Hans de Iongh
Associate professor / guest
- Name
- Prof.dr.ir. H.H. de Iongh
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 7461
- h.h.de.iongh@umail.leidenuniv.nl
Prof. dr. De Iongh is associate professor in the department Conservation Biology CML and guest professor in Habitat Conservation at the Faculty of Sciences of Antwerpen University, Belgium.
More information about Hans de Iongh
PhD Candidates
Former PhD candidates
Professional experience
Prof. dr. De Iongh is associate professor in the department Conservation Biology CML and guest professor in Habitat Conservation at the Faculty of Sciences of Antwerpen University, Belgium.
He is a member of the Steering Committee of the IUCN Species Survival Commission and member of the IUCN Sirenia and Cat Specialist groups. He is chair of Van Tienhoven Foundation for International Nature Conservation, member of the Dutch CITES commission and member of the Dutch Red List Advisory group. Since 2008 he is regional councillor for Western Europe of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
Regional specialisation
- Africa (Cameroon, Rwanda, Tanzania, Mali, Kenia, Benin)
- Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Pakistan, Bangla Desh)
- South America (Colombia, Ecuador)
Associate professor / guest
- Science
- Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
- CML/Environmental Biology
- Chege M.M, Torrents-Ticó M., Bertola L.D., Snoo G.R. de, Zelfde M. van 't, Musters C.J.M. & Iongh H.H. de (2025), Rainfall Variability Shapes Lion Movement and Home Range Dynamics in Three Kenyan Parks, African Journal of Ecology 63(1): e70003.
- Chege M.M., Bertola L.D., Snoo G.R. de, Ngene S., Otien T., Amoke I., Zelfde M. van 't, Dolrenry S., Broekhuis F., Tamis W.L.M., Iongh H.H. de & Elliot N.B. (2024), Effect of ecological and anthropogenic factors on grouping patterns in African lions across Kenya, Ecology and Evolution 14(2): e10982.
- Chege M., Sewalt B.A., Lesilau F., Snoo G.R. de, Patterson B.D., Kariuki L., Otiende M., Omondi P., Iongh H.H. de, Vrieling K. & Bertola L.D. (2024), Genetic diversity of lion populations in Kenya: evaluating past management practices and recommendations for future conservation actions, Evolutionary Applications 17(3): e13676.
- Groen K., Beekenkamp S., Iongh H.H. de, Lesilau F.L., Chege M.M., Narisha L.L., Veldhuis M.P., Bertola L., Bodegom P.M. van & Trimbos K.B. (2023), DNA metabarcoding illuminates the contribution of small and very small prey taxa to the diet of lions, Environmental DNA 5(6): 1321-1331.
- Nams V.O., Parker D.M., Weise F.J., Patterson B.D., Buij R., Radloff F.G.T., Vanak A.T., Tumenta P.N., Hayward M.W., Swanepoel L.H., Funston P.J., Bauer H., Power R.J., O'Brien J., O'Brien T.G., Tambling C.J., Iongh H.H de, Ferreira S.M., Owen-Smith N., Cain J.W., III Fattebert J., Croes B.M., Spong G., Loveridge A.J., Houser A.M., Golabek K.A., Begg C.M., Grant T., Trethowan P., Musyoki C., Menges V., Creel S., Balme G.A., Pitman R.T., Bissett C., Jenny D., Schuette P., Wilmers C.C., Hunter L.T.B., Kinnaird M.F., Begg K.S., Owen C.R., Steyn V., Bockmuehl D., Munro S.J., Mann G.K.H., du Preez B.D., Marker L.L., Huqa T.J., Cozzi G., Frank L.G., Nyoni P., Stein A.B., Kasiki S.M., Macdonald D.W., Martins Q.E., van Vuuren R.J., Stratford K.J., Bidner L.R., Oriol-Cotteril A., Maputla N.W., Maruping-Mzileni N., Parker T., Zelfde M. van 't, Isbell L.A., Beukes O.B. & Beukes M. (2023), Spatial patterns of large African cats: a large-scale study on density, home range size, and home range overlap of lions Panthera leo and leopards Panthera pardus, Mammal Review 53(2): 49-64.
- Bertola L.D., Vermaat M., Lesilau F.L., Chege M.M., Tumenta P.N., Sogbohossou E.A., Schaap O.D., Bauer H., Patterson B.D., White P.A., Iongh H.H. de, Laros J.F.J. & Vrieling K. (2022), Whole genome sequencing and the application of a SNP panel reveal primary evolutionary lineages and genomic variation in the lion (Panthera leo), BMC Genomics 23(1): 321.
- Turner J.A., Iongh H.H. de & Dunston-Clarke E.J. (2022), Assessing the social cohesion of a translocated pride of white lions integrated with wild tawny lions in South Africa, using social network analysis, Animals 12(15): 1985.
- Turner J.A., Dunston-Clarke E.J., Fabris-Rotelli I. & Iongh H.H. de (2022), Home range and movement patterns of reintroduced white lions (Panthera leo melanochaita) in the Kruger to Canyons Biosphere Reserve, South Africa, Animals 12(15): 2003.
- Anugrah Aditya Budiarsa A., Iongh H.H. de, Kustiawan W. & Bodegom P.M. van (2021), Dugong foraging behavior on tropical intertidal seagrass meadows: the influence of climatic drivers and anthropogenic disturbance, Hydrobiologia 848: 4153-4166.
- Lesilau F.L., Verschueren S., Zelfde M. van ’t, Musters C.J.M., Snoo G.R. de & Iongh H.H. de (2021), Spatial ecology of lions in a small, semi-fenced park surrounded by dense human populations: the case study of Nairobi National Park, Kenya, Mammalia 85(3): 198–207.
- Upadhyaya S.K., Musters C.J., Lamichhane B.R., Snoo G.R. de, Dhakal M. & Iongh H.H. de (2020), Determining the risk of predator attacks around protected areas: the case of Bardia National Park, Nepal, Oryx 54(5): 670-677.
- Bakker C.E., Kirsten I.E., Bauer H., Croes B.M., Tamis W.L.M., Tumenta P.N., Adam S., Kamgang A.S. & Iongh H.H. de (2020), Divergent trends of large carnivore populations within the Bénoué Complex, North Cameroon, shown by long-term fine-scale monitoring, European Journal of Wildlife Research 66: 82.
- Suba R.B., Beveridge N.G.P., Kustiawan W., Snoo G.R. de, Iongh H.H. de, Wieren S.E. van, Choi Y.H. & Kim H.K. (2020), Food preference of the Bornean elephant (Elephas maximus borneensis) in North Kalimantan Province, Indonesia, and its conservation implications, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 68: 791–802.
