Research programme
Chair of UN Studies in Peace and Justice
From 1 August 2018, Alanna O'Malley was appointed as Chair of United Nations Studies in Peace and Justice, focusing on the ‘lesser-known actors’ of the UN: women, the youth, the agents of informal diplomatic networks within the UN and actors from the Global South. This Special Chair has been created by the Municipality of The Hague to honor the work of Jozias Van Aartsen, former Dutch Foreign Minister and Mayor of The Hague.
- Duration
- 2018 - 2021
- Contact
- Alanna O'Malley
- Funding
Municipality of The Hague
- Partners
The Hague University of Applied Sciences

This Chair aims to increase the visibility and relevance of the UN to the general public in The Hague and beyond, capitalizing on The Hague a strategic centre for UN Studies.
If you have any questions or wish to know more about the UN Studies Chair, please email
This Chair is positioned halfway within the Institute of Security and Global Affairs of Leiden University's Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs and the Faculty of Governance, Law and Safety of The Hague University of Applied Sciences. The Chair is being funded by the Municipality of The Hague for a period of three years as part of the ‘Van Aartsen honours program’ in the field of UN Studies.
Aim of the Chair
The aim of the UN Studies Chair is to ultimately change perceptions of the UN.
It will do so by establishing a UN Studies Research Network connecting expertise at The Hague University of Applied Sciences with that of Leiden University. The Chair provides a unique opportunity to bring together a diverse set of actors relating to the UN and its activities in order to improve public visibility of and engagement with the organization.
The Chair is designed to act as an umbrella to connect different dimensions of UN proficiency by bridging academic and civil society and acting as a focal point for activities relating to the UN and associated ideas of global governance in the area of peace and justice.
Timing of the programme
This is a very timely moment at which to think about the UN for three main reasons.
Firstly, as the 75th anniversary of the UN in 2020 draws closer, the time has come for more balanced, critical and representative views of the organization. The Chair will stimulate frontier research in a range of different areas.
Secondly, the historical legacy of international law in The Hague, its reputation in the area of peace and justice, alongside the wealth of researchers and experts here, make it the ideal place in which to develop contributions to current debates about UN reform and revitalization.
Thirdly, as The Netherlands has just completed a term as an elected member on the Security Council this is an opportunity for appraisal and reflection on a range of UN issues from the perspective of the Dutch experience which may be mined to develop broader action plans.
1. ‘Challenging the Liberal World Order from Within, The Invisible History of the United Nations and the Global South, 1945-1981.’ (INVISIHIST)
Of the 193 member states of the United Nations, over half belong to the grouping known as the Global South (also called the Developing World or Third World). Since its creation in 1945, Global South actors have sought to redefine political dynamics and change normative practices through the UN. Yet, histories of the organization are predominantly from the Western perspective. Challenging this view, this research will make a ground-breaking contribution to the field, providing a new genealogy of the UN within the contextual frame of global history in order to investigate how Global South actors shaped global order. It will bring together different perspectives of the UN from archives across the Global South, revealing currently invisible histories of the organization by examining how it was developed by Global South actors between 1945-1981.
The project’s innovative contribution is in explaining the ways in which the UN has changed over time by placing an emphasis on the dynamic role of Global South actors. The research will elucidate histories of the ordering role of institutions at a moment when global governance is in crisis and the liberal world order appears to be fragmenting. Its primary impact will be in decolonizing the historiography by highlighting the historical agency of Global South actors, and transposing the importance of the organization in the longer history of the latter half of the twentieth century to provide a truly global history of the UN.
2. Women and Peacebuilding, A Multilevel Perspective
This program identifies and analyses the contribution of women to, and their participation in, key areas of peace and conflict: conflict prevention, peacekeeping, peacebuilding and peace-making. Drawing on the Secretary-General’s emphasis on the role of women in conflict prevention and Security Council Resolution 1325 the research theme investigates the role of women in building sustainable peace. This research program draws on both military and civilian experiences to develop understandings of women as agents, rather than victims in the peace-building processes.
