Universiteit Leiden

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Casper de Jonge

Professor Greek Language and Literature

Prof.dr. C.C. de Jonge
+31 71 527 2678

Casper de Jonge is a Professor of Greek Language and Literature at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society. His research concentrates on Greek Literature in the Roman World, Ancient Migrant Literature, Ancient Literary Criticism, Classical Rhetoric, the Sublime, and the Reception of Antiquity in Classical Music. Casper de Jonge received Veni and Vidi grants from the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO). He is coordinator of the Minor Rhetoric, coordinator of the OIKOS Research Group Ancient Rhetoric and Aesthetics, member of the editorial board of Mnemosyne and the Mnemosyne Supplements, chair of the LUCAS Advisory Board, and program director of Classics and Ancient Civilizations (MA, Research MA). In the media he has commented on Greek culture in Rome (the Herculaneum papyri) and the rhetorical performance of 21st century politicians.

More information about Casper de Jonge

Fields of interest

  • Greek Literature in the Roman World
  • Ancient Migrant Literature
  • Ancient Literary Criticism
  • Classical Rhetoric
  • Style and Linguistics
  • The History of Linguistics and Scholarship
  • Aristotle's Poetics
  • Dionysius
  • Longinus
  • The Sublime
  • Reception of Antiquity in Classical Music


Casper de Jonge's research concentrates on Greek Literature in the Roman World, Ancient Migrant Literature, Ancient Literary Criticism, Classical Rhetoric, the Sublime, and the Reception of Antiquity in Classical Music. He received funding from the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO) for research projects on ‘The Sublime in Context’ (2010-2013) and ‘Greek Literary Criticism and Latin Literature’ (2014-2019). He published many articles in journals like Classical Philology, the American Journal of Philology, Mnemosyne, Style, and Classical Quarterly. With Piet Gerbrandy he published a Dutch translation of Aristotle’s Poetics (Groningen: Historische Uitgeverij 2017). With Richard Hunter he edited the volume Dionysius of Halicarnassus and Augustan Rome: Rhetoric, Criticism and Historiography (Cambridge University Press 2019).

He is currently planning a new research project on Greek literature in the Early Roman Empire (31 BC - 68 AD) from the perspective of migrant literature.

Teaching activities

Recent courses include the following:

  • Greek Grammar and Syntax (Language Acquisition) (BA1)
  • Plato, Republic (BA1)
  • Sophocles, Oedipus Rex (BA1)
  • Homer, Iliad (BA2)
  • Herodotus, Histories (BA2)
  • Imperial Greek Prose (BA2)
  • Supervised Reading List (BA2)
  • Greek Lyric Poetry (BA3)
  • Ancient Literary Criticism (BA3)
  • Longinus, On the Sublime (BA3)
  • Homer, Odyssey (BA3)
  • Aristotle, Poetics (MA)
  • History of Linguistics (MA)
  • Cultural Contact in the Hellenistic World (Research MA)
  • Thesis Seminar (Research MA)

Grants and awards

- Shortlisted for the Filter Translation Prize 2018 (with Piet Gerbrandy)
- Shortlisted for the NKV Homer Prize 2018 (with Piet Gerbrandy)
- Vidi Scholarship NWO (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research): 5 year research grant (2014-2019)
- Veni Scholarship NWO (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research): 3 year research grant (2010-2013)
- Visiting Research Fellowship, Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies, Princeton University (2012)
- Visiting Research Fellowship, Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington DC (2008-2009)
- KNAW Onderwijsprijs / Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Teaching Award 2010
- Vivien Law Prize in the History of Linguistic Ideas 2004

Curriculum vitae

Casper C. de Jonge (Leiden, 1977) studied Classics at Leiden University (1995-2001), where he also defended his PhD thesis (2006, cum laude). His revised thesis Between Grammar and Rhetoric. Dionysius of Halicarnassus on Language, Linguistics and Literature was published in 2008 (Leiden / Boston: Brill). In 2006 he was appointed Assistant Professor of Greek Language and Literature at Leiden University. He was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington, DC (2008) and at the Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies of Princeton University (2012). The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) awarded him a VENI grant for his research project The Sublime in Context (2010-2013) and a VIDI grant for his project Greek Criticism and Latin Literature (2014-2018). Casper de Jonge is chief editor of the classics journal Lampas (2009-present), chair of the teaching committee of the Classics Department (2010-present), and council member of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric (2013-2017).

Key Publications

C.C. de Jonge. 2020. ‘Ps.-Longinus on Ecstasy: Author, Audience and Text’, in J. Grethlein, L. Huitink and A. Tagliabue (eds.), Experience, Narrative and Criticism in Ancient Greece. Under the Spell of Stories. Oxford: OUP, 148-171.

R. Hunter and C.C. de Jonge (eds.). 2019. Dionysius of Halicarnassus and Augustan Rome. Rhetoric, Criticism and Historiography. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

C.C. de Jonge. 2019. ‘Dionysius and Horace: Composition in Augustan Rome’, in R. Hunter and C.C. de Jonge (eds.), Dionysius of Halicarnassus and Augustan Rome: Rhetoric, Criticism and Historiography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 242-266.

C.C. de Jonge. 2019. ‘Critique littéraire grecque et poésie latine : Denys et Horace, Longin et Virgile’. Lalies 39, 87-124.

C.C. de Jonge. 2019. ‘Demosthenes versus Cicero: Intercultural Competition in Ancient Literary Criticism’, in C. Damon and C. Pieper (eds.), Competition in Classical Antiquity. Proceedings from the Penn-Leiden Colloquia on Ancient Values IX. Leiden / Boston: Brill, 300-323.

C.C. de Jonge and A.A. Nijk. 2019. ‘Longinus, On the Sublime 12.4-5: Demosthenes and Cicero’, Mnemosyne 72, 766-790.

P. Gerbrandy and C.C. de Jonge. 2017. Aristoteles, Poëtica. Groningen: Historische Uitgeverij.

R. Allan, I.J.F. de Jong and C.C. de Jonge. 2017. ‘From Enargeia to Immersion. The Ancient Roots of a Modern Concept’, Style 51.1, 34-51.

S. Ooms and C.C. de Jonge. 2013. ‘The Semantics of ΕΝΑΓΩΝΙΟΣ in Greek Literary Criticism’, Classical Philology 108, 95-110.

C.C. de Jonge. 2012. ‘Longinus and Dionysius on the Sublime. Rhetoric and Religious Language’, American Journal of Philology 133, 271-300.

C.C. de Jonge. 2008. Between Grammar and Rhetoric. Dionysius of Halicarnassus on Language, Linguistics and Literature. Leiden / Boston: Brill.

C.C. de Jonge. 2005. ‘Dionysius of Halicarnassus and the Method of Metathesis’, Classical Quarterly 55, 463-480.

Professor Greek Language and Literature

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Centre for the Arts in Society
  • Griekse T&C

Work address

Arsenaalstraat 1
2311 CT Leiden
Room number A0.26



  • Included in internal register
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