Gabrielle van den Berg
Professor Cultural History of Iran and Central Asia
- Name
- Prof.dr. G.R. van den Berg
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2023
- 0000-0003-0584-8038

Gabrielle van den Berg teaches courses on the cultural history of Central Asia and Iran at Leiden University. In 2016, she received an NWO VICI grant for her project "Turks, texts and territory: Imperial ideology and cultural production in Central Eurasia". Her research interests include classical Persian literature and the history of Central Asia and Iran. Van den Berg is a member of the board for NISIS (Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies) and LUCIS (Leiden University Centre for the Study of Islam and Society).
More information about Gabrielle van den Berg
Leiden Islam Blog
Gabrielle van den Berg is Senior University Lecturer in the Cultural History of Central Asia and Iran at the University of Leiden and Principal Investigator in the NWO VICI project Turks, Texts and Territory: Cultural Production and Imperial Ideology in Central Eurasia. She studied Persian language and culture at the University of Leiden and at the University of Dushanbe, Tajikistan. She has held positions in Leiden, Cambridge and Brussels. Her research interests include Persian literature and the history of Iran and Central Asia; she has published in particular on the oral traditions of the Ismailis of Tajik Badakhshan and the Shahnama manuscript tradition.
Research interests
Classical Persian literature, in particular the Shahnama and the Persian epic tradition, iconography in relation to literature, rhetoric and aspects of form and performance of classical Persian poetry in contemporary contexts; see also ‘The Persian Epic Cycle and the Shahnama of Ferdowsi’.
History of Central Asia and Iran, in particular the Turko-Persian world 1000-1600; see also ‘Turks, Texts and Territory. Imperial Ideology and Cultural Production in Central Eurasia’ and the Leiden Central Asia Initiative
Persian manuscript tradition, see also LUCIS Summer School Philology and Manuscripts from the Muslim World
Oral traditions of Tajik Badakhshan, Pamir languages (Shughni-Rushani) and Tajik literature of the 20th century, see e.g. With our own hands, on food culture in the Pamir Mountains and Memory and Commemoration in Central Asia, on the Ismailis of Tajik Badakhshan
Teaching and teaching-related activities
Courses on bachelor, master and research master level, in the field of:
- History and cultural history of Iran, Central Asia and Afghanistan
- History, arts and culture of the Mongols and the Mongol Empire
- Persian literature andliterary history of the Persianate world
- Islamic Studies, in particular Shiism and Sufi traditions
Supervision of theses on BA, MA, ResMA and PhD level on a broad range of topics related to the (cultural) history of Iran, Central Asia and Afghanistan, oral traditions of Central Asia and the Middle East, classical Persian literature, Tajik and Tajik literature, Pamir languages and literature, Shiism and Sufi traditions of the Persianate world.
Involvement in various committees and boards related to teaching, examinations, admissions and staff recruitment at Leiden University.