- Lamichhane B.R., Leirs H., Persoon G.A., Subedi N., Dhakal M., Oli B.N., Reynaert S., Sluydts V., Pokheral C.P., Poudyal L.P., Sabita M. & Iongh H.H. de (2019), Factors associated with co-occurrence of large carnivores in a human-dominated landscape, Biodiversity and Conservation 28(6): 1473–1491.
- Lamichhane B.R., Persoon G.A., Leirs H., Poudel S., Subedi N., Pokheral C.P., Bhattarai S., Gotame P., Mishra R. & Iongh H.H. de (2019), Contribution of Buffer Zone Programs to Reduce Human-Wildlife Impacts: the Case of the Chitwan National Park, Nepal, Human Ecology 47(1): 95-110.
- Kolipaka S.S., Tamis W.L.M., Zelfde M. van 't., Persoon G.A. & Iongh H.H. de (2018), New insights into the factors influencing movements and spatial distribution of reintroduced Bengal tigers (Panthera tigris tigris) in the human-dominated buffer zone of Panna Tiger Reserve, India, Mammalia 82(3): 207-217.
- Kirsten I., Bakker E., Trujillo L.L., Bour P., Nhiomog N., Bauer H. & Iongh H.H. de (2018), Lion (Panthera leo) and spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta) abundance in Bouba Ndjida National Park, Cameroon, trends between 2005 and 2014, African Journal of Ecology 56(2): 414-417.
- Lesilau F.L., Fonck M., Gatta M., Musyoki C., Zelfde M. van 't, Persoon G.A., Musters C.J.M., Snoo G.R. de & Iongh H.H. de (2018), Effectiveness of a LED flashlight technique in reducing livestock depredation by lions (Panthera leo) around Nairobi National Park, Kenya, 13(1): e0190898.
- Suba R.B., Beveridge N.G.P., Kustiawan W., Snoo G.R. de & Iongh H.H. de (2018), Foraging ecology and diet of Bornean elephants (Elephas maximus borneensis) in the Sebuku forest area, North Kalimantan Province of Indonesia: Do the choices matter?, Integrative Zoology 13: 219-223.
- Lamichhane B.R., Persoon G.A., Leirs H., Poudel S., Subedi N., Pokheral C.P., Bhattarai S., Thapalia B.P. & Iongh H.H. de (2018), Spatio-temporal patterns of attacks on human and economic losses from wildlife in Chitwan National Park, Nepal, PLoS ONE 13(4): e195373.
- Eshete G., Sillero-Zubiri C., Cieraad E., Musters C.J.M., Snoo G.R. de, Iongh H.H. de & Marino J. (2018), Does livestock predation reflect in negative local perceptions of Ethiopian wolves in South Wollo?, International Society for Tropical Ecology 59(1): 11-19.
- Upadhyaya S.K., Musters C.J.M., Lamichhane B.R., Snoo G.R. de, Thapa P., Dhakal M., Karmacharya D., Shrestha P.M. & Iongh H.H. de (2018), An Insight Into the Diet and Prey Preference of Tigers in Bardia National Park, Nepal, Tropical Conservation Science 11: 1-9.
- Tankou C.M., Snoo G.R. de, Persoon G.A. & Iongh H.H. de (2017), Evaluation of smallholder farming systems in the Western Highlands of Cameroon, IOSR Journal of Engineering 7(1): 1-11.
- Durant S.M., Mitchell N., Groom R., Pettorelli N., Ipavec A., Jacobson A.P., Woodroffe R., Böhm M., Hunter L.T.B., Becker M.S., Broekhuis F., Bashir S., Andresen L., Aschenborn O., Beddiaf M., Belbachir F., Belbachir-Bazi A., Berbash A., Brandao de Matos Machado I., Breitenmoser C., Chege M., Cilliers D., Davies-Mostert H., Dickman A.J., Ezekiel F., Farhadinia M.S., Funston P., Henschel P., Horgan J., Iongh H.H. de, Jowkar H., Klein R., Lindsey P.A., Marker L., Marnewick K., Melzheimer J., Merkle J., M'soka J., Msuha M., O'Neill H., Parker M., Purchase G., Sahailou S., Saidu Y., Samna A., Schmidt-Küntzel A., Selebatso E., Sogbohossou E.A., Soultan A., Stone E., Meer E. van der, Vuuren R. van, Wykstra M. & Young-Overton K. (2017), The global decline of cheetah Acinonyx jubatus and what it means for conservation, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(3): 528-533.
- Gilfillan G.D., McNutt J.W., Vitale J.D.T., Iongh H.H. de. & Golabek K. (2017), Rare observation of the existence and masculine behaviour of maned lionesses in the Okavango Delta, Botswana, African Journal of Ecology 55(3): 383-385.
- Yirga G., Leirs H.C., Iongh H.H. de, Asmelash T., Gebrehiwot K., Vos M. & Bauer H. (2017), Densities of spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta) and African golden wolf (Canis anthus) increase with increasing anthropogenic influence, Mammalian Biology 85: 60-69.
- Kolipaka S., Tamis W.L.M., Zelfde M. van 't, Persoon G.A. & Iongh H.H. de (2017), Wild versus domestic prey in the diet of reintroduced tigers (Panthera tigris) in the livestock-dominated multiple-use forests of Panna Tiger Reserve, India, PLoS ONE 12(4): e0174844.
- Suba R.B., Ploeg J. van der, Zelfde M. van 't, Lau Y.W., Wissingh T.F., Kustiawan W., Snoo G.R. de & Iongh H.H. de (2017), Rapid Expansion of Oil Palm Is Leading to Human–Elephant Conflicts in North Kalimantan Province of Indonesia, Tropical Conservation Science 10: 1-12.
- Lamichhane B.R., Persoon G.A., Leirs H., Musters C.J.M., Subedi N., Gairhe K.P., Pokheral C.P., Poudel S., Mishra R., Dhakal M., Smith J.L.D. & Longh H.H. (2017), Are conflict-causing tigers different? Another perspective for understanding human-tiger conflict in Chitwan National Park, Nepal, Global Ecology and Conservation 11: 177-187.
- Adhitya A., Folkard A.M., Govers L.L., Katwijk M.M. van, Iongh H.H. de, Herman P.M.J. & Bouma T.J. (2016), The exchange of dissolved nutrients between the water column and substrate pore-water due to hydrodynamic adjustment at seagrass meadow edges: A flume study, Limnology and Oceanography 61(6): 2286-2295.
