ASCOLA conference
The 11th annual conference of the Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA) of 2016 took place this year on 30 June- 2 July at Leiden University.
The general theme of the conference was the interaction between innovation and competition law. During the three days conference 11 workshop sessions and 6 conference sessions were held. The conference sessions covered a series of topics:
- General perspectives on the relationship between innovation and competition policies
- Application of traditional tools to innovation-related considerations in competition analysis
- Weight to be granted to innovation as a way to balance possible restrictions to competition
- Remedies to be imposed in case of restrictions on innovative markets
- Competition law and innovation: where should we aim at- future perspectives for the digital economy;
- and a key note speech on innovation, competition, and the construction of consumer preferences
The workshop session covered a wide variety of topics as well:
- Competition law and the digital environment
- Interfaces between competition and intellectual property law
- New approaches towards competition law analysis
- Institutional and enforcement perspectives and developments
- Recent Asian developments
- Recent Dutch and European competition law developments
- Insights from and prospects for economic analysis
- International developments and future global tendencies
The papers submitted for the conference session are expected to be published in a volume by Edward Elgar Publishing by June of 2017.

Among the speakers five members of Leiden University presented their ideas and research: Prof. Tom Ottervanger, Dr. Pieter Van Cleynenbreugel, Agis Karpetas, Daniel Mandrescu and Zygimantas Juska. For the full list of speakers and topic see the conference website.
Due to the successful turn up for this topic- over 50 speakers and many more visitors, the 12th ASCOLA conference that will take place on June 2017 in Stockholm, will keep the focus on the interaction between competition law and innovation with a particular focus on the development in the digital economy.