Universiteit Leiden

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Probability, Operations, and Dynamics

Events in Probability

Seminars, conferences, and events you might be interested in:

Seminars in Leiden

National events

International events

Events in 2022

28 January
LCN2: speaker Suman Chakraborty, Sparse random graphs with many triangles.

25 February

07-11 March
Workshop on "Population Dynamics and Statistical Physics in Synergy" at Oberwolfach.

25 March
NETWORKS Match Maker Event (online) + LCN2

07 April
Evening of the Abel prize, KNAW Amsterdam

08 April
Abel prize lectures, CWI Amsterdam

19-20 April
Dutch Mathematical Congress, Utrecht

22 April

09-12 May
Training Week NETWORKS

27 May

30 May - 24 June
Probability School, Vancouver

24 June

18-22 July
Workshop on "Multi-dimensional Continued Fractions and Euclidean Dynamics
", Lorentz Center, Leiden

26-30 September
Workshop on "Graph Limits, Non-parametric models and Estimation",
Simons Institute Berkeley, co-organised by EURANDOM

07-09 November
Dutch Stochastics Meeting (50th edition), Lunteren

12-16 December
orkshop on "Recent Developments in Stochastic Duality", LC

19-23 December
Workshop on "The Lorentzt Gas", LC

09-14 January 2023
Japan-Netherlands meeting in Fukuoka, Japan

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