- Bertola L.D., Jongbloed H., Gaag K.J. van der, Kniff P. de, Yamaguchi N., Hooghiermstra H., Bauer H., Henschel P., White P.A., Driscoll C.A., Tende T., Ottosson U., Saldu Y., Vrieling K. & Iongh H.H. de (2016), Phylogeographic Patterns in Africa and High Resolution Delineation of Genetic Clades in the Lion (Panthera leo), Scientific Reports 6(30807): 30807.
- Kolipaka S.S., Persoon G.A., De Iongh H.H. & Srivastava D.P. (2015), The Influence of People's Practices and Beliefs on Conservation: A Case Study on Human-Carnivore Relationships from the Multiple Use Buffer Zone of the Panna Tiger Reserve, India, Journal of Human Ecology 52(3): 192-207.
- Bertola L.D., Tensen L., Hooft P. van, White P.A., Driscoll C.A., Henschel P., Caragiulo A., Dias-Freedman I., Sogbohossou E.A., Tumenta P.M., Jirmo T.H., Snoo G.R. de, Iongh H.H. de & Vrieling K. (2015), Autosomal and mtDNA Markers Affirm the Distinctiveness of Lions in West and Central Africa, PLoS ONE 10(10): e0137975.
- Yirga G., Iongh H.H. de, Leirs H., Gebrehiwot K., Deckers J. & Bauer H. (2015), Food base of the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) in Ethiopia, Wildlife Research 42(1): 19-24.
- Yirga G., Leirs H., Iongh H.H. de, Asmelash T., Gebrehiwot K., Deckers J. & Bauer H. (2015), Spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) concentrate around urban waste dumps across Tigray, northern Ethiopia , Wildlife Research 42(7): 563-569.
- Genbere G.E., Tesfay G., Bauer H., Ashenafi Z.T., Iongh H.H. de & Marino J. (2015), Community Resource Uses and Ethiopian Wolf Conservation in Mount Abune Yosef, Environmental Management 56(3): 684-694.
- Arbainsyah A., Iongh H.H. de, Kustiawan W. & Snoo G.R. de (2014), Structure, composition and diversity of plant communities in FSC-certified, selectively logged forests of different ages compared to primary rain forest, Biodiversity and Conservation 23(10): 2445-2472.
- Sogbohossou E.A., Bauer H., Loveridge A., Funston P.J., Snoo G.R. de, Sinsin B. & Iongh H.H. de (2014), Social Structure of Lions (Panthera leo) Is Affected by Management in Pendjari Biosphere Reserve, Benin, PLoS ONE 9(1): e84674.
- Tankou C.M., Iongh H.H. de, Persoon G., Bruijn M.E. de & Snoo G.R. de (2014), Determinants and Impacts Of Human Mobility Dynamics In The Western Highlands Of Cameroon, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research 3(8): 40-50.
- Yirga G., Imam E., Iongh H.H. de, Leirs H., Kiros S., Yohannes T.G., Teferi M. & Bauer H. (2014), Local spotted hyena abundance and community tolerance of depredation in human-dominated landscapes in Northern Ethiopia, Mammalian Biology 79(5): 325-330.
- Tuqa J.H., Funstone P., Musyokib C., Ojawangh G.O., Gichukid N.N., Bauer H., Tamis W.L.M., Dolrenryi S., Zelfde M. van 't, Snoo G.R. de & Iongh H.H. de (2014), Impact of severe climate variability on lion home range and movement patterns in the Amboseli ecosystem, Kenya, Global Ecology and Conservation 2(december 2014): 1-10.
- Iongh H.H. de, Bauer H., Tumena P., Schoe M., Sogbosossou E., Gueye M., Kirsten I. & Sillero-Zubiri C. (2014), National lion action plans and strategies in Benin, Cameroon and Senegal, Cat News 60(spring 2014): .
- Adhitya A., Bouma T.J., Folkard A.M., Katwijk M.M. van, Callaghan D., Iongh H.H. de & Herman P.M.J. (2014), Comparison of the influence of patch-scale and meadow-scale characteristics on flow within seagrass meadows: a flume study, Marine Ecology Progress Series 516: 49-59.
- Packer C., Loveridge A., Canney S., Caro T., Garnett S.T., Pfeiffer M., Zander K.K., Swanson A., MacNulty D., Balme G., Bauer H., Begg K.S., Bhalla S., Bissett C., Bodasing T., Brink H. van den, Burger A., Burton A.C., Clegg B., Dell S., Delsink A., Dickerson T., Dloniak S.M., Druce D., Frank L., Funston P., Gichohi N., Groom R., Hanekom C., Heath B., Hunter L., Iongh H.H. de, Joubert C.J., Kasaki S.M., Kissui B., Knocker W., Leathem B., Lindsey P.A., Maclennan S.D., McNutt J.W., Miller S.M., Naylor S., Nel P., Ng'wenno C., Nicholls K., Ogutu J.O., Okot-Omoya E., Patterson B.D., Plumptre A., Salerno J., Skinner K., Slotow R., Sogbohossou E.A., Statford K.J., Winterbach C., Winterbach H. & Polasky S. (2013), Conserving large carnivores: dollars and fence, Ecology Letters 16(5): 635-641.
- Tumenta P.N., Zelfde M. van 't, Croes B.M., Buij R., Funston P.J., Udo de Haes H.A. & Iongh H.H. de (2013), Changes in lion (Panthera leo) home range size in Waza National Park, Cameroon , Mammalian Biology 78(6): 461-469.
- Buij R., Folkertsma I., Kortekaas K., Iongh H.H. de & Komdeur J. (2013), Effects of land-use change and rainfall in Sudano-Sahelian West Africa on the diet and nestling growth rates of an avian adaptor, Ibis 155: 89-101.
- Tankou C.M., Snoo G.R. de, Iongh H.H. de & Persoon G.A. (2013), Soil quality assessment of cropping systems in the Western Highlands of Cameroon, International Journal of Agricultural Research 8(1): 1-16.
- Yirga G., Iongh H.H. de, Leirs H., Gebrehiwot K., Berhe G., Asmelash T., Gebrehiwot H. & Bauer H. (2013), The ecology of large carnivores in the highlands of northern Ethiopia, African Journal of Ecology 51(1): 78-86.
- Yirga G., Wondimu E., Iongh H.H. de, Leirs H., Gebrehiwot K., Deckers J. & Bauer H. (2013), Spotted hyena ( Crocuta crocuta) coexisting at high density with people in Wukro distirct, northern Ethiopia, Mammalian Biology 78(3): 193-197.