Academic positions
- Senior University Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Cultural History of Central Asia and Iran, since 2016
- Principal Investigator, NWO Vici project: ‘Turks, texts and territory: Imperial ideology and cultural production in Central Eurasia’, University of Leiden, 2016-2021
- University Lecturer (Assistant Professor) Persian Studies, Leiden University, 2003-2016
- Principal Investigator, NWO Vidi project: ‘The Persian Epic Cycle and the Shahnama of Ferdowsi’, University of Leiden, 2006-2011
- Project researcher, University of Cambridge, 2001-2004
- Lecturer in Persian, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2002-2003
- Project researcher, Institute of Ismaili Studies, London 1999-2001
- E.G. Browne Lecturer in Persian, University of Cambridge, 1998-2001
- University lecturer (Assistant professor) Persian Studies, Leiden University, 1997-1998
- 1992-1997 PhD, University of Leiden (under supervision of Prof. Dr. J.T.P de Bruijn, defence 1 October 1997). Title of PhD thesis: Minstrel Poetry from the Pamir Mountains: A Study on the Songs and Poems of the Ismailis of Tajik Badakhshan. (book published in 2004 at Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden)
- 1985-1991 MA (doctoraal) Persian language and culture, University of Leiden. Specialisation early classical Persian literature and Tajik. Minors in Russian and Arabic (examination and graduation 21 February 1991, cum laude)
- 1988-1989 Lenin University in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, Central Asia (Persian and Tajik)
Board memberships (including editorial boards)
- Board member of the Societas Iranologica Europaea, vice-president since 2015, see (2011-2019)
- Board member NISIS (Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies), see (2015 - )
- Member of the Comité de Lecture, Studia Iranica, Paris (2013 - )
- Board member & secretary of the Juynboll Foundation, Leiden (2010 - )
- Board member & secretary of the Foundation Oosters Instituut, Leiden (2012 -)
- Editorial board series ‘Studies in Persian Cultural History’ (Brill, Leiden) (withCharles Melville (Cambridge) and Sunil Sharma (Boston)), established 2008, see
Professor Cultural History of Iran and Central Asia
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- Berg G.R. van den (2024), Shahnamah: the longevity of the Persian book of Kings. In: Vrolijk A., Ommen K. van, Scheper K. & Baarda T. (Eds.), Prophets, Poets and Scholars: the Collections of the Middle Eastern Library of Leiden University. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 181-193.
- Berg G.R. van den (2024), Oral literature: Modern Central Asian Poetry. In: McGuire G., Fort C., Caffee N., Laskin E., Hodgkin S. & İğmen A.F. (Eds.), Tulips in Bloom: An Anthology of Modern Central Asian Literature: Palgrave MacMillan. 23-27.
- Berg G.R. van den (2024), Review of: Cross C. (2023), Love at a Crux – The New Persian Romance in a Global Middle Ages. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Iranian Studies 57(3): 478-480.
- Paskaleva E.G. & Berg G.R. van den (Eds.) (2023), Memory and commemoration across Central Asia: texts, traditions and practices, 10th-21st centuries. Leiden Studies in Islam and Society no. 17. Leiden: Brill.
- Berg G.R. van den (2023), Literary souvenirs from Ṣadr al-Dīn ʿAynī and Sotim Uluġzoda in the Leiden University Library: a closer look at ʿAynī’s Jodgorī (1935) and Uluġzoda’s Saëhati Buxoro bo hamrohii Aĭnī (1950). In: Paskaleva E.G. & Berg G.R. van den (Eds.), Memory and commemoration across Central Asia: texts, traditions and practices, 10th-21st Centuries. Leiden Studies in Islam and Society no. 17. Leiden: Brill. 104-130.
- Berg G.R. van den (2023), The Story of Joseph: Variations in the Turko-Persian world between 1000 and 1500. Leiden: IIAS (IIAS), IIAS Newsletter Summer 2023(95): 20-21.
- Berg G.R. van den (2023), Rostam trekt de khagan van China van zijn olifant, ZemZem. Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam 19(1): 46-49.
- Berg G.R. van den (2023), Sadeq Hedayat’s vegetarianism: a few notes on the representation of vegetarianism, animals and animal rights in Sadeq Hedayat’s Favāʾid-i giyāhkhārī (The benefits of vegetarianism) and Insān-u ḥayvān (Human and animal), Middle Eastern Literatures 26(3): 363-377.
- Berg G.R. van den (2023), Early Persian verse romances in Mutaqārib: form, structure, contents, Iranian Studies 56(4): 655-670.
- Berg G.R. van den (2022), The Safavids between pen and sword. In: Weeda C.V., Stein R. & Sicking L.H.J. (Eds.), Communities, environment and regulation in the premodern world: essays in honour of Peter Hoppenbrouwers. Comparative Rural History of the North Sea Area no. 20. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols. 289-310.
- Berg G.R. van den (2022), Review of: Foltz R. (2019), A History of the Tajiks: Iranians of the East. London: IB Tauris. Iranian Studies 55(2): 594-597.
- Berg G.R. van den (2022), Representations of the pre-Islamic past in early Persian court poetry: the art of celebration. In: Tor D.G. & Inaba M. (Eds.), The history and culture of Iran and central Asia from the pre-Islamic to the Islamic period. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. 279-304.
