Bernet Elzinga
Professor of Stress-related Psychopathology
- Name
- Prof.dr. B.M. Elzinga
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3745
Bernet Elzinga and her group conduct research into the influence of trauma and stress on affective, social and cognitive functions in the context of stress-related disorders, including depression and anxiety. Intergenerational research has her special interest, especially the communication between parents and children and factors that can contribute to reducing the negative consequences of trauma or stress.
More information about Bernet Elzinga
Bernet Elzinga and her group conduct research into the influence of trauma and stress on affective, social and cognitive functions in the context of stress-related disorders, including depression and anxiety. Intergenerational research has her special interest, especially the communication between parents and children and factors that can contribute to reducing the negative consequences of trauma or stress.
With her interdisciplinary research she integrates epidemiological research, neuroimaging, behavioral observations and reports of behavior and feelings in daily life (using electronic diaries). She is also involved in the development of interventions for parents of young people with depressive symptoms.
She has received various grants for her research, including VENI, VIDI, VICI and she contributes as a PI to the Gravitation program New Science of Mental Disorders (NSMD). In addition to her research, she regularly gives lectures, teaches bachelor and master Psychology students, and is involved in various trajectories related to leadership development.
Academic Career
- Section Chair Clinical Psychology, Leiden University (2022 - present)
- Full professor ‘Stress-related Psychopathology’, Clinical Psychology, Leiden University (2011- present)
- Associate professor (UHD), Clinical Psychology, Leiden University (2008 - 2011)
- Assistant professor (UD), Clinical, Health and Neuropsychology, Leiden University (2002- 2007)
- PhD (cum laude). Clinical Psychology, University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Department of Psychiatry, Free University (VU). Title: Searching for amnesia. Cognitive and neurobiological studies on trauma-related memory (2002)
- Researcher at ‘Yale Trauma Research Program’, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA (2002)
- MA Philosophy (cum laude), University of Amsterdam (2002)
- Postdoctoral training for Cognitive Behavior Therapist (BIG registration Psychotherapist 2004, GZ-psychologist 2004 with re-registration in 2023)
- MA Clinical Psychology and Experimental Psychology (cum laude), University of Amsterdam (1996)
Academic Awards
- The NWO Spinoza Prize (2024)
- Elected member Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW, 2022)
- Elected Member Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (KHMW, Royal Society of Sciences (2017)
- NWO-VICI laureate (Grant for outstanding senior researchers who have shown to have the ability to successfully develop their own innovative lines of research and act as coaches for young researchers). Title: ‘Unravelling the Impact of Emotional Maltreatment on the Developing Brain’ (2016)
- NWO-VIDI laureate (Grant for outstanding young researchers who are among the top 10-20% of their peer group). Title: Genetic vulnerability factors mediating the effects of childhood abuse on brain structures and functions (2008)
- Elected Fellow ‘The Young Academy’ (DJA) of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW, 2006)
- NWO-VENI laureate (Grant for outstanding young researchers who are among the top 10-20% of their peer group). Title: ‘The role of prefrontal inhibition on persistent trauma-related fear in PTSD’ (2003)
Main Research Interests
The main focus of my research is how early life stress can chronically shape emotional, physiological and brain responses and social behavior, therewith increasing the sensitivity to stress-related disorders (depression, anxiety, and borderline personality disorder) in adulthood. My work is strongly interdisciplinary in nature. I integrate knowledge from social neuroscience, stress physiology, and experimental psychopathology and combine this with an epidemiological approach. This enables me to disentangle the impact of various forms of maltreatment on adult depression and anxiety and their associations with alterations in the brain.
To further elucidate the processes underlying maladaptive family interactions, I recently focus on family studies. Within the “Leiden Family Lab’ we have conducted a large 3-generation study on the intergenerational transmission of maltreatment, including observations of parent-child interactions and neuroimaging. My lab’s ongoing work (the RE-PAIR study) predominantly focuses on the role of parent-child interactions in the development, maintenance and treatment of depression in adolescence. Here, we also apply a multi-method approach, integrating observations on parent-child interactions in the lab and in daily life, using electronic diaries, with ecologically valid fMRI tasks that mimic parent-child interactions. With the recently acquired Gravitation project ‘The New Science of Mental Health’, we aim to develop new statistical models to analyze how individual networks of symptoms and behaviors interact and develop new personalized interventions to change maladaptive interactions.
Dissertations (PhD projects)
- Marjolein Vandenbosch (ongoing). Communicating Networks in high conflict divorce. (Gravitation grant). Prom./coprom: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga, Prof. dr. L. Waldorp (UvA)
- Kyra Verboon (ongoing). The impact of parenting behaviors on trauma-related symptoms before and during trauma-focused treatment for children (Gravitation grant). Prom./coprom: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga, Prof. dr. P. Muris (UM), dr. Kullberg.
- Myrthe Veenman (ongoing). Communicating Networks in adolescent depression (Gravitation grant). Prom./coprom: Prof.dr. B.M. Elzinga, dr. E. Fried.