With Dr. Vanessa Newby (Leiden University), Prof. Madeleine Hosli (Leiden University), Mr. Diego Salama (Leiden University), Mr. Wietse Stam (Leiden University), Mr. Tom Buitelaar (European University Institute), Ms. Christine Tremblay (THUAS), Ms. Szilvia Csevar (THUAS), Dr. Mihela Anghel (THUAS), Ms. Willemijn Aerdts (Leiden University), Ms. Benita Hickson (Leiden University).
More about this research project...
3. The UN and I: What does the UN mean for My Future?
What is the first thing you think of when you hear the word UN? Is it just the Security Council and the ‘blue helmets’ or is there more to it? These are some of the questions tackled by the Chair’s research group. To answer these questions the Chair will organise events, produce academic and practice-oriented research and engage with actors from different sectors of society. In order to succeed, it will need the active participation of young people who bring innovative ideas and passion for the UN. This project aims to inspire and encourage young people to take ownership over the UN and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is an opportunity to grab the microphone, grab the steering wheel and change the course of direction of our future by heading towards the new world we want to see ourselves living in.
This project is a part of the Van Aartsen Honours Program (City of The Hague) and the Pre-University program of Leiden University. This program brings together young people (under 35) who live, study, or work in the Netherlands and are interested in the United Nations and its various programs and specialized agencies.The idea is to discuss with young people how the UN is relevant for our individual and collective futures. The aim is to inform and provide young people with an understanding of the UN and its activities that goes beyond peacekeeping operations and the activities of the United Nations Security Council.
23 June 2021, 16:00-18:00 | The Court at 75 and Hopes for its Future
This is the first webinar in a series of events marking the 75th anniversary of the International Court of Justice. On Wednesday 23rd June at 16:00 we turn our attention to the international legal order and how it can help address some global challenges or set standards of practice. More information about the event can be found here. (Or go directly to the event registration or the post-event networking session registration.)
8 March 2021, 14:00 - Female Leadership in the Peace, Security, and Governance Environment
In response to two questions the chair asked in 2019, where are the women after Resolution 1325 and where are the women in global governance? We are asking this panel: What can be learnt from the Women who have excelled in the peace and security environment and what can we learn from their contributions? We are asking what we have learned in the last 20 years since the launch of the Women Peace and Security agenda and what lessons can young peace builders learn from women who have worked in the peace and security environment?
Click here for more information
Click here for registration link.

Previous events
4 December 2020 - From Background Noise to Alarm Bells: Towards Inclusive Climate Action
On Friday 4 December at 11:30AM (CET), the Chair of UN Studies in Peace and Justice has organized a virtual event that focuses on contemporary challenges brought about climate change from the perspective of the UN’s lesser-known actors. More information about the event can be found here.
23 November 2020 - Will the pandemic derail hard-won progress on gender equality?
On 23 November, we will host a webinar discussing this question and introducing the responses of two Global South states in preventing violence against women during the pandemic. Click here for more information and click here to register.
11 November 2020 - 1325 twenty years on: The evolution of the WPS agenda after 9/11
On Wednesday 11th November our distinguished panel will assess how UNSCR 1325 has adapted and can continue to evolve to address the challenges of international peace and security. For more information, click here. To register, click here.
24 October 2020 - A UN75 Dialogue in the Great Hall of Justice: The Future We Want, The UN We Need
Join us on Saturday 24th October at 17:30 (CEST) to discuss the future we want and the UN we need. Click here for more information.
25 September 2020 - The UN75 Dialogues in The Hague
On Friday 25th September the Chair of UN studies in Peace and Justice is organising an online UN75 dialogue which will focus on the future of the UN we would like to see.
The UN75 dialogues organised by the Chair of UN studies emphasize the role of young people, their dreams, criticisms, and visions for the future of the UN. For this event we will bring together academics, practitioners, school and university students, policymakers, and UN representatives who will discuss how we can improve the UN going forward.
For more information, please check the event page.
3 September 2020, 15:00 - The United Nations at 75 years, Prospects and Potentials: The Future We want, The UN We Need
In an era of accelerated connectivity and advanced technology, how do we bring a fresh, modern perspective to the UN Charter’s founding principles to update our vision and promote a truly “people-centered” architecture for global collective action?