- Berg G.R. van den (30 October 2021), Painting in Bustan : Yusuf seduced by Zulaykha in a fairytale palace. Yusuf seduced by Zulaykha in a fairytale palace. Leiden: Things That Talk. [blog entry].
- Berg G.R. van den (2020), The Wall and Beyond: Some Notes on Text, Context, and Visual Representations of Iskandar, Ya'ğūğ and Ma'ğūğ in the Pre-Modern Persianate World. In: Allegranzi V. & Laviola V. (Eds.), Texts and Contexts. Ongoing Researches on the Eastern Iranian World (Ninth-Fifteenth C.) . Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto per l'Oriente no. 120. Rome: Roma Istituto per l'Oriente C.A. Nallino. 15-52.
- Paskaleva E.G. & Berg G.R. van den (30 September 2019), Silk Road Cities. Leiden: Leiden Islam Blog LUCIS. [blog entry].
- Berg G.R. van den (2019), Stanzaic Poems. In: Yarshater E. (Ed.), Persian Lyric Poetry in the Classical Era, 800-1500: Ghazals, Panegyrics and Quatrains. History of Persian Literature no. II. London: Bloomsbury (IB Tauris). 293-314.
- Berg G.R. van den (2019), Literary afterlives: Mediaeval Persian poets and strategies of legitimisation in the oral poetry of the Ismāʿīlī’s of Tajik Badakhshan, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 45: 355-380.
- Paskaleva E.G. & Berg G.R. van den (2019), Silk Road Cities. Documented through vintage photographs, prints and postcards. Leiden: Silk Road Publications.
- Hofman I. & Berg G.R. van den (24 September 2018), Tadzjikistan, hofleverancier van IS?. Leiden: Leiden Islam Blog, LUCIS. [blog entry].
- Berg G.R. van den (20 December 2018), The Ritual of Yalda. Leiden: Leiden Islam Blog LUCIS. [blog entry].
- Berg G.R. van den & Melville C.P.M. (2018), Shahnama Studies III - The Reception of the Shahnama. Studies in Persian Cultural History no. 12. Leiden / Boston: Brill.
- Berg G.R. van den (2018), Rustam's Grandson in Central Asia: The Sistan Cycle Epics and the Shahnama Tradition. In: Berg G.R. van den & Melville C.P.M. (Eds.), Shahnama Studies III - The Reception of the Shahnama.. Studies in Persian Cultural History no. 12. Leiden / Boston: Brill. 94-107.
- Khatibi A. & Berg G.R. van den (2017), Shabrangnāme - dāstan-e shabrang pesar-e div-e sepid va rostam شبرنگنامه – داستان شبرنگ پسر دیو سپید و رستم (Shabrangnāme - The Story of Shabrang, Son of the White Div and Rostam). مجموعه انتشارات ادبی و تاریخی موقوفات دکتر محمود افشار با همکاری سخن no. 192. Tehran: Entesharat-e Doktor Mahmud Afshar ba hamkari-ye Sokhan.
- Berg G.R. van den (3 April 2017), With Our Own Hands: A Revolutionary Cookbook from the Pamir Mountains. With Our Own Hands: A Revolutionary Cookbook from the Pamir Mountains. Leiden: Leiden Islam Blog LUCIS. [blog entry].
- Berg G.R. van den (2017), Literatur der Vӧlker des Pamir. In: Ludwig Paul (Ed.), Handbuch der Iranistik no. 2. Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert Verlag. 364-370.
- Berg G.R. van den (2016), Keeping religion alive: Performing Pamiri identity in Central Asia, IIAS Newsletter 74 Special Focus on Memory and Commemoration in Central Asia (ed. E. Paskaleva) (74): 37.
- Berg G.R. van den (2015), Two 17th-century Prose Renditions of the Barzuname: The Story of Barzu, son of Sohrab, in the Ehya al-Moluk and in the Tarikh-e Shamshirkhani. In: Hashabeiky F. (Ed.), International Shahname Conference - The Second Millennium. Studia Iranica Upsaliensia no. 26. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet. 135-150.