- Carline van Heijningen (ongoing). Resilience after experiencing childhood parental loss (LUF grant). Prom./coprom: Prof. dr. L.R.A. Alink, Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga, dr. S.R. van Berkel
- Mona Shahab (ongoing), The impact and treatment of the consequences of trauma exposure among young refugees. Prom./coprom: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga, dr. D. Mook, Prof. dr. F.R. Rosendaal.
- Wilma Wentholt (ongoing). Parent-child interactions in the context of adolescent depression (VICI project). Prom./coprom: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga, Prof. dr. L. Alink
- Cosima Nimphy (2024). BAT: Breaking the Transmission of Anxiety in the Family. Prom./coprom: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga, Prof. dr. W. van der Does, dr. E. Aktar.
- Mirjam Wever (2024). Elucidating the neural correlates involved in parental Emotional Maltreatment (VICI project). Prom./coprom: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga, dr. M. Tollenaar, Dr. G.J. van Will.
- Lisanne van Houtum (2023). Unravelling the Impact of Emotional Maltreatment on the Developing Brain (VICI project). Prom./coprom: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga, dr. M. Tollenaar, Dr. G.J. van Will.
- Loes Janssen (2022). Unravelling the Impact of Emotional Maltreatment in the context of adolescent depression (VICI project). Prom./coprom: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga, dr. B. Verkuil.
- Marie-Louise Kullberg (2022). Aggregation of parental abuse and neglect among siblings and long-term associations with depression. Prom./coprom: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga, Dr. C.C. van Schie.
- Lisa van den Berg (2021). The neural processes involved in the intergenerational transmission of childhood abuse. Prom./coprom: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga, Prof. dr. M. Bakermans-Kranenburg, Dr. M. Tollenaar.
- Charlotte van Schie (2019). State self-esteem in borderline personality disorder. Prom./coprom.: Prof.dr. B.M. Elzinga, Prof.dr. W.J. Heiser, Prof.dr. S.A.R.B. Rombouts.
- Annegret Krause (2017). Emotional distraction and working memory in Borderline Personality Disorder. Prom./coprom: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga, Prof. dr. Ph. Spinhoven, Prof. dr. C.S. Schmahl.
- Steven van der Werff (2017). Resilience and vulnerability to stress. Prom./coprom: Prof. Dr. N. van der Wee, Prof. dr. F. Zitman, Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga.
- Laura Compier-de Block (2017). Child Maltreatment: Underlying Risk Factors and Perspectives of Parents and Children. Prom./coprom: Prof. dr. M. Bakermans-Kranenburg, Prof. dr. L. Alink, Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga.
- Manja Koenders (2016). Effects of stressful life events, social support and cognitive functioning on longitudinally assessed mood in patients with bipolar disorder. Prom./coprom: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga, Prof. dr. Ph. Spinhoven, dr. A.T. Spijker, dr. E.J. Giltay.
- Marc Molendijk (2014, Cum Laude). The role of BDNF in anxiety and depression. Prom./coprom: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga, Prof. dr. Ph. Spinhoven, Prof. dr. B. Penninx.
- Anne-Laura van Harmelen (2013). The impact of stressful life events on brain structures and functions related to memory performance. Prom./coprom: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga, Prof. dr. Ph. Spinhoven, Prof. dr. B. Penninx.
- Nicole Oei (2010). Memory function after stress: the effects of acute stress and cortisol on memory and the inhibition of emotional distraction. Prom./coprom: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga, Prof. dr. Ph. Spinhoven.
- Marieke Tollenaar (2009). Fading memories. The impact of stress hormones on the retrieval of emotional memories. Prom./coprom: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga, Prof. dr. Ph. Spinhoven, Prof. dr. W.T.A.M. Everaerd.
