Research programme
Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence 1500 - Now
The key subject of the research programme Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence 1500-now (CMGI) is Inequality (at local, national and global levels). We study this from an intersectional perspective: gender, class, ethnicity or race, religion, sexuality, age, ability/disability, citizenship and legal status. We study these categories of power and identity in connection to each other and not separately. We think that how societies deal with one form of diversity is related to how societies deals with other forms of diversity.
- Contact
- Marlou Schrover

We seek to explain when, how and why change occurred and how changes affected the lives of people, and organisational infrastructures. Within our research programme we look at the movement of people, goods, services, capital, and ideas. We study the means by which actors influenced these changes, and the restrictions they encountered, which can be demographic, physical, spatial, political, institutional, legal, technical, financial, and imagined. We seek to explain mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion, migration, ethnicity, crime, social engineering, subcultures, labour relations, orientalism, colonial heritage, social cohesion, freedoms and unfreedoms (inc slavery), cross-cultural networks, and a whole array of emancipatory movements (such as gay rights (LGTBQ+), labour, women, abolitionists, disability rights). We make comparisons over time and space. We combine historical research with methods, theories and insights from other disciplines.
Related research
Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence 1500 - Now
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- Rethinking Disability: the Global Impact of the International Year of Disabled Persons (1981) in Historical Perspective
- Tolerant migrant cities? The case of Holland 1600-1900
- Dilemmas of Doing Diversity (DiDi) - diversity policies and practices in Dutch towns in the past, present, and future
- Collaborative learning from loneliness (COLLELO). A transdisciplinary approach to understand and reduce loneliness together with people with mild intellectual disabilities