- Berg G.R. van den (2015), 'The Book of the Black Demon,' or Shabrang-nama, and the Black Demon in Oral Tradition. In: Rubanovich J. (Ed.), Orality and Textuality in the Iranian World - Patterns of Interaction across the Centuries no. 19. Leiden/Boston: Brill. 191-201.
- Berg G.R. van den (2015), De geschiedenis van de Mongolen verbeeld? De Ilkhanieden en het Shahnama, Leidschrift 30(1): 47-63.
- Berg G.R. van den (2015), Laments and lullabies in the Pamir Mountains. In: Chiara M. de & Grassi E. (Eds.), Iranian Languages and Literatures of Central Asia from the Eighteenth Century to the Present no. 57. Leuven: Peeters. 189-205.
- Berg G.R. van den (2015), Food in the Songs and Poems of Badakhshan. In: Oudenhoven F. van & Haider J. (Eds.), Bo dastoni khud/With our own hands. A celebration of food and life in the Pamir Mountains of Afghanistan and Tajikistan.. Utrecht: L.M. Publishers. 384-397.
- Berg G.R. van den (2014), “ʿAynī, Ṣadr al-Dīn” [Ayni Sadr Din]. In: Fleet K., Krämer G., Matringe D., Nawas J. & Rowson E. (Eds.), The Encyclopaedia of Islam, Third Edition, Part 2014-4. Leiden/Boston: Brill. 14-15.
- Berg G.R. van den (1 June 2013), Rumi - Nieuwe (vertaalde) poëzie. Nieuwe Liefde - Magazine voor cultuur, religie en politiek: 70-71.
- Berg G.R. van den (2013), Alexander in het Perzische Boek der Koningen. In: Burgersdijk D., Henkelman W. & Waal W. (Eds.), Alexander en Darius. De Macedoniër in de spiegel van het Nabije Oosten. Hilversum: Verloren. 195-208.
- Berg G.R. van den (2013), A Persian Manuscript in the Library of Huis Bergh Castle, ’s-Heerenberg, The Netherlands, 4: 249–261.
- Berg G.R. van den (2013), A Special Case: The Kashmir Manuscript of the Persian poet Hafiz. In: Korteweg A.S. (Ed.), Catalogue of medieval manuscripts and incunabula at Huis Bergh Castle in 's Heerenberg. 's Heerenberg: Stichting Huis Bergh. 39-47.
- Berg G.R. van den & Rahmoni R. (2013), The Story of Barzu as Told By Two Storytellers from Boysun, Uzbekistan. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Berg G.R. van den (2013), An Epic for Shah 'Abbas. In: Hillenbrand R., Peacock A.C.S. & Abdullaeva F. (Eds.), Ferdowsi, the Mongols and the History of Iran. Art, Literature and Culture from Early Islam to Qajar Persia. (Studies in honour of Charles Melville). London & New York: I.B. Tauris. 261-266.
- Berg G.R. van den (2013), The Borzunama in the Persian Manuscript Tradition. In: Yahaghi Mohammad Jafar (Ed.), Proceedings of the Millennium of the Shahnameh. Tehran: The Academy of Persian Language and Literature. 1-10.
- Berg G.R. van den, Melville C.P.M. & Sharma S. (Eds.) (2012), Studies in Persian Cultural History (Series Editor). Leiden: Brill.
- Berg G.R. van den (2012), Demons in the Persian Epic Cycle: The div Shabrang in the Leiden Shabrangnama and in Shahnama manuscripts. In: Melville C.P.M. & Berg G.R. van den (Eds.), Shahnama Studies II - The Reception of Firdausi's Shahnama. Leiden-Boston: Brill. 35-47.
- Melville C.P.M. & Berg G.R. van den (Eds.) (2012), Shahnama Studies II - The Receptionof Firdausi's Shahnama. Leiden-Boston: Brill.
