Ellen de Bruijn
Professor of Neurocognitieve Klinische Psychologie
- Name
- Prof.dr. E.R.A. de Bruijn
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3748
- edebruijn@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-6591-7325

Ellen de Bruijn is a professor of Neurocognitive Clinical Psychology at the department of Clinical Psychology at the Institute of Psychology. She studies the cognitive and neural mechanisms of action-control processes that are necessary to interact successfully with the environment and other humans.
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PhD candidates
Ellen de Bruijn is a professor of Neurocognitive Clinical Psychology at the department of Clinical Psychology at the Institute of Psychology. She studies the cognitive and neural mechanisms of action-control processes that are necessary to interact successfully with the environment and other humans.
Research on neural mechanisms in psychiatric disorders
To perform in a safe, efficient, and socially adequate manner, humans need to continuously monitor own and other’s behavior for errors and possible deviations from the goal and to adapt their behavior accordingly. Research has identified the cognitive and neural mechanisms involved in performance monitoring in non-social contexts, but social performance monitoring has only more recently begun to receive attention. The relevance of this central process of performance monitoring becomes evident when disturbances arise, such as in various psychiatric disorders.
In her research line on social cognitive neuropsychiatry, de Bruijn investigates disturbed social performance-monitoring processes in healthy individuals that, for example, score high on relevant symptoms as well as in patients that suffer from different psychiatric disorders. To provide an integrated view of the different processes, she makes use of various approaches and methods, such as behavioral experiments, EEG, and fMRI techniques, computational modeling, as well as psychopharmacological manipulations (e.g., dopamine, oxytocin, and estradiol).
Besides the investigation of performance-monitoring processes, she also studies other relevant processes that enable social action control, e.g., social decision-making, performing in uncertain social environments, and learning from and about others.
Finally, she examines possible disturbances of these processes in different psychiatric disorders with social dysfunctions, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, depression, and psychopathy.
Research project: hormonal fluctuations across the female lifespan
In 2023, De Bruijn received an ERC Consolidator Grant to conduct EEG research on the different stages at which girls and women experience strong hormonal fluctuations. De Bruijn and her colleagues will study a young age group (girls aged between 8 and 15 years) and two older age groups (women aged between 25 and 60 years) over an extended period, using experimental tasks and pharmacological manipulations, to understand the effects of increasing hormones such as estradiol, dopamine, and oxytocin on brain and behavior.
The study aims to contribute to the understanding of factors contributing to health and well-being in women of all ages, and to provide better information about the menstrual cycle and menopause to girls and women.
Short CV
De Bruijn obtained a PhD from the Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, and went on to work as a post-doctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive Brain Sciences in Leipzig, Germany, with funding from the Niels Stensen Foundation.
With the help of an NWO VENI grant (2008-2012), she studied social modulations of adaptive behavior in healthy volunteers and psychiatric patients, using various approaches and methods. She received an NWO VIDI grant (2013-2019) to continue and extend her research. Since 2018, she’s a professor at the Institute of Psychology.
- ERC Consolidator Grant (2023-2028; PI: “Changing Landscapes: The effects of hormonal fluctuations on neurocognitive functioning across the female liespan”)
- VIDI (NWO 2013-2018; PI: “Me, myself, and… you: A social cognitive neuropsychiatry perspective on performance monitoring”)
- VENI (NWO 2008-2012; PI: “Social modulations of adaptive behaviour: a neurocognitive approach”)
- IWT (2010-2014, co-PI; “Social action control in schizophrenia”)
- Grant from Niels Stensen Foundation (PI, 2004)
In the media
- Online: Mare Online (2022, February). Trapped by compulsion: how OCD patients get constant false alarms.
- Newspaper: Algemeen Dagblad (2020, April). Article on the role of oxytocin during forced social isolation.
- Radio: Radio2 (2020, April). Interview about benefits of hearing one’s voice over text messaging on hormone release.
- TV: EditieNL, RTL4 (2020, April). Interview about hugging during stressful times and social isolation.
- Magazine: Elsevier Weekblad (2020, April). Interview about effects of lack of physical contact on mental health.
- Newspaper: NRC (2019, August). Article on workshops that stimulate hugging behavior, covering my research on the effects of oxytocin on social behavior.
- DA Magazine (2019, May). Interview about research on oxytocin and the relevance of touch on well-being.
- Plus Magazine (2017, December). Interview about the relevance of oxytocin and physical contact on well-being in elderly people.
