Ariadne Schmidt
Professor by special appointment of History of Urban Culture, in particular of Leiden
- Name
- Prof.dr. A. Schmidt
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2502
- 0000-0001-5591-0237

Ariadne Schmidt is professor by special appointment of the History of urban culture, in particular of Leiden (the Magdalena Moons Chair, funded by the Magdalena Moons Chair Foundation) and associate professor Economic and Social History. She is also Chair of Education of the bachelor, master and research master programme History. Schmidt is a social and economic historian with a special interest in gender history, the history of diversity and inequality and urban history.
More information about Ariadne Schmidt
PhD candidates
Spreekuur / Hours
Na afspraak / by appointment
Curriculum vitae
Ariadne Schmidt (1972) is a social and economic historian. She obtained her PhD in 2001 at the University of Amsterdam. In 2002 she was appointed at the International Institute for Social History where she directed the research project Women's Work in the Northern Netherlands c. 1500-1815, funded by NWO/ Friends of the IISH Foundation.
In 2010 she came to Leiden University where she first worked as Program director of the N.W. Posthumus Institute, and lecturer at the section of Economic and Social History and research programme Cities Migration and Global Interdependence, subtrack Economic History. She was co-director of the research project on Crime and gender before the courts in England and the Netherlands, 1600-1800, see project website.
In 2018 she was appointed professor by special appointment of the History of Urban Culture, in particular of Leiden.
Ariadne Schmidt was affiliated with the research network 'Producing Change: Gender and Work in Early Modern Europe'. This network is designed to seize a timely opportunity to foster extensive collaborative and comparative research on the multi-lateral character of both women and men’s work in order build a new paradigm for approaching modernization in early modern Europe.
She was member of the editorial committee of Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis (1999-2001), Holland Historisch Tijdschrift (2001-2006), International Review of Social History (2003-2008), Executive editor of TSEG-Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History (2010-2017). Currently she is associate editor of Stadsgeschiedenis, and member of the editorial board of The History of the Family.
Fields of interest
Social and economic history (16th-19th centuries), gender history, labour history, women's work, family history, urban history, history of inequality and diversity, public history.
Selected publications
Ariadne Schmidt, Prosecuting women. A Comparative Perspective on Crime and Gender Before the Dutch Criminal Courts, c.1600-1810 (Leiden 2020).
Isabelle Devos, Ariadne Schmidt, Julie De Groot (eds.), Special section: The lure of the City. Comparative Perspectives on Singles in Towns in the Low Countries, 1600-1940; Journal of Urban History 42:1 (2016).
Julie De Groot J., Isabelle Devos and Ariadne Schmidt (Eds.) Single Life and the City 1200-1900 (Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire 2015).
Ariadne Schmidt, ‘The profits of unpaid work. ‘Assisting labour’ of women in the early modern urban Dutch economy’, History of the Family 19:3 (2014), 301-322.
Ariadne Schmidt and Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk, ‘Reconsidering the "First Male-Breadwinner Economy": Women's Labor Force Participation in the Netherlands, 1600–1900’, Feminist Economics, 118: 4 (2012) 69-96
Ariadne Schmidt, ‘Labour ideologies and women in the Northern Netherlands, c.1500-1800’, International Review of Social History, 56 (2011) 45-67.
Ariadne Schmidt, ‘Generous provisions or legitimate shares? Widows and the transfer of property in 17th-century Holland’, The History of the Family: An International Quaterly vol. 15 (2010) 13-24.
Ariadne Schmidt, ‘Women and Guilds: Corporations and Female Labour Market Participation in Early Modern Holland’, Gender & History vol. 21, no. 1 (2009) 170-189.
Ariadne Schmidt and Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk, ‘Between wage labor and vocation: child labor in Dutch urban industry, 1600-1800’, Journal of Social History (2008) 717-736.
Manon van der Heijden, Ariadne Schmidt & Richard Wall] Broken families. Special issue ofThe History of the Family: An International Quaterly 12 (2007) 4.
Ariadne Schmidt (ed.), Vrouwenarbeid in de vroegmoderne tijd in Nederland, themanummerTijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis
Ariadne Schmidt, Overleven na de dood. Weduwen in Leiden in de Gouden Eeuw (Amsterdam 2001).
Professor by special appointment of History of Urban Culture, in particular of Leiden
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Economische en Sociale geschiedenis
Associate Professor
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Economische en Sociale geschiedenis
- Arnout A., Block G., Coomans J.l., Damme I. van, Lefranc L., Martens P., Schmidt A., Spliet B., Steensel A. van, Verhoeven G. & Vrints A. (2024), Member of editorial staff Stadsgeschiedenis.