- Berg G.R. van den (2012), The Book of the Black Demon or Šabrangnāma and the black demon in oral tradition. In: Rubanovich J. (Ed.), Orality and Textuality in the Iranian World: patterns of interaction along the centuries.. Leiden: Brill.
- Berg G.R. van den (2012), The Ring as a Token in the Barzu-nama: on the Importance of Lineage and Origin. In: Seyed-Gohrab A.A. (Ed.), Metaphor and Imagery in Persian Poetry. Leiden: Brill. 215-230.
- Berg G.R. van den (2012), Stanzaic Poetry. In: Yarshater E. (Ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, online edition. New York.
- Berg G.R. van den (2011), Hoe is Iran sji'itisch geworden? Religie en politieke legitimatie in vroegmodern Iran, Leidschrift 26(2): 95-106.
- Berg G.R. van den (2011), Descriptions and Images - Remarks on Gog and Magog in Nizami's Iskandar Nama, Firdawsi's Shahnama and Amir Khusraw's A'ina-yi Iskandari. In: Buergel J.C. & Ruymbeke C. van (Eds.), A Key to the Treasure of the Hakim - Artistic and Humanistic Aspects of Nizami Ganjavi's Khamsa: Leiden University Press. 77-93.
- Berg G.R. van den & Khatibi A. (2011), Shabrangnama. In: Sa'adat Esma'il (Ed.), Ferdowsi va Shahnama-sara'i. Tehran: Farhangestan-e zaban-o adab-e farsi (The Academy of Persian Language and Literature). 1055-1064.
- Berg G.R. van den (2010), Rumi in Tadjikistan. In: Seyed-Gohrab A.A. (Ed.), Tree voor tree naar Gods troon. Leidschendam: Quist. 113-125.
- Berg G.R. van den (2010), Alexander de Grote in het Perzische Boek der Koningen, Mededelingenblad van de Vereniging van Vrienden van het Allard Pierson Museum : .
- Berg G.R. van den & Seyed-Gohrab A.A. (Eds.) (2010), . Persica : Uitgave van het Genootschap Nederland-Iran (Annual of the Dutch-Iranian Society).
- Berg G.R. van den (2010), The Performance of quatrains in Tajikistan with special reference to Badakhshan. In: Azizi F. (Ed.), FALAK va mas'alahoy-e ta'rikhi-nazariyavi-e musiqi-e tojik. Dushanbe: Adib. 35-46.
- Berg G.R. van den & Steblin-Kamenski I. (2010), Remembrances of a prominent Pamirologist - Dodkhudo Karamshoev (5 May 1932 - 3 January 2007), Persica : Uitgave van het Genootschap Nederland-Iran (Annual of the Dutch-Iranian Society) 23: 127-136.
- Berg G.R. van den (2010), "Barzū-nāma ." Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE. In: Kate Fleet & Gudrun Krämer (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam THREE. Leiden: Brill.
- Berg G.R. van den (2009), The Book of Kings or Shahnameh, in Leiden University Library. In: Gosselink M. & Tang D.J. (Eds.), Iran and the Netherlands: interwoven through the ages. Teheran: Barjesteh van Waalwijk van Doorn &Co Uitgeversmaatschappij. 33-38.
- Berg G.R. van den (2009), Een wit veulen - Abbas Kiarostami. Leidschendam: Quist.
- Berg G.R. van den (2009), Het Shahnama van Ferdowsi en de Iraanse identiteit, ZemZem. Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam 1/2009: 60-67.
- Berg G.R. van den (2009), Harry Potter in het Perzisch, Tirade 428: 83-90.
- Berg G.R. van den (2009), Schetsen van Fitzgerald en Woodbridge bewaard in Arthur Benson's Edward Fitzgerald. In: , Jaarboek 5 - Nederlands Omar Khayyam Genootschap. Woubrugge: Avalon Pers. 53-61.
- Berg G.R. van den (2009), Borzu-nama 2. In: Yarshater E. (Ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica - Online Edition.
