Antoaneta Dimitrova
Professor Comparative Governance
- Name
- Prof.dr. A.L. Dimitrova
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9500
- 0000-0002-7592-0587

Antoaneta Dimitrova's research brings together different lines of inquiry relating to governance transfer across national borders. An enduring theme in her work has been the effect of the European Union on the democratic and market transformations of the post-communist states of Central and Eastern Europe. Other key themes are EU enlargement, currently focusing on the EU’s strategy towards the Western Balkan candidates. Another theme in her research inquires into the causes of democratic backsliding and especially role of state capture. With various colleagues she has been investigating the European Union’s Neighbourhood policy towards its Eastern neighbours – Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova in particular.
More information about Antoaneta Dimitrova
News and Media
Mobilising against Democratic Backsliding: What Motivates Protestors in Central and Eastern Europe?
Framing international cooperation: citizen support for cooperation with the European Union in Eastern Europe
Conflict perceptions motivate the belief in and sharing of misinformation about the adversary
The dual role of state capacity in opening socio-political orders: assessment of state capacity in Belarus and Ukraine
PhD candidates
Research Program
Prof. dr. Antoaneta Dimitrova’s research has developed around the theme of governance transfer from the European Union to candidate states. Her previous research has focused on the role of the European Union in the transformations of the post-communist states of Central and Eastern Europe and the EU’s impact on reforms in governance in accession candidates and neighboring states. She investigates the effects of the promotion of rules and norms related to democracy, public administration reform or specific policies by the EU, IMF or other international organizations.
Professor Dimitrova has published in leading European journals such as European Union Politics, the Journal of Common Market Studies, West European Politics, Journal of European Public Policy, and Democratization. She is a member of the Steering committee of Leiden University's interdisciplinary Europe Hub and a member of the European Integration committee Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV).
Professor Antoaneta Dimitrova was the winner of the Casimir teaching prize in Leiden’s Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences in 2010. At ISGA, she will contribute to the further development of the governance curriculum at the Bachelor and Master’s level, dealing with themes of governance transfer in a global context.
Between 2013 and 2016, Professor Dimitrova has been co-coordinator of the MAXCAP project (‘Maximizing the integration Capacity of the European Union: Lessons and Prospects for Enlargement and Beyond’), which investigated the political and economic effects of the EU’s 2004-2007 enlargement. Currently she is co-coordinator and Leiden team leader in the Horizon2020 EU-STRAT project: ‘The EU and Eastern partnership countries: An Inside-out analysis and strategic assessment’ (
She is currently also Acting Director of the Central and East European Studies Centre, an interdisciplinary platform of scholars of Leiden University.
Professor Comparative Governance
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Blackington C., Dimitrova A.L., Ionita I. & Vachudova M. (2024), Mobilizing against democratic backsliding: what motivates protestors in central and eastern Europe?, East European Politics and Societies : 1-40.
- Mazepus H., Osmundsen Mathias, Bang Petersen Michael, Toshkov D.D. & Dimitrova A.L. (2024), Correction: information battleground: conflict perceptions motivate the belief in and sharing of misinformation about the adversary, PLoS ONE 19: e0302621.
- Dimitrova A.L. & Steunenberg B. (18 January 2024), How the "politics of postponement" reshaped the Dutch Party system. LSE blog. London: LSE (LSE). [blog entry].
- Leuffen Dirk, Dimitrova Antoaneta L., Sedelmeier Ulrich, Lavenex Sandra, Risse Thomas & Schimmelfennig Frank (2024), Rhetorical action in a liberal international order in crisis: theorising EU and NATO enlargements post-2022, Journal of European Public Policy : 1-46.
- Mazepus H., Osmundsen M., Petersen M.B., Toshkov D.D. & Dimitrova A.L. (2023), Information battleground: conflict perceptions motivate the belief in and sharing of misinformation about the adversary, PLoS ONE : .
- Toshkov Dimiter Mazepus Honorata Dimitrova Antoaneta (2023), Framing international cooperation: citizen support for cooperation with the European Union in Eastern Europe, Comparative European Politics : .
- Antoaneta L. Dimitrova (2023), The Russian War Against Ukraine as a Critical Juncture Defining a New Path for EU Enlargement . In: Džankić J., Kacarska J. & Keil S. (Eds.), A Year Later: War in Ukraine and Western Balkan (Geo)Politics. Florence: European University Institute. 55-64.