How can we harness our collective strength among governments, global civil society, UN agencies, the business community, youth and the general public to design The Future We Want, The UN We Need?
In connection with the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations Charter, you are invited to a forward-looking global discussion on the future of the United Nations. Under the banner of “the future we want, the UN we need,” we reflect on the global institutional arrangements that we currently have —and that may be needed in the future—to respond to the complex and inter-related challenges facing our world, including global pandemics, economic shocks, inequality, climate instability, and threats to peace and security.
Contact information
For more information, please contact
29 June 2020, 16:00 - Online panel on The Impact of the Coronavirus on the Future of Peacekeeping
On Monday 29th June, the Chair of UN Studies in Peace and Justice is hosting a panel discussion with experienced peacekeepers and experts in the field. Moderated by Dr. Alexandra Novosseloff, the panelists will reflect on the impact of COVID-19 on the future of peacekeeping and answer questions from the audience.
For more information & registration, please click here.
25 June 2020, 21:00 - Online Webinar with Ambassador Samantha Power and Ambassador Karel van Oosterom
This year the United Nations turns 75 and June 26th is the 75th anniversary of the signing of the United Nations Charter. To mark this occasion Ambassador Samantha Power and H.E. Ambassador Karel J.G van Oosterom are taking part in an online event to talk about their experiences as international civil servants. Moderated by Chris Kijne, the interview will explore the intricacies of the United Nations, the Security Council, and how to make a difference in the world.
For more information about this event, click here
To join the conversation on Thursday 25th June at 21:00 (9PM GMT+2) please use the following Zoom link -
Other previous events:
- 9 March 2020
International Women’s Day 2020: Film Screening & Discussion with Oxfam Novib - 7 March 2020
Lions UN-day - 18 and 19 December 2019
Where are the Women after Resolution 1325? Understanding Women in the Process of Peace
19 December 2019
Panel Discussion on the Responsibility to Protect Doctrine (R2P) -
18 December 2019
Keynote on Women in Peacebuilding Processes by Prof. Dr. Séverine Autesserre -
12 December 2019
Debate ‘International Days at the United Nations’ -
24 September 2019
The United Nations After Brexit - 16 September 2019
UN Youth Impact: Statelessness and Peaceful Societies - 29 May 2019
Protecting Civilians, Protecting Peace - 24 May 2019
Essay Contest: Enhancing the Role of Women in Peace and Security - 2 May 2019
UN Youth Impact Launch: Make It Your UN - 18 April 2019
The UN in Times of Global Challenges - 9 March 2019
Lions UN-day - 8 March 2019
Where are the Women in Global Governance? - 6 March 2019
The United Nations: From Blue Helmets to Blue Skies - 20 Novemer 2018
Presentation Research Agenda for the Extraordinary Chair of United Nations Studies in Peace and Justice
Event Report: The Court at 75 and hopes for its future
On June 23rd David den Dunnen (THUAS) welcomed Miriam Boxberg from Guernica 37 International Justice Chambers, Chloé Batchelor (ICJ intern with Office of the Registrar), and Galatee Fouquet (political officer in the EU delegation to El Salvador) to a panel discussion about the future of the International Criminal Justice (ICJ). Dr. Asier Garrido- Muñoz (THUAS) moderated the panel and Dr. Brian McGarry (Leiden University) delivered introductory remarks about the events key themes. The entire report can be found here.
Women in Mediation event
Written by Roxanne Van der Bliek, the blog post provides an overview of an event hosted at the Hague University of Applied Sciences to Celebrate International Women's Day. Read the blog post here.
Female Leadership in Peacebuilding: What we can learn from women in the field?
Written by Roza de Jong, Roxanne Van der Bliek, and Helena Mitchell, the blog post provides an overview of an event hosted by the Chair of UN Studies research group and UN Youth Impacted hosted to Celebrate International Women's Day. Read the blog post here.
