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FAQ Study Abroad Semester at NVICairo

For Arabic and Islamic Studies and Middle East Studies

How can I learn more about the programmes on offer?

We have programme outlines on our website that provide information about the modules.

Arabic & Islamic Studies
Middle East Studies

What are the requirements to participate in a Study Abroad at the NVIC?

You are a student at one of our Dutch or Flemish partner universities.

You have the approval of your coordinator.

What if I am not a student at one of the participating universities?

Each semester, we have a limited number of spots for international students. You must be enrolled at a university to apply.To apply, check the link for international student admission.

What would it cost if I am a student at one of the participating universities?

250 Euros due to price increases in Egypt.

Are there additional costs that I should know about?

Students pay for excursions outside of Cairo. These will cover transportation and hotel accommodation. There is a separate fee for international students

How can I register?

Simply fill in the relevant registration form on our website.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For students enrolled at faculties of the Leiden University College (such as the faculty of political science, faculty of governance,  international studies, and security studies), you must first register with the international Relations Department’s central university-wide application procedure. This deadline is much earlier than NVICs. Please contact your faculty study abroad advisor for more details.

What happens after I register?

If you meet all the requirements for a semester at NVIC, you will be confirmed and placed on our incoming student list. For spring-semester students, we send more information around October and November. For the Fall semester, information will be send out in May and June.

In October, our assistant-director will also be touring universities in Holland and Flanders giving info sessions, so don’t miss these if you have questions! Check with your coordinators for the dates.

Do you offer Arabic at multiple levels?

Yes. We offer a number of levels of Arabic language training in both Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian colloquial Arabic.

Why should I learn Egyptian Colloquial Arabic?

Because it continues to be the most widely understood dialect in the entire Arabic speaking world!

I’d like to do an internship or take classes elsewhere while also studying at the NVIC. What are your thoughts about this?

The programme is intensive, amounting to full-time study. We encourage students to take time to rest. In general though, this is entirely up to you, and we do not take responsibility for your work and studies elsewhere.

Do I need a visa?

Yes. This can be bought from the airport upon arrival. It costs around 25USD, and can only be purchased with foreign currency such as Euros. This visa will last a month. After this you will renew the visa for between 3-6 months at the Visa office in Cairo. Keep in mind that, at the time of writing this, visa renewal will cost around 200 Euros. We will give you more updated information about this after you arrive.

What do I need to bring?

We provide all course materials. No textbooks are required, unless otherwise stated. So keep an eye on emails.

Once I am in Cairo, how can I find accommodation?

We advise that all students book hotel rooms for a few days upon arrival. We have a limited number of guest rooms for incoming students. Click here to book.

Our institute is located in Zamalek, so look for hostels or places to stay in Zamalek, Dokki, Agouza, Garden City, Downtown Cairo.

Once you arrive, the institute will provide a list of brokers to help you find furnished apartments in the city. Usually students share three-bedroom furnished apartments and live in Zamalek, Agouza or Dokki.

Do not try to organize accommodation from abroad.

Can you provide a brief cost of living breakdown?

Expect to pay anywhere between EGP 10000-20000 per month on rent (room in a flat shared with other students) and EGP 500-1000 per month on utilities (electricity, water, gas, phone/internet, doorman if present) per student in a shared flat. Students often pay an average of EGP 300 per month for mobile phone costs, and estimate the local cost of living (food and transport) at EGP200-300 per day. (As of March 2025, 1 EURO= 54 EGP). Prices and exchange rate change often, so in the weeks before the semester, NVIC will provide updated information.

Will my debit or credit card work in Egypt?

Yes, most debit cards, visa and mastercards work at ATMs around the country. Just remember to inform your bank, and make sure the card is unlocked for use in Egypt.

What is public transportation like?

There is a good metro system to certain parts of the city. But most students opt for Ubers or taxis to get around. They are much cheaper than in Europe. A 10 minute taxi-ride costs around 1.50 Euros.

What are the NVIC’s safety and security protocols?

In all its activities, NVIC adheres to the security and travel advice of the Dutch and Belgian Embassies in Egypt. For international students, we advise that you check your country’s advisory page for Egypt. We forward any travel or security notice to the students. The student’s stay in Cairo is, however, voluntary and their own responsibility. NVIC is not accountable for any harm or damage caused by students to third parties during their stay in Cairo, nor for any physical harm or material loss or damage suffered by the students during their stay. Upon arrival, participants of the programme will be required to sign an indemnification statement. Participants also agree to inform NVIC of any physical or psychological condition that could cause problems during their stay in Cairo or harm NVIC in any way. This information is treated confidentially. Travel and health insurance are not covered by the programme. Please inquire with your public or private insurance provider and take the necessary measures.

Are there sporting clubs or gyms I can join?

Plenty. We will give you tips upon arrival.

Should I bring my musical instrument?

Definitely! Playing music together is a great way to meet people in Egypt.

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