- Riggio J., Jacobson A., Dollar L., Bauer H., Becker M., Dickman A., Funston P., Groom R., Henschel P., Iongh H.H. de, Lichtenfeld L. & Pimm S. (2013), The size of savannah Africa: a lion’s (Panthera leo) view, Biodiversity and Conservation 22(1): 17-35.
- Tumenta P.N., Visser H.D., Rijssel J.C. van, Iongh H.H. de, Funston P., Udo de Haes H.A. & Müller L. (2013), Lion predation on livestock and native wildlife in Waza national park, northern Cameroon, Mammalia 77(5): 247-253.
- Smitz N., Berthouly C., Cornelis D., Heler R., Hooft P.A.V. van, Chardonnet P., Caron A., Prins H.H.T., Jansen van Vuuren B., Iongh H.H. de & Michaux J. (2013), Pan-African Genetic Structure in the African Buffalo (Syncerus caffer): Investigating Intraspecific Divergence, PLoS ONE 8(2): e56235.
- Buij R., Kortekaas K., Krimpen R.R.D. van, Wijk A.A.C. van, Zanden S. van der, Iongh H.H. de, Heitkönig I.M.A., Snoo G.R. de & Komdeur J. (2013), Breeding Performance of the Grasshopper buzzard (Butastur rufipennis) in a Natural and a Human-modified West African Savanna, The Condor 115(1): 47-57.
- Iongh H.H. de, Atengdem P., Yidana M., Zambon P. & Wit A.E. de (2013), Sector Budget Support for the Natural Resources Governance programme (SBS-NREG) Ghana. Leiden: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS.
- Tumenta P.N., Iongh H.H. de, Funston P.J. & Udo de Haes H.A. (2013), Livestock depredation and mitigation methods practised by resident and nomadic pastoralists around Waza National Park, Cameroon, Oryx 47(2): 237-242.
- Tankou C.M., Snoo G.R. de, Iongh H.H. de & Persoon G.A. (2013), Variations in plant biodiversity across sacred groves and fallows in Western Highlands of Cameroon, African Journal of Ecology 52(1): 10-19.
- Buij R., Kortekaas K., Folkertsma I., Velde M van der, Komdeur J. & Iongh H.H. de (2012), Breeding biology and nestling development of theGrasshopper Buzzard, Ostrich 83(3): 137-146.
- Iongh H.H. de (2012), Dugongs in Asia. In: Hines E.M., Reynolds J.E, Aragones L.V & Mignucci A.A (Eds.), Sirenian Conservation. Gainesville: University Press of California.
- Bertola L.D., Vrieling K. & Iongh H.H. de (2012), Conservation Genetics of the Lion: New Approaches to Species Conservation. In: Cervantes Amaya J.A. & Franco Jimenez M.M. (Eds.), Genetic Diversity: New Research. Hauppage NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.. 61-82.
- Buij R., Goes D. van der, Iongh H.H. de, Gagare S., Haccou P., Komdeur J. & Snoo G.R. de (2012), Interspecific and intraspecific differences in habitat use and their conservation implications for Paleartic harriers on Sahelian wintering grounds, Ibis 154(1): 96-110.
- Yirga G., Iongh H.H. de, Leirs H., Gebrihiwot K., Deckers J. & Bauer H. (2012), Adaptability of large carnivores to changing anthropogenic food sources: diet change of spotted hyena ( Crocuta crocuta) during Christian fasting period in northern Ethiopia, Journal of Animal Ecology 81(5): 1052-1055.
- Iongh H.H. de, Jong C.B. de, Goethem J. van, Klop E., Brunsting A.M.H., Loth P.E. & Prins H.H.T. (2011), Resource partitioning among African savanna herbivores in North Cameroon: the importance of diet compostion, food quality and body mass, Journal of Tropical Ecology 27(5): 503-513.
- Hutomo M., Iongh H.H. de, Kiswara W. & Moraal M. (2011), Strategi Dan Rencana Aksi Konservasi Dugong Di Indonesia. Jakarta: Research Centre for Oceanography.
- Bertola L.D., Vrieling K. & Iongh H.H. de (2011), Conservation Genetics of the African Lion, WAZA News 3(11): 2-4.
- Wielstra B., Boorsma T., Pieterse S.M. & Iongh H.H. de (2011), The use of avian feeding guilds to detect small-scale forest distrubance: a case study in East Kalimantan, Borneo, Forktail 27: 60-67.
- Croes B.M., Funston P., Rasmussen G., Buij R., Saleh A., Tumenta P.N. & Iongh H.H. de (2011), The impact of trophee hunting on lions ( Panthera leo) and other large carnivores in the Benoue complex, northern Cameroon, Biological Conservation 144(12): 3064-3072.
- Sogbohossou E.A., Iongh H.H. de, Sin Sin B., Snoo G.R. de & Funston P.J. (2011), Human-carnivore conflicts around Pendjari Biosphere reserve, northern Benin, Oryx 45(4): 569-578.
- Iongh H.H. de, Croes B.M., Rasmussen G., Buij R. & Funston P. (2011), The status of cheetah and African wild dog in the Benoue Ecosystem, North Cameroon, Cat News 55: 29-31.
- Bertola L.D., Hooft W.F. van, Vrieling K., Uit de Weerd D.R., York D.S., Bauer H., Prins H.H.T., Funston P., Udo de Haes H.A., Leirs H., Haeringen W.A., Sogbohossou E.A., Tumenta P.N. & Iongh H.H. de (2011), Genetic diversity, evolutionary history and implications for conservation of the lion (Panthera leo) in West and Central Africa, Journal of Biogeography 38(7): 1356-1367.
- Tumenta P.N., Kok S., Rijssel J.C. van, Buij R., Croes B.M., Funston P., Iongh H.H. de & Udo de Haes H.A. (2010), Threats of rapid extermination of the lion in a former West-African stronghold; case of the National Park, Cameroon, African Journal of Ecology 48(4): 888–894.
- Iongh H.H. de & Persoon G.A. (2010), Conclusion (chapter 20). In: Iongh H.H. de, Persoon G.A., Buij R., Mvondo J.P., Croes B.M. & Tumenta P.N. (Eds.), Savanna Landscapes for the Future; celebrating 20 years of environmental research and education in Northern Cameroon.. Leiden: Center for Environment and Development Studies in Cameroon. 165-166.
