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Research and education are two of the pillars the SAILS programme is built on and which we are keen to expand on. Communication of research to researchers, students, companies and other societal partners is another key element.

Research SAILS

SAILS is a university wide initiative aiming to facilitate collaboration across disciplines on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). 

By building on and expanding the existing expertise of AI at Leiden University, this project intends to advance science and improve the quality of daily life. It is one of Leiden University's interdisciplinary programmes. The following Leiden faculties are involved: Archaeology, Humanities, Social & Behavioural Sciences, Law, Public Administration, Sciences and the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC).

If you are interested in co-operating with us in a project, please contact the project coordinator, Mischa Hautvast or one of our staff members.


At the core of our mission is the communication about our research. Therefore, we organize webinars, workshops, conferences and symposia on a regular basis. You are very much welcome to join any of our events. Please find information about our upcoming events and how you can join those can be found on the Events section on the SAILS homepage. Information on our past events, including recordings of the webinars, can be found in our Past Events Archive.

If you are interested in organizing an event with us, please contact Mischa Hautvast.

SAILS Lunch Time Seminar

The biweekly SAILS Lunch Time Seminar is an event where researchers from Leiden University present their research. The Seminar takes place every two weeks on Monday from 12 to 13 hours. If you are interested in joining or if you would like to give a Lunch Time Seminar yourself, please contact Mischa Hautvast.


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