Probability, Operations, and Dynamics
Guide for prospective students
If you are interested in studying stochastics, the following information will help you to choose the right path.
Bachelor programme
During the first 3 years of your studies you have the option to select a number of courses which will allow you to specialise in one of the areas represented in our group: Probability Theory, Operations Research, Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems. The following roadmap is meant to provide a basic guide. Do not hesitate to consult with your Study Advisor.

The final step toward the BSc degree in Leiden is the Bachelor project (part of the Bachelor seminar). Here are some examples of recent final projects:
- Maarten Markering, The large deviation principle for inhomogeneous Erdos-Renyi random graphs (2020) [Arxiv].
- Kaitlyn .M. Fitzgerald, The effect of system parameters on customer behaviour (2020).
Master programme
The master programme in Leiden offers a lot of flexibility, and can be tailored to individual interests.
The Mathematics Master programme consists of 120 European Credit Transfer System (EC) points and includes:
- advanced courses (min 60 EC)
- electives (maximum 20 EC)
- a research project (40 EC)
Note that at least 30 EC are to be taken from the Dutch national Mastermath programme.
Recent MSc theses:
- Stefan Achterhof, Synchronization in the two-community noisy Kuramoto model (2020).
- Benthen Zeegers, On invariant densities and Lochs’ Theorem for random piecewise monotonic interval maps (2018).
PhD programme
Our group is actively involved in the NETWORKS programme, which offers fully funded PhD positions. Members of the group regularly receive individual grants. Please contact the staff members if you are interested in doing PhD research in Leiden.
Recent PhD theses in POD group:
- Marta Maggioni, Measures and matching for number systems (2021)
- Matteo Sfragara, Wireless random-access networks and spectra of random graphs (2020)
- Steven Berghout, Gibbs processes and applications (2020)
- Niels Langeveld, Matching, entropy, holes and expansions (2019)
- Janusz Meylahn, Stochastic resetting and hierarchical synchronisation (2019)
- Andrea Roccaverde, Breaking of ensemble equivalence for complex networks (2018)