- Iongh H.H. de & Persoon G.A. (2010), Preface. In: Iongh H.H. de, Persoon G.A., Buij R., Mvondo J.P., Croes B.M. & Tumenta P.N. (Eds.), Savannah Landscapes for the Future, celebrating 20 years of environmental research and education in Northern Cameroon. Leiden: Centre for Environment and Development Studies in Cameroon. 11-14.
- Tchamba M.N., Foguekem D. & Iongh H.H. de (2010), Human elephant conflicts in the Waza-Logone Region (chapter 18). In: Iongh H.H. de, Persoon G.A., Buij R., Mvondo J.P., Croes B.M. & Tumenta P.N. (Eds.), Savannah Landscapes for the Future; celebrating 20 years of environmental research and education in Northern Cameroon.. Leiden: Center for Environmetn and Development studies in Cameroon. 149-156.
- Mvondo J.P., Buij R., Iongh H.H. de, Croes B.M. & Tumenta P.N. (2010), Collaboration with specific projects. (chapter 4). In: Iongh H.H. de, Persoon G.A., Buij R., Mvondo J.P., Croes B.M. & Tumenta P.N. (Eds.), Savannah Landscapes for the Future; celebrating 20 years of environmental research and education in Northern Cameroon. Leiden: Center for Environment and Development studies in Cameroon. 39-50.
- Unusa H., Persoon G.A., Iongh H.H. de, Noorduyn R. & Amougou J. (2010), Changes in pastoral production techniques (chapter 8). In: Iongh H.H. de, Persoon G.A., Buij R., Mvondo J.P., Croes B.M. & Tumenta P.N. (Eds.), Savannah Landscapes for the Future; celebrating 20 years of environmental research and education in Northern Cameroon. Leiden: Center for Environment and Development studies in Cameroon. 75-86.
- Croes B.M., Rasmussen R., Buij R., Iongh H.H. de & Tumenta P.N. (2010), Management of endangered large carnivores in the Benoue complex, North Cameroon. (chapter 17). In: Iongh H.H. de, Persoon G.A., Buij R., Mvondo J.P., Croes B.M. & Tumenta P. (Eds.), Savannah Landscapes for the Future; celebrating 20 years of environmental research and education in Northern Cameroon.. Leiden: Center for Environment and Development studies in Cameroon. 143-148.
- Bauer H., Adam S., Iongh H.H. de & Croes B.M. (2010), Lion conservation in West and Central Africa (chapter 15). In: Iongh H.H. de, Persoon G.A., Buij R., Mvondo J.P., Croes B.M. & Tumenta P.N. (Eds.), Savannah Landscapes for the Future; celebrating 20 years of environmental research and education in Northern Cameroon.. Leiden: Center for Environmetn and Development studies in Cameroon. 129-136.
- Ziebe R., Persoon G.A., Iongh H.H. de, Croes B.M. & Tumenta P.N. (2010), Floodplain fisheries in Waza-Logone: sustainability and conflict (chapter 9). In: Iongh H.H. de, Persoon G.A., Buij R., Mvondo J.P., Croes B.M. & Tumenta P.N. (Eds.), Savannah Landscapes for the Future; celebrating 20 years of environmental research and education in Northern Cameroon. Leiden: Center for Environment and Development studies in Cameroon. 87-96.
- Klop E., Buij R. & Iongh H.H. de (2010), How Fire structure herbivore communities in West African savannah (chapter 10). In: Iongh H.H. de, Persoon G.A., Buij R., Mvondo J.P., Croes B.M. & Tumenta P.N. (Eds.), Savannah Landscapes of the Future, celebrating 20 years of Environmental Research and Education in Northern Cameroon. Leiden: Center for Environment and Development studies in Cameroon. 97-100.
- Iongh H.H. de, Mvondo J.P., Buij R., Loth P.E., Croes B.M. & Tumenta P.N. (2010), An introduction to the North of Cameroon. The biophysical environment. (chapter 1). In: Iongh H.H. de, Persoon G.A., Buij R., Mvondo J.P., Croes B.M. & Tumenta P.N. (Eds.), Savannah Landscapes of the Future, celebrating 20 years of Environmental Research and Education in Northern Cameroon. Leiden: Center for Environment and Development studies in Cameroon. 19-25.
- Tumenta P.N., Iongh H.H. de, Bauer H. & Croes B.M. (2010), Lion conservation in Northern Cameroon (chapter 16). In: Iongh H.H. de, Persoon G.A., Buij R., Mvondo J.P., Croes B.M. & Tumenta P.N. (Eds.), Savannah Landscapes for the Future; celebrating 20 years of environmental research and education in Northern Cameroon.. Leiden: Center for Environmetn and Development studies in Cameroon. 137-142.
- Iongh H.H. de, Tchamba M.N., Buij R., Croes B.M. & Tumenta P.N. (2010), Waza National Park, a park in peril. (chapter 12). In: Iongh H.H. de, Persoon G.A., Buij R., Mvondo J.P., Croes B.M. & Tumenta P.N. (Eds.), Savannah Landscapes for the Future; celebrating 20 years of environmental research and education in Northern Cameroon. Leiden: Center for Environment and Development studies in Cameroon. 107-114.
- Buij R., Unusa H., Iongh H.H. de, Croes B.M. & Tumenta P.N. (2010), Does the raptor decline reflect an ecological collapse of West Savanna woodlands? (chapter 14). In: Iongh H.H. de, Persoon G.A., Buij R., Mvondo J.P., Croes B.M. & Tumenta P.N. (Eds.), Savannah Landscapes for the Future; celebrating 20 years of environmental research and education in Northern Cameroon.. Leiden: Center for Environment and Development studies in Cameroon. 121-128.
- Tarla F.N., Tsague L., Buij R., Croes B.M., Loth P.E. & Iongh H.H. de (2010), Collaboration between CEDC and the Ecole de Faune. (chapter 3). In: Iongh H.H. de, Persoon G.A., Buij R., Mvondo J.P., Croes B.M. & Tumenta P.N. (Eds.), Savannah Landscapes for the Future; celebrating 20 years of enviromental research and education in Northern Cameroon. Leiden: Center for Environment and Development studies in Cameroon. 35-38.
- Iongh H.H. de, Persoon G.A., Buij R., Mvondo J.P., Croes B.M. & Tumenta P.N. (Eds.) (2010), Savannah Landscapes for the Future, celebrating 20 years of environmental research and education in Northern Cameroon. Leiden: Center for Environment and Development studies in Cameroon.
- Iongh H.H. de & Persoon G.A. (2010), Monitoring the impact of certification, ETFRN NEWS 51: 48-50.
