Universiteit Leiden

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Institute of Biology Leiden


Organisation Institute of Biology Leiden

Management Team and Daily Board

Daily management at the Institute of Biology Leiden is executed by the Scientific Director of the Institute, the Directors of Education, the Institute Manager and the Management Assistant. Research and education are managed collaboratively, with strategic input from various representatives and gremia, including the Management Team, which represents all clusters, the WERA, and the Institute Council.

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Education Office

The IBL Education Office coordinates the study Biology (BSc and MSc). They are able to answer all questions that are related to student-affairs and education. 

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IBL Office

The IBL Office welcomes you and will be able to answer all your questions regarding general information, administrative issues, or redirections towards IBL subdivisions and people.

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Board of Examiners

The Board of Examiners consists of scientific staff members of the IBL, NHN, and CML, who teach in the biology programmes. They are appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Science and act independently from the research institutes.

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Programme Committee Biology

The Programme Committee Biology (Opleidingscommissie Biologie, OCB) consists of four teaching staff members and four students and is assisted by the study adviser. The OCB is the most important organ where students can bring up problems concerning courses or tuition programs and can contribute to further improve biology education.

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Institute Council

The Institute Council (Instituutsraad - IR) consists of scientists, lecturers, technical support staff and PhD- or MSc-students, all from the IBL. They gather bi-monthly to discuss policies, strategies and other institute matters that may concern any person working or studying at the IBL.

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Advisory Board

The Advisory Board of the IBL consists of four eminent scientists with specialist expertise in complementary disciplines. They all have prominent positions for the field of Biology in the Netherlands outside our own institute.

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Public Relations Committee

The PR-Committee aims at developing an optimal image of the IBL among future and current students, teachers of biology at high schools, academics outside and within the institute, journalists, interested laymen, Bioscience industrial parties, and Leiden citizens.

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Biospirits is the staff association for all employees and guest-employees of the IBL. Our goal is to  boost social cohesion and provide relaxation for all members of Biospirits.

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IBL PhD and PostDoc Association (IPPA)

The IBL PhD and PostDoc Association (IPPA) aims to provide an interactive platform for PhDs and PostDocs working at the Institute of Biology Leiden. IPPA organises approximately four social events each year that include free drinks and food, to integrate the PhDs and PostDocs from different research areas. Activities of IPPA will be broadened to include professional development and networking opportunities in our events.

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