Centre for Sustainable Development Studies Conference: Education Sustainability, and Inclusive Development
Written by Hannah Madelon, the blog post provides an overview of a two-day conference hosted in January by the Centre for Sustainable Development studies. Read the blog post here.
Will the pandemic derail hard-won progress on gender equality?
On 23 November, we hosted a webinar discussing this question and introducing the responses of two Global South states in preventing violence against women during the pandemic. Click here to read the event summary.
From Background Noise to Alarm Bells: Towards Inclusive Climate Action
On Friday 4 December at 11:30AM (CET), the Chair of UN Studies in Peace and Justice organized a virtual event that focused on contemporary challenges brought about climate change from the perspective of the UN’s lesser-known actors. Click here to read the event summary.
In Memoriam: Sir Brian Urquhart, the UN's Architect and Builder
In this piece for the Leiden Security & Global Affairs blog, Diego Salama (PhD candidate & member of UN Studies Research Group) honors the legacy of Sir Urquhart and reflects on his record in the Middle East.
Alanna O'Malley Discusses 75 Years United Nations in Dutch Newspaper 'de Volkskrant'
The end of October will be all about the United Nations (UN). The festivities for the 75th anniversary have been scaled down due to the corona virus. 'A shame', says Prof.dr. Alanna O'Malley, but at the same time she sees that corona crisis also offers opportunities for the UN. Article available in English and in Dutch.
UN75 at the Great Hall of Justice: Why youth engagement is the future of multilateralism
To mark UN day and the the 75th anniversary of the UN a dialogue took place in the Peace Palace between Youth representatives, Judge Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf, President of the International Court of Justice and Minister Stef Blok, Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs. Click here to read the report.
UN DAY – A Dialogue in the Great Hall of Justice at the International Court of Justice
To mark UN Day (24th October) and the 75th anniversary of the UN a dialogue took place in the Peace Palace between Youth representatives, Judge Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf, President of the International Court of Justice and Minister Stef Blok, Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs. Click here to read the report.
Report: Future of the UN - A Youth Perspective
Click here to check out the Chair's report from the Virtual UN75 event that took place in September. The following report presents a summary of the ideas and proposals discussed during the virtual UN75 dialogues organized by The Chair of UN Studies in Peace and Justice with the support of Leiden University, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, the United Nations University - MERIT, The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dutch Association for the Netherlands (NVVN), RNW media, United Nations Regional Information Centre for Western Europe (UNRIC), and UN Youth Impact. It also contains policy recommendations from an event organized by RNW and its global partners as part of the build-up to UN day celebrations in The Hague on October 24th.
The United Nations at 75 years, Prospects and Potentials: The Future We want, the UN We Need
In connection with the 75th anniversary of the United Nations Leiden University co-hosted a discussion on the future of the United Nations. Under the banner of the 'the future we want, the UN we need'.
Click here to watch the recording of the event
Click here to read the event report.
Experienced peacekeepers and experts discuss the effects of COVID-19 on peacekeeping
In June the Chair of UN Studies in Peace and Justice organized a webinar entitled ‘After COVID-19: The Impact of the Coronavirus on the Future of Peacekeeping.’ The event was moderated by Alexandra Novosseloff, with panellists including Jeremy Drage, Sladjana Cemerikic, Adam Day and Richard Gowan.
Video of the event is available here.
Click here to read the full event report.
United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) & The Beirut Blast
Dr. Vanessa Newby and Mr. Diego Salama in this piece discuss the role of peace operations in humanitarian disasters. To answer this question they look at the ongoing UNFIL mission and if it could assist in responses to the humanitarian crisis caused by the recent explosion in Beirut.
Continue reading on the Leiden Security and Global Affairs blog.
Blog: The United States First, the Americas Second
The Trump Administration’s decision to appoint one of its own to lead the Inter-American Development Bank is poised to upset the region’s most effective international institution. Continue reading at the Leiden Security and Global Affairs blog...
