Universiteit Leiden

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Fundamental Research in Energy & Sustainability

Van Marum Colloquia

The "Van Marum Colloquia" are a collaborative lecture series between the LION and LIC institutes, focusing on fundamental and applied surface science.

Martin van Marum (1750 - 1837) was a Dutch physical chemist/ scientist who was one of first to study heterogeneous catalysis. He invented the “Electriseermachine”, based on an early electrochemical capacitor, with which he performed groundbreaking studies in relation to electricity, thereby also discovering ozone.


Thu 27 March:
Dr. Sabine Wenzel

University of Marburg, DE
Molecular Synthesis Enabled by Surfaces


Tue 27 May:
Prof. Emily A. Carter

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, USA
Quantum-Derived Kinetics of Photo/electrocatalysis on Metals


18 March: Prof. Julie MacPherson
University of Warwick, UK
Playing to strengths : the advantages of using boron doped diamond electrodes in electrochemical research

28 February: Prof. Ian Burgess
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Infrared Chemical Imaging and Spectroscopy in Microfluidic and Electrochemical Environment

24 February: Dr. Lars Mohrhusen
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Experimental modelling of (photo-)catalysts for challenges in the energy transition: The surface science of Ti and Mo-based sulfide and oxide (nano)catalysts

14 February: Dr. Alexandr N. Simonov
School of Chemistry, Monash University, Australia
Sustainable electrosynthesis of hydrogen and ammonia

5 February: Van Marum Mini Symposium
Prof. Harold Zandvliet
University of Twente
Germanene: a monoelemental 2D topological insulator

Prof. Richard van de Sanden
Technical University Eindhoven

20 January: Prof. José Ramón Galán
ICIQ, Spain
Electrocatalytic Water Splitting Under External Magnetic Fields: Mechanistic Understanding and Experimental Evidences


5 December: Prof. Kristina Tschulik
Ruhr University Bochum
Exploiting Single Nanoparticle and Spectro-Electrochemistry to Explore Solvent and Anion Adsorption at Metals

28 October: Dr. Christoph Bondü
Ruhr University Bochum
Fundamental Insights into Electrochemical Aldehyde Oxidation: Curiosities and Lessons for Novel Electrode Concepts

21 October: Dr. Koen van der Ham
Netherlands Forensic Institute
Determining the recovery efficiency of gunshot residue with stubs

8 October: Prof. Arjan Houtepen
TU Delft
Guilty as charged: Electrochemical control over the charge carrier density in colloidal semiconductor nanomaterials

25 September: Dr. Yujin Tong
University of Duisburg-Essen
Ultrafast electrochemistry beyond the RC time constant

22 July: Prof. Ali Seifitokaldani
McGill University, Canada
Catalyst Design at Extremely Small Sizes: From CO2 Reduction to Ammonia Production

22 July: Prof. Bingjun Xu
College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, China
Concerted Cation-Electron Transfer at Pt(111)/Perfluoro-Sulfonic Acid Ionomer Interface

10 July: Dr. Francesco De Bon
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Large-Scale Polymer Synthesis by Reversible Deactivation Radical Polymerizations with Molecular Oxygen Reduction Reaction

24 June: Dr. Hirokazu Ueta
Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Hydrogen interactions with metal surfaces: nuclear spin conversion and adsorption

20 June: Dr. Smaranda Marinescu
University of Southern California, USA
Biologically Inspired Catalytic Systems for Solar-to-Fuel Technologies

14 June: Dr. Charlotte Vogt
Schulich Faculty of Chemistry, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Unraveling Catalytic Reactions at the Solid-Gas and Solid-Liquid Interface – Active Sites and their Surroundings

11 June: Dr. Roland Bliem
Surface chemistry studies for plasma applications

22 May: Prof. Alec Wodtke
Max Planck Institut, Germany
High precision kinetics of elementary surface reactions: Quantitative comparison of experiment and theory

14 May: Prof. James Mayer
Yale University, USA
Proton-coupled electron transfer at interfaces: the importance of non-ideal isotherms

7 May: Prof. Feng Jiao
Washington University, St. Louis, USA
CO2 Electrolysis Systems for Chemical and Food Production

24 April: Dr. Andrea Auer
University of Innsbruck, Austria/University of Regensburg, Germany
Visualizing electrified solid-liquid interfaces

9 April: Prof. Gerard J. van Rooij
Maastricht University
Plasma Chemistry to aid the Energy and Materials Transition in the Process Industry

27 March: Prof. Hyeon Suk Shin
Sungkyunkwan University (South Korea)
Hexagonal and amorphous boron nitride thin films

26 March: Dr. Hao Yang
KTH Stockholm, Sweden
Polymeric heterogeneous water oxidation catalysts with molecular metal sites

19 March: Aude Salamé
Laboratoire d'Electrochimie Moléculaire, Université Paris Cité
Unraveling the mechanism of CO2 catalytic reduction by an iron porphyrin through spectroelectrochemical analysis