- BNR Radio (2016, May). Dutch radio interview on research on oxytocin and how this may or may not be beneficial for work environments and team work.
Professor of Neurocognitieve Klinische Psychologie
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Klinische Psychologie
- Topel S., Ma I., Duijvenvoorde A.C.K. van, van Steenbergen H. & Bruijn E.R.A. de (2024), Adapting to uncertainty: the role of anxiety and fear of negative evaluation in learning in social and non-social contexts, Journal of Affective Disorders 363: 310-319.
- Jansen M., Overgaauw S. & Bruijn E.R.A. de (2024), L-DOPA and oxytocin influence the neural correlates of performance monitoring for self and others, Psychopharmacology 241(5): 1079-1092.
- Grootjans Y., Harrewijn A., Fornari L., Janssen T., Bruijn E.R.A. de, van Atteveldt N. & Franken I.H.A. (2024), Getting closer to social interactions using electroencephalography in developmental cognitive neuroscience, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience : 1-9.
- Topel S., Ma I., Sleutels J.J.M., Steenbergen H. van, Bruijn E.R. A. de & Duijvenvoorde A.C.K. van (2023), Expecting the unexpected: a review of learning under uncertainty across development, Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 23: 718–738.
- Koele I., van Hoorn J., de Bruijn E.R.A. & Güroglu B. (2023), Neural processing of observed performance-based errors and rewards in the context of friends and unfamiliar peers across adolescence, Neuropsychologia 188: 1-10 (108619).
- Jansen M., Lockwood P.L., Cutler J. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2023), l-DOPA and oxytocin influence the neurocomputational mechanisms of self-benefitting and prosocial reinforcement learning, NeuroImage 270: 1-14 ( 119983).
- Topel S., Ma I., Sleutels J., Steenbergen H. van, Bruijn E.R.A. de & Duijvenvoorde A.C.K. van (2023), Expecting the unexpected: a review of learning under uncertainty across development, Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 23: 718-738.
- Jansen M., Does A.J.W. van der, Rover M. de, Bruijn E.R.A. de & Hamstra D.A. (2023), Hormonal status effects on the electrophysiological correlates of performance monitoring in women, Psychoneuroendocrinology 149: 1-10 (106006).
- Jansen M Lockwood PL Cutler J de Bruijn ERA (2023), l-DOPA and oxytocin influence the neurocomputational mechanisms of self-benefitting and prosocial reinforcement learning, NeuroImage 270: 119983.
- Steenbergen H. van, Bruijn E.R.A de, Duijvenvoorde A.C.K. van & Harmelen A. van (2021), How positive affect buffers stress responses, Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 39: 153-160.
- Scheper I., Brazil I.A., Bruijn E.R.A. de, Mulder-Hanekamp L. & Kessels R.P.C. (2021), Prevention is better than cure: effects of errors on memory performance during spatial learning in healthy aging, Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 33: 997–1003.
- De Bruijn E.R.A., Jansen M. & Overgaauw S. (2020), Enhanced error-related brain activations for mistakes that harm others: ERP evidence from a novel social performance-monitoring paradigm, NeuroImage 204: 116238.
- Jansen M. & Bruijn E.R.A. de (2020), Mistakes that matter: an event-related potential study on obsessive-compulsive symptoms and social performance monitoring in different responsibility contexts, Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 20: 684–697.
- Overgaauw S., Jansen M. & Bruijn E.R.A. de (2020), Self-centered or other-directed: neural correlates of performance monitoring are dependent on psychopathic traits and social context, Cortex 129: 199-210.
- Jansen M., Overgaauw S. & Bruijn E.R.A. de (2020), Social cognition and obsessive-compulsive disorder: a review of subdomains of social functioning, Frontiers in Psychiatry 11: 118.
- Bruijn E.R.A. de, Mars R.B. & Hester R. (2020), Processing of performance errors predicts memory formation: enhanced feedback‐related negativities for corrected versus repeated errors in an associative learning paradigm, European Journal of Neuroscience 51(3): 881–890.
- Overgaauw S., Jansen M., Korbee N.J. & Bruijn E.R.A. de (2019), Neural Mechanisms Involved in Social Conformity and Psychopathic Traits: Prediction Errors, Reward Processing and Saliency, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 13: e160.
- Scheper I., Bruijn E.R.A. de, Bertens D., Kessels R.P.C. & Brazil I.A. (2019), The impact of error frequency on errorless and errorful learning of object locations using a novel paradigm, Memory 27(10): 1371-1380.
