Previous SAILS Workshops
SAILS likes to occasionally organise workshops about topics that relate to our programme. On this page you can find more information about previous workshops.
SAILS Workshops 2023
This workshop facilitated collaboration between different SAILS parties interested in AI, Large Language Models and Linguistic evidence and Knowledge Bases. It aims to explore how AI can benefit from structured linguistic knowledge and how (applied) linguistics can benefit from the state-of-the-art models and tools developed in AI.
Click the links to view past presentations.
14:00 - 14:10 |
Introduction | |
14:10 - 14:25 | The role of AI and LLMs in lexicography | Kris Heylen & Carole Tiberius |
14:25 - 14:40 | From translators to prompt engineers? | Alina Karakanta |
14:40 - 14:55 | Comparative Syntax meets AI | Sjef Barbiers |
14:55 - 15:00 | Discussion | |
15:00 - 15:30 | Coffee break | |
15:30 - 15:45 | Information search in the age of LLMs | Suzan Verberne |
15:45 - 16:00 | Using LLMs for generation and analysis of text in psychology | Roy de Kleijn |
16:00 - 16:15 | AI for Access to Justice: Promises and Concerns | Masha Medvedeva |
16:15 - 16:30 | LLMs in Healthcare: Promising Applications and Preliminary Results | Marieke van Buchem |
16:30 - 16:35 | Discussion | |
16:35 - 17:00 | Panel discussion moderated by Carole Tiberius | |
17:00 - 17:30 | Networking opportunity with drinks and nibbles! |
SAILS Workshops 2022
Science for Democracy organized a public forum to discuss the impacts of Artificial Intelligence on the life of EU citizens, followed by a networking event with the Italian Scientific Community in the Netherlands. More information about the background and programme of the event can be found at the science for democracy website.

The Leiden AI-week marked the start of the new academic year, providing workshops and lectures on AI for a diverse audience, comprising all ages. The Leiden AI-week was organised in cooperation with Leiden European City of Science and coincided with the opening of the exhibition BrAInpower in Museum Boerhaave.
Bram Renting and Matthias König from the ADA Research Group explained the principle of predicting future events with the help of AI, using the popular game Minecraft, to children. It was lots of fun, and afterwards the kids had very good questions!
Several members of the SAILS newtork gave lectures in the Studium Generale series Mens in de machine and Meesters van ons lot?!
From 12 to 18 September even more AI-related events were to be enjoyed at the Leiden ArtScience Week, including the premiere of human/AI, an intriguing theatrical piece by Leiden based company De Veenfabriek, which was attended by a delegation of members of the SAILS network.
On September 9, members of the SAILS community enjoyed a guided tour of the BrAInpower exhibition by Ad Maas, the museum curator who made the exhibition together with LIACS Professor Bas Haring. The exhibition offers a concise overview of the history and actual possibilities of AI, functioning as an insightful introduction to the field both for university students and a wide audience.

SAILS Workshops 2021
The first workshop was about potentially setting up 3 different clusters.
Deep Learning in Machines and Humans
Recent deep learning advances have introduced powerful ways for machines to learn complex tasks, but machine learning still differs from human learning in at least two fundamental ways: machines need immense amounts of data as compared to humans (but what do we actually quantitatively know about human input?), and humans learn many of their complex behaviors (such as language) in social and interactive settings. Also, many complex human behaviors in humans are culturally shared and transmitted and do not spring from the mind of a single individual brain, but are subject to self-organisation and dynamically evolving. Modeling more realistic social and evolutionary settings for learning may therefore benefit machine learning as well. Bringing together researchers from the fields of child (language) acquisition, machine learning, NLP, evolutionary robotics, self-organization and more, we will find collaborative ways to bridge these gaps.
AI in Digital Humanities
Recruiting AI techniques to answer questions in the humanities using data sets available in various fields. This could for instance include using text mining and NLP methods to identify the emergence of certain concepts or debates in historical texts, using 3D modelling to explore data from archeology, using machine learning to find patterns in the relations between dictionary glosses or using computer vision techniques to quantify aspects of sign language structure and evolution in video data.
Modeling the Human Mind
Bringing together researchers who are interested in creating machine intelligence inspired by or copying aspects of human intelligence that are still hard to grasp by machines such as emotions (psychology, affective computing), mind-reading and storytelling (linguistics, psychology), computational creativity (arts, CS), meta-control (psychology, cognitive robotics), curiosity (psychology, CS), rhythm and music (psychology, linguistics, CS)
Workshop Aims
This workshop:
- seeked to facilitate collaboration between different SAILS parties that are interested in the field of human – AI decision making and its legal consequences
- aimed to identify overarching research question and collaborations as well as specific projects and action points for such projects
This workshop was coordinated by Francien Dechesne, Tycho de Graaf, Iris Wuisman
and a potential collaboration between:
Jakob Arzlanian, Kim Bavinck, Mark van Buchem, Simone Cammel, Bart Custers, Annette Hoeksema, Bernard Hommel, Catholijn Jonker, Bram Klievink, Mark Kruit, Morshed Mannan, Serge Rombouts, Alan Sears, Mirjam Sombroek, Marius Staring, Ingeborg Steneker, Martine de Vries, Lexo Zardiashvili