Daniel Mândrescu
Assistant professor
- Name
- D. Mândrescu
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 7394
- d.mandrescu@law.leidenuniv.nl

Title research: The applicability of articles 101 and 102 TFEU to online platforms.
More information about Daniel Mândrescu
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Daniel Mandrescu obtained dual LLM degree on EU law and International trade law at the University of Amsterdam in 2014. In the course of his studies he was assistant to the editorial team of the legal journal Legal Issues of Economic Integration (Kluwer). Additionally he also worked as an intern in the competition law practices of Allen & Over and Loyens & Loeff. After publishing his first academic piece on EU competition law in 2014 Daniel decided to pursue a PhD in the field at Leiden University starting from 2015. His research focuses on the anti-competitive aspects of online platforms and the interaction between such platforms and EU competition law.
Assistant professor
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Europees Recht
- Mandrescu D. (2025), Designing (restorative) remedies for abuses of dominance by online platforms, Journal of Antitrust Enforcement : .
- Mândrescu D. (8 January 2025), The Essential Facility Doctrine and Google Android Auto Case C-233/23: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Kluwer Competition Law Blog: Wolters Kluwer. [web essay].
- Mândrescu D. (2024), Applying article 102 TFEU to multisided online platforms: discrimination, leveraging and undefined abuses of dominance. In: Calzolari L., Miglio A., Cellerino C., Croci F. & Alberti J. (Eds.), Public and private enforcement of EU competition law in the age of big data. Torino: G. Giappichelli Editore. 87-116.
- Mandrescu D. (2024), The Commission Notice on the Definition of the Relevant Market and Multi-sided Digital Platforms: Small but Important Steps Forward, European Competition Law Review 45(8): 359-370.
- Mândrescu D. (18 November 2024), Case C-264/23 Booking.com: Ancillary Restraints and Market Definition in the Platform Economy. Kluwer Competition Law Blog: Wolters Kluwer. [web essay].
- Mândrescu D. (18 March 2024), The Apple App Store: A New Kind of Hallmark Case. Kluwer Competition Law Blog: Wolters Kluwer. [web essay].
- Mandrescu D. (2023), De conceptbekendmaking inzake de definitie van de relevante markt en meerzijdige digitale platforms: we zijn er nog niet, MP: tijdschrift mededingingsrecht in de praktijk 2023(4): 21-32 (MP 2023/12).
- Mandrescu D. (2023), Market definition and digital platforms. In: Wiggers M., Struijlaart R. & Dibbits J. (Eds.), Digital competition law in Europe. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International. 37-76.
- Mândrescu D. (4 January 2023), On-platform tying or another case of leveraging: a discussion on facebook marketplace. Kluwer Competition Law Blog: Kluwer International . [blog entry].
- Mândrescu D. (2022), Abusive pricing practices by online platforms: a framework review of Article 102 TFEU for future cases, Journal of Antitrust Enforcement 10(3): 469-517.
- Mândrescu D. (18 January 2022), The Apple App Store case in the Netherlands: a potential game changer. CoRe Blog: Lexxion. [blog entry].
- Mândrescu D. (5 October 2022), The application of EU antitrust law to (dominant) online platforms (Dissertatie. Institute of Public Law, Faculty of Law, Leiden University) Meijers-reeks no. MI-394. Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Ottervanger T.R., Van Rompuy B.
- Mândrescu D. (2022), De toepassing van het EU-mededingingsrecht en de DMA op digitale platforms: lessen uit ACM v. Apple, MP: tijdschrift mededingingsrecht in de praktijk 2022(5-6): 11-19 (MP 2022/16).
- Mândrescu D. (7 December 2022), The draft notice on market definition and multisided (digital) platforms: avoiding rather than resolving some of the main challenges. CoRe Blog. Berlin: Lexxion. [blog entry].
- Mândrescu D. (15 November 2022), Case C-721/20 – DB Station & Service: can secondary legislation limit the private enforcement of art. 102 TFEU?. CoRe Blog. Berlin: Lexxion. [blog entry].