- Dimitrova A. L. (2022), The evolution of the EU’s enlargement policy. In: Graziano P. R. Tosun J. (Ed.), Elgar Encyclopedia of European Public Policy. Encyclopedia of Public Policy no. 1. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 526-536.
- Dimitrova A. L. (2022), Battered by Geopolitical Winds, Bulgaria Struggles to Restart Much Needed Reforms, Journal of Common Market Studies 60(S1): 88-100.
- Dimitrova A.L. & Dragneva R. (2022), How the EU–Ukraine Association Agreement and its Consequences Necessitated Adaptation and Drove Innovation in the EU, Journal of Common Market Studies : .
- Mazepus H., Dimitrova A.L., Frear M.J., Toshkov D.D. & Onopriychuk N. (2021), When business and politics mix: local networks and socio-political transformations in Ukraine, East European Politics and Societies 35(2): 437-459.
- Dimitrova A., Mazepus H., Toshkov D., Chulitskaya T., Rabava N. & Ramasheuskaya I. (2021), The dual role of state capacity in opening socio-political orders: assessment of different elements of state capacity in Belarus and Ukraine, East European Politics 37(1): 19-42.
- Mazepus H., Dimitrova A.L., Frear M.J., Chulitskaya T., Keudel O., Onopriychuk N. & Rabava N. (2021), Civil society and external actors: how linkages with the EU and Russia interact with socio-political orders in Belarus and Ukraine, East European Politics 37(1): 43-64.
- Toshkov D., Dimitrova A.L. & Börzel T.A. (2021), Towards open access social orders in Eastern Europe, East European Politics 37(1): 1-18.
- Dimitrova A.L. & Steunenberg B. (21 September 2021), What lessons can be learned from the failure to form a government in Bulgaria and the Netherlands?. EUROPP . London: LSE. [blog entry].
- Dimitrova A.L. (2020), Understanding Europeanization in Bulgaria and Romania: following broader European trends or still the Balkan exceptions?, European Politics and Society : .
- Dimitrova A.L. (2020), Grand Challenges in Studying Comparative Governance, Frontiers in Political Science 2: .
- Dimitrova A.L. (2020), Enlargement by Stealth? Bulgaria’s EU Negotiations between the Political and the Technical : Bulgaria’s EU Negotiations between the Political and the Technical, Contemporary Southeastern Europe 44(2): 130-156.
- Fagan A. & Dimitrova A.L. (2019), Reforming judicial recruitment and training in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia under EU guidance: implementation without institutionalisation?, Journal of European Integration 41(2): 221-237.
- Dimitrova A.L. (2018), Enlargement and Europeanisation in Central and Eastern Europe: accession and beyond. In: Fagan A. & Kopecky P. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of East European Politics. Routledge Handbooks. Abingdon: Routledge. 333-345.
- Boerzel T.A., Dimitrova A.L. & Schimmelfennig F. (2018), European Union Enlargement and Integration Capacity no. 9. London and New York: Routledge.
- Toshkov D., Mazepus H. & Dimitrova A. (2018), What Kinds of Messages Can Influence Citizen Support for Closer Cooperation with the European Union? Evidence from the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood. EU-STRAT Working Paper Series.
- Dimitrova A., Toshkov D., Mazepus H., Maniokas K., Boroda M., Chulitskaya T., Grytsenko O., Rabava N., Ramasheuskaya I. & Wolczuk K. (2018), Statehood, State Capacity and Limited Access Orders: Comparing Belarus and Ukraine. EU-STRAT Working Paper Series.
- Dimitrova A.L. (2018), The uncertain road to sustainable democracy: elite coalitions, citizen protests and the prospects of democracy in Central and Eastern Europe, East European Politics 34(3): 257-275.
- Mazepus H., Dimitrova A., Toshkov D., Chulitskaya T. & Frear M.J. (2018), Getting the message across: How can the EU bolster its soft power in the Eastern Neighbourhood? no. 3. [policy paper].
- Dimitrova A. & Steunenberg B. (2017), The power of implementers: A three level game model of compliance with EU policy and its application to cultural heritage, Journal of European Public Policy 24(8): 1211-1232.
- Dimitrova A. & Kortenska E. (2017), What do citizens want? And why does it matter? Discourses among citizens as opportunities and constraints for EU enlargement, Journal of European Public Policy 24(2): 259-277.
