Research project
Early recognition and intervention of stress and anxiety in the classroom
How can we facilitate the early recognition of stress and anxiety in the classroom and collaborate with schools in providing low-threshold interventions?
- Duration
- 2020 - 2022
- Contact
- Anke Klein
- Funding
- Gemeente Leiden: Onderwijsinnovatiesubsidie
- Leiden Kennisstad
- Partners
Stedelijk Gymnasium Leiden
LUBEC (Leiden University)
Leiden Education Fieldlab (LEF)

The project ‘Early recognition and intervention of stress and anxiety in the classroom’ is a local project financed by the municipality of Leiden to strengthen the collaboration between schools and Leiden University, and specifically LUBEC, in order to improve recognition, prevention and treatment of youth anxiety.
Why this project?
The timely recognition of stress and anxiety is important since anxiety disorders form the most common mental health problem, that can lead to a range of other social, psychological and academic impairments and persist into adulthood when left untreated. Stress and anxiety in children and adolescents are often not recognized until they escalate into school refusal or behaviour problems.
What will we do?
In close collaboration with primary and secondary schools in Leiden, we will investigate what teachers need in terms of knowledge, training and support to recognize and act upon signs of stress and anxiety in the classroom. We will develop workshops and a consultation helpline for teachers and other school staff (e.g. counsellors) and develop other elements based on this inventory.
Furthermore, we will work on a structural collaboration between LUBEC Kenniscentrum Angst en Stress bij Jeugd(Center of excellence on stress and anxiety in youth) and schools, in order to identify children and adolescents with heightened levels of stress and anxiety who might benefit from early intervention. We offer short-term, low-threshold, innovative and evidence-based interventions, specifically focused on social anxiety, specific phobias, and speech anxiety.
For more information for interested schools (in Dutch) see: Vroege herkenning en interventie van stress en angst in de klas.
Join this study?
Are you interested in participating in this study? Then contact or call 071-5275464.