- Berg G.R. van den (2008) Mehr Ali Newid/Peter-Arnold Mumm, Persisches Lesebuch. Fārsī, Darī, Toĵiki – Originaltexte aus zehn Jahrhunderten mit Kommentar und Glossar, Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden. Review of: (2007), Mehr Ali Newid/Peter-Arnold Mumm, Persisches Lesebuch. Fārsī, Darī, Toĵiki – Originaltexte aus zehn Jahrhunderten mit Kommentar und Glossar, Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag. Persica : Uitgave van het Genootschap Nederland-Iran (Annual of the Dutch-Iranian Society) 22: 69-71.
- Berg G.R. van den & Seyed-Gohrab A.A. (Eds.) (2008), . Persica : Uitgave van het Genootschap Nederland-Iran (Annual of the Dutch-Iranian Society).
- Berg G.R. van den (2007), Wisdom literature in the Safina-yi Tabriz - Notes on the Pandnama-yi Anushirvan. In: Seyed-Gohrab A.A. & McGlinn S. (Eds.), The Treasury of Tabriz: The Great Il-Khanid Compendium. Amsterdam/West Lafayette: Rozenberg / Purdue University Press. 171-182.
- Berg G.R. van den (2007), The Sura of the Gift in the Oral Tradition of the Ismailis of Tajik Badakhshan. In: Monsutti A., Naef S. & Sabahi F. (Eds.), The Other Shiites - From the Mediterranean to Central Asia. Bern: Peter Lang. 219-230.
- Berg G.R. van den & Seyed-Gohrab A.A. (Eds.) (2007), . Persica : Uitgave van het Genootschap Nederland-Iran (Annual of the Dutch-Iranian Society).
- Seyed-Gohrab A.A., Berg G.R. van den & Zutphen M.E. van (2007), Basiswoordenboek Perzisch-Nederlands. Leidschendam: Quist.
- Berg G.R. van den (2007), Review of: Loy Thomas (2005), Jaghnob 1970 - Erinnerungen an eine Zwangumsiedlung in der Tadschikischen SSR. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag. Persica : Uitgave van het Genootschap Nederland-Iran (Annual of the Dutch-Iranian Society) xxi: 105-108.
- Berg G.R. van den (2007), Rumi in Tadjikistan, Eutopia 18: 69-78.
- Berg G.R. van den, Bruijn J.T.P. de, Haar J.G.J. ter & Seyed-Gohrab A.A. (2007), Hushang Golshiri, Prins Ehtedjab en andere Iraanse Verhalen. Amsterdam: Bulaaq.
- Berg G.R. van den & Seyed-Gohrab A.A. (Eds.) (2006), . Persica : Uitgave van het Genootschap Nederland-Iran (Annual of the Dutch-Iranian Society).
- Berg G.R. van den (2006) Boekbespreking. Review of: (2004), Shahnama. The Visual Language of the Persian Book of Kings no. 3-4. Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing Ltd. Bibliotheca Orientalis LXIII: 406-409.
- Berg G.R. van den & Seyed-Gohrab A.A. (2006), Vrouwen zonder mannen - Shahrnush Parsipur. Amsterdam: Bulaaq.
- Berg G.R. van den (2006), The Barzunama in the Berlin Shahnama Manuscripts. In: Melville C. (Ed.), Shahnama Studies I (Pembroke Papers Volume 5). Cambridge 97-114.
- Berg G.R. van den (2006), De Perzische kwatrijnen van Jan Spierdijk. In: Goud M. & Seyed-Gohrab A. (Eds.), De Perzische muze in de polder. De receptie van Perzische poezie in de Nederlandse literatuur. Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers. 73-91.
- Berg G.R. van den & Seyed-Gohrab A.A. (Eds.) (2005), . Persica : Uitgave van het Genootschap Nederland-Iran (Annual of the Dutch-Iranian Society).
- Berg G.R. van den & Seyed-Gohrab A.A. (Eds.) (2004), . Persica : Uitgave van het Genootschap Nederland-Iran (Annual of the Dutch-Iranian Society).
- Berg G.R. van den (2004), Minstrel Poetry from the Pamir Mountains. A Study on the Songs and Poems of the Ismailis of Tajik Badakhshan. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag.