- Schmidt A. & Sint Nicolaas S. 12 April 2023 - 15 April 2023. European Social Science History Conference 2023. Gothenburg. [conference attendance].
- Schmidt A. 11 July 2023 - 13 July 2023. 50 years of the Urban History Journal Conference The State of Urban History: Past, Present, Future. Leicester. [conference attendance].
- Schmidt A. & Sint Nicolaas S.M. 12 April 2023 - 15 April 2023. European Social Science History Conference 2023. Gothenburg. [conference attendance].
- Schmidt A. (5 October 2023), De koloniale en de stadgeschiedenis zijn op talloze manieren met elkaar verweven. Interviewed by Tjitske Veldkamp for Stadskrant Leiden. [interview].
- Schmidt A. & Schrikker A.F. (23 February 2023), Transvaal in Leiden: de verwevenheid van de koloniale en lokale geschiedenis. Historische Vereniging Oud Leiden (HVOL), Leiden. [lecture].
- Schmidt A. (3 September 2023), Over het (voor)onderzoek naar de koloniale en slavernijgeschiedenis van de stad en de Universiteit Leiden. Van Eck-lezingen over slavernij en emancipatie (HVOL). [lecture].
- Greefs H., Van Damme I., Kaal H., Steensel A. van, De Block G., Schmidt A., Vrints A., Deneweth H. & Martens P. (2023), Member of editorial staff Stadsgeschiedenis.
- Schmidt A. (2022), Member of editorial staff Stadsgeschiedenis.
- Schmidt A. & Schrikker A.F. (20 October 2022), Dagonderwerp: Transvaal. for Radio Weetlust (Sleutelstad). [interview].
- Schmidt A. (8 March 2022), From herstory to the explanatory power of gender: Lecture on Herstory and the female gaze, event on International Women's Day organized by the HSVL. [lecture].
- Schmidt A. & Schrikker A.F. (26 September 2022), Wie maakt geschiedenis in de Leidse Transvaalwijk? ’De buurt als bron, gesprekspartner én publiek’. Interviewed by Kole I. for Leidsch Dagblad. [interview].
- Schmidt A.. Mensen maken de stad. Gender en diversiteit in de geschiedenis van de Leidse stadscultuur. Leiden University. Leiden. [inaugural address].
- Schmidt A. (2020), Prosecuting women. A comparative perspective on crime and gender before the Dutch criminal courts, c.1600-1810, Cambridge Core seminar Social and Economic History. Cambridge. [lecture].
- Schmidt A. (16 February 2019), Gevaarlijke vrouwen, gewelddadige mannen? Criminaliteit en gender in de vroegmoderne stad. Leiden University. [lecture].
- Schmidt A. (2019), Magdalena Moons en andere heldinnen uit de Leidse geschiedenis. Lezing voor de Dames-Sociëteit Amicitia. [lecture].
- Schmidt A. (2 October 2019), Magdalena Moons, heldin van het Leidens ontzet. for Nieuws en politiek (Omroep West). [interview].
- Schmidt A. (24 October 2019), Presentatie 'Magdalena Moons', Maand van de geschiedenis: drie bijzondere Leidsche vrouwen, BplusC en Erfgoed Leiden en Omstreken. [lecture].
- Schmidt A. (2019), Magdalena Moons, heldin van het Leidens ontzet? . for Omroep West. [interview].
- Schmidt A. (17 September 2018), Leidse vrouwen in verzet. Interviewed by Simons Wilfred for Leidsch Dagblad. [interview].
- Schmidt A. (24 October 2018), Criminaliteit en vrouwen in de vroegmoderne tijd, in het bijzonder in Leiden. Leiden. [lecture].
- Schmidt A. (3 October 2018), Vrouwen in de vroegmoderne Hollandse stad. Leiden. [lecture].
- Schmidt A. (23 November 2018), Diversiteit en inclusiviteit in de Leidse samenleving - een reactie op Pieter de la Court-lezing van Arthur Weststeijn. Leiden. [lecture].
- Schmidt A. (18 April 2018), Radio interview stadscultuur Leiden. for Science071 (Sleutelstad FM). [interview].
- Schmidt A. (26 March 2017), Op het slechte pad: Criminaliteit vroeger en nu. for Radio Swammerdam (AmsterdamFM). [interview].
- Schmidt A. (2017), Singles in the city - a historical perspective [Solo in the city, Vlaams Nederlands Huis voor cultuur en debat, Brussels]. [lecture].
- Schmidt A. (18 September 2013), Alleenstaand maar niet alleen. Interviewed by Fogteloo M. for De Groene Amsterdammer. [interview].
- Schmidt A. (24 June 2012), Hoe happy is the single. Interviewed by Duin M. for Trouw. [interview].