- Ruissen M.I., Overgaauw S. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2018), Being right, but losing money: the role of striatum in joint decision making, Scientific Reports 8: e6711.
- Tollenaar M.S., Ruissen M.I., Elzinga B.M. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2017), Does oxytocin lead to emotional interference during a working memory paradigm?, Psychopharmacology 2017(234): 3467-3474.
- Radke S., Volman I., Kokal I., Roelofs K., De Bruijn E.R.A. & Toni I. (2017), Oxytocin reduces amygdala responses during threat approach, Psychoneuroendocrinology 79: 160-166.
- De Bruijn E.R.A., Ruissen M.I. & Radke S. (2017), Electrophysiological correlates of oxytocin-induced enhancement of social performance monitoring, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 12(10): 1668-1677.
- Spronk D.B., Bruijn E.R.A. de, Wel J.H.P. van, Ramaekers J.G. & Verkes R.J. (2016), Acute effects of cocaine and cannabis on response inhibition in humans: an ERP investigation, Addiction Biology 21(6): 1186-1198.
- Spronk D.B., Verkes R.J., Cools R., Franke B., Van Wel J.H.P., Ramaekers J.G. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2016), Opposite effects of cannabis and cocaine on performance monitoring, European Neuropsychopharmacology 26(7): 1127-1139.
- Spronk D.B., Van der Schaaf M.E., Cools R., De Bruijn E.R.A., Franke B., Van Wel J.H., Ramaekers J.G. & Verkes R.J. (2016), Acute effects of cocaine and cannabis on reversal learning as a function of COMT and DRD2 genotype, Psychopharmacology 233(2): 199-211.
- Ruissen M.I. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2016), Competitive Game Play Attenuates Self-Other Integration during Joint Task Performance, Frontiers in Psychology 7: e274.
- Ruissen M.I. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2015), Is it me or is it you? Behavioral and electrophysiological effects of oxytocin administration on self-other integration during joint task performance, Cortex 70: 146-154.
- Cerit H., Schuur R.J., De Bruijn E.R.A. & Van der Does W. (2015), Tryptophan supplementation and the response to unfairness in healthy volunteers, Frontiers in Psychology 6: e1012.
- Radke S. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2015), Does oxytocin affect mind-reading? A replication study, Psychoneuroendocrinology 60: 75-81.
- Radke S., Volman I., Mehta P., Van Son V., Enter D., Sanfey A., Toni I., De Bruijn E.R.A. & Roelofs K. (2015), Testosterone biases the amygdala towards social threat approach, Science Advances 1(5): e1400074.
- De la Asuncion J., Docx L., Sabbe B., Morrens M. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2015), Abnormal emotion processing, but intact fairness and intentionality considerations during social decision-making in schizophrenia, Frontiers in Psychology 6: e1058.
- De la Asuncion J., Bervoets C., Morrens M., Sabbe B. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2015), EEG correlates of impaired self-other integration during joint-task performance in schizophrenia, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 10(10): 1365-1372.
- De la Asuncion J., Docx L., Sabbe B., Morrens M. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2015), Converging evidence of social avoidant behavior in schizophrenia from two approach-avoidance tasks, Journal of Psychiatric Research 69: 135-141.
- De la Asuncion J., Docx L., Morrens M., Sabbe B. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2015), Neurophysiological evidence for diminished monitoring of own, but intact monitoring of other's errors in schizophrenia, Psychiatry Research 230(2): 220-226.
- Quisenaerts C., Morrens M., Hulstijn W., De Bruijn E.R.A., Timmers M., Streffer J., De la Asuncion J., Dumont G. & Sabbe B. (2014), The nicotinergic receptor as a target for cognitive enhancement in schizophrenia: Barking up the wrong tree?, 231(3): 543-550.
- Spronk D.B., Dumont G.J.H., Verkes R.J. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2014), The acute effects of MDMA and ethanol administration on electrophysiological correlates of performance monitoring in healthy volunteers, 231(14): 2877-2888.
- Radke S., Gueths F., Andre J.A., Mueller B.W. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2014), In action or inaction? Social approach-avoidance tendencies in major depression, Psychiatry Research 219(3): 513-517.