- Boerzel T.A., Dimitrova A. & Schimmelfennig F. (2017), ‘European Union enlargement and integration capacity: concepts, findings, and policy implications’, Journal of European Public Policy 24(2): 157-176.
- Dimitrova A. & Steunenberg B. (2017), Pitfalls on the Road to Frey's Democracy of the future - Comment on "Proposals for a Democracy of the Future" by Bruno Frey, Homo Oeconomicus 34(2-3): 213-222.
- Dimitrova A.L., Frear M.J., Mazepus H., Toshkov D.D., Boroda M., Chulitskaya T., Grytsenko O., Munteanu I., Parvan T. & Ramasheuskaya I. (2017), The Elements of Russia’s Soft Power: Channels, Tools, and Actors Promoting Russian Influence in the Eastern Partnership Countries. EU-STRAT Working Paper Series.
- Steunenberg B. & Dimitrova A.L. (2016), Too difficult to handle? Compliance with EU policy in a multi-level context. EPSA Annual Conference 2015 25 June 2015 - 27 June 2015.
- Steunenberg B., Dimitrova A.L. & Kortenska E. (2016), Do citizens change their mind on Europe?. 2015 NIG Annual Conference 5 November 2015 - 6 November 2015.
- Dimitrova A. & Dimitrov G. (Eds.) (2016), Has the European Union's Eastern Enlargement Brought Europe Together? Southeastern Perspectives. Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta & Steunenberg B. (2016), Comparing discourses about past and future EU enlargement: Core arguments and cleavages. Eastern European Working Group at the European University Institute 7 May 2015 - 7 May 2015.
- Toshkov D.D., Dimitrova A.L. & Kortenska EG. (2016), Consolidating and Revitalizing Enlargement: Further Insights from MAXCAP. Berlin: MAXCAP Policy Task Force, Freie Universitat Berlin. [other].
- Toshkov D.D., Dimitrova A.L., Kortenska E.G. & MAXCAP Policy Task Force (2016), What Do Citizens’ Opinions and Perceptions Mean for EU Enlargement?. MAXCAP Policy Briefs no. 3. Berlin: MAXCAP Policy Task Force, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta & Kortenska E. (2016), Enlargement as foreign policy in the Western Balkans: Has it reached its limits?. In: Steunenberg B., Voermans W. & Bogaert S. van den (Eds.), Fit for the future: Reflections from Leiden on the functioning of the EU. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing. 265-290.
- Toshkov D.D., Dimitrova A.L., Kortenska E. & Fagan A. (2016), The 'Old' and the 'New' Europeans: Analyses of Public Opinion on EU Enlargement in Review. In: Dimitrova Antoaneta & Dimitrova G. (Eds.), Has the EU's Eastern Enlargement Brought Europe Together? Southeastern Perspectives. Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2015), The Effectiveness and Limitations of Political Integration in Central and Eastern European Member States:Lessons from Bulgaria and Romania. Maximizing the Integration Capacity of the European Union: Working Paper Series no. 10. Berlin: MAXCAP. [working paper].
- Toshkov D.D., Dimitrova A.L., Kortenska E.G. & et al (2015), Reinvigorating the Enlargement Process and Strengthening the EU’s Integration Capacity: Insights from MAXCAP. [other].
- Toshkov D.D., Kortenska E.G., Dimitrova Antoaneta & Fagan A. (2014), The 'Old' and the 'New' Europeans: Analyses of Public Opinion on Enlargement in Review. Maximizing the Integration Capacity of the European Union: Working Paper Series no. 2014/2. Berlin: MAXCAP working papers.
- Toshkov D., Kortenska E.G., Dimitrova A.L. & Fagan A. (2014), 'The ‘old’ and the ‘new’ Europeans: Analyses of public opinion on EU enlargement in review'. Maximizing the Integration Capacity of the European Union: Working Paper Series no. 2. Berlin: MAXCAP (Free University Berlin). [working paper].
- Dimitrova A.L. & Buzogany A. (2014), Post-Accession Policy-Making in Bulgaria and Romania: Can non-state actors use EU rules to promote better governance?, Journal of Common Market Studies 52(1): 139-157.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2014), Why Poland, but not Ukraine? The Pitfalls of Comparative Research Design or Why We Learned the Wrong Lessons from the EU’s Eastern Enlargement. ECPR Joint Sessions of workshops 10 April 2014 - 13 April 2014. Salamanca.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (20 February 2014), Not Just Geopolitics: The Institutional Background to Ukraine's Problems. Crooked Timber. [blog entry].