Thinking Differently about the UN at 75
2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. In this article, Professor Alanna O'Malley examines the promise and problems of the world's most misunderstood institution. Read the article here
Podcast: The Congo Crisis of 1960-65 and the United Nations Today
Professor Alanna O'Malley discusses the role of the United Nations in the Congo Crisis amid the Cold War, and the role of the UN today as the only international governing body. She discusses the future of the United Nations, and how superpower politics are impeding global governance and cooperation against international challenges, notably the Covid-19 Pandemic and Climate Change. Find the podcast here
What are we going to do with our €840,000 UN Security Council seat?
In the Irish Times, Professor Alanna O'Malley shared some thoughts on Ireland's successful campaign for a non-permanent seat on the UN security Council. In the article she considers "what Ireland hopes to gain by this expensive experiment in internationalism?" Click here to read the full article.
Impediments to implementing the women, peace, and security agenda
The unanimous adoption of resolution 1325 by the United Nations Security Council two decades ago constituted a landmark achievement for gender equality and triggered the passing of 10 other resolutions on gender-sensitivity and gender-awareness in peace and security operations. However, victims of conflict continue to be overwhelmingly female and women’s agency is frequently neither recognised nor harnessed.
2020 marks the 20th anniversary of resolution 1325 and it is clear that action plans have been only partially implemented and progress remains slow if not stagnant. So, what are the factors inhibiting the full implantation of resolution 1325 and how can they be overcome?
In The Strategist Dr. Vanessa Newby, assistant professor at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs at Leiden University, reflects on a workshop hosted by the Chair of UN Studies in Peace and Justice titled, Where are the Women after resolution 1325? This article by Dr. Newby identifies some of the major challenges that peacekeepers and peacekeeping missions face when implementing the women peace and security (WPS) agenda. She also outlines a research agenda that can start to help practitioners and researchers understand the impediments to the WPS agenda and how they can be interrupted or eradicated.
Click here to read the full article that is part of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s 2020 series on Women, Peace and Security.

Gender, Climate and Security: Sustaining Inclusive Peace on the Frontlines of Climate Change
UNEP, UN Women, UNDP, UNDPPA, and the UN Peacebuilding have published a report titled Gender, Climate and Security: Sustaining inclusive Peace on the Frontlines of Climate Change. A report that features 17 case studies and a contribution by Ms. Szilvia Csevár (a member of the Chair’s research group) which analyses the impact of climate change on the indigenous women in West Papua. The report and Ms. Csevár article describe the different ways climate change is impacting peace and security for women, men, girls, and boys across the world. As the devastating health and economic consequences of COVID-19 unfold around us. This report draws special attention to the critical importance of addressing multiple intersecting crises using an inclusive approach that leaves no one behind.

The report “Gender, Climate and Security: Sustaining Inclusive Peace on the Frontlines of Climate Change'' describes the different ways climate change is impacting peace and security for women, men, girls and boys across the globe. As the devastating health and economic consequences of COVID-19 unfold around us, communities already suffering from the combined impacts of climate change and insecurity are especially vulnerable. At such an unprecedented time, this report draws attention to the critical importance of addressing multiple, intersecting crises using an inclusive approach that leaves no one behind.
Blog: The Impact of Coronavirus on UN Peacekeeping at the field, state, and global level
Due to the corona virus, the UN and its partners are facing major difficulties in their efforts to manage and resolve armed conflict. Mediators encounter problems with bringing parties around the table in a time of social distancing and humanitarian access is complicated by travel restrictions. Moreover, the spread of the coronavirus undermines the ability of UN peace operations to implement their mandate. While UN operations have had to deal with large public health emergencies before (such as, most recently, the Ebola virus outbreak in eastern Congo), the global scale of the crisis is unprecedented for UN peacekeeping too.
In this blog, we analyze the (potential) effects of the coronavirus on UN peacekeeping, making use of a number of recent blogs and reports from scholars and think tanks. We argue that peace operations are affected by the coronavirus on three levels: at the level of the operations themselves, at the level of the conflict context and, finally, at the structural level.
Pandemics and Climate Change mean it’s time to consider ANZUS hospital ships
If the recent bushfire crisis and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic have taught us anything, it is that Australia has an opportunity to evaluate its coordination on humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR).