- Weerd M. van, Guerrero J., Balbas M.G., Telan S., Ven W. van de, Rodriquez D., Masipiqueña A.B., Van der Ploeg J., Antolin R., Rebong G. & Iongh H.H. de (2010), Reintroduction of captive-bred Philippine crocodiles, Oryx 44(1): 13-13.
- Bauer H., Iongh H.H. de & Sogbohossou E.A. (2010), Assessment and mitigation of human conflict in West and Central Africa, Mammalia 74: 363-367.
- Iongh H.H. de, Hutomo M., Moraal M. & Kiswara W. (2009), Strategy Report Part II. National Conservation and Action for the Dugong in Indonesia. Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences Leiden.
- Iongh H.H. de, Hutomo M., Moraal M. & Kiswara W. (2009), Scientific Report Part I. National Strategy and Action Plan for the Dugong in Indonesia. Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences Leiden.
- Van der Ploeg J., Rodriguez D., Masipiqueña A.B., Ven W. van de, Guerrero J., Iongh H.H. de, Telan S., Gatan-Balbas M., Boven G. van, Tarun B., Cauilan-Cureg M. & Weerd M. van (2009), Hope for the Philippine Crocodile. In: Persoon G.A., Masipiquena A.B., Ploeg J. van der, Masipiquena M.D. & Weerd M. van (Eds.), Crossing Boundaries: celebrating 20 years of environmental research in Cagayan Valley and Sierra Madre. Manila: CVPED. 169-179.
- Lavieren H. van, Iongh H.H. de, Belen A. & Weerd M. van (2009), Managing coastal Resources. In: Persoon G., Ploeg J. van der, Masipiquena A. & Weerd M. van (Eds.), Crossing Boundaries. Manila: Studieo Graphics Corporation. 159-167.
- Iongh H.H. de (2009), Dugong grazing patterns and interaction with traditional conservation (sasi laut) in Indoensia: a review. Masipiqueña A.B., Weerd M. van & Udto R.G. (Eds.), Changing Landscapes. Proceedings of the sixth international conference on environment and development.. The sixth international conference on environment and development. Changing Landscapes. Manilla: CVPED. 287-289.
- Iongh H.H. de (2009), Conflicten tussen de mens en wilde leeuwen populaties, Nieuwe Wildernis 14(49): 15-18.
- Schoe M., Iongh H.H. de & Croes B.M. (2009), Humans displacing lions and stealing their food in Bénoué National Park, North Cameroon, African Journal of Ecology 47(3): 445-447.
- Ven A.C. van de, Guerrero J.P., Rodriguez D.G., Telan S.P., Balbas M.G., Tarun B.A., Weerd M. van, Van der Ploeg J., Wijtten Z., Lindeyer F.E. & Iongh H.H. de (2009), Effectiveness of head starting to bolster Philippine crocodile Crocodylus mindorensis, Conservation Evidence 6(4): 111-116.
- Thissen J.B.M., Bal D., Iongh H.H. de & Strien A.J. van (2009), The 2006 national Red list of mammals of the Netherlands and a IUCN Regional Red List, Lutra 52(1): 23-35.
- Iongh H.H. de, Tumenta P.N., Croes B.M., Funston P., Bauer H. & Udo de Haes H.A. (2009), Threat of a lion population extinction in Waza National Park, North Cameroon, Cat News 50(3): 26-27.
- Iongh H.H. de & Bauer H. (2008), Ten years of ecological research on lions in Waza National Park, Northern Cameroon, Cat News 48: 28-31.
- Iongh H.H. de & Weerd M. van (2008), The use of avian guilds for monitoring Borneo lowland forests: methodology development for rapid assessment of avian communities. In: Persoon G.A. & Osseweijer M. (Eds.), Reflections on the Heart of Borneo. Wageningen: Tropenbos International. 49-68.
- Iongh H.H. de, Bauer H., Funston P. & Hamling P. (2008), Review of more than ten years research on lion ecology and lion livestock conflicts in the Waza Logone region, North Cameroon. Croes B., Buij R., Iongh H.H. de & Bauer H. (Eds.), Management and Conservation of Large Carnivores in West and Central Africa. Large Carnivore Seminar Maroua, Cameroon. Leiden/Maroua: CML/CEDC. 41-52.
- Iongh H.H. de & Simons H. (2008), Introduction. Bergmans W., Iongh H.H. & Simons H. (Eds.), Forgotten kingdoms. seminar on the conservation of small and hidden species. Amsterdam / Leiden: IUCN / CML. 9-11.
- Bergmans W., Iongh H.H. de & Simons H. (Eds.) (2008), Forgotten kingdoms; seminar proceedings. Amsterdam / Leiden: IUCN / CML.
- Croes B.M., Buij R., Iongh H.H. de & Bauer H. (Eds.) (2008), Management and Conservation of Large Carnivores in West and Central Africa. Leiden: CML.
- Loth P.E., Mayaka T. & Iongh H.H. de (2008), Saving biodiversity by fighting desertification in West and Central Africa. Leiden: CML Department of Environment and Development (oud --> CML-CB).
- Bauer H., Vanherle N., Di Silvestre I. & Iongh H.H. de (2008), Lion-prey relations in West and Central Africa, Mammalian Biology 73: 70-73.
- Iongh H.H. de & Bal D. (2007), Harmonization of Red Lists in Europe: some lessons learned in the Netherlands when applying the new IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria version 3.1, Endangered Species Research 3: 53-60.
- Bommel L. van, Bij de Vaate M.D., Boer W.F. de & Iongh H.H. de (2007), Factors affecting livestock predations by lions in Cameroon, African Journal of Ecology 45(4): 490-498.
- Iongh H.H. de, Loth P.E. & Mvondo J.P. (2007), Waza Logone floodplain rehabilitation in Cameroon: a project review. Mayaka Th.B., Iongh H.H. & Sinsin B. (Eds.), Ecological Restoration of African Savanna Ecosystems. Third RNSCC International Seminar, Cotonou. Leiden: RNSCC/CEDC/CML. 141-156.
- Iongh H.H. de, Weerd M. van, Pieters S. & Wielstra B. (2007), Results of research on the use of Avian guilds for monitoring Bornean lowland forests. Iongh H.H. de, Persoon G.A. & Kustiawan W. (Eds.), Options for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use in lowland forests of Southeast Borneo. Workshop 19 May 2006 Leiden. Leiden: Tropenbos/CML/UNMUL. 171-196.