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2014), Editorial Piece, MAXCAP Newsletter Issue No.2, : .
- Dimitrova Antoaneta & Dragneva R.O. (2013), Shaping convergence with the EU in Foreign Policy and State Aid in Post-Orange Ukraine: Weak External Incentives, Powerful Veto Players’, Europe-Asia Studies 64(4): .
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2013) Research Design in European Studies: Establishing Causality in Europeanization. Review of: Exadaktylos Theofanis & Radaelli Claudio M. (2012), Research Design in European Studies: Establishing Causality in Europeanization. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke 36(5): 1113-1115.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2013), 'Enlargement as a Modernization or Harmonization Project?', MAXCAP Newsletter. Berlin: MAXCAP, MAXCAP Kick-off Conference (1): 15-16.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (16 May 2013), ‘Bulgaria’s low election turnout is a symptom of the growing mistrust for the ruling GERB party and the country’s political system.’. LSE EUROPP. London School of Economics: LSE. [blog entry].
- Jeliazkova M., Dimitrova Antoaneta, Hoppe R. & Steunenberg B. (26 June 2013), Bulgaars burgerprotest verdient actieve steun. Trouw, 26 June 2013: 21.
- Dimitrova A.L. & Steunenberg B. (2013), Europa en subsidiariteit, Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus (ACS) 3(March 2013): 19-19.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta & Steunenberg Bernard (2013), Living in Parallel Universes? Implementing European Movable Cultural Heritage Policy in Bulgaria, Journal of Common Market Studies 51(2): 246-263.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2011), Speeding up or slowing down? Lessons from the last enlargement on the dynamics of enlargement-driven reform, South European Society and Politics 16(2): 221-233.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2011), The Greek Trilemma, Open Democracy : .
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2010), The new member states of the EU in the aftermath of enlargement: Do new European rules remain empty shells?, JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY 17(1): 137-148.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2010), The management of EU accession in the longer term: Administrative adaptation or an opportunity for setting priorities for reform’. In: Sener H.E. & Esen E. (Eds.), Avrupa Birliği’ne Űyelik Sűrecinin Őrgűtlenmesi. Ankara: Pandora. 181-201.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2010), 'The European Union and the European States' [Bespreking van: Schmidt, V.A. (2006) Democracy in Europe : the EU and national polities. Oxford: Oxford University Press], Public Administration Review 70(2): 326-327.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta & Toshkov D.D. (2009), Post-Accession Transposition and Implementation between Administrative Coordination and Political Bargaining, European Integration Online Papers 13(2): 1-18.
- Barkhuysen T., Dimitrova A.L., Emmerik M.L. van, Gerards J.H., Griffioen H.M., Groothuis M.M., Jong T. de, Loof J.P., Napel H.M.T.D. ten, Steunenberg B. & Voermans W.J.M. (2009), De Nederlandse Grondwet geëvalueerd; anker- of verdwijnpunt?. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2009), Administrative reform in Central and Eastern Europe: Extracting civil services from communist bureaucracies. In: Simons W.B. (Ed.), Private and civil law in the Russian Federation; Essays in honor of F.J.M. Feldbrugge. Leiden, Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta & Dragneva R.O. (2009), Constraining external governance: interdependence with Russia and the CIS as limits to the EU's rule transfer in the Ukraine, JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY 16(6): 853.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2009), Losing that pro-European feeling? Central and Eastern European EU members several years after accession, Idee - Tijdschrift van het Wetenschappelijk Bureau van D66 30(6): 8-12.
- Dimitrova A. & Steunenberg B. (2009), Oude en nieuwe lidstaten, Openbaar Bestuur 19(5): 17-21.
- Steunenberg B. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (2007), Constitutional change in the wake of enlargement. In: Hoen H.W. (Ed.), Enlargement induced change in the EU. Leuven: Peeters. 161-179.
- Dragneva R.O. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (2007), Patterns of integration and regime compatibility: Ukraine between the CIS and the EU. In: Malfliet K., Verpoest L. & Vinokurov E. (Eds.), The CIS, the EU and Russia: Challenges of integration. Houndmills, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave/Macmillan. 171-195.
