Frank Chouraqui
Senior University Lecturer Continental Philosophy
- Name
- Dr. F. Chouraqui
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2006
- 0000-0001-9665-1534

Frank Chouraqui is a University Lecturer at the Institute for Philosophy.
Fields of interest
- Phenomenology
- Ontology
- Contemporary Continental Philosophy
- Philosophy of Play
- Philosophy of Fiction
- Philosophical Anthropology
- Ontologies of Power
My research has a historical side and a systematic side. The historical aspect is focused on the philosophies of Nietzsche and Merleau-Ponty, especially their ontologies of relationality and their connections with ontological accounts of power.
The systematic aspect is focused on an analysis of the phenomenon of belief and its relation to action, especially in the case of fanatic and dogmatic belief. I try to elaborate an account of belief that disconnects it from a reference to truth. I hope this would allow me to argue that fanatic belief is not false, but a false relationship with our own beliefs. This involves preliminary research on special cases of beliefs as exemplified in our engagement with fiction, myth and play, which are my current focus.
Teaching activities
I teach regular undergraduate courses on the Philosophy of Culture and Philosophical Anthropology as well as upper level and graduate courses on phenomenological themes.
Curriculum vitae
BA, MA (université de Provence), PhD Warwick University (2010). I taught High School Philosophy and related subjects in Cyprus and New York (2008-2012), and was an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Koç University (Istanbul) from 2012 to 2015, before Joining Leiden University in August 2015.
Key publications
2014 Ambiguity and the Absolute: Nietzsche and Merleau-Ponty on the Question of Truth, New York: Fordham University Press, Perspectives in Continental Philosophy Series, 304 pp.
2013 (as editor and translator) Louis-Auguste Blanqui: Eternity by the Stars, New York & Berlin: Contra Mundum Press, 175 pp.
Journal Articles:
2016: Circulus Vitiosus Deus: Merleau-Ponty's Ontology of Ontology,” Studia Phaenomenologica, (16: 2016).
2016 “Merleau-Ponty and the Order of the Earth,” Research in Phenomenology, (46:1)2015 “Nietzsche’s Science of Love,” Nietzsche Studien, (44: 2015), 267-290.
2015, “‘A Principle of Universal Strife’: Merleau-Ponty and Ricoeur’s Critique of Marxist Universalism,” The Journal of the History of Ideas (76:3), pp. 467-490.
2014: “Nietzsche’s Other Naturalism: A Reading of book V of Daybreak,” Pli, The Warwick Journal of Philosophy, (25) 155-178.
2014, “Turquie: Le Sauvetage de la Politique,” Les Temps Modernes, 69 (Issue 677), 162-186.
2012, “Temporal Thickness in Merleau-Ponty’s Notes from May 1959,” Chiasmi International, pp. 407-427.
For a full list of publications, see:
Senior University Lecturer Continental Philosophy
- Faculty of Humanities
- Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte
- Chouraqui F. & Korsten F.W.A. (2024), Using Spielraum for a normative definition of politics: Obama’s play politics and Trump’s asceticism, Human Studies 42(1): .
- Chouraqui F. (2023), The Duty of Violence, Human Studies 46: 21-41.
- Chouraqui F. (2022), On the lateral readings of fiction: anti-existentialism in Camus’ Stranger, Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 8(2): 99-117.
- Chouraqui F. (2022), “Pire qu’une croyance, le complotisme”, Lignes (69): 21-33.
- Chouraqui F. (2022), Fanaticism and liberalism. In: Townsend L., Tietjen R.R., Schmid H.-B. & Staudigl M. (Eds.), The philosophy of fanaticism: epistemic, affective and political dimensions. Abingdon: Routledge. 296-313.
- Chouraqui F. (2022), With the emergence of the “Corona Phenomenon”, what aspects of the idea of modern subject have become more visibly problematic?. In: Mossleh P. (Ed.), Corona Phenomenon: philosophical and political questions. Leiden: Brill. 61-68.
- Chouraqui F. (2022), The cognitivist thesis of nihilism, Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 84(1): 127-154.
- Chouraqui F. (2021), Self-becoming, culture and education from Schopenhauer as educator to Ecce Homo. In: Large D. & Martin N. (Eds.), Nietzsche's Ecce Homo: De Gruyter. 189-206.