- Niemegeers P., Dumont G.J.H., Quisenaerts C., Morrens M., Boonzaier J., Franssen E., De Bruijn E.R.A., Hulstijn W. & Sabbe B.G.C. (2014), The effects of nicotine on cognition in the healthy elderly are dependent on baseline function, European Neuropsychopharmacology 24: 1015-1023.
- Morsel A.M., Morrens M., Temmerman A., Sabbe B.G.C. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2014), EEG evidence for reduced performance monitoring in euthymic bipolar disorder, Bipolar Disorders 16(8): 820-829.
- Meyer M., Bekkering H., Janssen D.J.C., De Bruijn E.R.A. & Hunnius S. (2014), Neural correlates of feedback processing in toddlers, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 26(7): 1519-1527.
- Brazil I.A., Maes J.H., Scheper I., Bulten B.H., Kessels R.P., Verkes R.J. & Bruijn E.R.A. de (2013), Reversal deficits in individuals with psychopathy in explicit but not implicit learning conditions, Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 38(4): 13-20.
- Egger J.I., Wingbermühle E., Verhoeven W.M., Dijkman M., Radke S., Bruijn E.R.A. de, Vries B. de, Kessels R.P. & Koolen D. (2013), Hypersociability in the behavioral phenotype of 17q21.31 microdeletion syndrome, The American Journal of Medical Genetics - Part A 161A(1): 21-26.
- Spronk D., Veth C.P., Arns M., Schofield P.R., Dobson-Stone C., Ramaekers J.G., Franke B., Bruijn E.R.A. de & Verkes R.J. (2013), DBH - 1021C > T and COMT Val108/158Met genotype are not associated with the P300 ERP in an auditory oddball task, Clinical Neurophysiology 124(5): 909-915.
- Brazil I.A., Hunt L.T., Bulten B.H., Kessels R.P.C., De Bruijn E.R.A. & Mars R.B. (2013), Psychopathy-related traits and the use of reward and social information: A computational approach, Frontiers in Decision Neuroscience 19(4): 952.
- Von Borries A.K.L., Verkes R.J., Bulten B.H., Cools R. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2013), Feedback-related negativity codes outcome valence, but not outcome expectancy, during reversal learning, Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 13(4): 737-746.
- Houthoofd S., Morrens M., Sabbe B., Schrijvers D., Vandendriessche F., Hulstijn W. & Bruijn E.R.A. de (2013), Trait and state aspects of internal and external performance monitoring in schizophrenia, International Journal of Psychophysiology 87(1): 42-51.
- Radke S., Schäfer I.C., Müller B.W. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2013), Do different fairness contexts and facial emotions motivate 'irrational' social decision-making in major depression? An exploratory patient study, Psychiatry Research 210(2): 438-443.
- Radke S., Brazil I.A., Scheper I., Bulten B.H. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2013), Unfair offers, unfair offenders? Fairness considerations in incarcerated individuals with and without psychopathy, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7: e406.
- Radke S., Roelofs K. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2013), Acting on anger: Social anxiety modulates approach-avoidance tendencies after oxytocin administration, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 24(8): 1573-1578.
- Kostermans E., Spijkerman R., Engels R.C.M.E., Bekkering H. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2013), To cross or not to cross: Monitoring decisions based on everyday life experience in a simulated traffic task, 27(3): 113-123.
- Quisenaerts C., Morrens M., Hulstijn W., De Boer P., Timmers M., Sabbe B. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2013), Acute nicotine improves social decision-making in non-smoking but not in smoking schizophrenia patients, Frontiers in Neuroscience 7(197): .
- De Bruijn E.R.A. & Von Rhein D.T. (2012), Is your error my concern? An event-related potential study on own and observed error detection in cooperation and competition, Frontiers in Neuroscience 6: e8.
- Colzato L.S., Bruijn E.R.A. de & Hommel B. (2012), Up to "me" or up to "us"? The impact of self-construal priming on cognitive self-other integration, Frontiers in Psychology 3: .
- Borries A.K.L. van, Volman I.A.C., Bruijn E.R.A. de, Bulten B., Verkes R.J. & Roelofs K. (2012), Psychopaths lack the automatic tendency to avoid threat: relation to instrumental aggression, Psychiatry Research 200(2-3): 761-766.
- Destoop M., Schrijvers D., Grave C. de, Sabbe B. & Bruijn E.R.A. de (2012), Better to give than to take? Interactive social decision-making in severe major depressive disorder, Journal of Affective Disorders 137(1-3): 98-105.
