Universiteit Leiden

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Eefke de Haan

PhD candidate

E.J. de Haan
+31 71 527 1646

Eefke de Haan is a dual PhD candidate at Leiden University Dual PhD Centre. Working title: "From room to container. History of student housing in the Netherlands".

More information about Eefke de Haan

Eefke de Haan studied History and Dutch language and - literature at the NLO D’Witte Leli and the University of Amsterdam. After this, she worked for the Municipalities of Amsterdam and Leiden in multiple positions concerning housing. Since 2008, she works as a strategic advisor at the Municipality of Leiden. Among other things, this regards being a secretary and chairwoman of the ‘Netwerk Kennissteden Nederland’ (Network of the Cities of Knowledge in The Netherlands), which is a collaboration of twelve university cities and their universities, the ‘VSNU’, the ‘Vereniging Hogescholen’ and Kences, the knowledge institute for student housing. Besides this, she was a teacher at the ‘Bestuursacademie Nederland’ and the ‘Leidse Academie’.

In her dissertation about the history of student housing in the Netherlands, Eefke attempts to seek the connection between her current profession, her persistent experience in housing and her passion for history. Her objective is that the results of her research will be used in the policies of student cities, their knowledge institutes, organizations for student housing, governments and other partners in and of the city.

PhD candidate

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Institute for History
  • Economische en Sociale geschiedenis

Dual PhD candidate/guest

  • Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
  • Dual PhD Centre

Work address

Schouwburgstraat 2
2511 VA The Hague


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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