- Kustiawan W. & Iongh H.H. de (2007), Progress of the MOF Tropenbos Kalimantan programme. Iongh H.H. de, Persoon G.A. & Kustiawan W. (Eds.), Options for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use in lowland forests of Southeast Borneo. Workshop 19 May 2006 Leiden. Leiden: Tropenbos/CML/UNMUL. 43-58.
- Budiwijaya R. & Iongh H.H. de (2007), The impact of hunting and habitat degradation on population size, structure and relative densities of Bornean sambar deer (Cervus unicolor brookei). Iongh H.H. de, Persoon G.A. & Kustiawan W. (Eds.), Options for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use in lowland forests of Southeast Borneo. Workshop 19 May 2006 Leiden. Leiden: Tropenbos/CML/UNMUL. 197-218.
- Iongh H.H. de & Kustiawan W. (2007), Tropenbos Kalimantan program trade-off project: outputs and lesson learned. Iongh H.H. de, Persoon G.A. & Kustiawan W. (Eds.), Options for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use in lowland forests of Southeast Borneo. Workshop 19 May 2006 Leiden. Leiden: Tropenbos/CML/UNMUL. 257-270.
- Mayaka T., Iongh H.H. de & Sinsin B. (Eds.) (2007), Ecological Restoration of African Savanna Ecosystems. Leiden: RNSCC/CEDC/CML.
- Iongh H.H. de (Ed.) (2007), . Natural Life: a Journal of Natural and Life Sciences.
- Iongh H.H. de, Persoon G.A. & Kustiawan W. (Eds.) (2007), Options for Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use in Lowland Forests of Southeast Borneo. Leiden: CML/Tropenbos.
- Iongh H.H. de, Kiswara W., Kustiawan W. & Loth P.E. (2007), A review of research on the interactions between dugongs (Dugong dugon Müller 1776) and intertidal seagrass beds in Indonesia, Hydrobiologia 591(1): 73-83.
- Roosmalen M.G.M. van, Frenz L., Hooft P., Iongh H.H. de & Leirs H. (2007), A New Species of Living Peccary (Mammalia: Tayassuidae) from the Brazilian Amazon, Bonner Zoologische Beiträge 55(2): 105-112.
- Klop E., Goethem J. van & Iongh H.H. de (2007), Resource selection by grazing herbivores on post-fire regrowth in a West African woodland savanna, Wildlife Research 34: 77-83.
- Iongh H.H. de, Kiswara W. & Kustiawan W. (2006), Dugong grazing patterns and interaction with traditional conservation (Sasi Laout) Indonesia: a review, Natural life 1(1): 1-10.
- Iongh H.H. de & Weerd M. van (2006), The use of avian guilds for the monitoring of tropical forest disturbance by logging. Wageningen: Tropenbos International.
- Iongh H.H. de, Loth P.E., Mvondo J.P. & Adam Saleh (2006), Co-management in the Waza Logone floodplain in Cameroon: lessons learned. In: Mayaka T. & Fotsing E. (Eds.), Community-based conservation of natural resources in dry and sub-humid savannas. Maroua / leiden: RNSCC. 81-93.
- Persoon G.A. & Iongh H.H. de (2006), The forests of Borneo: biodiversity, exploitation and management, The 6th Peace island Forum. July 6-7, 2006, Jeju Island 185-206.
- Iongh H.H. de (Ed.) (2006), . Natural Life: a Journal of Natural and Life Sciences.
- Iongh H.H. de (2006), Rational grazing by dugongs in Indonesian coastal waters, Sirenews (46): 10-11.
- Iongh H.H. de, Esch W. van & Cruz E. (2006), Recent developments in dugong research in Balikpapan Bay, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, Sirenews 45: 21-23.
- Iongh H.H. de, Moraal M. & Souffreau C. (2006), Dugong survey of Derawan Island and Adang Bay, East Kalimantan, Sirenews (46): 8-10.
- Iongh H.H. de, Bauer H. & Hooft W.F. (2006), Review of research on a lion population in Cameroon, Official newsletter of the African Lion Working Group : .
- Iongh H.H. de & Weerd M. van (2005), A pantropical review of the impact of logging on avian guilds, and avian guild composition in three rainforest sites including the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park, Philippines, Sylvatrop 15(1-2): 65-86.
- Lavieren H. van, Iongh H.H. de & Belen A. (2005), Managing the coastal resources of the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park. In: Snelder D.J. & Bernardo E.C. (Eds.), Comanagement in practice: the challenges and complexities of implementation in the Northern Sierra Madre mountain region. Manila: Ateneo de Manila University Press. 105-128.
- Iongh H.H. de & Harkes I.H.T. (2005), Proceedings internal workshop Tropenbos Kalimantan Programme, 18 March 2005. Leiden: CML.
- Mayaka T., Iongh H.H. de, Mark S.M.J.A. van der, Mvondo J.P. & Bauer H. (2005), Proceedings of the strategic planning workshop of the regional network for the synergy between the CD and CBD, 17-21 February 2005, Maroua. Maroua: CEDC.
- Iongh H.H. de, Prins H.H.T., Strien N. & Rookmaaker L.G. (2005), Some observations on the presence of one-horned rhinos in the bas reliefs of the Angkor Wat temple complex, Cambodja, Pachyderm 38: 98-100.
- Iongh H.H. de, Bauer H. & Hamling P. (2004), Nine years of research on a lion (Panthera Leo) population in the Waza National Park (Cameroon): a review, Game and Wildlife Science 21(3): 433-446.
- Iongh H.H. de & Weerd M. van (2004), The use of avian guilds for monitoring responses to human intervention in tropical forests of the Philippines, Pilipinas: a Journal of Philippine Studies 43: 92-104.
- Loth P.E., Iongh H.H. de & Bauer H. (2004), The natural resources of the Waza Logone Floodplain. In: Loth P.E. (Ed.), The Return of the Water: Restoring the Waza Logone Floodplain in Cameroon. Gland: IUCN. 39-52.
- Loth P.E. & Iongh H.H. de (2004), The Waza Logone Project: History, Objectives and Main Results. In: Loth P.E. (Ed.), The Return of the Water: Restoring the Waza Logone Floodplain in Cameroon. Gland: IUCN. 77-88.
- Persoon G.A. & Iongh H.H. de (2004), Pigs across ethnic boundaries. Examples from Indonesia and the Philippines. In: Knight J. (Ed.), Wildlife in Asia: cultural perspectives. London/New York: Routledge/Curzon. 165-184.
- Iongh H.H. de (2004), The harmonization of Red Lists for threatened species in Europe, Oryx 38(2): 134-136.
- Iongh H.H. de, Tchamba M., Aarhaug P. & Verhage B. (2004), Impact of dam construction on two elephant populations in Northern Cameroon, Pachyderm 36: 30-43.
