Political Science
The Institute of Political Science has a multi-dimensional research programme that promotes the unity of the institute as an intellectual community rooted in the social sciences and especially political science, while enabling overlapping groups of colleagues to develop particular research agendas within and beyond the institute.
Institutions, decisions and collective behaviour
The Institute’s research programme combines focal points relevant to all of the institute’s research staff and thematic clusters of expertise that support collaboration and profiling for sub-sets of colleagues. The common focal points involve the dynamics and the interaction of political institutions, individual decision-making, and collective behaviour. Members of staff focus their research on various dimensions of this conceptual space and participate in one or more thematic ‘research clusters.’ Most do theoretically-informed empirical work – whether quantitative, qualitative, interpretive, or experimental in approach – while others adopt a normative or philosophical perspective on similar concepts and themes.
Thematic clusters
The thematic clusters within the Institutions, Decisions and Collective Behaviour research programme are:
- Conflict, Conflict Resolution and Crisis Management
- Elections, Communication and Public Opinion
- European Integration
- Identity, Ethnicity and Political Community
- International Organisation
- Legitimacy and Justice
- Politics in the Netherlands
- Representation and Political Parties
These clusters combine scholars working from a largely empirical perspective and those adopting a normative or philosophical perspective on related topics. Many members of staff are affiliated with more than one cluster, depending on their interests.

Research projects
A part of the research done within the thematic clusters translates into concrete research projects. These projects usually have a running period of a few years and can therefore vary periodically. An up-to-date overview of current research projects can be found here:
Research centres and networks
In addition, many members of the institute are active in multi-disciplinary research centres and networks that link scholars with common interests across various faculties of the university. These include the
- Leiden University Centre for International Relations (LUCIR)
- Centre for the Study of Political Parties and Representation (CSPPR)
- Central and East European Studies Centre (CEES)
- Centre for Political Philosophy (CPP)
- Centrum voor Nederlandse Politiek en Bestuur (CNPB)
- Global Transformations and Governance Challenges (GTGC)
- Europe Hub
One other centre is currently being developed: Centre on European Governance (CEG).
Ethics Review Committee
Research to be carried out by, or under the responsibility of, members of the Institute is assessed by the Ethics Review Committee Social Sciences against criteria of ethically sound scientific practice.