Paolo Sartori will be the Central Asia Visiting Scholar in April 2018
Paolo Sartori is a Senior Fellow at the Institute of Iranian Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna. In Leiden he will deliver one guest lecture on Twilight of the Persianate: The Vernacularization of Central Asia (18th - early 20th Centuries) on 12 April and a masterclass on How can we study Islam in post-WWII Central Asia? on 17 April.

Paolo Sartori
Paolo Sartori is a Senior Fellow at the Institute of Iranian Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna. He holds a M.A. in Oriental Studies (‘Ca’ Foscari’ University of Venice) and a Ph.D. in Islamic Studies (‘la Sapienza’ University of Rome). A recipient of numerous grants and awards, Dr Sartori was Volkswagen-Stiftung Fellow at the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg from 2007 to 2011. In 2013 he was awarded the START prize by the Austrian Science Fund for his six-year research project “Seeing Like an Archive: Documents and Forms of Governance in Islamic Central Asia (18th-19th Centuries). He currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient.

Selected publications
Visions of Justice: Sharīʿa and Cultural Change in Russian Central Asia (Leiden: Brill [HdO8 Series], 2016), pp. 415
“La nazione nella tradizione. Millat nelle pubblicistica degli ‘ulamā’ di Tashkent (1917-1918),” Rivista degli Studi Orientali LXXIX (2008), Supplemento no. 1, pp. 110
Edited Volumes and Journal Theme Issues
“Sharia in the Russian Empire,” double theme issue of Islamic Law and Society 24/1-2 (2017)
“Studies on Khorezmian Connectivity,” theme issue of Eurasian Studies XIV/1 (2016).
“On Modern Khwarazm,” theme issue of the Journal of Persianate Studies 8/2 (2016)
“Beyond Modernism: Jadidism in the Volga-Urals, Central Asia and Western China,” double theme issue of the Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 59/1-2 (2016) (with Jeff Eden and Devin DeWeese)
Explorations into the Social History of Modern Central Asian (19th- Early 20th Centuries) (Leiden: Brill, [Inner Asian Studies Series] 2013)
Islam, Society and States across the Qazaq Steppe (18th – Early 20th Centuries), (Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2013) (with Niccolò Pianciola)
“Legal Pluralism in Muslim-Majority Colonies,” double theme issue of Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 55/4-5 (2012) (with Ido Shahar)
“A Muslim Interwar Soviet Union,” double theme issue of Die Welt des Islams 50/3-4 (2010)
Articles in Journals
“On Strangers and Commensurability in Eurasia: a View from the North,” Indian Economic and Social History Review 55/1 (2018): 133-145
“Exploring the Islamic Juridical Field in the Russian Empire: an Introduction,” Islamic Law and Society 24/1-2 (2017): 1-19
“Take me to Khiva: Shari’a as Governance in the Oasis of Khorezm (19th-Early 20th Centuries),” Islamic Law and Society 24/1-2 (2017): 20-60 (co-authored with Ulfatbek Abdurasulov)
“The Politics of Ambiguity: What Does It Mean to Be a Russian Protectorate?” Ab Imperio (2016/3): 1-50 (co-authored with Ulfatbek Abdurasulov) [in Russian]
“On Madrasas, Legitimation and Islamic Revival in 19th-Century Khorezm: Some Preliminary Observations”, Eurasian Studies XIV/1-2 (2016): 98-134
“On Khwarezmian Connectivity: Two or Three Things I Know About It,” Journal of Persianate Studies 8/2 (2016): 133-57
“Seeing like a Khanate: On Archives, Cultures of Documentation, and 19th Century Khorezm,” Journal of Persianate Studies 8/2 (2016): 228-57
“Moving Beyond Modernism: Rethinking Cultural Change in Muslim Eurasia (19th-20th Centuries), Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 59/1-2 (2016): 1-36 (co-authored with Jeff Eden e Devin DeWeese)
“The Imperial Codification Project and its own Undoing: Custom and Sharia in the Qazaq Steppe,” Ab Imperio 15/2 (2015): 63-105 (co-authored with Pavel Shabley) [in Russian]
“Constructing Colonial Legality in Russian Central Asia: on Guardianship,” Comparative Studies in Society and History 56/2 (2014): 419-47
“Legal Pluralism in Muslim-Majority Colonies: Mapping the Terrain,” Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 55/4-5 (2012): 637-663 (co-authored with Ido Shahar)