Arnout Koornneef
Assistant Professor
- Name
- Dr. A.W. Koornneef
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 1861
- 0000-0002-8250-4979

Arnout Koornneef is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Education and Child Studies, Leiden University. Arnout’s research focuses on the question of how readers construct a coherent mental representation of texts. In his current projects he examines how digital reading applications can foster the reading acquisition processes of beginner readers
Short CV
Arnout Koornneef is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Education and Child Studies. He received his Ph.D. from Utrecht University in 2008. Afterwards he spent 4 years as a teacher (and post-doctoral fellow) in the Linguistics Department of the same university and in 2012 he was a visiting professor at the University of Florida. Arnout has been on the faculty at Leiden University since 2014.
Arnout’s research focuses on the question of how readers construct a coherent mental representation of texts. In his current projects he examines how digital reading applications can foster the reading acquisition processes of beginner readers. He uses various research methods, ranging from simple reaction time experiments to more sophisticated eye-tracking techniques.
NWO VENI-grant (2012-2016): Do older readers become incoherent readers?
Supervised PhD candidates
- Astrid Kraal, Different Readers, Different Texts, Different Processes: The Effects of Reader and Text Properties on Text Processing, 2020.
- Marloes van Moort, What you read vs. what you know: A methodologically diverse approach to unraveling the neuro-cognitive architecture of text-based and knowledge-based validation processes during reading, 2022.
Assistant Professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Onderwijswetenschappen
- Espin C.A., Swart E.K., Helder A., Veerbeek J., Broek P. van den, Dijken M.J. van & Koornneef A.W. (2024), Scores from CBM maze: do they reflect text-level comprehension?. 31th annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading 10 July 2024 - 13 July 2024.
- Koornneef A. (2023), On the readability of texts presented in sentence-by-sentence segments to beginner readers: evidence from self-paced reading and eye tracking, Reading & Writing : .
- Prast E.J., Stroet K.F.A., Koornneef A.W. & Wilderjans T.F. (2023), What do students think about differentiation and within-class achievement grouping?, Frontline Learning Research 11(1): 57-93.
- Koornneef A.W. & Kraal A. (2022), Does BeeLine Reader’s gradient-coloured font improve the readability of digital texts for beginning readers?, Computers in Human Behavior Reports 6: 100197.
- Moort M.L. van, Koornneef A.W., Wilderjans T.F. & Broek P.W. van den (2022), Validation processes and reading purpose: is validation against knowledge and prior text influenced by reading goal?, Journal of Educational Psychology 114(7): 1533-1552.
- Koornneef A. (2021), The processing signature of anticipatory reading: an eye-tracking study on lexical predictions, Linguistics: an Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences 59(2): 449-479.
- Moort M. van, Koornneef A. & Broek P.W. van den (2020), Differentiating text-based and knowledge-based validation processes during reading: evidence from eye movements, Discourse Processes 58(1): 22-41.
- van Moort M.L., Jolles D., Koornneef A. & van den Broek P. (2020), What you read versus what you know: Neural correlates of accessing context information and background knowledge in constructing a mental representation during reading, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 149(11): 2084-2101.
- Espin C.A., Swart E.K., Helder A. & Koornneef A.W. (2020), Do CBM maze scores reflect reading comprehension?: Inconsistency effects during completion of a CBM maze task. .
- Kraal A., Van den Broek P., Koornneef A., Ganushchak L. & Saab N. (2019), Differences in text processing by low- and high-comprehending beginning readers of expository and narrative texts: Evidence from eye movements, Learning and Individual Differences 74: e101752.
- Karlsson J., Jolles D., Koornneef A., Van den Broek P. & Van Leijenhorst L. (2019), Individual differences in children’s comprehension of temporal relations: Dissociable contributions of working memory capacity and working memory updating, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 185: 1-18.
- Helder A., Swart E.K., Espin C.A., Koornneef A.W. & Van den Broek P.W. (2019), Coherence monitoring while completing reading maze task. 26th annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Toronto. 17 July 2019 - 20 July 2019. [conference poster].
- Helder A., Espin C.A., Swart E.K., Van den Broek P.W. & Koornneef A.W. (2019), CBM maze tasks: Do they reflect comprehension? Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Toronto. Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading 17 July 2019 - 20 July 2019.
- Van Moort M.L., Koornneef A.W. & Van den Broek P.W. (2019), Tracking the time course of validation: Effects of text-based and knowledge-based monitoring processes on eye movements during reading. 29th annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, New York. 29th annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse 9 July 2019 - 11 July 2019.
- Koornneef A., Kraal A. & Danel M. (2019), Beginning readers might benefit from digital texts presented in a sentence-by-sentence fashion. But why?, Computers in Human Behavior 92: 328-343.
- Kraal A., Koornneef A.W., Saab N. & Van den Broek P.W. (2018), Processing of expository and narrative texts by low- and high-comprehending children, Reading and Writing 31(9): 2017-2040.
- Renswoude D.R. van, Raijmakers M.E.J., Koornneef A.W., Johnson S.P., Hunnius S. & Visser I. (2018), Gazepath: An eye-tracking analysis tool that accounts for individual differences and data quality. Behavior research methods, Behavior Research Methods 50(2): 834-852.
- Moort M.L. van, Koornneef A. & Broek P.W. van den (2018), Validation: Knowledge- and Text-Based Monitoring During Reading, Discourse Processes 55(5-6): 480-496.
