An Aging World

Episode 1: Elder Care Through Digital Technologies
In the first episode, Medical Anthropologist Tanja Ahlin from the University if Amsterdam explores the phenomenon of transnational elder care. What happens to care for parents when their children migrate? And how can mobile phones and Skype bridge, or not, the distance between family members?
Click here to listen to episode 1 on Spotify
1. Ahlin, T (2020) Care Through Digital Connections: Enacting Elder Care Through Everyday Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Indian Transnational Families. University of Amsterdam, PhD thesis.
2. L. Baldassar, L. Merla (2014) Transnational families, migration, and the circulation of care: understanding mobility and absence in family life. Routledge
3. Hochschild, A. (2000) Global Care Chains and the Emotional Surplus Value. In On the Edge: Living with Global Capitalism. 130-46. London: Jonathan Cape
4. Hochschild, A (2002) and B. Ehrenreich (2002). Global Women: Nannies, Maids and Sex Workers in the New Economy. New York: Henry Holt & Company
5. Carr, N. (2010) The Shallows: What the Internet is doing to our brains. Blackstone Publishers