- Radke S., Güroğlu B. & Bruijn E.R.A. de (2012), There’s something about a fair split: Intentionality moderates context-based fairness considerations in social decisionmaking, PLoS ONE 7(2): e31491.
- De Bruijn E.R.A., Mars R.B., Bekkering H. & Coles M.G.H. (2012), Your mistake is my mistake... or is it? Behavioral adjustments following own and observed actions in cooperative and competitive contexts, The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 65(2): 317-325.
- Radke S. & Bruijn E.R.A. de (2012), The other side of the coin: Oxytocin decreases the adherence to fairness norms, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6: e193.
- Brazil I.A., Verkes R.J., Brouns R.M., Buitelaar J.K., Bulten B.H. & Bruijn E.R.A. de (2012), Differentiating psychopathy from general antisociality using the P3 as a psychophysiological correlate of attentional allocation, PLoS ONE 7(11): e50339.
- Bicho E., Erlhagen W., Sousa E., Louro L., Hipolito N., Silva E.C., Silva R., Ferreira F., Machado T., Hulstijn M., Maas Y., De Bruijn E., Cuijpers R.H., Newman-Norlund R., Van Schie H., Meulenbroek R.G.J. & Bekkering H. (2012), The power of prediction: Robots that read intentions, 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) : 5458-5459.
- De Bruijn E.R.A. (2012), It takes two: A social neurocognitive perspective on psychiatry, Acta Psychiatrica Belgica 112(4): 56-59.
- Spronk D., Dumont G.J.H., Verkes R.J. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2011), Acute effects of Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol on performance monitoring in healthy volunteers, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 5: 1-11.
- Radke S., De Lange F.P., Ullsperger M. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2011), Mistakes that affects others: An fMRI study on processing of own errors in a social context, Experimental Brain Research 211(3-4): 405-413.
- De Bruijn E.R.A. & Ullsperger M. (2011), Pathological changes in performance monitoring. In: Mars R.B., Sallet J., Rushworth M.F.S. & Yeung N. (Eds.), Neural Basis of Motivational and Cognitive Control. Cambridge, Massachusetts/London, England: The MIT Press. 263-280.
- De Bruijn E.R.A., Miedl S.F. & Bekkering H. (2011), How a co-actor's task affects monitoring of own errors: Evidence form a social event-related potential study, Experimental Brain Research 211: 397-404.
- Brazil I.A., Mars R.B., Bulten B.H., Buitelaar J.K., Verkes R.J. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2011), A neurophysiological dissociation between monitoring one's own and others' actions in psychopathy, Biological Psychiatry 69: 693-699.
- Schellekens A.F.A., De Bruijn E.R.A., Lankveld C.A.A., Hulstijn W., Buitelaar J.K., Jong C.A.J. de & Verkes R.J. (2010), Alcohol dependence and anxiety increase error-related brain activity, 105: 1928-1934.
- Von Borries A.K.L., Brazil I.A., Bulten B.H., Buitelaar J.K., Verkes R.J. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2010), Neural correlates of error-related learning deficits in individuals with psychopathy, Psychological Medicine 40(9): 1559-1568.
- Schrijvers D.L., Bruijn E.R.A. de, Destoop M., Hulstijn W. & Sabbe B. (2010), The impact of perfectionism and anxiety traits on action monitoring in major depressive disorder, Journal of Neural Transmission 117: 869-880.
- De Bruijn E.R.A., Lange F.P. de, Cramon D.Y. von der & Ullsperger M. (2009), When Errors Are Rewarding, Journal of Neuroscience 29: 12183-12186.
- Schrijvers D., De Bruijn E.R.A., Maas Y.J., Vancoillie P., Sabbe B. & Hulstijn W. (2009), Action monitoring and depressive symptom reduction in major depressive disorder, International Journal of Psychophysiology 71: 218-224.
- Newman-Norlund R.D., Ganesh S., Van Schie H.T., De Bruijn E.R.A. & Bekkering H. (2009), Self-identification and empathy modulate error-related brain activity during the observation of penalty shots between friend and foe, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 4: 10-22.
- Destoop M., De Bruijn E.R.A., Hulstijn W. & Sabbe B.G.C. (2009), A cognitive neuropsychiatric analysis of psychomotor symptoms in major depression and chizophrenia, Acta Neurologica Belgica 109: 262-270.
- Brazil I.A., De Bruijn E.R.A., Bulten B.H., Borries A.K.L. von der, Lankveld J.J.D.M. van, Buitelaar J.K. & Verkes R.J. (2009), Early and Late Components of Error Monitoring in Violent Offenders with Psychopathy, Biological Psychiatry 65: 137-143.