- Berg G.R. van den (2003), Perceptions of Poetry. Some Examples of Late 20th Century Tajik Poetry, Oriente Moderno, La letteratura persiana contemporanea tra novazione e tradizione, a cura di Natalia L. Tornesello xxii: 37-56.
- Berg G.R. van den (2003) Boekbespreking. Review of: Allsen Thomas T. (2001), Culture and Conquest in Mongol Eurasia no. 3-4. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bibliotheca Orientalis LX: 504-507.
- Berg G.R. van den (2003) Boekbespreking. Review of: Roy Olivier (2000), The New Central Asia - The Creation of Nations no. 1-2. London/New York: I.B. Taurus. Bibliotheca Orientalis LX: 227-230.
- Berg G.R. van den, Bruijn J.T.P. de, Jong A.F. de, Haar J.G.J. ter, Hillebrand R., Seyed-Gohrab A.A. & Vogelsang W.J. (Eds.) (2003), . Persica : Uitgave van het Genootschap Nederland-Iran (Annual of the Dutch-Iranian Society).
- Berg G.R. van den (2003), Shughni-Rushani. In: Esposito John L. (Ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of Islam. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press. 293-293.
- Berg G.R. van den (2003), The Classical Persian ghazal and Rumi in the Oral Poetry of the Ismailis of Tajik Badakhshan. In: Ruymbeke C. van (Ed.), "Mais comment peut-on être persan?" Elements iraniens en orient & occident. Leuven: Peeters. 3-13.
- Berg G.R. van den, Bruijn J.T.P. de, Jong A.F. de, Haar J.G.J. ter, Seyed-Gohrab A.A. & Vogelsang W.J. (Eds.) (2002), . Persica : Uitgave van het Genootschap Nederland-Iran (Annual of the Dutch-Iranian Society).
- Berg G.R. van den (2001), Poetry from Tajik Badakhshan: Form and Performance, Edebiyat: Journal of Middle Eastern and Comparative Literature 12: 59-72.
- Berg G.R. van den (2001), Ismaili Poetry in Tajik Badakhshan: A Safavid Connection?, Persica : Uitgave van het Genootschap Nederland-Iran (Annual of the Dutch-Iranian Society) xvii: 2-9.
- Berg G.R. van den (2001) Boekbespreking. Review of: Hunsberger Alice (2000), Nasir Khusraw, The Ruby of Badakhshan: A Portrait of the Persian Poet, Traveller and Philosopher. London/New York: I.B. Taurus i.a. with the Institute of Ismaili Studies. Arabic and Middle Eastern Literatures : 99-101.
- Berg G.R. van den (2000), Musammat or Musajja'? The Description of a Specific Form of Internal Rhyme in Persian Prosody, Annali di Ca'Foscari xxxix: 215-229.
- Berg G.R. van den (2000) Boekbespreking. Review of: Miller Loyd (1999), Music and Song in Persia no. 5-6. Surrey: Curzon. Bibliotheca Orientalis LVII: 769-772.
- Berg G.R. van den & Belle J. van (1999), The Performance of Poetry and Music by the Ismâ`îlî people of Badakhshan: an Example of Madâh from the Shâhdara-valley, Persica : Uitgave van het Genootschap Nederland-Iran (Annual of the Dutch-Iranian Society) xv: 49-76.
- Berg G.R. van den (1998), Religious Poetry in Tajik Badakhshan, Isim Newsletter 1(98): 21-21.
- Berg G.R. van den (1998), The Nasibs in the Dîwân of Farrukhî Sîstânî: Poetical Speech versus the Reflection of Reality, Edebiyat: Journal of Middle Eastern and Comparative Literature 9: 19-34.
- Berg G.R. van den (1998) Boekbespreking. Review of: Kassam Kutub & Hanzai Faquir M., Shimmering Light: An Anthology of Ismaili Poetry no. 3-4. London/New York: I.B. Taurus i.a. with the Institute of Ismaili Studies. Bibliotheca Orientalis LV: 555-557.