- Steunenberg B. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (2007), Compliance in the EU enlargement process: Institutional reform and the limits of conditionality. In: Marciano A. & Josselin M. (Eds.), Democracy, freedom and coercion: A law and economics approach. Cheltenham Glos: Edward Elgar. 221-250.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2007) Book review. Review of: Lippert B. & Umbach G. (2005), The pressure of Europeanisation: From post communist state administrations to normal players in the EU system. Baden-Baden: Nomos 32.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2007), Institutionalisation of imported rules in the European Union's new member states: Bringing politics back into the research agenda. Badia Fiesolana, Florence, Italy: EUI. [other].
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2007), Bulgarije: Duistere plek op Europese kaart of laatbloeier?, Internationale Spectator 61(6): 298-300.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2007), In reaction to Loukas Tsoukalis'"Long on policies but short on politics, the EU needs a breath of fresh air", Europe's World : .
- Dimitrova Antoaneta & Toshkov D.D. (2007), The dynamics of domestic coordination of EU policy in the new member states: Impossible to lock in?, West European Politics 30(5): 961-986.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2007), The pressure of Europeanisation: From post-communist state administrations to normal players in the EU system, 32(3): 371-377.
- Steunenberg B. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (2007), Compliance in the EU enlargement process: The limits of conditionality, European Integration Online Papers 11(5): .
- Dimitrova Antoaneta & Mastenbroek E. (2006), Denmark. In: Steunenberg B. & Voermans W. (Eds.), The transposition of EU directives: A comparative study of instruments, techniques and processes in six member states. Leiden: Leiden University/WODC. 71-88.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta & Mastenbroek E. (2006), Involving parliament in EU affairs: The new member states and the Danish model. In: Rosenbaum Allan & Nemec Juraj (Eds.), Democratic governance in the central and eastern European countries: Challenges and responses for the XXI century. Bratislava: NISPACEE. 59-75.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2006), Not 'new' anymore? The states from CEE as member states: Effects of enlargement governance and the post enlargement research agenda. In: Agh Attila & Ferenc Alexandra (Eds.), Deepening and widening in an enlarged Europe: The impact of eastern enlargement. Budapest: Research center of the Hungarian academy of sciences. 101-117.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2005), De mondialisering van bestuur: Twee casus: De uitbreiding van de Europese Unie naar Midden en Oost Europa. In: Neelen G.H.J.M., Rutgers M.R. & Tuurenhout M.E. (Eds.), De bestuurlijke kaart van Nederland. Bussum: Coutinho. 247-254.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2005), Europeanisation and adminitrative reform in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Schimmelfennig F. & Sedelmeier U. (Eds.), The Europeanisation of Eastern Europe. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 71-91.
- Dragneva R.O. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (2005), Patterns of integratino and regime compatibility: The Ukraine between the CIS and the EU. [other].
- Dimitrova Antoaneta & Rhinard M.C.T. (2005), The power of norms in the transposition of EU directives. [other].
- Steunenberg B. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (2005), Compliance in the EU enlargement process: Institutional reform and the limits of conditionality. [other].
- Dimitrova Antoaneta & Mastenbroek E. (2005), Involving parliament in EU Affairs. The usefulness of the Danish model for the new member states. [other].
- Dimitrova Antoaneta & Rhinard M.C.T. (2005), The Power of Norms in the transposition of EU Directives, European Integration Online Papers 9(16): 1-22.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2004), Enlargement-driven change and post-communist transformations: a new perspective. In: Antoaneta Dimitrova (Ed.), Driven to change: The European Union's enlargement viewed from the east. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 1-16.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta & Steunenberg B. (2004), Conclusions: the 'end of history' of enlargement or the beginning of a new research agenda?. In: Antoaneta Dimitrova (Ed.), Driven to change: The European Union's enlargement viewed from the East. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 179-193.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (Ed.) (2004), Driven to change: The European Union's Enlargement Viewed from the East. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta & Pridham G. (2004), International actors and democracy promotion in Central and Eastern Europe: The integration model and its limits, Democratization 11(5): 91-112.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta & Maniokas K. (2004), Linking Co-ordination of European affairs and European policy: New member states in the decision making process of the EU. [other].
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2003), De mondialisering van bestuur: twee casus: De uitbreiding van de Europese Unie naar Midden en Oost Europa. In: Neelen G.H.J.M., Rutgers M.R. & Tuurenhout M.E. (Eds.), De bestuurlijke kaart van Nederland. Bussum: Coutinho. 245-254.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2003), Social contructivist approaches and the transposition of directives: a transfer of norms?. [other].