- Bekkering H., De Bruijn E.R.A., Cuijpers R., Newman-Norlund R., Van Schie H.T. & Meulenbroek R. (2009), Joint action: Neurocognitive systems supporting human interaction, Topics in Cognitive Science 1(2): 340-352.
- De Bruijn E.R.A., Miedl S.F. & Bekkering H. (2008), Fast responders have blinders on: ERP correlates of response inhibition in competition, Cortex 44: 580-586.
- Schrijvers D.L., De Bruijn E.R.A., Grave C. de, Sabbe B. & Hulstijn W. (2008), Action monitoring in major depressive disorder with psychomotor retardation, Cortex 44: 569-579.
- De Bruijn E.R.A., Schubotz R.I. & Ullsperger M. (2007), An event-related potential study on the observation of erroneous everyday actions, Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 7: 278-285.
- Pieters G.L.M., De Bruijn E.R.A., Maas Y., Hulstijn W., Vandereycken W., Peuskens J. & Sabbe B.G. (2007), Action monitoring and perfectionism in anorexia nervosa, Brain and Cognition 63(1): 42-50.
- De Bruijn E.R.A. (2007), Vergissen is menselijk: een neuraal mechanisme voor foutendetectie, Psychometrika 42: 202-207.
- De Bruijn E.R.A. (2006), De effecten van psychoactieve medicatie op actie monitoring, Neuropraxis 1: 8-11.
- Roelofs K., De Bruijn E.R.A. & Galen G.P. van (2006), Hyperactive action monitoring during motor-initiation in conversion paralysis: an event-related potential study, Biological Psychology 71: 316-325.
- De Bruijn E.R.A., Grootens K.P., Verkes R.J., Buchholz V., Hummelen J.W. & Hulstijn W. (2006), Neural correlates of impulsive responding in borderline personality disorder: ERP evidence for reduced action monitoring, Journal of Psychiatric Research 40: 428-437.
- De Bruijn E.R.A., Sabbe B., Hulstijn W., Ruigt G.S.F. & Verkes R.J. (2006), Effects of antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs on action monitoring in healthy volunteers, Brain Research 1105: 122-129.
- Kerkhofs R., Dijkstra A.F.J., Chwilla D.J. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2006), Testing a model for bilingual semantic priming with interlingual homographs: RT and N400 effects, Brain Research 1068: 170-183.
- De Bruijn E.R.A., Hulstijn W., Verkes R.J., Ruigt G.S.F. & Sabbe B. (2005), Altered response evaluation: Monitoring of late responses after administration of D-amphetamine, 19: 311-318.
- Bruijn E.R.A. de, Hulstijn W., Verkes R.J., Ruigt G.S.F. & Sabbe B. (2004), Drug-induced stimulation and suppression of action monitoring in healthy volunteers, Psychopharmacology 177: 151-160.
- De Bruijn E.R.A., Mars R.B. & Hulstijn W. (2004), "It wasn't me... or was it?" How false feedback affects performance. In: Ullsperger M. & Falkenstein M. (Eds.), Errors, conflicts, and the brain. Current opinions on performance monitoring. Leipzig: MPI of cognitive neuroscience. 118-124.
- Mars R.B., De Bruijn E.R.A., Hulstijn W., Miltner W.H.R. & Coles M.G.H. (2004), What if I told you: "You were wrong"? Brain potentials and behavioral adjustments elicited by feedback in a time-estimation task. In: Ullsperger M. & Falkenstein M. (Eds.), Errors, conflicts, and the brain. Current opinions on performance monitoring. Leipzig: MPI of cognitive neuroscience. 129-134.
- De Bruijn E.R.A., Hulstijn W. & Galen G.P. van (2003), Action monitoring in motor control: ERPs following selection and execution errors in a force production task, Psychophysiology 40: 786-795.
- De Bruijn E.R.A., Dijkstra A.F.J., Chwilla D.J. & Schriefers H.J. (2001), Language context effects on interlingual homograph recognition: Evidence from event-related potentials and response times in semantic priming, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 4: 155-168.
- Dijkstra A.F.J., De Bruijn E.R.A., Schriefers H.J. & Brinke S. ten (2000), More on interlingual homograph recognition: Language intermixing versus explicitness of instruction, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 3: 69-78.