How do people best learn a language? 'It's incredible what you do when you talk'17 April 2023
According to Nivja de Jong, second language acquisition is 'the most fascinating subject in linguistics'. As a recently appointed professor of Second ...
LLRC Conference 2023: Call for abstracts26 January 2023
The deadline for the call for abstracts for the 2023 LLRC conference: curriculum and course design for language teaching is 27 March 2023
Call for Abstracts - Conference Language Learning Resource Centre, Leiden University, June 5th, 202011 December 2019
The Language Learning Resource Centre (Leiden University) is organizing a one-day conference (June 5th, 2020) on the interplay between second language...
Speaking a foreign language: Is fluency ‘a must’?25 November 2019
Nivja de Jong, researcher at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) and the Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching (ICLON), has wo...
Changes in the LLRC-Committee06 February 2019
The LLRC-Committee has changed: we thank Vicky Alcalde, Jill Jeffery, and Deniz Tat for their wonderful work for the LLRC since its launch in 2017 and...
Call for abstracts: LLRC one-day conference05 February 2019
The Language Learning Resource Centre at Leiden University is organizing a one-day conference (June 7th, 2019) on the topic of teaching language and i...
Anéla Conference registration now open20 March 2018
Anéla Conference registration is now open and the full programme is online.
Talen voor Nederland06 February 2018
The KNAW has published a report “Talen voor Nederland”. It describes the (future of) the position of languages in The Netherlands and calls for a nati...
Preliminary CEFR-companion has been published17 October 2017
A preliminary CEFR-companion has been published.
Sharing platform for language teachers launched09 June 2017
The new Language Learning Resource Centre was launched today at Leiden University. The LLRC is an initiative to unite all language teaching profession...