. [other].
- Kumar S., Vrabec H.U., Xie Z., Nikpoor S., Zhao D., Sinzato L. & Eisenberg R. (2023), AI regulations in the context of natural language processing research. [working paper].
- Bowman C., Jagasia A. & Vrabec H.U. (2022), Comments to the Federal Trade Commission Regarding Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Commercial Surveillance and Data Security (“Commercial Surveillance ANPR, R111004”). US Federal Trade Commission. [other].
- Vrabec H.U. (2021), Data subject rights under the GDPR. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Vrabec H.U. (2020), Slovenia: Introduction to the Most Recent Public Draft of the GDPR Implementing Law, European Data Protection Law Review 6(1): 121-127.
- Custers B.H.M., Ursic Vrabec H. & Friedewald M. (2019), Assessing the Legal and Ethical Impact of Data Reuse: Developing a Tool for Data Reuse Impact Assessments (DRIA), European Data Protection Law Review 5(3): 317-337.
- Ursic H. (7 February 2019), Uncontrollable: Data subject rights and the data-driven economy (Dissertatie. Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Law, Faculty of Law, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Hof S. van der, Custers B.M.H.
- Ursic H. (2018), The Failure of Control Rights in the Big Data Era – Does a Holistic Approach offer a Solution?. In: Bakhoum M., Conde Gallego B., Mackenrodt M.-O. & Surblytė-Namavičienė G. (Eds.), Personal Data in Competition, Consumer Protection and Intellectual Property Law - Towards a Holistic Approach?. MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law no. 28. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer. 55-83.
- Ursic H., Nurullaev R., Olmedo Cuevas M. & Szulewski P. (2018), Data localisation measures and their impacts on data science. In: Mak V., Tjong Tjin Tai E. & Berlee A. (Eds.), Research Handbook in Data Science and Law. Research Handbooks in Information Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 322-353.
- Custers B.H.M. & Ursic H. (2018), Worker Privacy in a Digitalized World under European Law, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal 39(2): 323-344.
- Ursic H. & Evers J. (2017), Data Protection Principles and the (Big) Data Challenges in the Light of the New EU Legislation, ELSA Media Law International Focus Programme Almanac 2013-2016: 8-14.
- Ursic H. (30 March 2017), In The Anticipation Of The Right To Be Forgotten’s 3rd Birthday – EU Courts In Search Of Boundaries, Coherence And Balance. The Interdisciplinary Internet Institute Blog. [blog entry].
- Ursic H. (2016), De juridische implicaties van Big Data voor de verzekeringssector. Presentation at the ACIS seminar Big Data, digitale innovatie en de gevolgen voor de verzekeringssector, Amsterdam, UvA Business School (Amsterdam Centre for Insurance). [other].
- Ursic H. (2016), Presentation The Failure of Data Subject Rights in the Big Data Era - could the Holistic approach be a solution? Personal Data In Competition, Consumer Protection And IP Law – Towards A Holistic Approach? The Max Planck Institute Post-Doc Conference in Munich, Germany (Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition). [other].
- Ursic H. (2016), Presentation Data Subject Rights in the Digital Environment. Internet L@w Research Colloquium, Geneva. [other].
- Custers B.H.M. & Ursic H. (2016), Big data and data reuse: a taxonomy of data reuse for balancing big data benefits and personal data protection, International Data Privacy Law 6(1): 4-15.
- Ursic H. (12 April 2016), The EU Drone Regulation – No Such Thing As A Magic Stick: The Interdisciplinary Internet Institute. [blog entry].
- Ursic H. (2016), The Right to be Forgotten or the Duty to be Remembered? Twitter data reuse and implications for user privacy. s.l.: Council for Big Data, Ethics, and Society.
- Ursic H. (19 June 2016), Does Europe Need An Industry Data Protection Right?: The Interdisciplinary Internet Institute. [blog entry].
- Ursic H. (2016), Regulation in the era of sharing economy and internet platforms (Regulacija v dobi ekonomije delitve in spletnih platform), Pravna Praksa 2016(5): 6-8.
- Ursic H. & Custers B.H.M. (2016), Legal Barriers and Enablers to Big Data Reuse - A critical Assessment of the Challenges for the EU Law, European Data Protection Law Review 2(2): 209-221.
- Ursic H. & Kalis J.P. (2015), Presentation Data reuse and medical devices, NILG PhD forum, VU Amsterdam. [other].
- Ursic H. (2015), Data Privacy Trends in Dutch (European) Corporations, Privacy & Practice 5(1-2): 8-13.
- Ursic H. (2015), Presentation Legal aspects of the EU data economy, 28th Bled Conference #eWellBeing, the workshop on Modeling the European data economy, Bled, Slovenia. [other].
- Ursic H. (2012), The Dilemma of the Proportionality Test, Pravna Praksa (33): .
- Data Protection Lawyer