An Aging World

In 30 years from now the number of people of 60 will nearly double to 2 billion. Who will take care of them? How will they stay healthy? And what is the cost of this all? In this podcast we discuss innovative solutions and unexpected insights with experts in the field of Global Aging.
This podcast was created by Harm van Atteveld and Josien de Klerk in lockdown as part of Dr. Josien de Klerk’s course Aging and Society taught at Leiden University College The Hague in the Netherlands, to encourage students to leave the screen and learn from guest lecturers while walking. Even with the return to live teaching Josien still takes students out for podcast walks in the forest followed by in-class discussions. Recent episodes are taped during live guest lectures and students also contribute to questions. The edited products are then used again for subsequent iterations of the course. We invite you to take a walking seminar!