In The Strategist Dr. Vanessa Newby, assistant professor at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs at Leiden University, has published an article that explains why it is important for Australia and its ANZUS treaty partners to work more closely together, and why non-traditional security threats need to be factored more heavily into Australia’s military strategy, particularly its naval strategy.
This article by Dr. Newby discusses non-traditional security threats and Australia’s humanitarian and disaster relief plans (HADR). She draws out two key lessons that Australia and its ANZUS partners can learn from the recent bushfire crisis and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Click here to read the full article.
Turning Points: Defining Moments for the International Civil Service at the United Nations
2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, an appropriate juncture at which to assess not just its historical achievements and failures, but a moment to consider different views of the organisation. From 1945 to the present day, it is possible to chart moments of crisis and opportunity which have both enhanced and limited the efficacy of UN experts and officials.
This paper by Professor Alanna O’Malley explores how certain turning points since 1945 have influenced, both directly and indirectly, the development of the international civil service. This publication is part of series issued by the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation commemorating 100 years of international civil service, which originated in 1919 with the birth of the League of Nations.
Click here to read this reflective piece by Professor Alanna O’Malley.
The Lions UN Day 2020
On Saturday 7th of March, The Chair of UN Studies and UN Youth Impact in collaboration with Lions International, held a joint workshop at Leiden University to examine access to education and the current and future perceptions of the UN. This event was based on the proposals connected to SDG 4: Quality Education. The focus on education was twofold – touching on how the UN’s image could be changed through education, and how a quality education could aid the implementation of UN ideas and values. The attendees included representatives of the municipality, university officials, Lions members and young people interested in getting involved with the issues and challenges confronting the UN. The event was also the first of four UN@75 dialogues organised by the Chair of UN Studies.
Call for Blogposts: Rethinking Disability
Since 2015 the European Research Council-funded project Rethinking Disability ( has undertaken the first study of the far-reaching implications of the International Year of Disabled Persons (IYDP), a landmark event organized by the United Nations in 1981, which appears to have gone virtually unrecognized in scholarship. Its hypothesis is that the International Year, together with its counterpart, the International Decade of Disabled Persons (1982-1993) was the most significant watershed in the modern history of disability, which placed this issue into a global context.

Trip to the UN: Essays by young students of the Van Aartsen Honours Program
From 6-9 July, a group of young students from Edith Stein College, Rijswijk Lyceum and the Johan de Witt School travelled to New York City as part of the Van Aartsen Honours Program to present their visions of the UN to the Permanent Mission of The Netherlands. A compilation of the students' trip reports and essays can be found at the link below.
The United Nations After Brexit
How does the looming exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union affect the work
of the United Nations? In the week of the United General Assembly in New York, on
Tuesday 24 September, the research groups of United Nations Studies and Changing Role
of Europe jointly organised a panel discussion on the UN after Brexit, in the Speakers
Corner of The Hague University of Applied Sciences. The audience during this lively event
were some 90 public officials from embassies and ministries, university lecturers and
researchers, and students from various backgrounds.
Just Peace X UN Youth Impact: Statelessness and Peaceful Societies
On Monday 16 September, UN Youth Impact held an event with The Lighthouse at The Hague University of Applied Sciences. This event was part of the Just Peace Festival programme in The Hague. Comprising of three elements; a photography exhibition, crisis simulations, and a keynote speech from Ferry Zandvliet, this event attempted to question the meaning of peace in a less traditional sense.
Women face an ‘extra responsibility’ in the armed forces
The challenge of how to increase female participation in peacekeeping forces is currently under the international spotlight, as reflected in recent debates in the UN Security Council and in the EU. Deploying more women in the field is recognised as being urgently needed, particularly in places where conflict-related sexual violence and sexual exploitation and abuse are prevalent.
Read the blog in The Strategist by Vanessa Newby.
The Challenges of Winning Justice for Victims of Sexual Abuse in War and Peacekeeping.