5 March: Prof. Thomas Heine
TU Dresden
Magnetic Carbon

13 February: Prof. Chenghao Chuang
Tamkang University, Taiwan
The in-situ observation for electrochemical energy experiment by Operando X-ray spectroscopy

30 January: Dr. Jing Guo
Catalysis & Surface Chemistry, Leiden University
Probing the surface chemistry of water and carbon dioxide with qPlus-STM/AFM


7 December: Dr. Dusan Strmcnik
Argonne National Laboratory
Electrocatalytic transformations in Li-ion Battery Electrolytes

14 November: Dr. Manuel Landstorfer
WIAS Berlin
Thermodynamic modeling of the electrode-electrolyte interface - Double-layer capacitance, Solvation number, Validation

19 October: Zhu Zhang MSc
Utrecht University
Imaging Electrochemical Reactions by Operando Optical Microscopy

16 October: Rebecca K. Pittkowski
University of Copenhagen
Watching nanoparticles in action: Characterization of electrocatalysts with synchrotron X-ray techniques

18 August: Dr. Christoph Baeumer
University of Twente
Model Perovskite Oxide Electrocatalyst Surfaces

3 July: Van Marum Mini Symposium
Ludo Juurlink (LIC, Leiden University)
Per Hyldgaard (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Pascal Larregaray (CNRS, France)
Gil Alexandrowicz (Swansea University, UK)

28 June: Prof. Alexei A. Kornyshev
Imperial College London
Solvent-solute relation in the double layer theory: from diluted solutions to solvent-in-salt systems to ionic liquids

22 June: Dr. Jeffrey E. Dick
Purdue University, USA
Probing the Curious Chemistry in Micro- and Nanodroplets using Nanoelectrochemistry

21 June: Dr. Hideshi Ooka
RIKEN, Tokyo, Japan
Theoretical Advancements towards Predicting the Activity and Stability of Electrocatalysts using Microkinetics and Applied Mathematics

21 June: Prof. Ryuhei Nakamura
RIKEN, Tokyo, Japan
Extending the Lifetime of Oxygen Evolution Catalysis in Acid

12 June: Dr. Vincent Vivier
Laboratoire de Réactivité de Surface, France
Impedance analysis of electrochemical system: recent advances on the study of capacitive systems

31 May: Dr. Matthijs van Spronsen
Beamline B07/VerSoX, Diamond Light Source Ltd
Pioneering techniques to probe the solid-liquid interface using the soft X-rays of the VerSoX beamline at Diamond Light Source

3 May: Dr. Emilia Olsson
Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography
Understanding Surfaces and Interfaces from the Atomic Scale – Applications to Batteries and Semiconductors

13 April: Dr. Jae Young Lee
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Scale-up Science in Electrolytic Processes

29 March: Dr. Andrew Akbashev
Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
Complexity of Electrochemical and Electrocatalytic Reactions on Oxide Materials

24 March: Dr. Patrick Rinke
Aalto University, Finland
Active surface adsorbate structure and complex materials exploration with Bayesian optimization

9 March: Dr. Jakub Drnec
Head of Beamline ID31 @ ESRF, Grenoble
Shedding Synchrotron Light on Catalyst Atomic Rearrangement and Strain Dynamics in Electrochemical Environment

22 February: Prof. Rolf Schuster
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Beyond Cyclic Voltammetry: What can we learn by measuring ΔRS and ΔRV of electrochemical reactions?

7 February: Prof. Thomas Michely
University of Cologne
Crystal growth far from equilibrium: beauty and puzzles of Pt(111)


21 December: Prof. Evgeny Pidko
TU Delft
Death and life of homogeneous carbonyl reduction catalysts: navigating condition space towards superior catalytic performance

20 December: Prof. Jan Rossmeisl
University of Copenhagen
Electrocatalysis at high entropy alloy surfaces

8 December: Prof. Timo Jacob
Director Institute of Electrochemistry, University of Ulm, Germany
Understanding Electrochemical Interfaces on the Atomic Scale

15 November: Dr. Dmitriy Borodin
Max Planck Institute, Germany
Making Kinetics at Surfaces a More Exact Science

24 October: Prof. Hannes Jónsson
University of Iceland
Theoretical studies of the structure and catalytic activity of metal nanoclusters

19 September: Dr. Marco Schönig
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Microcalorimetric investigation of the effect of ions on surface processes - From double layer charging to catalytic reactions

13 September: Prof. Philippe Vereecken
Scientific Director IMEC/Prof. University of Leuven, Belgium
The role of surface inhibition in the deterministic electrochemical fabrication of 2D and 3D nanostructures

12 September: Dr. Christian Reece
The Rowland Institute at Harvard, Harvard University, USA
Developing New Paradigms for Applied Catalytic Surface Science

5 September: Prof. Germano Tremiliosi-Filho
São Carlos Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo
Development of materials for hydrogen production via ethanol reform

25 August: Dr. Sheena Louisia
Leiden University, Berkeley

Monitoring the dynamics of the heterogeneous interface during electrocatalysis

23 August: Dr. Thom Hersbach
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Catalyzing Green Hydrogen: Tracking Iridium Oxide & Platinum Behavior During Catalysis

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