Research Support
2020-2030 |
NWO Gravitation Project ‘New Science of Mental Disorders’. PI: Prof. dr. A. Janssen, co-PI’s: Prof. dr. B. Elzinga, Prof. dr. M. Kindt, Prof. dr. R. Wiers, a.o. (€26M) |
2018-2020 |
Research Training Group 2350 ‘Impact of Adverse Childhood Experience on Psychosocial and Somatic Conditions across the Lifespan’. PI: Dr. Schmahl) International partners Prof dr. B. Elzinga and prof. der. C. Heim (€4.5M) |
2017-2025 |
MARIO (Mood and Resilience in Offspring) project, 60-63600-98-002, ZON-MW. PI’s: Prof. dr. B. Penninx & Prof. dr. M. Hillegers, Co-PI: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga a.o. (€2.7M) |
2017-2019 |
Leiden Research Profile ‘Health, prevention and the human life cycle’. PI’s: Prof. dr. M. Numans & Prof. dr. A. Evers. Project ‘Family aggregation of mood and anxiety disorders. PI: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga, Prof. dr. B. van Hemert (€100k) |
2016-2021 |
NWO–VICI grant ‘Unravelling the Impact of Emotional Maltreatment on the Developing Brain’. PI: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga (€1.5M) |
2016-2018 |
Self-related Socio-cognitive Functions in Dissociative Individuals: An Experimental Psychopathology Study (No. 24618115). Early Career Scheme rom Research Grants Council (Hong Kong). PI: Dr. C. Chiu, Collaborators: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga & dr. M. Tollenaar (HKD 574k) |
2013-2014 |
Fellowship ‘Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies’ (NIAS). PI: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga, theme group with Prof. dr. E. Crone and others (€15k) |
2011-2013 |
Leiden University Fund (LUF). Starting grant Interdisciplinary minor Leiden University ‘Childhood abuse and neglect across the life span’. PI’s: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga & Prof. dr. L. Alink (€190k) |
2011-2013 |
Implementation Grant ZON-MW, 'Aandacht voor verwaarlozing en emotioneel misbruik'. PI: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga, co-PI’s: Prof. dr. Ph. Spinhoven, C. de Roos, M. Rense, L. Tham (€42k) |
2011-2014 |
Leiden Research Profile ‘Health, prevention and the human life cycle’ PI’s: Prof. dr. R. van IJzendoorn & Prof. dr. P. Assendelft. Project ‘Intergenerational transmission of abuse’: PhD Lisa van der Berg (PI: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga) (€250k) |
2010-2011 |
Grant for international conference 'Abuse & Neglect Across the Life Span', profile area ‘Health, Prevention, and the Human Life Cycle’, Leiden University, PI’s: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga & Prof. dr. L. Alink. (€23k) |
2010-2014 |
FES grant ‘Brain & Cognition’. Resilience and vulnerability to stress. PI: Prof. dr. N. van der Wee, co-PI: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga (€250k) |
2008–2013 |
NWO Aspasia, PI: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga (€100k) |
2008–2013 |
NWO VIDI ‘The effects of childhood abuse on the brain: moderation by genetic vulnerability factors’. PI: Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga (€600k) |
2005-2009 |
ZON-MW grant ‘Testing and implementation of group stabilizing intervention for women with complex PTSD’. PI: Dr. N. Draijer. (€250k) |
2004-2008 |
NWO Research Grant Open Competition (400 03 210), The accessibility of emotional memories’. PI: Prof. dr. W. Everaerd, Co-PI’s: Prof. dr. Ph. Spinhoven, & Prof. dr. B.M. Elzinga) (€200k) |
2003-2007 |
NWO VENI ‘The role of prefrontal inhibition on persistent trauma related fear in PTSD’. PI: Prof. Dr. B.M. Elzinga (€250k) |
- Teacher master course Trauma and Mental Health, section Clincial Psychology
- Teacher ‘Mental Health and Illness, Leiden University College (LUC).
- Initiator and coordinator interdisciplinary minor ‘Childhood abuse and neglect across the life span’ (yearly >100 students & 350 students in elective course ‘Psychological & neurobiological consequences of childhood abuse’)
- Coordinator and lecturer bachelor course ‘Personality, Clinical, and Health Psychology’
- Thesis supervisor and research internships Master students, Clinical Psychology
Clinical registrations
- GZ psychologist (BIG register # 79057185125, registered 2004, renewal 2016)
- Psychotherapist (BIG register # 99057185116, registered 2002)
Management / Ancilliary activities
- Chair, Section Clinical Psychology, Leiden University (2022- present)
- Member of Program Committee (2016-2021) and Facilitator Natural Leadership Program (4-month program incl. wilderness trails: South-Africa 2016; Botswana 2015; 2018; Spain, 2018)
- Chair Committee Ethics of Psychology (CEP), Leiden University (2014-2020)
- Management Team, Clinical Psychology, Leiden University (2013-present)
- Management Team, J.C. Ruigrok Stichting (2015-2024)
- Management Team ‘Leiden Institute of Brain and Cognition (LIBC) (2012-2022)
- Management Team Leids Universitair Behandel Expertise Centrum (LUBEC) (2017-2020)
- Scientific Advisory Board Equipex Matrice, National Research Agency (ANR) (Paris, 2017-present)
- Board Leiden Interdisciplinary Network Child Maltreatment (LINC) (2010-2016)
- Management Team, ‘Health, prevention and the Human life cycle’, Leiden University (2011-2019)
- Supervisor ‘Mentor program for female scientists Leiden University’ (2016-2017)
- Advisory board Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Psychology (Hong Kong, 2018)
- Research Supervisor postdoctoral training Clinical Psychologists, NIP (2007-2013)
- Advisor ‘National Center of Expertise on Sexual Convictions’ (Landelijk Expertise centrum Bijzondere Zedenzaken, LEBZ) (2009-2017)
Professor of Stress-related Psychopathology
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Klinische Psychologie
- Faciliteren leiderschapsprogramma
- Uitvoerend bestuurder
- Bijeenkomsten Academie der Wetemschappen