On April 23 2019, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) adopted resolution 2467 on women, peace and security stating its concern over the slow progress in addressing and eliminating sexual violence in armed conflicts. Sexual violence in conflict as a topic has been gaining momentum over the last years, which led to two to two women’s rights advocates, Nadia Murad and Dr. Denis Mukwege, winning the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018.
Blog by Suzanne Edelkamp (August 2019).
Dreaming Big Dreams of a Future UN
From 6-9 July 2019, a group of young students from Edith Stein College, Rijswijk Lyceum and the Johan de Wit School travelled to New York City as part of the Van Aartsen Honours Program to present their visions of the UN to the Permanent Mission of The Netherlands. Read Alanna O'Malley's report of the trip.
Women, peace and security: Defending progress and responding to emerging challenges
This is the third year ASPI has run a series on The Strategist to coincide with International Women’s Day and examine Australia’s approach to women, peace and security (WPS).
The series offered a timely opportunity to assess progress and identify some of the challenges that need further examination as the international community prepares to mark twenty years since the adoption of the first UN Security Council resolution on women, peace and security, and as Australia approaches the release of its second National Action Plan on WPS.
International Day of UN Peacekeepers, a day of reflection
Since the introduction of the International Day of UN Peacekeepers in 2002, every year the United Nations honours the memory of those who have lost their lives in the cause of peace. The 29th of May has been chosen because it was on this day, in 1948, that the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) was sent to monitor peace in the Middle East.
Read the blog by Wietse Stam, Leiden University
Partnering for Peace and Justice: Launch of the UN Studies Research Group
On Tuesday 7 May, Professor Alanna O’Malley, Chair of United Nations Studies in Peace and Justice at Leiden University and The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS) hosted a networking event in the Peace Palace in The Hague. Read the report
Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: UN Youth Impact’s project launch
UN Youth Impact is a project that aims to create a network of students around The Netherlands who are interested in engaging at a local level with the United Nations and its strategies for youth. UN Youth Impact held its project launch event on Thursday 2 May 2019. Read the blog
Due to the selected cookie settings, we cannot show this video here.
Watch the video on the original website orChallenges for female peacekeepers can come from within UN militaries
Read the blog of Vanessa Newby on 4 April 2019 on the website of 'Australian Strategy Policy Institute: The Strategist' here.
Where are the women in global governance?
To commemorate International Women’s Day we gathered on 8 March at Humanity Hub in The Hague to hear a lecture by Professor Alanna O’Malley who is the combined Chair/Lector of UN Studies for Peace and Justice for both Leiden University and The Hague University of Applied Sciences. Read the report
Time for students to grab the microphone
On Wednesday 6 March 2019 Professor O’Malley presented the research agenda for the Lectoraat United Nations Studies in Peace and Justice and gave a talk entitled: ‘The United Nations, From Blue Helmets to Blue Skies'. Read the report
Internship Opportunity: Chair of UN Studies, Leiden University (location: The Hague)
The Chair of UN Studies is recruiting a student intern for a combined research and admin role to assist in the program of the Chair for 2020-2021, which includes a series of activities to mark the 75th anniversary of the United Nations.
Basic duties
- To manage the social media and communications of the Chair;
- To provide research assistance (when required);
- To produce reports, blog posts on relevant topics and a short research paper;
- To assist with events and activities of the Chair;
- To actively contribute to discussions and provide assistance and innovative input for the development of the UN Youth Impact group.
- A knowledge of and enthusiasm for the UN, international relations, global challenges, critical approaches to global governance;
- An interest in activism and challenging the conventions of the world around us;
- Excellent reading and writing skills in English;
- Familiarity with social media, poster design, and the requisite technology;
- Previous experience with student activities and organizations is an advantage;
- Working knowledge of Dutch is not required but considered an advantage.
Minimum period of 12 weeks to be completed before 31st July 2021. Preferable start date October 2020.
Accumulation of credits for academic study.
on behalf of Professor Alanna O'Malley
Chair United Nations Studies in Peace and Justice
Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs,
Leiden University/The Hague University of Applied Sciences
Please submit your cover letter and CV as a combined pdf by 30th September 2020 (5pm) to with the subject “Chair of UN Internship Application_[NAME]”.