Universiteit Leiden

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Ben Van Rompuy and Daniel Mandrescu speak at yearly ASCOLA conference

On 25-27 June the Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA) organized its 15th yearly conference discussing the most recent developments in the context of competition law policy.

The conference, which was originally planned to take place in Portugal, was held online this year.  The conference attracted over 200 speakers and participants that took part in a myriad of panels covering numerous angles of current competition policy.  The presented papers as well as the video recordings of the presentations will be made available on the ASCOLA website

During this conference Dr. Ben Van Rompuy, assistant professor of competition law, and PhD Fellow Daniel Mandrescu presented their latest research. Van Rompuy presented a paper entitled “The European Commission’s handling of non-priority antitrust complaints: an empirical assessment”. Mandrescu presented two articles on the application of EU competition law in the digital economy, focusing on the recent investigation against Apple’s potential abuse of dominance and the Commission decision in the Google Android case.

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