- Karlsson A.K.J., Van den Broek P.W., Helder A., Hickendorff M., Koornneef A.W. & Van Leijenhorst L. (2018), Profiles of young readers: Evidence from thinking aloud while reading narrative and expository texts, Learning and Individual Differences 67: 105-116.
- Van Moort M.L., Jolles D., Koornneef A. & Van den Broek P. (2018), Validation: Knowledge- and Text-based Monitoring during Reading. International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Amsterdam. 11 May 2018 - 13 May 2018. [conference poster].
- Van Moort M.L., Jolles D., Koornneef A. & Van den Broek P. (2018), What you read vs. what you know: Neural correlates of text-based and knowledge-based monitoring during reading. 8th International Summer School on Literacy Research (25/08/2018-30/08/2018, Egmond aan Zee). 8th International Summer School on Literacy Research 25 August 2018 - 30 August 2018.
- Van Moort M.L., Jolles D., Koornneef A. & Van den Broek P. (2018), Validating What You Know and What You Just Read: Neural Correlates of Knowledge-based and Text-based Monitoring During Reading. 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, Brighton. 17 July 2018 - 19 July 2018. [conference poster].
- Van Moort M.L., Jolles D., Koornneef A. & Van den Broek P. (2018), Neural correlates of integration during reading: influence of context information and background knowledge on integration processes and subsequent memory. 25th Annual Meeting of the Scientific Society for the Study of Reading, Brighton. 18 July 2018 - 21 July 2018. [conference poster].
- Van Moort M.L., Jolles D., Koornneef A. & Van den Broek P. (2018), Validation: Knowledge- and Text-based Monitoring during Reading. International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Amsterdam. 10 May 2018 - 12 May 2018. [conference poster].
- Koornneef A.W. & Mulders I. (2017), Can We ‘Read’ the Eye-Movement Patterns of Readers? Unraveling the Relationship Between Reading Profiles and Processing Strategies, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 46(1): 39-56.
- Van Moort M.L., Koornneef A.W. & Van den Broek P.W. (2017), Processing of Inconsistencies with prior text and background knowledge during reading. 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, Philadelphia. the 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse 31 July 2017 - 2 August 2017.
- Van Moort M.L., Koornneef A. & Van den Broek P. (2017), Validation: Knowledge- and text-based monitoring during reading., Winter conference of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychonomie (NVP), Egmond aan Zee. Winter conference of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychonomie (NVP), Egmond aan Zee. 14 December 2017 - 16 December 2017. [conference poster].
- Koornneef A. & Reuland E. (2016), On the shallow processing (dis)advantage: Grammar and economy, Frontiers in Psychology 7: e82.
- Koornneef A.W., Dotlacil J., Van den Broek P.W. & Sanders T.J. (2016), The influence of linguistic and cognitive factors on the time course of verb-based implicit causality, The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 69(3): 455-481.
- Oudega M.H., Koornneef A.W. & Van den Broek P.W. (2016), Individual differences in text processing under cognitive load: The effect of reading skill and WM capacity. SWAET 2016 / The Scandinavian Workshop on Applied Eye Tracking , Turku. SWAET 2016 / The Scandinavian Workshop on Applied Eye Tracking 19 June 2016 - 21 June 2016.
- Koornneef A.W. & Sanders T.J. (2013), Establishing coherence relations in discourse: The influence of implicit causality and connectives on pronoun resolution, Language and Cognitive Processes 28(8): 1169--1206.
- Koornneef A.W., Avrutin S., Wijnen F. & Reuland E. (2011), Tracking the preference for bound-variable dependencies in ambiguous ellipses and only-structures. In: Runner J. (Ed.), Experiments at the Interfaces. Vol. 37. Experiments at the interfaces: BrillOnline. 67-100.
- Koornneef A.W. (2010), Looking at anaphora: The psychological reality of the primitives of binding model. In: Everaert M.B.H., Lentz T., Mulder H. de, Nilsen Ø. & Zondervan A. (Eds.), The Linguistics Enterprise: From Knowledge of Language to Knowledge in Linguistics. The linguistics enterprise: From knowledge of language to knowledge in linguistics 141--166.
- Koornneef A.W. (2009), The building blocks of the POB model: Economy, sequentiality and modularity. In: Coopmans P., Everaert M. & Marelj M. (Eds.), Promoting Systems Interface. Utrecht: Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS. 247-265.
- Koornneef A.W. (17 September 2008), Eye-catching anaphora (Dissertatie, Utrecht University). Utrecht: LOT. Supervisor(s): Reuland E. & Wijnen F.
- Van Berkum J.J., Koornneef A.W., Otten M. & Nieuwland M.S. (2007), Establishing reference in language comprehension: An electrophysiological perspective, Brain Research 1146: 158-171.
- Koornneef A.W. & Van Berkum J.J. (2006), On the use of verb-based implicit causality in sentence comprehension: Evidence from self-paced reading and eye tracking, Journal of Memory and Language 54(4): 445--465.
- Koornneef A.W., Wijnen F. & Reuland E. (2006), Towards a modular approach to anaphor resolution. Ambiguity in Anaphora Workshop Proceedings, Ambiguity in anaphora workshop proceedings. ESSLLI 2006 7 August 2006 - 11 August 2006 65--72.