Els de Busser
Guest staff Member
- Name
- Dr. E. de Busser
- Telephone
- 070 8009500
- e.de.busser@fgga.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-7843-8833

Dr. Els De Busser is Assistant Professor Cyber Security Governance at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs at Leiden University. She is the Principal Investigator of the NWO-funded project Cyber Security by Integrated Design (C-SIDe project) and teaches courses on a broad range of topics including digital justice, data protection and privacy, legal aspects of cyber security, AI and human rights and European criminal law. Extension number: 6698.
More information about Els de Busser
A systematic literature review of security and privacy by design principles, norms, and strategies for digital technologies
Shielding software systems: A comparison of security by design and privacy by design based on a systematic literature review
Revisiting past cyber operations in light of new cyber norms and interpretations of international law: inching towards lines in the sand?
Security by behavioural design
Three tales of attribution in cyberspace. Criminal law, international law and policy debates
Freedom AND Security - Conference Report Published by Europol
Voluntary, Non-Binding Norms for Responsible State Behaviour in the Use of Information and Communications Technology: A Commentary
PhD candidates
Dr. Els De Busser is Assistant Professor Cyber Security Governance at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs at Leiden University. She is the Principal Investigator of the NWO-funded project Cyber Security by Integrated Design (C-SIDe project) and teaches courses on a broad range of topics including digital justice, data protection and privacy, legal aspects of cyber security, AI and human rights and European criminal law.
She specializes in multidisciplinary education and research in these topics as well.
Els is a researcher in the The Hague Program for International Cyber Security and a member of the Standing Committee of Experts on International Immigration, Refugee and Criminal Law (also known as the Meijers Committee).
In 2014, Els received the Siracusa Prize for Young Penalists (AIDP and the International Siracusa Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights).
Guest staff Member
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Real C. del., Busser E. de & Berg B. van den (2024), Shielding software systems: a comparison of security by design and privacy by design based on a systematic literature review, Computer Law & Security Review 52: 105933.
- Steen T. van & Busser E. de (2024), Security by behavioural design: a feasibility study. The Hague: NCSC.
- Mirzaei P. & Busser E. de (2024), The New F-word: the case of fragmentation in Dutch cybersecurity governance, Computer Law & Security Review 55: .
- Real C. del & Busser E. de (2023), Defining security by design: a stakeholder's perspective. The Hague: Zenodo.
- Real C. del, Busser E. de & Berg B. van den (2022), Security by design: an interdisciplinary systematic review and conceptual framework, Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, Leiden University.
- Steen T. van & Busser E. de (2021), Security by behavioural design: a rapid review. The Hague: NCSC.
- Broeders D.W.J. Busser E. de Pawlak P. (2020), Three tales of attribution in cyberspace: criminal law, international law and policy debates. The Hague: The Hague Program for Cyber Norms. [policy paper].
- Busser E. de (2020), Bescherming van persoonsgegevens bij verbonden politionele databanken, Cahiers Politiestudies 55: 65-77.
- Busser E. de (2020), Data protection around the world: Belgium. In: Kiesow-Cortez E. (Ed.), Data protection around the world: privacy laws in action: Springer. 7-21.
- Busser E. de, Where are my data and why does that matter?. Leiden Security and Global Affairs Blog. [blog entry].
- Busser E. de (2018), EU-US Digital Data Exchange to Combat Financial Crime: Fast is the New Slow, German Law Journal 19(5): 1251-1268.
- Busser E. de & Herlin-Karnell E. (Eds.) (2018), German Law Journal Special Issue EU Security Governance and Financial Crimes. German Law Journal.
- Busser E. de & Herlin-Karnell E. (2018), EU Security Governance and Financial Crimes, German Law Journal 19(5): 1117-1124.
- Busser E. de (2018), The Digital Unfitness of Mutual Legal Assistance, Security and Human Rights 28(1-4): 161-179.
- Busser E. de (30 April 2018), Where are my data and why does that matter?. Leiden Safety and Security Blog. [blog entry].
- Busser E. de (2017), Flagrant Denial of Data Protection - Redefining the Adequacy Requirement. In: Svantesson D. & Kloza D. (Eds.), European Integration and Democracy. European Integration and Democracy no. 4: Intersentia.
- Busser E. de (2017), "Recommendation 13, d", Voluntary, Non-Binding Norms for Responsible State Behaviour in the Use of Information and Communications Technology: A Commentary: UNODA.
- Adviezen aan Europees Parlement ovv bescherming van mensenrechten in besluitvorming strafrecht