Universiteit Leiden

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Antoaneta Dimitrova

Professor Comparative Governance

Prof.dr. A.L. Dimitrova
+31 70 800 9500

Antoaneta Dimitrova's research brings together different lines of inquiry relating to governance transfer across national borders. An enduring theme in her work has been the effect of the European Union on the democratic and market transformations of the post-communist states of Central and Eastern Europe. Other key themes are EU enlargement, currently focusing on the EU’s strategy towards the Western Balkan candidates. Another theme in her research inquires into the causes of democratic backsliding and especially role of state capture. With various colleagues she has been investigating the European Union’s Neighbourhood policy towards its Eastern neighbours – Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova in particular.

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Prof. dr. Antoaneta Dimitrova’s research has developed around the theme of governance transfer from the European Union to candidate states. Her previous research has focused on the role of the European Union in the transformations of the post-communist states of Central and Eastern Europe and the EU’s impact on reforms in governance in accession candidates and neighboring states. She investigates the effects of the promotion of rules and norms related to democracy, public administration reform or specific policies by the EU, IMF or other international organizations. 

Professor Dimitrova has published in leading European journals such as European Union Politics, the Journal of Common Market Studies, West European Politics, Journal of European Public Policy, and Democratization. She is a member of the Steering committee of Leiden University's interdisciplinary Europe Hub and a member of the European Integration committee Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV).

Professor Antoaneta Dimitrova was the winner of the Casimir teaching prize in Leiden’s Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences in 2010. At ISGA, she will contribute to the further development of the governance curriculum at the Bachelor and Master’s level, dealing with themes of governance transfer in a global context.

Between 2013 and 2016, Professor Dimitrova has been co-coordinator of the MAXCAP project (‘Maximizing the integration Capacity of the European Union: Lessons and Prospects for Enlargement and Beyond’), which investigated the political and economic effects of the EU’s 2004-2007 enlargement. Currently she is co-coordinator and Leiden team leader in the Horizon2020 EU-STRAT project: ‘The EU and Eastern partnership countries: An Inside-out analysis and strategic assessment’ (https://eu-strat.eu/).

She is currently also Acting Director of the Central and East European Studies Centre, an interdisciplinary platform of scholars of Leiden University.

Professor Comparative Governance

  • Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
  • Institute of Security and Global Affairs

Work address

Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague
Room number 4.17



  • Dimitrova A.L. (12 March 2018). Learning the wrong lessons from success? Why European Union conditionality can make institutions, but cannot inspire citizens. Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), Governance and Global Affairs, Leiden. Leiden. [inaugural address]. Inaugurele rede
  • Dimitrova Antoaneta. Editorial Piece, MAXCAP Newsletter Issue No.1. [inaugural address]. Inaugurele rede
  • Steunenberg B. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (5 March 2011), Living in Parallel Universes? The Implementation of EU Rules on Movable Cultural Heritage in Bulgaria. 12th Biennal Conference of the European Union Studies Association. Boston, USA. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Steunenberg B. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (12 November 2009), Living in parallel universes? The implementation of EU rules on cultural heritage in Bulgaria. NIG Annual Work Conference. Leiden. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Steunenberg B. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (10 September 2009), Living in parallel universes? The implementation of EU rules on cultural heritage in Bulgaria. paper presentation at the 2009 General Conference OF ECPR. Potsdam, Germany. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Steunenberg B. & Dimitrova A. (26 March 1999), Interests, Legitimacy and Constitutional Choice: The Extension of the Codecision Procedure in Amsterdam. Workshop 'Enlarging or Deepening: European Integration at the Crossroads', Joint sessions of workshops of the European Consortium for Political Science Research (ECPR). [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Steunenberg B. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (1 April 1999), The Search for Convergence of National Policies in the European Union: An Impossible Quest. Third ECSA-World Conference. Pittsburg. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Dimitrova Antoaneta (19 November 1999), Kosovo's Silver Lining: The CFSP after Kosovo. Colloquium The Common Foreign and Security Policy: Rationale, Rhetoric, Reality. Centre of European Studies. University of Limerick, Ireland. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Dimitrova Antoaneta (26 November 1999), Paradoxes, Gaps and Scapegoats: Enlargement as the Ignored Aspect of Constitution Building in the European Union. Research Workshop 'Enlargement and Constitutional Decision making in the European Union'. Leiden University. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken lid van de Europese integratie commissie van de Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken
  • member of the Board of Governors of European Humanities University Participation in meetings and decisions of Board of Governors of the EHU.
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