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2003) The EU and crisis management: Development and prospects. Review of: Duke S. (2002), The EU and crisis management: Development and prospects no. 3. Maastricht: EIPA. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 11: 87-88.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2003), Administrativa reform in Central and Eastern Europe: Extracting civil services from communist bureaucracies. [other].
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2003), Horizontal public administration reform in the process off accession to the European Union. [other].
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2003), The imitation of Public Administration reform will hinder Bulgaria on the road to EU membership, Kapital : 3.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (28 June 2003), There are many recipes but no cure: The state of administrative reform in Bulgaria. Kapital: 3.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2003), Conditionality meets post communism: Europeanisation and administrative reform in Central and Eastern Europe. Florence, Italy: European University Institute. [other].
- Dimitrova Antoaneta & Dragneva R.O. (2002), Bulgaria's road to the European Union: progress, problems and perspectives. In: Ross C. (Ed.), Perspectives on the enlargement of the European Union. Leiden: Brill. 139-165.
- Dryzek J.S., Holmes L., Dimitrova Antoaneta & Auer S. (2002), Slovakia. In: Dryzek J.S. & Holmes L. (Eds.), Post communist democratization: Political discourses across thirteen countries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 173-190.
- Dryzek J.S., Holmes L. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (2002), Bulgaria. In: Dryzek J.S. & Holmes L. (Eds.), Post communist democratization: Political discourses across thirteen countries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 206-223.
- Steunenberg B. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (2002), Changing Times: the future of enlargement of the European union and the theoretical challenges ahead. In: Steunenberg B. (Ed.), Widening the European Union: the politics of institutional change and reform. Londen and New York: Routledge. 241-248.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2002), Enlargement Governance and Institution Building in Central and Eastern Europe: The case of the European Union's administrative capacity requirement. [other].
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2002), The Europeanisation of Bulgarian public administration. [other].
- Dimitrova Antoaneta & Verheijen T. (2002), Institution building in the context of EU enlargement, Publichna Administratizia : 15-25.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2002), Enlargement, institution-building and the EU's administrative capacity requirement, 25(4): 171-190.
- Pridham G. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (2002), International actors and democracy promotion in central and eastern Europe: the integration model and its limits. Heidelberg: Internationales Wissensschaftsforum. [other].
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2002), Enlargement, institutions building and the EU's administrative capacity requirement, West European Politics 25(4): 171-191.
- Anusciewicz T., Verheijen A.J.G. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (2001), Tackling Corruption in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Caiden G.E., Dwivedi O.P. & Jabbra J. (Eds.), Where Corruption Lives. Bloomfield: Kumarian Press Inc. 79-90.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2001), Governance by Enlargement? The case of the Administrative capacity Requirement in EU's Eastern Enlargement. [other].
- Dragneva R.O. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (2001), Bulgaria's Road to the European Union: Progress, Problems and Perspectives, Perspectives on European Politics and Society mei: 79-104.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2001), The council of Europe and the European Union and their role in Democratization in Central and Eastern Europe: the case of Bulgaria. [other].
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2000), International Organisations in Europe: From economic reconstruction and security to complex interdependence and integration. In: Tanev T. & Verheijen T. (Eds.), Introduction to Public Administration. Sofia: Gal-Iko. 485-507.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2000), Examining co-decision and the European Parliament's increasing significance: What can the new democracies of Central and Eastern Europe expect as they join the EU, Integrace 1(January): 28-32.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta (2000), The European Union's criticism of Austria and the future enlargement of the EU: Do small states gain or lose?, Integrace 2(March): .
- Dimitrova Antoaneta & Steunenberg B. (2000), The search for convergence of national policies in the European Union: An impossible quest?, European Union Politics 1(2): 201-226.
- Steunenberg B. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (1999), Interests, Legitimacy and Constitutional Choice: The Extension of the Codecision Procedure in Amsterdam (NEMEU Working Paper), Network on Enlargement and new Membership of the European Union (NEMEU) 3: .
- Steunenberg B. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (1999), The Search for Convergence of National Policies in the European Union: An Impossible Quest? (Arena Working Paper), Advanced Research on the Europeanisation of the Nation-state 16(June '99): 1-31.
- Verheijen A.J.G. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (1998), Corruption and unethical behaviour of civil servants: Causes and possible solutions. In: Jabes J. (Ed.), Professionalisation of Public Servants in Central and Eastern Europe. Bratislava: NISPAcee. 219-246.
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