- Mândrescu D. (27 October 2022), Opinion of AG Kokott in Case-449/21 (Towercast): filling gaps in EU merger control and creating new routes for dealing with killer acquisitions through the DMA. CoRe Blog. Berlin: Lexxion. [blog entry].
- Mândrescu D. (8 March 2022), The DMA and EU competition law: complementing or cannibalizing enforcement?. CoRe Blog. Berlin: Lexxion. [blog entry].
- Mândrescu D. (2021), Tying and bundling by online platforms – Distinguishing between lawful expansion strategies and anti-competitive practices, Computer Law and Security Review 40: 105499.
- Behre F., Dam J.C.A. van, Schippers M., Sluis M. van der, Haket S., Mândrescu D. & Quintel T. (2021), Reflections on the Young FIDE Seminar 2021: the Young FIDE 2021 Board and the Young Rapporteurs, EU Law Live (Weekend Edition) 64(26 June 2021): 2-6.
- Bostoen F. & Mândrescu D. (2020), Assessing abuse of dominance in the platform economy: a case study of app stores, European Competition Journal 16(2/3): 431-491.
- Mândrescu D. (Ed.) (2020), EU Competition Law and the Digital Economy: Protecting Free and Fair Competition in an Age of Technological (R)evolution. The XXIX FIDE Congress in The Hague 2020 Congress Publications no. 3. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing.
- Mândrescu D. (18 January 2019), Abuse of dominance through data overcharges and EU competition law enforcement. CoRe blog: Lexxion. [blog entry].
- Mândrescu D. (21 March 2019), Business users vs. platforms – a (not entirely) new battle frontier. CoRe Blog: Lexxion. [blog entry].
- Mândrescu D. (14 May 2019), App stores and (potential) abuses of dominance – an opportunity to reshape competition law enforcement in digital markets. CoRe Blog: Lexxion. [blog entry].
- Mândrescu D. (26 June 2019), The return of the MFN clauses – platform ranking as an enforcement mechanism for price parity. CoRe Blog: Lexxion. [blog entry].
- Mândrescu D. (6 September 2019), Ex-ante competition law enforcement and online platforms – a tool with no (clear) instructions. CoRe Blog: Lexxion. [blog entry].
- Mândrescu D. (29 October 2019), Lessons and questions from Google Android- Part 1 – the market definition. CoRe Blog: Lexxion. [blog entry].
- Mândrescu D. (27 November 2019), Lessons and questions from Google Android- Part 2 – Tying in two-sided markets, anti-competitive effects and extra-territorial remedies. CoRe Blog: Lexxion. [blog entry].
- Mândrescu D., annotation: Europese Commissie 6 September 2018. Mf 2019(3): 95-107 (2019/5 Mediaforum 2019/5 Apple/Shazam).
- Mândrescu D. (2018), Applying (EU) Competition Law to Online Platforms: Reflections on the Definition of the Relevant Market(s), World Competition 41(3): 453-483.
- Mandrescu D. (2018), The SSNIP Test and Zero-Pricing Strategies: Considerations for Online Platforms, CoRe: European Competition and Regulatory Law Review 2(4): 244-257.
- Mandrescu D. (2017), Applying EU competition law to online platforms: the road ahead - Part 1, European Competition Law Review 38(8): 353-365.
- Mandrescu D. (2017), Applying EU competition law to online platforms: the road ahead - Part 2, European Competition Law Review 38(9): 410-422.
- Mandrescu D. (2016), One stop shop leniency: the case of DHL Express v Autorita Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato (C-428/14), European Competition Law Review 37(10): 397-402.
- Mandrescu D. (2015), Compulsory licensing - between health and competition: using competition law policy to promote access to medicine, The Global Competition Litigation Review 8(8): 167-183.
- Mandrescu D. (2015), Access to Leniency Programme Documents Based on the Transparency Regulation: The European Commission v. EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, Legal Issues of Economic Integration 42(3): .
- Editorial board member - Mededingingsrecht in de Praktijk
- Editor CoRe Blog (competition law and regulation)