- Chouraqui F. (2021), The Body and Embodiment: a Philosophical Guide. London: Rowman and Littlefield International.
- Chouraqui F. (2020), The sobering: delusions of authenticity and relaity in Philip Roth, ODRADEK: Studies in Philosophy of Literature, Aesthetics and New Media Theories 6(2): 37-62.
- Blanqui A. (Author) & Chouraqui F. (Editor Translator) (Eds.) (2020), Eternity by the Stars: Contra Mundum.
- Chouraqui F. (2019), Nietzsche and the Stoic Concept of Recentes Opiniones, The European Legacy 24(6): 597-616.
- Chouraqui F. (2019), Fanaticism as a Worldview, Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 3(1): 9-19.
- Chouraqui F. (2019), Post-Truth Politics and the Paradox of Power. In: Alloa E., Chouraqui F. & Kaushik R. (Eds.), Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy: SUNY press.
- Alloa E., Chouraqui F. & Kaushik R. (2019), Editor's Introduction. In: Alloa E., Chouraqui F. & Kaushik R. (Eds.), Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Thought: SUNY Press.
- Chouraqui F. (2019), Liberté, Imaginaire et Ordre Révolutionnaire. In: Block de Behar L. (Ed.) L'Eternite par les Astres de Blanqui. Paris: Honore Champion.
- Alloa E., Chouraqui F. & Kaushik R. (Eds.) (2019), Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Thought: SUNY Press.
- Chouraqui F. (2018), The paradox of power , Chiasmi International 19(1): 69-85.
- Chouraqui F. (2018), Hyperbole and conflict in the slave revolt in morality. In: Siemens H.W. & Pearson J. (Eds.), Conflict and contest in Nietzsche’s philosophy: Bloomsbury Academic. 234-252.
- Chouraqui F. (2018), Nihilism and fiction. In: Bremmers C., Smith A. & Wils J. (Eds.), Beyond nihilism?: Verlag Traugott Bautz. 97-112.
- Chouraqui F. (2018), On the place of consciousness within the will to power. In: Dries M. (Ed.), Nietzsche on consciousness and the embodied mind. Monographien und Texte zur Nietzsche-Forschung no. 70: De Gruyter. 163-180.
- Chouraqui F. (2016), "Circulus Vitiosus Deus": Merleau-Ponty's Ontology of Ontology, Studia Phaenomenologica : .
- Chouraqui F. (2016), Merleau-Ponty et la Terre, Lapsus : .
- Chouraqui F. (2016), Nietzsche on Consciousness, the Body and the Will to Power. In: Dries M. (Ed.), Nietzsche on Consciousness and the Embodied Mind. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter.
- Chouraqui F. (2016), Self-Becoming, Culture and Education from Schopenhauer as Educator to Ecce Homo. In: Large D. & Martin N. (Eds.), Nietzsche’s Ecce Homo. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter.
- Chouraqui F. (2016), Merleau-Ponty and the Order of the Earth, Research in Phenomenology 46(1): .
- Chouraqui F. (2016), Review of: Dorfman E., Foundations of the Everyday, Shock, Deferral, Repetition. Continental Philosophy Review .
- Chouraqui F. (2016), Contre le fanatisme, réinventer la modération, The Conversation : .
- Chouraqui F. (2015), ‘A Principle of Universal Strife’: Merleau-Ponty and Ricoeur’s Critique of Marxist Universalism, Journal of the History of Ideas 76(3): 467-490.
- Chouraqui F. (2015), ‘A Principle of Universal Strife’: Merleau-Ponty and Ricoeur’s Critique of Marxist Universalism, Journal of the History of Ideas 76(3): 467-490.
- Chouraqui F. (2015), The Slave Revolt in Morality and the Founding of Educational Discourse. In: Wiercinski A. (Ed.), Hermeneutics-Ethics-Education. International Studies in Hermeneutics and Phenomenology no. 8. Münster: LIT Verlag.
- Chouraqui F. (2015), Lonely as a Fish: Nietzsche on the Self as Metaphor. In: Skórczewski D. & Wiercinski A. (Eds.), Melancholia: The Disease of the Soul. Lublin: KUL University Press.
