Ellen de Bruijn about the social context of making mistakes and learning from it
Interdisciplinary event De Jonge Akademie 'Fout?'
During the event 'Fout?' by De Jonge Akademie, Ellen de Bruijn held a lecture about the social context of making mistakes and the psychological elements of learning from it.
In her 20-mintue talk, Ellen de Bruijn (Professor of Neurocognitieve Klinische Psychologie and part of the Social Resilience & Security team) demonstrates how the psychological aspects of making mistakes are measured in the lab and discusses how our brain responses to making mistakes.
She also shows that brain networks related to making errors are similar to the networks that are related to feeling pain. What does this mean? De Bruijn explains that both when you feel pain and when you make a mistake, the brain uses this network to adapt your behavior in a flexible and efficient way.
Watch the lecture (in Dutch)
De Jonge Akademie: Fout?Ellen de Bruijn is professor of Neurocognitive Clinical Psychology at the department of Clinical Psychology. She studies the cognitive and neural mechanisms of action-control processes that are necessary to interact successfully with the environment and with other humans. In order to perform in a safe, efficient, and socially adequate manner, humans need to continuously monitor own and other’s behavior for errors and possible deviations from the goal. In her research line on social cognitive neuropsychiatry, she investigates disturbed social performance-monitoring processes in different psychiatric disorders. To provide an integrated view of the different processes, she makes use of various approaches and methods, such as behavioral experiments, EEG, and fMRI techniques, as well as psychopharmacological manipulations (e.g., serotonin and oxytocin).