- Iongh H.H. de, Banki O.S., Bergmans W. & Van der Werff ten Bosch M.J. (2003), The harmonization of Red Lists for threatened species in Europe. Leiden: Bakhuijs Publishers.
- Iongh H.H. de, Banki O.S., Bergmans W. & Van der Werff ten Bosch M.J. (2003), Summary of Discussion Workshop I. In: Iongh H.H. de, Banki O.S., Bergmans W. & Werff ten Bosch M.J. van der (Eds.), The harmonization of Red Lists for threatened species in Europe. Leiden: Bakhuijs Publishers. 177-178.
- Iongh H.H. de, Banki O.S., Bergmans W. & Van der Werff ten Bosch M.J. (2003), Summary of plenary discussion, conclusions and recommentations. In: Iongh H.H. de, Banki O.S., Bergmans W. & Werff ten Bosch M.J. van der (Eds.), The harmonization of Red Lists for threatened species in Europe. Leiden: Bakhuijs Publishers. 283-288.
- Iongh H.H. de (2003), Ten years collaboration between CEDC?University of Dschang and CML/Leiden University and relevance for the Waza Logone area; past highlights and future challenges. Mvondo J.P., Demba H., Oyo P. & Iongh H.H. de (Eds.), Rapport Seminaire; Inondation et fonctionnement d'un ecosysteme. Besoins de recherche pour la plaine du Logone. Seminair Plan Directeur de Recherche pour la Plaine du Logone, Nord Cameroun. Leiden: CML/CEDC/IUCN. 13-19.
- Mvondo J.P., Demba H., Oyo P. & Iongh H.H. de (Eds.) (2003), Rapport Seminaire Plan Directeur de Recherche pour la Plaine du Logone, Nord Cameroun. Leiden: CML.
- Elzinga P. & Iongh H.H. de (Eds.) (2003), Review of the Human-Elephant conflict, Proceedings International Workshop. Leiden: CML.
- Iongh H.H. de & Loth P.E. (2003), Het dilemma van het Nationaal Park Waza: de balans opgemaakt van meer dan tien jaar vloedvlakte rehabilitatie in het Waza Logone gebied, Ecologie en Ontwikkeling 4/6: 43-45.
- Iongh H.H. de (2003), Harmonisatie van Rode Lijsten in Europa, De Levende Natuur 104(5): 172-176.
- Bauer H., Iongh H.H. de & Silvestre I. (2003), Lion social behaviour in the West and Central African Savanna belt, Mammalian Biology 68(1): 239-243.
- Iongh H.H. de, Hamling P. & Zuiderwijk A.B. (2002), Environmental cost-benefit analysis of the Waza-Logone wetland restoration project. Madi A., Loth P.E. & Iongh H.H. de (Eds.), Management of fragile ecosystems in the North of Cameroon: the need for an adaptive approach. International Conference, Maroua, Cameroon. Maroua/ Leiden: CEDC/ CML. 45-54.
- Madi A., Loth P.E., Bauer H. & Iongh H.H. de (Eds.) (2002), Management of fragile ecosystems in the North of Cameroon: the need for an adaptive approach: proceedings of the International Conference, Maroua, Cameroon, 13-16 November 2000. Maroua/ Leiden: CECD/ CML.
- Udo de Haes H.A., Iongh H.H. de, Loth P.E. & Groot W.T. de (2002), The relevance of the ecosystem approach for the research master plan for the Waza - Logogne area. [other].
- Bauer H., Iongh H.H. de, Princée F.P.G. & Ngantou D. (2001), Status and needs for conservation of lions in West and Central Africa: an information exchange workshop report. Apple Valley: IUCN/SCC.
- Bauer H. & Iongh H.H. de (2001), Current issues on conservation of lions in Waza National Park. Cameroon. In: Bauer H., Iongh H.H. de, Princée F.P.G. & Ngantou D. (Eds.), Status and needs for conservation of lions in West and Central Africa: an information exchange workshop report. Apple Valley: IUCN/SCC. 63-70.
- Hoeven C.A. van der & Iongh H.H. de (2001), The use of fauna indicators for monitoring the impact of disturbance; a review. In: Hillegers P.J.M. & Iongh H.H. de (Eds.), The balance between biodiversity conservation and sustainableuse of tropical rain forests. Wageningen: Tropenbos Foundation.
- Iongh H.H. de & Loth P.E. (2001), De case van het Waza Nationaal Park in Noord Kameroen, Ecologie en Ontwikkeling 9(4/5): 28-30.
- Iongh H.H. de, Langeveld P. & Wal M. van der (1998), Movement and home ranges of dugongs around the Lease islands, East Indonesia, Marine Ecology 19(3): 179-193.
- Udo de Haes H.A. & Iongh H.H. de (1998), Classification and monitoring of rare plant species and habitats in the Netherlands. In: Iongh H.H. de & Prins H. (Eds.), International seminar on species conservation: the IUCN red list categories discussed. Leiden: Centre of Environmental Science. 35-38.
- Iongh H.H. de & Giessen S. van der (1998), Summary, conclusions and recommendations. In: Iongh H.H. de & Prins H. (Eds.), International seminar on species conservation: the IUCN red list categories discussed. Leiden: Centre of Environmental Science. 107-112.
- Iongh H.H. de & Prins H. (Eds.) (1998), International seminar on species conservation: the IUCN red list categories discussed. Leiden: Centre of Environmental Science.
- Zuiderwijk A.B., Iongh H.H. de & Hamling P. (1998), Economic assessment study of Logone floodplain. Leiden: Centre of Environmental Science.
- Iongh H.H. de (1997), Current status of the dugong in Indonesia. In: Tomascik T. (Ed.), The ecology of the Indonesian Seas, part II. [S.l.]: Dalhousie University. 1158-1166.
- Iongh H.H. de (1997), Popular names for the dugong, Sirenews (28): 7-9.
- Iongh H.H. de (1997), The dugong: a rooter or a browser?, Sirenews (27): 2-4.
- Iongh H.H. de, Bierhuizen B. & Orden B. van (1997), Observations on the behaviour of the dugong (Dugong dugon Müller, 1776) from waters of the Lease Islands, Eastern Indonesia, Contributions to Zoology 67(1): 71-77.
- Iongh H.H. de (21 November 1996), Plant-herbivore interactions between seagrass and Dugongs in a tropical small island ecosystem (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Wageningen. Supervisor(s): Nienhuis P.H. & Prins H.H.T.
- Gast professorschap