- Chouraqui F. & Kuldasli R. (2015), Birincil Açılma: Nietzsche ve Merleau-Ponty’nin Felsefeleri Arasındaki Titreşimlerin Keşfi İçin Bir Davet. In: San E. (Ed.), Merleau-Ponty. Istanbul: Say Kitap.
- Valéry P. & Chouraqui F. (2015), Four Letters Concerning Friedrich Nietzsche, Hyperion: Towards the Future of Aesthetics 7(1): 58-69.
- Chouraqui F. (2015), Nietzsche's Science of Love, Nietzsche-Studien 44(1): 267-290.
- Chouraqui F. (2015), Review of: Mclaren K. & Morris D., Time, Memory, Institution: Merleau-Ponty’s New Ontology of Self. Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews .
- Chouraqui F. (2015), Review of: Kaushik R., Art, Language and Figure in Merleau-Ponty: Excursions in Hyper-Dialectic. Chiasmi International 16: 343-350.
- Chouraqui F. (2014), Ambiguity and the Absolute: Nietzsche and Merleau-Ponty on the Question of Truth. Perspectives in Continental Philosophy. New York: Fordham University Press.
- Chouraqui F. (2014), Turquie: Gezi Park Le Sauvetage de la Politique, Les Temps Modernes 69(677): 162-186.
- D'Iorio P. & Chouraqui F. (2014), The Eternal Return, Genesis and Interpretation, the Agonist: Journal of the Nietzsche Circle 3(2): 1-44.
- Canguilhem G., Foucault M., Lambert R.J. & Chouraqui F. (2014), Jean Hyppolite (1908-1968), Pli (Warwick Jounral of Philosophy) 24(1): 1-9.
- Chouraqui F. (2014), Nietzsche’s Other Naturalism: A Reading of book V of Daybreak, Pli (Warwick Jounral of Philosophy) 25(1): 155-178.
- Chouraqui F. (2014), Review of: Merleau-Ponty M., Le Monde Sensible et le Monde de l’Expression: Cours au Collège de France, Notes, 1953. International Journal of Philosophical Studies 22(4).
- Chouraqui F. (2014), Review of: Merleau-Ponty M., Le Monde Sensible et le Monde de l’Expression: Cours au Collège de France, Notes, 1953. Philosophie (122): 90-92.
- Chouraqui F. (2014), Review of: Carbone M., La Chair des Images, Merleau-Ponty entre Peinture et Cinéma. International Journal of Philosophical Studies 22(2): 301-305.
- Blanqui L.A. & Chouraqui F. (2013), Eternity By The Stars. New York: Contra Mundum Press.
- Chouraqui F. (2013), At the Crossroads of History: Blanqui at the Castle of the Bull. In: Chouraqui F. (Ed.), Eternity By The Stars. New York: Contra Mundum Press. 1-63.
- Chouraqui F. (2013), Originary Dehiscence: An Invitation To Explore the Resonances Between the Philosophies of Nietzsche and Merleau-Ponty. In: Boublil E. & Daigle C. (Eds.), Nietzsche and Phenomenology. Power, Life and Subjectivity. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. 177-195.
- Chouraqui F. & Kuldasli R. (2013), Merleau-Ponty, Ricoeur ve Bolşevik Evrenselciliğin Çöküşü, Cogito 74: 136-149.
- Chouraqui F. (2012), Temporal Thickness in Merleau-Ponty’s Notes from May 1959, Chiasmi International 2012(1): 407-427.
- Chouraqui F. (2012), Review of: Kaushik R., Art and Institution: Aesthetics in the Late Works of Merleau-Ponty. Philosophy in Review 32(4).
- Chouraqui F. (2012), Review of: Kaushik R., Art and Institution: Aesthetics in the Late Works of Merleau-Ponty: Continuum. Philosophy in Review 32(4): 291-293.
- Chouraqui F. (2011), Review of: Connolly W.E., A World of Becoming: Duke UP. the Agonist: Journal of the Nietzsche Circle 4(2): 1-12.
- Chouraqui F. (2010) Modernity in the Mirror. Review of: Sedgwick P., Nietzsche's Economy: Modernity, Normativity and Futurity. Stoke: Palgrave McMillan. the Agonist: Journal of the Nietzsche Circle 3(2): 34-46.
- Chouraqui F. (2002), Marcel Proust: Quatre-Vingts Ans. Les Clés de l'Actualité.